Strawberry Lips

By LunaBearLove

77 4 10

Jules loves to bake everything possible in the food world. Scones, donuts, cupcakes, bread, and most of all... More



24 2 1
By LunaBearLove

July fourth is my birthday. I always get a little made fun of from Andrew because my birthday isn't till after school, and his is November 5, so he is like 7 months older than me. But here we are today as bestest friends and our birthdays don't even matter.

Anyways, you can say my birthday is in a month. A whole boring long month. Unless I have Andrew with me.

I told Grandma this, that Andrew and I always had a lot of fun together. And guess what she thought? It was the best thing ever.

Go on a mini vacation.


Sounds a little weird, but it sounds like fun. I'm getting together with Andrew today to talk to him about grandma's idea.

I invited him over at 11:00 in the morning, and it's 10:40 right now.

Even though he might think that it is a bad idea, grandma helped me come up with a list of places we could go for not a lot of money. She believes that we are both very mature and responsible and go on a little road trip and stay in a hotel.

This is the list:

•Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
•San Fransisco, California
•Ocean City, New Jersey
•Aspen, Colorado

I'm liking Myrtle Beach or Ocean City, but I'm letting Andrew decide. If he even agrees.

I get two cupcakes from yesterday for him on a plate and place it on the table.

I hear my front door open. "You are early," I say.

Andrew has a key to my house, and so do I.

"Yup, and am very anxious about why you wanted to talk to me," he responds, actually looking scared.

I run over to hug him. "Nothing to worry about, Andrew. I swear."

"Okay," he says, his posture loosening up a bit.

"I have some cupcakes for you."

"Why thank you!"

I take a seat next to him while he gobbles up his cupcakes.

"So I've been talking with grandma about how I want to do something before my birthday with you. Something fun, and not boring."

Andrew nods.

"And so my grandma suggests we go on a little road trip vacation."

Andrew freezes. "Alone? Together?"

"Is that bad?"

"No, not at all."

"Oh, okay. Well, so do you like the idea?"

"Yeah!" he says, actually getting excited. "Where would we go?"

"Here's a list grandma made," I said, showing him the list.

"Oh these are cool," he says, scanning the list.

"Are you on board with the idea? My dad and mom tell me that grandma is the boss of me since they are always at the office. So I have a yes. You need a yes. Wanna go check real quick?"

"Yep," he shouts excitedly, running out the door.

He comes back in ten minutes later with a smile on his face. "They said yes!"

I stand up and hug him tightly. "Yes! Oh my gosh I'm so excited. Where do you want to go?"

"I like the sound of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, how about you?"

"Of course, oh my gosh. I'm so excited. This is going to be awesome. I can bake some treats for the road trip!"

"Yeah! When would we leave? Since today is Tuesday..."

My grandma comes down the stairs. "Sorry, I was eavesdropping. I think you should leave tomorrow."

"Oh my gosh. Grandma, tomorrow? That's way too early!"

"When you think about it, you have to drive for maybe 1 1/2 days. You can get there for the weekend and then stay there for 4-5 weeks," grandma explains.

"Oh," Andrew and I sigh.

"About 2 days though? Are we going to get a hotel for a night or something?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'm already on top of that. I thought that you would leave tomorrow early in the morning, go to your hotel Wednesday night, and leave Thursday morning. You will be coming in late, but at least you won't be having to spend more money."

"Wow, grandma, have you been planning this?" I ask, surprised.

"Actually yes, Jules. This is your parents birthday gift for you. They asked me if I could organize it. You would choose the place, but I would do the rest. They are paying for everything."

"But...but... no way. That's like, more than $2,000!" I stutter.

Andrew stands their shocked.

"That's why they have been at the office more, they have been trying to save for this big trip!" My grandma explains.

"We better get packing, then!" Andrew exclaims.

"Thanks so much grandma!" I say, hugging her.

"Yes, thank you so much grandma Ann," Andrew says , hugging her as well. They are very close.

"You should really thank your parents, Jules."

"I know. I'll thank them tonight."

"Okay," grandma says, laying down on the couch and turning on soap opera. "Go get packing!"

"Meet you in 2 hours?" I ask, looking at Andrew.

"Sure. See ya."

I hop up stairs and pull out my suitcase. I pack everything I need, going from bobby pins all the way to swimsuits.

I check the time: 1:56. Oh, just about 2 hours.

I zip my suitcase and stand up from off the floor. I start to pull my suitcase downstairs and whine in complaint. "HEAVY."

"Need some help there?" Andrew comes in the house, laughing.

"Yes...ple-" before I manage to ask for help I tumble down the stairs, my suitcase right next to me. "Uhh."

"You and your laziness," Andrew says, walking to sit on the couch.

"You aren't going to help me?" I ask, still on the ground.

"Oh yeah, sorry about that. Andrew picks me up gracefully.

"Thanks," I mumble. "So, are you done packing?"

"Yes, correction. I was done packing an hour ago."

"What? Why didn't you come back to help me pack? Oh that rhymed. But still!" I yell.

"I wanted to lay down for a little," he replies, calmly.

"Ugh," I sigh. "You are some crazy person."

"Speak for yourself," he sighs.

I punch him in the gut and he whines. "What was that for?"

"YOU!" I laugh. "Anyways, lets go see grandma and talk more about this trip!"

"Fine," he says, getting up and putting his hand on my back, leading me towards the office, where grandma is.

"Come for more information?" she asks, eyes up from the computer in front of her.

"Yes, please," Andrew and I say at the same time.

"Well then, take a seat." She gestures to the recliners in the corners. I've always loved reading on these. "So," she starts, "we knew you were going to decide with Myrtle Beach, so we got you this one roomed hotel with a built in kitchen. There is a pool, but it kind of small, due to the next door beach. But you are right on the beach, next to the boardwalk that has some cute cafes and places for you to dine."

I nod my head, pleased by the sound of this place.

"You will be leaving tomorrow, June 7 at 6 in the morning and be back late afternoon, July 3. You will take Jules' car, due to greater and cheaper gas mileage. Did I get everything?"

I look at Andrew. "Good?"

He smiles at me. "Great."


That night I slept great. I was so excited. I'm going to be in a beautiful place, for almost a month, with my best friend. What's better than that?

But my sleep was interrupted by my door creaking open.

"What do you want, Andrew," I sigh under the covers, knowing that it's him by the strawberry scent that filled my room.

"It's 5:30," he explains. "We need you to get ready."

"Ugh," I say, frustrated, my positive mood going down.

"What?" he asks. I feel him sit down on the bed near my legs.

"I don't want to get up," I groan.

"Just get up. Get dressed. Eat. And then you can sleep in the car."

"I'm driving," I murmur.

"Yeah right," he says. He takes the covers off of me and points to me. "You are not driving like this."

"Fine," I yell, throwing my pillow on him.

"Let me help you," he says.

"I don't want to get up..." I drag on.

"I know! Jules I'm literally going to pull on your toenail, to get you out of bed."

I stare at him with a smirk on my face. "Ha ha."

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