Feelings? (Discontinued)

By Skyarcher07

365 15 2

Discontinued due to a new story I'm working on and to be honest I just don't like how this has turned out. More

Part 1 Boot up
Part 2 Resistance
Part 3 Fear
Part 4 Before Y/N
Character Y/N Bio
Part 5 Market
IDW #1
IDW #3
IDW Battle for Angel Island
IDW Bonds of Friendship

IDW #2

28 1 0
By Skyarcher07

This Chapter takes place in issue 4 of the Sonic Idw comic series.

Y/N was riding a Resistance motorcycle, they were going to a place called Spiral Hill Village, the Resistance had gotten word that multiple villages were under attack, Director Knuckles is having Y/N assist the Village in its time of need, they didn't want to leave Tails, but Tails told them to go anyway. Y/N would be going in alone due to the Resistance being so spread out.

As Y/N approached Spiral Hill Village, they could see smoke rising in the distance and hear the sounds of chaos coming from the town a giant Badnik ship is seen floating over it most likely supplying more badniks. They revved up the motorcycle, ready to assist the villagers and take down any badniks that threatened their safety.

Upon arriving at the village, Y/N parked the motorcycle as they looked at all the destruction, an explosion is heard nearby.

Y/N looks over to see a Female Ring-Tailed Lemur (with the fur colors for the Coquerel's sifaka) standing over a destroyed Badnik, she looks at Y/N with a smug smile. They had primarily light gray fur and orchid purple eyes. She possesses one eyelash on each eye, a small black nose and a long bushy tail with gray stripes. She also has gray fur around her muzzle and between her eyes, and dark gray fur around the sides of her eyes and on her eyelids and round ears. She also has extra fur on top of her head and chest, and small cheek tufts. For attire, she wears a short-sleeved black bodysuit with dark orange stripes down the sides, an amber sleeveless top, and detailed amber hi-tops with white laces and soles, black details, and dark orange cuffs. She also wears amber sports tape around her forearms and fingerless black gloves made of black sports tape with dark orange backings.

"Oh, another robot, this one looks more different from the others."

She shrugs and cracks her knuckles; her tail stands on up.

"Eh, doesn't matter it'll be scrap soon."

The Lemur leaps at Y/N, their tail formed in a fist. Y/N quickly dodges the attack, showcasing their agility and reflexes as they prepare to defend themselves against the formidable opponent. The Lemur lands on the ground, a confident smirk on her face as she sizes up Y/N.

"Woah this robot got moves!"

"Stand down, I'm not your enemy." Y/N responds, their robotic voice slightly distorted but firm.

The Lemur raises an eyebrow, intrigued by Y/N's statement.

"Interesting, a robot with a conscience. Well, let's see if you can back up those words," the Lemur taunted, her tail twisting into a whip-like form as she prepared for another attack.

Y/N remained calm, analyzing the Lemur's movements and preparing to defend themselves. With a swift motion, they dodged the whip-like tail and countered with a precise strike, aiming to disarm the opponent without causing harm.

The Lemur was caught off guard by Y/N's speed and agility, her tail being knocked off course by their precise movement. She stumbled back, surprised by the unexpected turn of events.

"Stand down."

The Lemur's expression softened, a hint of respect shining in her eyes as she looked at Y/N.

"Alright, I'll stand down. You're not like the other robots I've encountered. Who are you, really?" she asked, her tone curious and intrigued.

Y/N powered down their arm cannon and extended a hand in peace.

"I am Y/N not a badnik, I was sent by the Resistance to help with the Badnik problem."

"The resistance!?"

Y/N charges their arm cannon and aims at the lemur.

She throws her hands up.

"Wait! Wait! I thought we were on the sam-

Y/N fires a shot hitting a badnik behind her.

The lemur turns around in surprise realizing a badnik snuck up on her and Y/N shot it.

She turns back to Y/N, a grateful smile on her face. "Thanks for the save. I guess we're on the same side after all." She extends her tail out in a form of a handshake." Names Tangle, born right here and raised in Spiral Hill."

Y/N nods, accepting Tangle's gesture in a shake.

"It's nice to meet you, Tangle."

(Memory Saved, Memory at 48%)

"How long have this attack been going on for?"

"Mmm, theirs been a couple but none as big as this, I've been fending off the odd raids for a while now."

Y/N nodded in understanding, knowing that Tangle had been bravely defending her village from the attacks for some time. They felt a sense of respect and admiration for Tangle's courage and determination.

"Well, I'm here to assist you in any way I can." Y/N said, their voice filled with determination and solidarity.

Tangle smiled, a glimmer of hope and determination in her eyes.

"Thanks, Y/N. I appreciate the help. Let's show these Badniks what we're made of."

Y/N pulls the device from their utility belt and presses the button as it extends into a metal pole.

Y/N lodges the pole into a Badnik, the Badnik tries to grab Y/N, but they lodge it deeper in.

Tangle marvels at Y/N's ingenuity and skill in combat, impressed by their resourcefulness and quick thinking.

"You think that pole is good watch this!"

Tangle runs in between a couple badniks, her tail tangling them up, she pulls on her tail and the badniks explode.

"WOO! and ow, woo and ow."

A nearly destroyed Badnik aims its blaster at her, but Sonic comes out of nowhere, spin dashing into it.

"Watch your back!"

Tangle looks back in surprise. "Whoops thanks"

Sonic: "Y/N? man how did you get here before me?"

Y/N: "The Resistance has been spread out due to the multiple attacks, Tails told me to go help with the efforts."

Sonic nods in understanding.

Tangle: Well welcome to my hometown, Sorry for the mess, we've got a bit of a robot problem.

Sonic kicks a Badnik.

Sonic: Problem? What problem?

Y/N looks in confusion, there was clearly a Badnik problem, "they fire their arm cannon", Does Sonic not see it?

Tangle chuckles as she punches a badnik with her tail.

Tangle: You're sweet not to notice.

Sonic spin dashes into a badnik.

Tangle: Nice one! You do this a lot?

The three get back-to-back.

Sonic: You can say that Sonic the Hedgehog, I assume you've already met Y/N?

Tangle: I have. Tangle The Lemur, always wanted to meet you.

She raises her tail into a handshake, Sonic shakes to that.

Sonic: Charmed.

Tangle: Likewise.

Tangle grabs a badnik and throws it.

Y/N: Tangle here has been fending off the badniks for a while.

Y/N shoots at the badnik, blowing it up.

Sonic: Yeah, the random Badnik gangs have been getting organized, don't know why.

A giant badnik then rolls over in front of them on the road. A badnik on top begins opening fire on its mounted turret.

The three jump behind a barricade, now surrounded.

Y/N: Our odds of beating this are.

A loading screen appears on their screen.

Y/N: 0.324421-

Tangle: I don't suppose you two are the advance guard for the Resistance?

Sonic: Pretty sure they're all busy with similar attacks elsewhere.

Y/N: 0543253-

Tangle: Looks like their busy. Split them 50/50?

Sonic: If you can keep up.

Suddenly a burst of fire goes on top of the giant badnik making the three look over in surprise.

The fire goes away revealing, a lavender-furred Cat with golden eyes, a small black nose, and a white-furred muzzle. She has triangular ears with peach-colored canals on top of her head, two medium-length eyelashes on each side of her eyes, and a long tail with the end frayed and violet. Her fur is longer on each side of her head and sweeps slightly upwards. She has four plumes of hair with violet tips done up in a high ponytail with a red hair tie. She also has a red oval gem on her forehead. For attire, she wears a golden collar hanging from her neck, a violet tailcoat with rose trim at the bottom, and simple white leggings. She also wore white gloves and high-heeled rose ankle boots, both featuring white fluffy cuffs on them. Her boots also feature a thick white stripe on each of the front, followed by both gray soles and gray heels.

She slowly floats down, Y/N and Tangle have a face of confusion.

Tangle: Woah...

Sonic: Aw yeah!

Sonic starts waving over to the cat.

Sonic: Hey Blaze!

Tangle and Y/N look at each other, Tangle looks for an answer in their eyes, Y/N's screens display a loading animation. An error screen appears.

Y/N: Error, never seen before.

Sonic runs over to Blaze.

Blaze: Sonic! You are here! I assume these are Dr. Eggman's robots?

Tangle is super confused as she watches the two conversate.

Tangle: Y/N? What's going on?

Y/N: Error, never seen "Blaze" before.

Sonic: You know it, the village needs our help, so if you don't mind?

Blazes hands go on fire as she smiles.

Blaze: It would be my pleasure.

Sonic steps next to the two before putting a thumbs up.

Blaze gracefully extends her hands, her golden eyes glowing with determination as she channels her pyrokinetic abilities. The air around her shimmers with heat as flames begin to dance in her palms, growing in intensity and size with each passing moment.

With a focused expression, Blaze releases a powerful burst of fire from her hands, sending a wave of fiery energy towards the approaching Badniks. The flames lick at the metal surfaces of the robots, engulfing them in a blaze of heat and light.

The Badniks shriek and sizzle as they are consumed by Blaze's flames, their metal bodies melting and warping under the intense heat. The air is filled with the crackling sound of burning metal and the scent of smoke as the Badniks are reduced to smoldering wreckage.

Blaze's pyrokinetic display is a sight to behold, a dazzling show of power and skill as she effortlessly annihilates the enemy robots with her fiery abilities. Her control over the flames is impeccable, ensuring that only the Badniks are affected while the surrounding area remains unscathed.

An overhead turrent begins aiming at her but Tangle wraps her tail around it and jumps up to it.

Tangle: Y/N! Give me a hand!

Y/N jumps up on the turret and kicks it's barrels to aim at itself. The turret fires on itself, causing it to explode in a burst of sparks and debris. Tangle and Y/N quickly jump out of harm's way as the turret is destroyed.

Sonic slides under a badnik and performs an overhead kick destroying it. But the Badniks just keep coming.

Blaze: I'm afraid that the 4 of us aren't enough.

Sonic: The town Milita out their too.

Blaze: Regardless their refilling their ranks faster than we can dispose of them.

Tangle points up to the giant badnik flying above the town.

Tangle: Their all coming from that battleship, not long ago it flew in and has been dropping robots ever since.

Sonic: A little beefier than the one me and Amy took down, Blaze, Y/N can you make it up there?

Blaze: It's too high, its completely out of reach for me.

Y/N: Error, uncapable of flight.

Tangle: I know we all just met but...

She holds her tail up in the form of a sling shot.

Tangle: Hop on?

Sonic looks at Blaze with a smile, but she looks at Sonic unsure due to her fear of heights.

Sonic and Blaze get into position to be launched; Y/N pulls back Tangles tail as far as it would go.

Sonic holds out his hand to Blaze.

Sonic: Ready?

Blaze nods, taking a deep breath to calm her nerves.

Blaze: Ready.

Tangle: Bon Voyage!

Y/N releases, sending Sonic and Blaze soaring through the air towards the giant badnik battleship.

Sonic spins as Blaze grabs him and begins enveloping his form in flames, she throws Sonic toward the battleship.

Y/N and Tangle watch as Blaze puts her hand together and fires a blast going straight through the battleship. She then begins using her fire to slow her descent coming back to the two.

Tangle: That was incredible!

Y/N: Is Sonic, ok?

Blaze: He will be.

Sonic is rolled in ball as he lands on the ground and bounces toward the group. He uncurls swirls replacing his eyes.

Sonic: That was cool guys.

Y/N picks Sonic up to his feet.

Tangle: Is your life always this exciting?

Sonic: If I can help it yeah!

Sonic claps his hands.

Sonic: Right so introductions, Blaze this is Tangle and Y/N, Tangle is a local and Y/N was built by Tails.

Blaze: Fasonating.

Sonic: Y/N and Tangle, this is Blaze, she's a princess from another dimension and Guardian of the Sole Emeralds, they're like Chaos Emeralds but fiery.

Tangle has a look of confusion, Y/N has a loading bar across their face.

Tangle: HaHa, okay?

Y/N beeps.

Y/N: Error, many unknown words, Princess, Sole Emeralds, Chaos Emeralds.

Tangle grabs Blaze's hand in a respectable way.

Tangle: We'll thanks for saving my town your highness.

Blaze smiles weakly.

Blaze: You are welcome, but please just call me "Blaze."

Blaze looks at Y/N who still has a loading screen.

Blaze: Interesting, you said Tails created this machine Sonic?

Sonic nods, his smile bright and reassuring.

Sonic: Yep, Tails is the mastermind behind Y/N's creation. They're quite the impressive robot, wouldn't you say?

Blaze nods in agreement, her golden eyes sparkling with curiosity.

Blaze: Indeed, Y/N seems to be quite unique and capable. I look forward to getting to know them better.

Sonic: Now, I'm always happy to see you but what's the occasion?

Blaze: I felt the will of the Sole Emeralds, I've come to prevent a terrible event on your world.

Sonic grins.

Sonic: No offence but you about 7 months late.

Blaze is confused.

Blaze: Late? What do you mean?

Sonic: Eggman locked me up and took over the world.

Blaze: WHAT!?

Sonic: S'cool my friends busted me out, and we kicked his butt.

Y/N looks at Sonic.

Y/N: War?

Sonic nods, his expression turning serious.

Sonic: Yeah, it was a tough time for everyone. But thanks to the efforts of the Resistance, we were able to defeat Eggman and restore peace to the world.

Blaze's eyes widen in shock, a mix of horror and disbelief crossing her face.

Y/N: The Badniks are getting to organized for any of their attacks to be a coincidence.

Tangle: Y/N may be on to something. What if the war was just the beginning, what if something even worse is on the way?

Blaze: The Sol Emeralds are not, chatty, if they directed me here it was for a purpose. And I will remain here in this dimension until that purpose is made clear.

Sonic shoots some finger guns over to Blaze.

Sonic: I knew I can count on you.

Blaze goes to Tangle

Blaze: But first many parts of your village are burning, I will do what I can to calm the flames, show me where you need me.

Y/N's hand becomes a small fire extinguisher.

Y/N: I will help too.

Tangle: YOU.GUYS.ARE.AMAZING! Follow me.

Blaze, Tangle and Y/N start walking.

Blaze: I will leave the hunt for the ringleaders to you Sonic.

Tangle: Bye Sonic! Thanks for everything!

Sonic: Ciao!

Sonic watches as Blaze, Tangle, and Y/N head off to help the villagers and put out the fires. He takes a moment to reflect on the events of the day and the new allies he has made along the way. With a renewed sense of determination, Sonic sets off to track down the ringleaders of the Badnik attacks, ready to face whatever challenges come his way.


Y/N aims their hand at the last fire, putting the fire out, their robotic eyes reflecting a sense of accomplishment. Tangle and Blaze stood beside them, surveying the village with a sense of relief and satisfaction.

Tangle: Thanks again for the help, guys. You really saved the day.

Blaze nods in agreement, her golden eyes glowing with gratitude.

"Of course, Tangle. We're glad to have been able to assist and restore peace to your village," Y/N said, their voice filled with warmth and appreciation.

Blaze: It was an honor to lend a hand. If the Sol Emeralds guided me here, then it was for a reason.

Tangle smiles at the two, grateful for their help and support.

Tangle: Well, the village is safe thanks to you both. If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask. We'll always be here for you.

Y/N and Blaze exchange a nod, knowing that they had made a difference and formed a strong bond through their shared experience.

Blaze has already gone off, Y/N heads to their motorcycle but Tangle grabs their hand.

Tangle: Hey, thanks for everything.

Tangle looks at Y/N.

Tangle: Do you have to go; I could show you around? Maybe grab a bite to eat.

Y/N smiles warmly at Tangle, touched by her offer of friendship and hospitality.

"I appreciate the offer, Tangle. But I must return to my duties with the Resistance. However, I would love to visit again someday and explore the village with you," Y/N said, their robotic voice filled with genuine appreciation.

Tangle nods in understanding, a warm smile on her face.

"Sounds like a plan. Safe travels, Y/N. And thank you again for your help today," Tangle said, her voice filled with gratitude and sincerity.

Y/N nods in response, their tail swishing back and forth with a sense of contentment and fulfillment. They get on their motorcycle and head off, the sound of the engine fading into the distance as they leave Spiral Hill Village behind.

Back at Tails house, 2:45 pm...

Tails greeted Y/N as they returned, a smile on his face as he saw them safe and sound.

"Tails I met someone; I feel... different."

Tails looked at Y/N, his curiosity piqued by their words.

"It sounds like you made a friend."

Y/N's screen loads.

"Error, Friend not known."

Tails chuckles, understanding Y/N's confusion.

"It's okay, Y/N. Making friends can be a new experience for you, but it's a wonderful thing. Building relationships with others can bring joy, support, and companionship into your life."

Y/N's screen displays a loading animation before an error message appears.

Y/N: Error, Unable to comprehend "Relationship".

Tails smiles warmly at Y/N, realizing that they were still learning and growing in their understanding of human interactions.

"That's okay, Y/N. Relationships are about connecting with others, building trust, and sharing experiences together. It's about forming bonds that are meaningful and beneficial to both parties. You'll learn more about it as you continue to interact with others and engage in new experiences."

Y/N nods in understanding, their robotic gaze reflecting a sense of curiosity and determination.

"Like you and me?"

Tails' smile widens at Y/N's question.

"Yes, just like you and me.

"Relationship and Friend understood, Friend now allied."

Tails' heart swells with warmth at Y/N's newfound understanding and acceptance.

Tails pulls out his Miles Electric.

"Now how about you tell me about this friend?

Log 5

Subject: Y/N's first mission results

Date: [2/17/2025]

Tails' Entry Cont...

Y/N returned from their first mission with the Resistance, and I couldn't be prouder of their bravery and resourcefulness. They worked alongside new allies, faced formidable opponents, and showed incredible growth and determination throughout the mission.

I am impressed by Y/N's ability to adapt and learn in new situations, and I look forward to seeing how their experiences on the battlefield will shape their understanding of the world and their place in it.

Their encounter with Tangle and Blaze has opened the door to new friendships and alliances, and I believe that Y/N will continue to thrive and excel as they navigate through the challenges and adventures that lie ahead.

I am grateful for the bond we share and for the opportunity to witness Y/N's growth and development firsthand. Together, we will continue to face challenges, make new connections, and grow stronger as a team.

End of Log 5.

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