Falling in love all over agai...

By Ashra45786543

1.4M 79.5K 4.4K

Abhiman Singh rajvansh -Just like his name that man screams power and dominece. -He's the one who possesses... More

author's note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 : Nightmares
Chapter 3: The first sight
Chapter 4: fixing the dates
Chapter 5: shopping
Chapter 6: first encounter
Chapter 7: shopping pt.2
Chapter 8: wedding
Chapter 9: wedding night
Chapter 10:Wedding night pt.2
Chapter 11: Pehli rasoi
Chapter 12: her nightmares
Chapter 13: Bullies
Chapter 14: dealing with it
Chapter 15 : dealing with it pt.2
Chapter 16 : Effect
Chapter 17: First kiss
Chapter 18: Whispers of heart
Chapter 19: 3.00 am
Chapter 20 : opening up
Chapter 21: haunting past
Chapter 22: birthday
Chapter 23: The whole day
Chapter 24: love?
Chapter 25 : Planning
Chapter 26: Traveling
Chapter 27: Shimla's charm
Chapter 28: destiny's dirty game
Chapter 29: Cruel
Chapter 31: Prank
Chapter 32: Happiness
chapter 33 : EXYZ
Chapter 34: Prove it
Chapter 35: Adoration
Chapter 36: Trust
Chapter 37: Names
Chapter 38: Maybe
Chapter 49 : bombshell
Chapter 40: Insane
Chapter 41: Found
Chapter 42: her
Chapter 43: Promise
Chapter 44: Cravings
Chapter 45:Surprise
Chapter 46: Vilage
Chapter 47: Someone
Chapter 48: Their Forever
Chapter 49: THE END.
Chapter 50: EPILOGUE
new one "sanely yours"

Chapter 30: he did not open his eyes

21.1K 1.5K 55
By Ashra45786543


I have made certain changes in this novel, prisha ki age pehle 19 thi but ab meine 22 kar di hai, legal age for marriage is 21 that is the reason i made this particular change. 🫶🏻

I know I was supposed to update on Monday but, i completed writing it today itself, and I was like post kar hi deti hun. Today's update kinda left me broken, i cried so much that my eyes hurt real bad.

Zyada time na waste karte hue, you can proceed with the story!
Hope you will like today's update!
{["Na jaane ye zamaana, Kyun chaahe re mitaana, Kalank nahi ishq hai kaajal piya, Kalank nahi ishq hai kaajal piya" - Kalank]}
I am settled on my seat. The flight will be taking off anytime now. My worries, that pain, that aching heart of mine, they are not calming.
My heart is burning. How can this possibly happen? Why can't I just live in peace? Am i cursed ?

I silently prayed for both my families. I cannot bear to let anything happen to anyone. I cannot.

All the time my thoughts kept me awake, but after sometime i found myself drifting off to sleep.
Stepping out of the airport my sight fell on dharya, he seemed to be waiting for me.
I walked up to him, he looked at me coming towards him, he smiled a little, a fake smile it seemed.

"Laiye bhabhi-sa ye bag hum le lete hein" he said and i gave it to him. (Now you must be wondering ki prisha ke pass bag toh nahi tha, toh mere bhole goofballs, she must at least have been carrying a bag in which her basic requirements will be right? Like her charger, phone, passport, tissues etc)

"Dharya hospital chalo please" i pleaded him, and he replied with a quick nod.

We both walked towards the car, and settled down real quick. And he drove off to the hospital. All the while my eyes burned with tears brimming out of them. I sat there fidgeting with my mangalsutra. I was scared to death. I was in no state to even think about a life without him. WHY? Why is it happening? Why? My tears flowed free from the edge of my eyes. I probably am looking like a mad woman right now, my puffy red eyes, my messed up hairs, my sindoor smeared up on my forehead, Nevertheless I cared less. My thoughts radiate every worst scenario ever. My heart feared to lose what it loved the most. My eyes craved to see him.

"Plea-se Dha-rya ja-ldi cha-lo" i uttered, my throat hurts, from all the crying and wailing I did.

"Ji bhabhi-sa" he responded back, and speeded up the speed of his car.
I stepped out of the car and as soon as I did, i sprinted inside the hospital, and I was followed by Dharya.

As i walked inside I saw the receptionist, i asked her where Maan was, she told me to wait inside the waiting room, as the doctors were still in, checking Maan. I nodded my head, walking towards the waiting room. Racing against time and battling tears, we arrived at the hospital. The sterile corridors echoed our anxious footsteps. The receptionist confirmed Maan's admission and directed us to the waiting area.

As i entered there, I saw my family as in, mumma, papa ji, Kiara, Yash, and all the other family members. They looked devastated. Just like me. Mumma lifted her head up, as soon as she saw me she got up from her seat, her eyes looked quite similar to mine, puffy and red. I walked towards her more like ran, i landed myself in her embrace. And that was when i broke down completely. The silent tears that were quietly flowing out of my eyes, turned into painfully sorrowful sobs. I screamed, cried and screamed and lost my balance and fell over my knees but mumma didn't leave me. My sobs mixed up with her consolation.

Soon, a doctor approached, his face carrying the weight of difficult news. Pri's heart raced as the doctor explained Maan's critical condition due to the accident. The room became a vacuum, drowning their hope in a sea of despair.

As i absorbed the harsh reality, i felt a surge of determination. "I need to see him," i uttered, my voice trembling but resolute. Mumma supported me, and together we entered the intensive care unit.

Maan lay there, surrounded by machines, his stillness casting a stark contrast to the vibrant spirit i had known. I held his hand, I called out for him, again and again . But he did not open his eyes. He did not look at me. He did not look at his Isha.

Prisha sat in the hospital room, holding her husband Abhiman's hand tightly as tears streamed down her face. She had been sitting there for hours, waiting for him to wake up. The accident had happened so suddenly, and he was now lying on the hospital bed, his body covered in bruises and cuts.

As she sat there, praying for his recovery, a doctor entered the room. Prisha's heart skipped a beat, hoping for some good news. But the look on the doctor's face told her otherwise. He gently placed a hand on her shoulder and said, "I'm sorry, Mrs. Abhiman. Your husband has slipped into a coma."

Prisha felt as if her entire world came crashing down. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. She looked at her Abhiman's peaceful face and then back at the doctor, her eyes filled with tears. "What do you mean he's in a coma? When will he wake up?" she asked, her voice shaking.

The doctor sighed, "I can't say for sure, Mrs. Abhiman. It could be a day, a week, a month, or even years. We just don't know." The doctor exclaimed making her heart sink. She blankly stared at the doctor without uttering anything.

Prisha felt like she was in a daze. Her mind couldn't process the news. Her husband, her soulmate, the love of her life was in a coma, and there was nothing she could do about it. She looked at his peaceful face, and a flood of memories came rushing back. their unexpected wedding, their first kiss, , their silly inside jokes, his teasings. She couldn't imagine a life without him.

Tears rolled down her cheeks like a never-ending stream. She cried and cried, her heart shattering into a million pieces. The reality of the situation hit her hard , her Maan , her husband, the love of her life, her sanity , could be gone forever, or he could wake up and have no recollection of their life together. Either way, it felt like a nightmare.

Prisha's world shattered at that moment. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Her Maan, the love of her life, the one person who had always been her rock, was now lying in a coma. She felt her chest constrict, her breathing became labored, and the tears that she had been holding back came pouring out.

She broke down, crying and holding onto her Abhiman's hand as if her life depended on it.

The doctor and Abhiman's mother tried to comfort her, explaining that coma patients often wake up, but Prisha couldn't hear anything beyond the fact that her husband was in danger. She felt like she was in a nightmare and couldn't wake up. She wanted to shake Abhiman and make him open his eyes, make him come back to her.

As the doctor and Abhiman's mother left the room, giving her some privacy. Prisha couldn't stop her sobs. She cried and cried, her mind unable to process the thought of not having her Maan by her side. She felt lost, alone, and scared. Her mind was flooded with memories of their happy moments together, making the current reality even harder to bear.

Prisha sat in the hospital room, her hand tightly gripping Abhiman's hand. Tears streamed down her face as she watched her love, lying still on the bed, his face pale and bruised from the accident. It felt like a nightmare, a cruel joke. Just some days ago, they were happy and laughing, dreaming of their future together. And now, here she was, sitting in the hospital, holding on to her Maan's hand for dear life, praying for a miracle.

Prisha's heart felt like it stopped beating. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. This couldn't be happening. She looked at Abhiman's still form, praying that he would wake up and prove the doctor wrong. Prisha's heart broke. She felt like a part of her was missing, that she would never be whole again. She prayed to every god she knew, promising anything and everything if only her husband would wake up. But did he wake up? No.

She sat there for what felt like hours, holding onto the love of her life, praying for him to wake up.
The doctor's words echoed in her head. " It could be a day, a week, a month, or even years. We just can't say for sure."

Prisha's world crumbled around her as the reality of the situation sank in. She clutched onto Abhiman's limp hand, her tears falling on his skin. She couldn't bear the thought of her Maan lying here, unaware of the world around him.
The next few days were a blur for Prisha. She refused to leave Abhiman's side, ignoring her own basic needs. When she wasn't talking to him, she was staring at him, hoping for some sign of life. She couldn't wrap her head around the fact that her husband was in a coma, and there was nothing she could do to bring him back.

The doctors had recommended therapy for Prisha, seeing her deteriorating mental state. But she refused to leave her husband's side, insisting that she was fine. But deep down, Prisha was a mess. She felt like she was drowning in a sea of hopelessness and despair.

As the days turned into weeks, and then into months, Prisha's mental state worsened. It became harder for her to hold on to hope, and she couldn't help but wonder if Abhiman would ever wake up. She spent every waking moment by his side, whispering words of love and encouragement, hoping that he could somehow hear her.
There was this one day she sat by his side, she reached for his hand and noticed that his fingers slightly twitched. Prisha's heart skipped a beat, and she leaned in closer, her hopes rising. Abhiman's eyes fluttered open, and Prisha's heart leaped with joy. But as she looked into his eyes, she noticed that they were empty and lifeless.

It was then that Prisha realized that her Maan was still in a coma. He had just moved slightly due to a reflex, but there was no sign of consciousness. Prisha's heart shattered into a million pieces, and she broke down in sobs.

She couldn't take it anymore. The uncertainty, the hopelessness, it was all too much. Prisha's mental state finally broke, and she suffered a full-blown breakdown. The doctors had to sedate her and put her in a separate room to calm her down.

As she lay in the hospital bed, her tears drying on her cheeks, Prisha couldn't help but wonder if she would ever be able to pick up the pieces of her shattered life. She didn't know how much longer she could take the pain and the uncertainty.

But even in her darkest moments, Prisha refused to give up on her husband. She held on to the little hope she had left, praying for a miracle. Because to her, Abhiman was worth it. He was the love of her life, and she would do anything to bring him back.

There was no sign of Abhiman waking up, Prisha felt her world crumbling around her. She tried to remain strong for her husband, but inside, she was falling apart.

The hospital became her second home, and the nurses became her family. They would often find her holding on to Abhiman's hand, tears streaming down her face, as she whispered words of love and hope to him. They could see the love and pain in her eyes, and they couldn't help but feel for her.

Rishabh, Sneha, her baba, Abhishek and her maa are also in Rajasthan, they came the next moment when they heard about the situation. In-laws were always there offering their love and support. Dharya, Yash and Kiara often tried to console her, crack silly jokes to make her laugh But nothing could ease the pain of seeing her Maan in that state, and not knowing if he would ever wake up.

In the midst of all this, Prisha couldn't help but feel guilty. She blamed herself for not being able to protect Abhiman, for not being able to prevent the accident. She felt like she had let him down, and she didn't know if she could live with that guilt. If she could have informed him before going to Delhi, this would not have happened.

But amidst all the despair, Prisha held on to hope. She believed that their love was strong enough to bring Abhiman back to her. She refused to give up, and every day, she would pray for a miracle.

Even in her darkest moments, one thought kept her going , the thought of Abhiman waking up and them being together again. She would do anything to make that dream a reality.

She closed her eyes and let out a prayer, hoping that this would be the day her husband would wake up. She prayed for a miracle, a second chance, and a happily ever after. And with that thought in her heart, Prisha held on to hope and waited for her Maan to return to her.
That's it for today!
Agala chapter jaise hi likh ke ho Jayega I'll post it!
Stay tuned!
Vote target 500!

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