Whispers before shadows

By Aztenace

177 31 4

Vellity, an introverted girl in a supernatural school, forms an unlikely bond with her neighbour, Enya. As mu... More

Chapter 1, the first day.
Chapter 2: Powerful Plants
Chapter 3: Smokin hot.
Chapter 4: Hospital trip ;D
Chapter 5: Dorm Dancing~
Chapter 6: Jealousy~ Jealousy.
Chapter 7: A Note?
Chapter 8: Now hear me out...
Chapter 9: Homosexual Confessions (Enya's Birthday;D)
Chapter 11: You're okay.
Chapter 12: fight fight fight fight (epic chanting)
Chapter 13: this, just this.
Chapter 14: lil bit of drama just.. yeeah-

Chapter 10: Cliff n Coffee

6 2 0
By Aztenace

hihi!! welcome to chapter 10 wooo double numbers!!! hope you're having a good morning/day/evening/night!! and I hope you enjoy this chapter!!!

TW: cliff, injuries, mentions of bleeding/blood, mentions of suicidal, swearing, straight 'love' shit and of course, the one and only favourite gay shit... and uh, SEVERE WARNING(/j) Vellity being Vellity.

Vellity's POV:

I wake up, I fell asleep with Enya yet again I see. I really have to stop doing that but then again it helps with the nightmares I have every night. Perhaps comfort was the secret to the end of my nightmares. I remember Enya mentioning something about having nightmares to, I wonder if this.. cuddling.. has helped her at all as-well.

I quietly but quickly get off of Enya, she disturbs slightly before grabbing onto a teddy on her bedside table while still asleep, quite impressive she's able to sense her surroundings in her sleep, wonder how long she's been in this school for.

I quietly head out the dorm and into my own and checking the time, I actually probably should have woken Enya up. She's going to be late. I quickly get changed into my school outfit and grab my backpack before heading out of my dorm, Suddenly I bump into someone just outside of my dorm. "OH- SORRY VELL-" I hear, Must be Enya.

Surprised she got up honestly she sleeps more than a dead corpse. "It's alright." I mutter before walking by her and down the stair case, Enya happily skips along next to me giggling slightly for some odd reason.

"Isn't it weird how we always bump into eachother?" she giggles holding the straps of her bright pink backpack, she's right. it is unusual the amount of times we fall into eachother.

"Yeah, Happens with me and alot of people. Like Silas and even Zaire." I reply watching her smile disappear for a moment before reappearing. "Right, Silas!. Still going on that coffee date with him then? hah." she slightly chuckles smiling at me. I forgot about that with him.

"It's not a date, but yes." I answers as she nods slightly. We walk into the classroom hallway and she silently heads to her class,  Is it weird to say I hate when Enya goes silent? maybe but I don't care.

I now head to my own class as some students stare at me awkwardly, nothing new honestly. I walk into the classroom and find a desk to sit down at.

--Timeskip to after all the classes just because I can<3--

Enya's POV:

I'm jealous. I'm jealous of Silas. Why, I don't know but I wanna like go with Vell on their coffee date and third wheel just to listen. If he harms her like he's done to me in the past god knows what I'll do.

Hey I don't have shapeshifting for nothing, maybe I could shapeshift into Silas and kidnap the real Silas so he can't go to that date with Vell and instead I can. NO. no! what am I thinking.. that's insane. I'm insane-. why would I even think of doing that... god I'm turning evil- Vell's turned me evil!! Talking about Vell-.

"hey Vell-!" I blurt out as she stops staring at the students near her to look at me "Hi you seen Silas anywhere? he said for me to meet him." she asks making my smile drop almost immediately, I freaking hate hearing her talk about him. "No. Listen Vell.. do you HAVE to go with him? He's not the nicest and he'll hurt you. I don't want to see that.." I blurt out suddenly without thinking before quickly looking away.

"Enya I will never like him in the way everybody assumes, nor will I get hurt, he harms me I harm him worse." She replies in a somewhat stern reassuring tone, does she really mean that though?

"promise..?" I ask as she nods "Promise." She answers making me smile again, well.. as long as she's not a promise breaker, I don't think she'll fall for him anyway, he's a bad person with and without his issues.

We stare at each other for a moment before we get interrupted. "There you are Vellity!" Silas exclaims, I automatically start death staring him. "Hi wher- oh my." Vell mumbles as I look as her to see her staring at me. "Huh? what?" I ask look back at her before looking at Silas who is raising an eyebrow at us "Nothing, Just ..uh.. keep glaring like that.... and god.." she mutters in a very low tone. What's that meant to mean-. 'keep glaring like that?' huhhhh? I just nod slightly with a confused look and then I look back up at Silas who looks as confused as me.

"what the fuck." Silas mutters looking at Vell then at me. "what?." Vell asks as I look at her who was clearly staring at me "you just- y'know what nevermind. Shall we get going Vellity?" Silas sighs slightly, I watch Vell look up at Silas before nodding Vell looks back at me "Cya later." she monotoned waving slightly at me, I wave back as they turn around and start walking away, just then Silas turns his head while walking and grins at me.

I glare before he smirks and looks back in front of him.

Vellity's POV:

I kind of wish I didn't say anything about Enya's glare so I could melt a little longer. Moving on, why did I want to go with Silas again? oh yeah, free coffee and to see what his ability is so I know if he's useful or not.

"So uh Vellity you wanna get in or?" I hear Silas say as I shake my head, I hadn't realised but we are outside now in front of a car. this man has a license? wouldn't it be funny if I purposely made him crash.

"Yeah sorry." I say watching him open the door for me with a wide grin, does he think I'm stupid? I can open a car door myself. I get in slightly glaring at Silas before shutting the door and putting my seatbelt on. "and off we gooo!" he chuckles starting the engine after putting his own seatbelt on. he starts driving blabbering on about stupid stuff I couldn't care less about.

I regret this already. (A/N: as you should. :D).

--Lil timeskip to when they get there cuz no one likes Silas</3--

Vellity's POV:

"We're here!" I hear Silas say as I step out the car, "A coffee shop near a cliff? smart." I mutter sarcastically while looking at the cliff we are currently standing on, I hear Silas chuckle slightly as he also gets out of the car before starting to walk towards the edge of the cliff, I soon follow behind.

We both walk up to the very edge of the cliff, Silas admiring the view just as much as me. "Pretty isn't it?" Silas wondered chuckling slightly after. "Suppose so." I respond looking up at the man next to me, he looks back at me and smiles. Ugly ass face you have there Silas.

after a few minutes of silence, only the light wind able to be heard, I look over the cliff wondering how tall this cliff actually is.

"So why'd you decide to take me for coffee out of literally anyone else?" I question as I feel his eyes burning into the side of my skull. "Well, I'm not sure. You're just.. unique. In a good way of course!" he replies nervously as I look down. "How 'in a good way'?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

"well you are different from most so it make's you stand out, I like weird people what can I say!" He laugh's slightly nudging my shoulder in a joking manner. I glare at him for a moment before realising he has a point, I am a stand out weirdo he's not wrong for once.

"So uh Vellity what do you like to do in your free time?" Silas questions, I look up at him and raise an eyebrow. "why?" I ask before looking back over the cliff. "sorry tryna make small talk.." he mutters as I nod slightly, I hate small talk. Well I'm not here for nothing though. "I usually read." I reply, continuing the conversation he had tried to make. "oh! that's cool! I read sometimes to!" he replies, I nod slightly again. As I had said before, I'm not here for nothing. I should learn things about him aswell to see if he's useful at all.

"what about you?" I ask as the sudden slightly stronger breeze sends shivers down my spine. "Well I usually work on my abilities, read or just train in general!" he chatters, heres my chance to find out his useful-ness. "Abilities? and train in what way?" I repeat looking at a few people who had walked by us to also enjoy the view. "Yeah uh....I can make fire!. and I train by, well y'know working out and practice fighting." he explains as I look at him slightly intrigued. "show me." I bluntly say watching his face turn to confusion. "you want to see me workout?" he mutters looking puzzled.

oh my god this thing. "No. I want to see the fire dumbass." I specify watching his cheeks go red, most likely embarrassed. This thing thought I wanted to see how he does his shitty workout? bleh. "Oh- right! uh." He trails off, he lifts his arm sleeve up and suddenly he flicks his hand and his whole hand just sets on fire. my eyes widen slightly as I'd expect his hand to be burning off by now, but it wasn't and it was quite impressive. I'd be lying if I had said I'm not intrigued.

"That's interesting." I murmur as he chuckles slightly, I watch his hand's flames burn brighter despite the breeze hitting against it. Suddenly the flames die out and I'm now staring at his plain old hands. I look away and back over the cliff. "I suppose it's kinda cool." Silas shrugs inspecting his hand, probably for burns or something.

"so can your whole body do that or?" I question hearing him chuckle for some reason. "Probably yes, Never tried it before but it'll most likely burn off my uh not flame-resistant clothes and I'm sure you don't want that yet." he winks, ew. No seriously ew. "I think that was the 2nd worst thing you've ever said." I mutter gagging slightly, that's horrible.

"ouch. what's the 1st worst thing then-?" He wondered as I glare at him for a moment before looking away and back over the cliff edge. "that one rumour that we were dating." I state as he laughs slightly again. "I'm not that bad surely?" he asks, I nod almost instantly. "you are that bad." I respond watching his laughter turn to offended looks. "damn, fair play." he murmurs before looking behind him at the coffee place I forgot was there.

"forgot we were meant to be getting coffee-." he chuckles, "yeah me to." I mumble. "what coffee do you want?" He asks, do I make a purposely hard to remember coffee suggestion or a normal one?. I can't be bothered to list out coffee shit so normal. "Just a Latte please." I reply watching him nod and start walking to the coffee building with that ugly smile he always wears.

I look over the edge of the cliff, now that I think about it there should be at least fences on the side of the cliff who knows what could happen.

I start to focus on something else, the ground. is it concerning when I see the bright green grass I think of Enya? that's kind of fucked up. I hear someone say my name and so I look to the side where I heard it from, no one. Strange. I hear my name and no ones there? perhaps my demons have followed me, wouldn't be surprising honestly.

All of a sudden I feel myself walking forwards closer and closer towards the edge of the cliff. I can't stop. I can't feel my body. What the fuck is happening. Well so be it if this is how I die. I step closer and closer to the edge. I watch my legs move forward once more.

I take a final breath and close my eyes. before I know it, I'm falling.

"VELLITY-!!" I hear someone shout in a recognising voice as I stop feeling myself fall. I open my eyes to see I'm being held in a tight grip over the edge of the cliff by Silas. "Hi there." I breathe out watching him pull me up, damn he's actually kinda strong, he lifted me up with no struggle.

"WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU DOING?!" he exclaims making me look away shrugging. "Not sure even myself.. I-.. just.. started moving forward..." I trail off, I look back at the concerned man in front of me. He saved my life. Seriously can people stop doing that? Just let me die at this point. "you gotta be more careful Vellity.... you're lucky I came out to ask if you wanted sugar on your latter or not.." he sighs out looking me up and down. I barely pay attention the next words he says, I'm more concerned about what the fuck just happened. perhaps I got possessed for a moment.

"Silas-. I apologise but may I go back to my dorm?." I interrupt whatever he was going on about, he nods in a concerned way. "of course.. are you alright injurie wise?" he asks worriedly. I nod my head, I think I am. We walk back to Silas's car, get in which hurt me for some reason and head back to the school. Once we are there I get out the car almost instantly. "Bye, thanks for.. almost buying me coffee." I thank to the Silas who smiles and nods at me before waving bye as I walk into the school and up the stairs.

I start feeling extremely light headed, I bump into someone but before I could see who it was I hear them exclaim my name as I feel myself pass out.


I was listening to brodyaga funk while writing this cuz that song slaps.

AAAAAA thank you so much for reading chapter 10!!! wonder what happened to Vell... >:)

hope you enjoyed!!! sorry if it's too short and a bit late on timing but still!! hope you all are having a good morning/day/evening/night! and if you aren't I hope your day will get better!! byebye for now!!!

2460 words!!

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