Willy Wonka x Reader

By StoryTeller1162

131K 3.8K 1.6K

Willy Wonka is a man with a hatful of dreams. He is something of a magician, a genius inventor, and an amazin... More

A Hatful of Dreams
A Place To Stay
You've Never Had Chocolate Like This (Hoverchocs)
Scrub Scrub
Making Friends
Sweet Tooth
Plan in Motion
New Plan
A Break-In At The Zoo
Life Stories
For A Moment
The Message
A Shocking Discovery
Late-Night Planning
You've Never Had Chocolate Like This
The Oompa-Loompa
The Shop
The Conspiracy
A World Of Your Own
Poisoned Chocolate
A Devasting Deal
A Trap
A Double-Crossed Deal
Nothing's Gonna Harm You
Willy to the Rescue
A Brilliant Plan (Part One)
The Truth
Death By Chocolate
Lofty to the Rescue
The Chocolate Cartel's Defeat
Pure Imagination
Oompa-Loompa Reprise

A Brilliant Plan (Part Two)

2.6K 84 35
By StoryTeller1162

(Third Person POV)

     Abacus, Piper, and Larry wheel an enormous cage inside. Abacus opens the door to reveal a pile of straw inside.

"All clear," he says.

(Y/n), Willy, and Noodle emerge from the straw pile. Abacus enters Julius's side of the confessional with the secret lever, and he pulls the lever. The secret elevator starts to descend, and (Y/n), Willy, and Noodle step on top of it. The secret elevator arrives in the crypt. The Mistress of the Keys looks up, surprised and confused when she sees no one coming out, and she walks over to the elevator to see a little box wrapped with a ribbon with a card on it.

     "'Thanks for all your hard work, Father Julius and the Chocolate Cartel,'" she reads the card. "Oh, that's nice."

     She opens the box to see a chocolate inside, and eats it. What she doesn't realize is that she has just eaten a "Big Night Out" chocolate. Outside the cathedral, the congregation applauds as Abacus, Piper, and Larry emerge with Abigail in her cage.

     "Here you are, Father. One giraffe," Abacus tells Julius.

     (Y/n), Willy, and Noodle watch as the Mistress of the Keys sings and dances to the song "Sweet Tooth."

     "Wow. She can really move," Willy whispers.

     "Excuse me?" (Y/n) asks, frowning at him.

     Willy looks at (Y/n), and smirks playfully.

     "Are you jealous?" he teases.

     (Y/n) rolls her eyes, but can't hold back a smile.

     "Well, we've already confessed how we feel about each other, so I don't see a reason to deny it," she replies.

     Willy kisses her cheek.

     "Don't worry. I love you and only you," he promises, making (Y/n) smile.

     The whiskey fudge kicks in and the Mistress of the Keys starts getting all emotional.

"I could've been happy, but I threw a pearl away!" she cries. "I'll give him a call. No, I can't. I will give him a call."

She picks up a telephone and dials a number. At the zoo, the telephone in the zoo security lodge rings, waking up Basil, and he answers the phone.

     "Hello?" he says.

     "Basil? It's Gwennie," the Mistress of the Keys—also known as Gwennie—replies.

     (Y/n), Willy, and Noodle share an astonished look. They remember how Basil tried calling a woman named Gwennie when he ate the chocolate the night they broke into the zoo.

     "What are the chances?" Noodle whispers.

     "You were right. Those days in Chemistry class were the happiest of my life," Gwennie says.

"Oh, wow," (Y/n) mumbles, finding this ironic.

A split second later, Basil and Gwennie pass out. Willy leaps down from the top of the elevator, and then helps (Y/n) climb down. (Y/n) helps Noodle climb down, and the trio walks to the vault door. Willy takes the key from Gwennie's belt and unlocks the enormous door. The trio opens the door, and finds themselves in a room with a mass of pipes, controls and machinery.

"Cool!" Noodle says.

Slugworth is riding in a limousine, but he is unable to go anywhere, due to a flock of flamingoes blocking his way.

     "Sorry about this, sir. A seafood van spilled its load. There are so many blasted flamingoes about these days," his driver, Donovan, apologizes.

     "Well, hurry it along now, would you?" Slugworth responds impatiently.

     He switches the radio and listens to a news story.

     ". . . the town square was closed this morning after a bizarre incident at the city cathedral, delaying the funeral of noted philanthropist Baron Von Schmeichelhammer. . ."

     Slugworth becomes suspicious when he hears this. At the cathedral, the congregation has settled, and Julius is in the pulpit.

"In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti Amen," he chants.

The telephone rings, annoying Baroness von Schmeichelhammer.

"Sorry. I'd best get that. . ." Julius apologizes, slightly bashful, and answers the phone. "Hello, Pulpit?"

It turns out Slugworth is calling from a phone in the limousine, which is still surrounded by flamingoes.

"Father. Everything alright there?" he asks.

"Oh, yes, Mr. Slugworth, all tickety-boo. At least it is now!" Julius chuckles.

     "What do you mean by that?" Slugworth asks.

     "Oh, we had a giraffe in here earlier. Had to clear the whole place for about twenty minutes, but everything's back to normal. Hello?"

But Slugworth has hung up.

(Slugworth's POV)

Something is definitely not right. I'm not sure what's going on, but I have a feeling Wonka has something to do with it.

"Damn the flamingoes, Donovan! Floor it!" I command.

     "Yes, sir!" Donovan replies.

     He hits the gas, sending flamingoes flying.

(Y/n's POV)

Willy, Noodle, and I have searched everywhere for the green ledger, but we've seen no sign of it.

"Anything?" Willy asks.

"Nothing," Noodle and I reply.

"Keep looking," Willy says.

"It's not in here, Willy," Noodle says.

"Abacus said that it was here!" Willy responds.

"Abacus has been in the Wash House for the past four years. Maybe all the scrubbing has gone to his head. Because all that's down here is a bunch of stupid old chocolate!" Noodle shouts.

Frustrated, she throws a box, not realizing that she threw it in my direction. Luckily, I dodge it, and it hits the wall instead of me.

"Hey! Watch where you're throwing that. . ." I stop when I notice a secret panel open. ". . . thing."

I slowly open the panel, scarcely daring to believe, and I grin when I see the green ledger inside. I pull it out, feeling my joy rise. Noodle walks up to me, a smile appearing on her face when she sees the ledger in my hands. I open the ledger to make sure it's what we've been looking for, and my grin gets bigger when I see that it is!

     "Willy, look!" I say.

Willy comes over.

"We did it, girls. We got them," he says.

Suddenly, a gunshot is fired, and we spin around to see Slugworth, Fickelgruber, and Prodnose standing in the doorway. Slugworth has a gun in his hand!

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