A Dark Legacy (Percy Jackson...

By Jenny6445

74.3K 1.8K 6.9K

Yup. Me, Percy Jackson, a monster? Ha. Could never be me. ... Funny story, actually- A/N Hi!! Tanks for chec... More

The dam Author's Note
Zeus loses his brain cell in Tartarus
Villains should get better lines than 'join us.'
The hunters hunt me for no apparent reason
What the Hades just happened
Camp Half-Hell
The heart of a monster is something you wouldn't want to see
'Sup, my dude?
✨Son of da sea ✨
The storm is awakened. The storm wants a nap
'I heart New York City' shirts are dam expensive
Say hello to the sun and stars for me.
Return of the kronosome
The demon ladies come back
Stranger Danger
For once? Really?
I'd better earn an Oscar for this, Kronos...
The hunt tries to hunt me down (again)
I DIDN'T AGREE ON THIS, KRONOS! Also, you still owe me that Oscar.
This is making my head hurt. Thanks a lot, Kronos. -author
Another quest. Yippee.
Don't mind me, just filling in some plot holes...
Tartarsauce? Oh, that bi-
I almost kill the characters, but Kronos did it first!
Neeks, Death Breath, Emo boy-what am I doing? oh, just listing Nico's nicknames
Oh, COME ON! I am not in the mood to kill something, you know.
i tHiNk hE's ✨ pOsSeSsEd ✨
Oh, Luke, you have such a bad memory, don't you?
Took you long enough.
Yep, motherbleepers. I'm back.
Yeah, I'm sorry. Sorry that you're a bitch, that is.
The amount of ✨sass✨
Care about me? Pffffffft, yeah right.
Mercy rhymes with Percy 💀💀💀 how ironic
Kronos is stupid. Change my mind.
Let's hope he doesn't do anything stupid in his sleep...
Family, Luke. You promised.
Hades is literally the best husband and dad ever
It's a ✨seashell✨
Well, this was unexpected
Oh, I don't do threats. I do promises.
Too bad, cuz I don't give a fu-
Oh, I just yeeted him into the Sea of Chaos, nothing much
Ok then, list three reasons why I shouldn't have killed her.
At this point I'm just making random chapter names and calling it relevant
Nice of you to visit. Miss me?
wElL tHaT wAs lOw oF yOu
The dam acknowledgements


1.2K 38 94
By Jenny6445

Chorused gasps echoed throughout the Big House as the arrow harmlessly bounced off of Agnostos' chest.

"What?" He turned around, being met with several open mouths and looks of horror.

"That arrow just..." Will trailed off, still staring at Agnostos.

"Alright, who shot it?" He crossed his arms. When no one answered, he spread his arms out and said, "Come on, I won't hurt you."

"I did." Max stepped forward with a bow and arrow.

"Never mind. I'll hurt you." He unsheathed Sicarius. "You've gone the limit. I've tried to ignore you but being the filthy little bitch you are, I CAN'T FRICKING TAKE IT ANYMORE!" Max curled his lip.

"You're a traitor to Camp Half-Blood, Agnostos. The prophecy says so!" He pointed a finger at him.

"PROPHECIES HAVE DOUBLE MEANING FOR THE LAST FRICKING TIME, YOU MORON!" He shouted, stepping closer with Sicarius still in his hand.

"How do you know that?" He asked, narrowing his grey eyes at him.

"I've been in prophecies before. Don't bother asking, it'll make me want to kill you, and I really don't, unless you're a certain person named Max Smith or Annabeth Chase." Agnostos pointed the blade at Max's throat.

"See? This monster is a murderer!" He snarled. Agnostos narrowed his eyes, and Mr. D's coke can exploded.

"What the—" Mr. D spluttered as droplets of diet coke splashed onto his face. Agnostos smirked.

"What was that?" Max asked incredulously. "Did you miss me with your oh-so scary sword?" He mocked.

"This oh-so scary sword is about to take your throat out." Agnostos growled, his one green eye glowing eerily as he swiped and parried his way closer to Max.

"Stop! You two, stop!" Chiron commanded. Agnostos ignored him and pressed the blade further into Max's throat.

"Before you disappear, I'd like to tell you who I am." He whispered into the spawn of Athena's ear. Max's eyes widened in fear as scarlet drops of blood trickled down his throat.

"I am Percy Jackson. And the Bane of Olympus will destroy your soul." Percy vaporized Max into some random country, probably Thailand or something and smirked.

"Finally, that brat is taken care of." He sighed and sheathed Sicarius.

"Good job, Agnos." Clarisse punched him on the left arm playfully, unknowingly hitting his Achilles spot.

"Ow!" He clutched it. "Watch it! I have a bruise there!" He added quickly. Clarisse frowned.

"Weakling." She smirked. He scowled at her but didn't really mind the comment. He had other things in to do.

Lost in thought, he walked towards the woods. A bright light suddenly obscured his vision, and when it cleared, he found himself in Olympus.

"Murderer!" Athena pointed at him.

"Excuse me?" He pointed at himself. "Me? A murderer?"

"Yes. You killed my son!" She seethed.

"Your son was a bitch! He deserved it!" He shot back. "Plus, I didn't kill him. I sent him to Thailand or something." She turned gold with a blood rush.

"However, there is a different matter to discuss, though." Hermes said helpfully.

"Agnostos, Kronos has a new ally. Do you have anyone you have in mind?" Zeus asked.

"Oh yes, plenty of people." Agnostos said slyly. "But I don't think they'll have any chance of joining Kronos."

"So, who is it?" Zeus asked frustratingly. "We must know to win this war!"

"I can go find out." He offered.

"Alright. Go if you wish." Zeus waved Agnostos away. He nodded and vapor-travelled to where he found Kronos' sarcophagus.

—Line break—

"Ah, Percy Jackson." Kronos said, his voice stronger than before. "Are you ready?"

"Yes, my lord." Percy pulled down his hood, his one black iris glittering menacingly. Tartarus was in the room, stationed right next to the box. He opened it, and inside, there was a swirling dark liquid. As Percy got closer, he felt as if he was walking through syrup. Time seemed to slow around him, and it got harder to breathe.

"Closer, Perseus..." Kronos hissed. "Closer..." A/N: this sounds weird holy shi

Percy found himself only a few inches away from the sarcophagus when he felt his consciousness get sucked in and his vision was met with black.

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