Another One Piece Story

By Pankitsune

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I'm not great with descriptions. Butttt basically my OC that I made up in my head got isekai'd. And she didn'... More

Prolouge 2: A Mysterious Girl Falls out of the Sky? (I couldn't fit the rest)
Episode 1: Meeting the Whitebeards!? I Can't Pick a Struggle :(
Episode 2: The Great Chase for Blackbeard Begins! Why Didn't You Pay Ace!?
Episode 3: Sorry For Not Paying! I Seriously Need A Fighting Style!
Episode 4: Off to Alabasta! Am I Even Human!?
Episode 6: Ace, Pan, and Luffy! Hot Emotions and Brotherly Bonds!

Episode 5: I Finally Meet Luffy and the Gang! The Brother's Reunion!

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By Pankitsune

[First Person P.O.V.]

I was just looking around at all the stands, all the assortments of stuff going on in the harbor of Nanohana. Ace woke me after what happened recently and we were finally at one of my dream Islands and probably favorite Least Island: Alabasta. I had always wanted to see what would happen if I appeared in Alabasta, and boy was I about to find out. I had found some clothes and bought them with Ace's money and changed into them. it was a black dancer girl outfit that I had found which wasn't a lot. 

It revealed my stomach though which wasn't a good thing. I was so glad I had a satchel and a cap with a hood to go with it. I don't think Sunscreen was a thing in this world so I was screwed over by being burnt over by the Scorching heat.

Me and Ace walked down a crowded street where people were selling bizarre things, most even being fake seeing as how its hard to live in a city with no water. Some people were looking at items, others were talking to each other, others were probably just tourists stuck here at the moment. As we were walking by a guy selling what I think is sewing materials, a old man had stopped us trying to get us to buy the obviously fake golden apple.

"Oh Hello there young travelers! I've never seen you around before! Is this your first time here?" He asked as I stared at him seeing as how I had blinked then looked confused.

"Well yeah it is! I'm just touring around with my friend!" I said as I walked over to the guy. I knew what he was trying to do during the episode. He had the apples painted gold by someone working for him behind the scene. But I would let Zoro handle that. Wouldn't wanna spoil the fun just yet.

"Would you care to take a look at this solid gold apple?" He asked as I had walked over and analyzed the gold apple while Ace stopped since the guy was probably trying to get him to stop as well and probably scam us both.

"I don't normally do this but I can usually tell when someone has a discerning eye. This apple's magic, its from an ancient ruin, with just one bite you can live for a thousand years" He says to me and Ace. I had looked surprised and smiled. Just acting it out. If I hadn't watched One Piece I would've fallen for it. But I won't.

"Thanks but not thanks. Not really all that interested in living for a thousand years. Just living today is good enough." Ace says while grabbing me by the hand and dragging me with him.

"Today!? But wouldn't you want to live forever Ace-"

"Let's go Pan!"

"Uwah! Hey! Stop trying to be suicidal AND LET ME WALK ALREADY!"

He let me go and I could hear Usopp and Chopper get excited. Of course seeing as how I would've been the same way had I not watched One Piece. I had felt a hand hit my head.

"Ow! What was that for!?"

"I ain't suicidal now come on. We need to find Luffy." Ace said as he kept walking, continuing to ask people has he seen Luffy with his wanted poster. I had just ogled at all the sites around me.

"I just have one question: Have you seen this guy?" Ace asked the old lady sitting down. I had walked down and just looked at the jewelry in front of me. I looked at a necklace while Ace was still talking to the old lady.

"Hmm. His names Monkey D. Luffy?"

"He might be in town here somewhere. I've been looking for him for awhile"

"That's a good necklace that can go with your outfit ma'am!" I had smiled and thanked her but told her that I couldn't afford it and just left it there. I apologized and walked back to Ace and held his arm. My feet hurt.

"Well..." The old lady droned out a little.

"I've never seen him. If you want to find him, then I would suggest asking around that restaurant over there. The owner seems to know everyone passing through" The old lady finished while looking in the direction of the restaurant.

Ace had looked at me but bowed and thanked the lady in regards of helping him. "Thank you ma'am"

Ace had grabbed the wanted poster. "A Restaurant? Hmm. Well I was just starting to feel a bit hungry anyway."

"Your always hungry!" I yelled at him as I let his arm go and flailed my arms at him as we walked away. I could feel four stares at us while Ace poked my cheek and complained about me being loud and to calm down. I knew the others were watching from afar. Only because Ace had mentioned his Little brothers name.

"Who's that? he sure looks like he'd be really strong" Chopper commented.

"Yeah, why do you think he's looking for Luffy?" Usopp asks curious.

"Maybe he's a bounty hunter" Nami says.

"He's not" Zoro says watching from afar. "I'm sure of it"

"You act like I'll order half the menu jeez"

"BECAUSE YOU DID LAST TIME AND YOU DIDN'T PAY!" I yelled back this time poking his cheek and stomping at him while walking away.

"That mark on his back..."

[At the Spice Bean] 

{Third Person P.O.V.}

"Hey what happened"

"What's everybody lookin at?"

Everyone inside and outside the restaurant stared inside at the sight that caused others to gather.

"Said some guy just dropped dead sitting over at the counter with some cute girl"

"Its never been that bad before."

"What's going on? What happened?" A guy asked another guy.

"Well...someone died. Apparently he suddenly dropped dead right in the middle of the restaurant" the guy said as another grunted out of surprise.

"He just died!?"

"Yeah! He just up and keeled over during a conversation with the owner. And a cute girl was with him."

"They both aren't from here. But the guy, we think he may have accidentally eaten a desert strawberry while traveling. Not knowing what it was."

"Uhm what is a Desert Strawberry?" Someone asked.

[First person P.O.V.]

All the conversations leading into Ace's mysterious death was getting to me. Especially the comments about the cute girl. I heard someone talking about the desert strawberry saying that it was a spider that looks like a strawberry. I seriously wanted to keel over and die myself! Every man in this god forsaken world is HORNY I tell ya! I'm surprised they haven't noticed that he doesn't really have anything wrong with him. If he did I'm pretty sure the symptoms would be on him or either maybe on the tongue.

"You have to be careful in the desert, anything you touch can kill you" A guy says next to me while I sat there chewing on the food next to me.

"Really?" I said looking at him while eating. "Is the desert that scary?" I ask him as he smiled back at me and nodded. "Sure is. Especially for a cute thing like yourself" I had deadpanned and just almost wanted to kick the guy at his family jewels. I had smiled then turned back around to finish my meal.

"Just look at the way his arm is still stuck up like that holding on to a bite of meat, that's proof of just how swiftly the desert strawberry acts. It's an incredibly deadly creature" I heard someone else say.

People just kept staring at Ace, whispering amongst themselves until Ace popped up out of his food snoring. It caused everyone to jump and scream to see him alive. I laughed like a maniac while watching this unfold.

Ace on the other hand blinked while food was all over his face. The owner and two other people stared wide eyed at him as he was apparently "brought back to life" per say. He looked to his left and right a couple of times before a girl had asked if he was alright. He grabbed her dress and wiped the food off on it causing the girl to scream and run off with a blush on her face. I sighed for the poor woman.

Ace sighed as he had apologized.

"Fell asleep" Ace said with some food in his mouth.

"YOU WERE ASLEEP!?" Everyone yelled out as I laughed again. I had held my stomach as I giggled and laughed. Ace continued eating as some guys yelled at him.



Ace had looked over at me and watch me try to hold my laughs back a little but couldn't.

"Geez, what's all the commotion about anyway?" Ace said turning to the guys who yelled at him

"WE THOUGHT YOU HAD DROPPED DEAD, ARE YOU CRAZY!?" All three yelled at him as I had continued to laugh then got up to end up doubling over and laughing on the floor.

"Does this restaurant of yours do comedy skits or something?" Ace ask the owner as I had got up and sighed holding my stomach from laughing so much.

"That was so funny" I said to myself as I had walked over to Ace and handed him some napkins for in case he fell back asleep in his food.

"Thanks Pan"

"Nope, that isn't our thing. Not here. Were just glad that your alright" The owner says as I had smiled. Ace was about to eat another piece of meat before he fell back asleep in his food.

"DAMMIT! CUT IT OUT!" They yelled angrily at the narcoleptic Ace.

"YOU'VE GOTTA BE KIDDING ME ACE!" I yelled now irritated.

I could hear Ace snoring away as I had sighed and apologized to the owner. I had watched as everyone walked away and went back to whatever they were doing. Ace woke back up and finished and he wiped his face off from falling asleep in his food. I had smacked him on his head.

"What is it with you and falling asleep at random?" I asked as I had put my finished plate on the one he just finished.

"I don't know, just happens" Ace replied as he put the fork on the plate and smiled.

"But yeah, I think that oughta do it. Tell me mister" Ace had started to reach into his bag for Luffy's wanted poster. I had turned to walk back to my seat until I saw who I think I saw. IT WAS SMOKER! OH FU-

"Have you by any chance seen this guy? He's a pirate that wears a straw hat" Ace asked as I held my hair and started freaking out but at the same time fan girling a little. BUT HOLY SHIT IT'S SMOKER!

"You've got some nerve eating in the middle of a public place like this. Even for a Division Commander, of the Whitebeard Pirates"

"Ah!" I had looked at Ace and then back at Smoker.

'This isn't going to be fun now that I remember this PART!' I was definitely finna cry because of this.

"Hello Portgas. D. Ace." Smoker finished out as I had mentally cried but held it together. Ace had just smiled because this wasn't a regular rodeo for him.

"Huh!? No way! Not the Whitebeard Pirates!" the owner said out loud.

Everyone looked surprised again as I sighed and just sat down a seat from Ace so I don't get hurt. People started whispering about the mark on Ace's back. I for one didn't care for the whitebeards as much but I like the little family thing they have going on so yay for them I guess.

"Can't believe that cute girl is with that weirdo but he's from the Whitebeard pirates?" A guy next to me whispered to his friend. I had got mad and kicked him in his family jewels then choked slammed him into the floor getting sick of the disgusting comments.

"SHUT UP BEFORE I RIP YOU APART YOU OLD BASTARD!" I yelled out as I had made myself known. Then I stomped on his face for good measure before I sat back down.

"I'm curious...what's such a big shot pirate doing in this country, along with the girl as well" Smoker said looking at me. I had froze and smiled nervously and waved at him while I had a little blush on my face.

'Now that I look at it isn't he his thirty's? He's an old man! HA!'

Ace sat his drink down and replied.

"I'm looking for little brother" Ace said turning around to Smoker.

I swear I could hear someone yell food. I could be imagining things but it was getting kinda close. I could feel the tension getting high as I had chuckled nervously. Smoker still didn't get an answer from me but I don't think mines was important anyway seeing as how I was a random commoner traveling with a big shot pirate.

Ace and Smoker was just staring each other down while I gulped. I could hear the background music in my head just from looking alone.

"So, what do you want from me and Pan now Captain?" Ace asked. I had looked at Ace like he was insane and threw a spoon at his head.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN NOW!? THIS A YOU SITUATION! NOT A ME AND YOU!" I yelled at Ace as he never broke eye contact with Smoker. I just turned towards Smoker.

"I just wanted to come and meet the strawhats that's all I wanted to do! You and him can still figure out whatever...tension y'all got going on" I said as I sat back at my seat.

Smoker had raised a brow at my reply as to what I had said. 'Why would she want to MEET the strawhats? Shouldn't she not want to meet pirates at all?'

"Well in any case, I'd like for you both to come with me quietly" Smoker said as I had frowned.

"No way old man!" I said back to him as Ace had replied.

"No thanks, I think I'll pass" Ace said smiling.

"Yeah, figured you'd both say that" Smoker said as I had stuck my tongue out at him.

He sighed at my childish behavior and decided to explain to us something of the plot I had forgot.

"I'm here in Alabasta trying to hunt down another pirate at the moment, to be honest I have no real interesting in capturing you both right now" Smoker said in his little stance.

"Then just look the other way" Ace said shrugging his shoulders.

"I'm afraid I can't do that" Smoker said as he tightened his hand which started to turn to smoke.

I, on the other hand, panicked and started pulling my hair. I was gonna be a criminal and all I did was choke slam a moron!


Ace on the other had just smirked knowing whats to come.

"Not as long as I'm a marine."

"THEN QUIT BEING ONE YOU OLD BASTARD!" I yelled at him freaking out.

"And your part of a notorious pirate crew" Smoker said still holding his hand ready to fire at any given moment.

"That's not much of a reason now is it?" Ace said with a sadistic smirk. "How 'bout I give you one" Ace said which caused me to somehow stop freaking out but blush a little.

'If there is a god KILL ME NOW AND TAKE ME AWAY FROM THIS SADISTIC IDIOT' I thought to myself as I was on my knees crying comically.

"GIVE ME FOOD!" I heard a yell as I had realized Luffy was getting closer.

"Ace" I trembled out. "Maybe we should leave" I whispered the last part but then I heard another yell along with something coming dangerously fast now.


Everything slowed down as Smoker had cried out in pain as my eyes widened to the point that they had shot out of my head along with Ace as I realized who that was.

Both Ace, Luffy and Smoker got sent through the wall and I got blown back to the floor from the impact Luffy caused.

"OH MY GOD ACE!" I screamed out as I ran to the hole where they went flying through. Everyone gasped after what just happened. I had realized only Ace and Smoker got sent through and Luffy jumped from where ever he was and landed on the floor.

"HA HA HA! WOO FOOD! NOW I CAN EAT!" Luffy yelled and declared happily.

I just stood there in shock and wonder on how he just didn't see Smoker COMPLETELY. I had sighed and looked away. The owner looked at the hole in disbelief and surprise.

"Finally, I'm starving! Now I can eat!" Luffy said as he sat down to eat. I had deadpanned and just stared at him. Now I wanted to punch him for some reason.

"Old guy, gimme food! Hurry, c'mon" Luffy rushed the poor guy after witnessing something like that.

"I wouldn't give you food no way" I mumbled to myself as I walked over and picked up Ace's bag.

The owner blinked at Luffy as Luffy had tapped the counter countless times waiting for food.

"Food, food, food." Luffy chanted happily while making a beat to it. He had noticed me next to him gathering Ace's things.

"Oh hey! What's your name?" Luffy asked me as I froze for a little and had looked at him.

"Pan" I replied nervously.

"Pan's a funny name" Luffy said while smiling that bright and charming smile of his. It made me blush a little on the thought.

[Couple of minutes later]

"Amazing! This is seriously the best food I've ever tasted!" Luffy exclaimed happily as I sat there waiting for Ace. Though I'm probably gonna end up running seeing as how Smoker wanted to arrest me AND Ace. I affiliated with him PLUS I wanted to meet the strawhats. It would be weird to hear someone say that.

"Uh yes, thanks alot, but ya see sir..." The owner said.

Luffy looked at the guy while stuffing his face with countless food.

'Both of them are some damn GLUTTONS' I had shook my head and started to think up our plan to stay in Alabasta while waiting for Ace.

" both might want to start running now" I heard the owner say. My brow had twitched.

"Why's that?" Luffy asks as he continues eating.


"Do you have any idea who he is?" The owner asked sweating and smiling nervously.

"Who sent someone flying?" Luffy asked with his mouth full.

"You did."

"Really? Who is he?" Luffy asked proceeding to stuff food in his face.

The guy pointed to the wall and Luffy peeked through the wall. I had mentally facepalmed even myself. It was like 10...maybe 15 holes. I could be wrong. I had got up out of my seat and grabbed Ace's book bag and put the strap on my shoulder. I had found his wallet and paid for his meal.

"What's with all these hwoles?" Luffy asked. "Kind of a weird decoration you know so why'd you do it?" He asked as he looked down and continued to eat.

"YOU'RE THE ONE WHO DID IT!" The same three guys along with the owner had yelled at Luffy. I even had sighed. "Idiot" I mumbled to myself.

"I did? Really" Luffy continued to chow down as I had deadpanned. "Your a complete dumbass" I said to myself as I realized the possibility of us staying. It might work if I ask him before Ace decides to leave alabasta early.

(Now to Ace)

"Ugh, Dammit, so what the hell was that?" Ace asked with a irk mark on his face.


"ugh...what just happened" Smoker asked as well very confused.

(back to Ace)

"This is ridiculous, just look at this place" Ace said as he walked through the holes he got blown into. He looked at a family that looked at him. They looked like they were about to eat. "Oh Hi there." Ace was quick to bow as an apology. "Many apologies for disturbing your meal."

(Back to Smoker)

Smoker lit his two cogs and exhaled the smoke.

(Now back to Pan and Luffy)

Luffy continued eating while I waited till I saw Ace walking back. I smiled happily and excited to see him again.

"What kind of world class idiot would do something like this?" I heard Ace mumble away.

Everyone else looked surprised to see him besides Luffy who forgot others existence besides food. Everyone else ran to the side, even the OWNER did. I was surprised. But it was only Ace but then again he wouldn't be mad about it.

Ace appeared through angry until he saw Luffy. He got happy and excited for a sec.

Smoker happened to be behind him and recognized Luffy on the spot.


I had gasped.



"STRAWHAT!" Smoker called out smashing Ace's face into the ground first before he could say anything. I had screamed in terror for a little bit till Smoker rushed over to Luffy. Luffy still eating in the process.

"I've been looking for you Strawhat. I thought you'd be here. Seems I was correct." Smoker said. Luffy just kept staring at him confused.

"WOULD YOU QUIT EATING" Smoker said irritated. I swear I could see a vein popping out. I had tiptoed away from smoker a little.

"And don't you move girl!"

"Ah!" I had turned around quickly.


Luffy started sweating nervously as he remembered who smoker was. Smoker stared back at him after he ignored me. Luffy spit his food out at Smoker. I had wheezed and started laughing.

"Your that smokey guy, what are you doing in Alabasta!" Luffy asked scared. Meanwhile I'm laughing in the back like a maniac. Smoker growled.

"Wait a sec" Luffy had pulled all his food together and ate it all in bite then swallowed it and took off running. I looked up to realize Luffy took off.




"AHH!" I screamed out running away with Luffy forgetting that I had Ace's stuff.

(Back to Ace)

"Ah...WAIT FOR ME LUFFY! IT'S ME! HOLD ON A SECOND! HEY! COME BACK, LUFFY, PAN!" Ace called running after Luffy and Pan knowing they can't hear him.

Everyone in the restaurant and the Owner stared in disbelief.

"They...didn't pay" the owner said sadly.

(Back to Luffy and Pan)



"Yes sir! Would you like a Cool towel? It's quite refreshing. This desert kingdom really is hot."


"I'M NOT EVEN IN THE WHITEBEARDS!" I yelled back at Smoker chasing us.

"Yes Sir!" Tashigi had ran toward us. If she swings I'm swinging back.

"I got them!" Tashigi had swung her sword towards us. I had slid under her and kicked her feet to knock her down, got up and continued running.

She looked up in surprise as she saw me and Luffy getting away.

"HAH! YOU'RE TOO SLOW!" I yelled out blowing a raspberry and mocking both of them. I did say I would swing back.

Smoker turned into smoke and chased after Luffy. I was still ok but not for long.


"FUCK!" I yelled out while running down an Alleyway.

"Right! Come on!" Tashigi yelled as the rest of the Marines followed her to find the Strawhats.

I was panting. I swear I could feel someone running behind me. "WHITE SNAKE!"

"AH! NO NO NO NO!" I had more adrenaline pump through me as I had ran faster then before.

"I DON'T WANT TO DIE!" I yelled out.

(Third Person P.O.V.)

"WHY DID YOU COME TO THIS ISLAND STRAWHAT? WHAT ARE YOU AFTER!?" Smoker yelled still sending both his hands after Pan and Luffy. Well mainly Luffy but Pan was traveling with Ace so she was just in as much trouble as he was.



"Huh? He's gone. Bastard thinks he can escape." Smoker says.

Meanwhile in a nearby alleyway Pan and Luffy had collided. Luffy landed on top of Pan while she was hiding from Smokers other hand.

"Ugh! Get off!" Pan said while pushing Luffy off of her.

Luffy had got back up and looked at Pan.

"Come on! Let's go!"

"Ah! Right!"

Both Luffy and Pan ran the opposite direction of Smoker till Smoker spotted them.



(With Luffy's Crew)

Sanji, ViVi, and Karoo were hiding behind a ruined building waiting for the others.

"Where could Luffy have gone? He doesn't know the Island at all." ViVi said as she was looking to her left.

"Seriously, A crew shouldn't have to work this hard to keep track of their Captain." Sanji says as he looks to his left as well to see Nami and the others walking towards them. "Oh Nami!" Sanji says lovingly.

"This doesn't look good. We could be in some serious trouble if we don't get out of here soon." Usopp says walking over.

"Trouble? Why's that?" Sanji asked curious now.

"Cause the marines are here" Nami says as they all stop.

"Marines" Vivi says surprised.

"And also some Mystery Man and Girl" Chopper said pointing that out.

"Let's just find Luffy as fast as possible and get out of this town as soon as we can" Nami says.

Zoro looks to his right and then looks surprised.

"Hey hide" Zoro said while pushing the others to hide.

"What for?" Nami asked as she was hiding behind the wall.

Everyone had heard a noise far but close to them.

"What was that?" Chopper asked hearing the noise.

"It's the Marines" Zoro says tensed up.

"Huh. Their excited about something" Usopp says.

The scene changes to the marines yelling and chasing after not one but TWO people.

"Don't let those pirates escape! After them!"

"I'm sure it's nothing, They're probably chasing after some idiot Pirate who's running crazy around town" Sanji said dismissing the matter at hand.

"SOME IDIOT PIRATE?" Everyone said. Everyone could hear Pan and Luffy screaming due to the fact that they were being chased by Marines.

"AHHH!" Pan and Luffy screamed at the same time while running by them.

"IT'S LUFFY" Everyone said panicking and not surprised.

Pan was panting while Lufyy wasn't. Luffy looked to his right to notice Zoro.

"OH! HEY ZORO!" Luffy says stopping along with Pan who had to cath her breath.


Everyone had gasped and started to sweat nervously as Luffy spotted them since he brings trouble where ever he goes.

"Ohh! So that's where you guys have been!" Luffy exclaimed happily as he ran after them. Pan followed after catching her breath.

"Wait for me!" Pan cried out not far behind Luffy.

"NO! YOU MORON GET RID OF THEM FIRST!" Zoro yelled out angrily toward Luffy as the Marines had kept following the two pirate.

The marines not far behind the two yelled and pointed out the rest of the crew.

"Well their coming...what should we do now?" Usopp asked as Chopper still held a surprised face.

"We've gotta get going." Nami says grabbing the stuff they needed for the trip.

"To the ship" ViVi says finishing grabbing some stuff.

"DON'T JUST STAND THERE WE GOTTA GO!" Luffy yelled back to his crew as the ran behind him. Pan still on Luffy's heel.

"WHY DID YOU LEAD THEM TO YOUR OWN CREW YOU IDIOT" Pan yelled at him as he laughed at her response.

"WE ARE" The rest of his crew yelled running behind the two as they took off running.

"STOP RIGHT THERE PIRATES!" A marine yelled.

"You can fall back now men!" Smoker says speeding ahead of the marines.



"AH! IT'S SMOKER" Pan yelled out.

"NOT GOOD! HERE HE COMES!" Luffy yelled looking back.

"WHITE VINE" Smoker yelled out releasing his hand.

"NOT GOT NOT GOOD NOT GOOD" Luffy yelled speeding up.

"NO NO NO NO!" Pan said speeding up with Luffy.


A sudden fire attack came and hit Smoker's attack to keep Pan and Luffy safe. Smoker had stopped running and looked at the flames surprised. Everyone turned back and looked at the flames astonished as well as Luffy. Pan had panted and started to smile.

"Tch, you again" Smoker says irritated a little yet it didn't show.

"Heh just give it up" Ace says smiling.

"Ace!" Pan said happily as she was panting from running so much.

"While you may have the power of smoke, mine is fire. A fight between the two of us would be pointless. It would probably go on forever" Ace says as he held his fire hand out so Smoker couldn't get to them.

"Alright, looks like the mystery man has devil fruit powers" Zoro says nervous a little.

"Who is this guy anyway? And why is he helping us?" Usopp asks nervous.

"Is that you Ace?" Luffy asked surprised.

"Oh Pan you got my stuff. Thanks!" Ace said looking at her as her smile had widened and she had a little blush forming.

"I mean you wouldn't want your stuff stolen after all!" She said back smiling.

"You haven't change a bit, Luffy" Ace says looking back smiling in Luffy's direction.

"It is you. Really? Wow, did you eat a devil fruit or something?" Luffy asks curious.

"Yeah! The Flame-Flame fruit" Ace said.

"We'll secure the perimeter Captain Smoker" One of the marines say as the rush to a different area to make sure the other don't escape.

(First Person. P.O.V.)

"Anyways now's probably not the time for chatting. You guys get out of here, I'll catch up" Ace says.

I had stared at him completely dazed. I think the heat may be getting to me especially after I ran. I wanted to protest against it but I didn't have a say.

"Don't worry about these guys. I've got them" Ace says.

"Go on" Ace says ushering us.

"Let's go" Luffy says running with the others. I couldn't move for the sake of me.

"But Ace-"

"I'll be fine Pan. I won't die on you. These guys are easy to take so don't go crying for me just yet" Ace says smirking back at me causing me to blush profously. I had scoffed and frowned a little but left with the other but not before yelling out: "YOU BETTER NOT OR I'LL KILL YOU BEFORE THEY CAN!" I yelled back at him as he laughed to himself.

I had caught up with the other and they didn't notice me I suppose.

"But Luffy!" Nami says.

"Who were those two back there!?" Sanji yells asking.

I had sighed and just wanted to wait to introduce myself.

"Hold up Luffy, tell us who that guy is" Namy says trying to get Luffy to talk.

"Do you know him from somewhere?" ViVi asks finishing the question.

"Heh yeah!" Luffy says laughing while running and smiling. "He's my big brother" Luffy says smiling happily. Everyone but me looked suprised on this info. It would make sense seeing as how they got this information. They haven't been told during the series till now.

'I just hope I REALLY don't mess anything up'

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