The Otherworldly Supreme comm...

By JoshNathaniel2

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One Day in the Modern world a young adult Named Skyler. and has a wonderful life, but unfortunately, he died... More

Chapter 1: New World
Chapter 2: Chevauchèes
Chapter 3: Soldiers
Chapter 4: New Home
Chapter 5: Avalon
Chapter 6: The Battle of Avalon (1)
Chapter 7: The Battle of Avalon (2)
Chapter 8: The Battle of Avalon (Final)
Chapter 9: The Rise of the Democratic of Avalon
Chapter 10: The Warrior bunny
Chapter 11: The Preparations
Chapter 12: The Battle of Dreadhold Citadel
Chapter 13: The Fall of Dreadhold Citadel

prologue: The Encounter

443 11 13
By JoshNathaniel2

In the hospital, a person was lying on the bed with many bandages covering his face, and the beeping sound is a Medical monitor beside him.

he was unconscious and suffered, it's been 2 days in the hospital lying on his bed...


my fellow Readers, I think we all know where this is going so let's just skip to the end.

*pull the plug*

It was dark, silent, and lonely. Skyler still remembered the incident vividly; he had forgotten to turn off the stove, and it exploded when he switched on the light, igniting a fire that spread rapidly throughout his House. To his dismay, there was no fire extinguisher in sight; he had forgotten to buy one.

Panic seized him as he realized he was trapped in his living room, surrounded by flames and smoke. With no way out, he resigned himself to his fate and blacked out, his head likely struck by debris in the chaos.

When he came to, he found himself in a dark and silent place. As he began to regain consciousness, he felt strange sensations coursing through his body. It was as if he were lying on a bed of rocks, although he couldn't quite discern his surroundings.

After a prolonged period of awkward silence, Skyler slowly opened his eyes, blinking against a flashing light. Gradually, his vision cleared, revealing a sky unlike any he had ever seen. It resembled the vast expanse of space, yet air currents and clouds swirled around him. Planets and stars dotted the horizon, creating a breathtaking spectacle.

Summoning his strength, Skyler managed to stand up, though his legs wobbled beneath him. Taking in his surroundings, he noticed the ruined structures and vehicles scattered around him, indicating that he was in the midst of a city ravaged by some catastrophe.

Feeling disoriented and unsure of what had transpired, Skyler stumbled upon a broken mirror in the distance. As he approached, he caught sight of his reflection: his face was obscured by bandages, and he was clad in a blue hospital gown. The sight only added to his confusion.

Attempting to remove the bandages proved painful, so he left them in place and continued his exploration. With each step, he called out for any sign of life, but his cries echoed into the void, met only by the howling wind.

Eventually, he gave up hope of finding anyone and began to walk aimlessly through the desolate streets. The biting cold gnawed at him, and hunger gnawed at his stomach, but he pressed on.

As he walked down the empty street, with no people around, only a ruined city, he felt the cold seeping into his bones, hoping to find winter clothes strewn about. Until, at last, he stumbled upon a jackpot: an abandoned clothing shop. Peering through the broken window, he spotted a mannequin adorned in WW2 German attire. Deciding to seize the opportunity, he entered the shop and donned the garments. Now clad in his newfound attire, he felt a sense of warmth and comfort envelop him.

Moments later as he walking, he spotting a collapsed bridge ahead, Skyler knew he had no choice but to traverse it. As he carefully made his way across the icy river below, a sudden slip sent him tumbling to the ground.

"I GIVE UP..." he sighed, sitting on the snow. It was cold. The snow intensified. He was tired.

The icy chill of the Dead Zone was digging into his bones, sucking out the last remnants of my energy.

This was it. He had no friends. Everyone he knew was in fact dead. He was too tired to go on, too mentally and physically exhausted to move on his own.

"I really wish... that I had a friend," he muttered tiredly to the snowstorm.

Sudden sound of thunder and blinding lightning interrupted his final snow-nap and then, a quirky, french song started to flow over the wasteland...

🎶 Alouette, gentille alouette,
Alouette je te plumerai.
Je te plumerai la tete.
Je te plumerai la tete. 🎶

he clad in a heavy, dark grey trenchcoat, black leather boots and black leather gloves. A shroud, a black gas mask with dual filters and purple goggles obscures zeer face. A commander's hat rests upon zeer head with a red band around it and a single, silver star ornament on the front side


Confused and disoriented, Skyler couldn't help but question the stranger's bizarre appearance.

"You are an odd hallucination," he muttered incredulously as the figure approached, extending a hand to help Skyler up.


"IT'S YOUR MOST LUCKY DAY!" The lunatic guy boomed. He don't know what going on, who is this guy and he don't understand what he saying

Skyler's brow furrowed in bewilderment. "What... are... you?" he managed to ask.


Skyler stared at the eccentric figure before him, struggling to comprehend the situation. "Okay... Captain," he replied tentatively, deciding it was best to humor the strange individual until he could figure out what was going on. "Can you tell me where I am and how I got here?"

The Captain's demeanor shifted slightly, a glint of uncertainty flickering behind zeer goggles. "Ah, mein dear Monseigneur, zis place is none other zan my beloved Realm of Captania! A realm of wonder, adventure, and... zee occasional inconvenience," zeer voice trailed off, momentarily faltering before quickly regaining its usual boisterous tone.

"But why am I here, in this place?" Skyler pressed, refusing to be deterred by the Captain's evasive response.

The Captain's expression turned somber, a shadow passing over zeer masked face. "Ah, you see, mein dear friend, zee reasons for such matters are often shrouded in mystery and whimsy. It is not for us to question zee workings of fate and destiny, but rather to embrace zee opportunities zat are presented to us!"

Skyler frowned, unsatisfied with the Captain's cryptic reply. "But I need to know why I'm here," he insisted, desperation creeping into his voice.

The Captain sighed heavily, seemingly relenting to Skyler's persistence. "Very well, Monseigneur, if you must know," zeer voice lowered to a conspiratorial whisper, "there are forces at play beyond our comprehension, forces zat have deemed you vorthy of a great destiny here in Captania. You are zee chosen one! zee one who vill lead us to victory and ensure zee prosperity of our fair realm!"

Despite the Captain's attempt to reassure him, Skyler couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at his gut. Something about the Captain's words felt off, as if there were secrets being kept from him. But for now, he had no choice and navigate the mysteries of Captania with caution and vigilance.

Skyler, his curiosity piqued and determination burning bright, pressed further. "But why me?" he asked, his voice tinged with a mix of uncertainty and resolve. "Why have you chosen me for this... destiny?"

The Captain's gaze softened behind zeer purple goggles, a glimmer of empathy shining through despite zeer masked visage. "Ah, mein dear Monseigneur," zeer voice took on a solemn tone, "I have chosen you because you possess qualities zat are rare und invaluable. Courage, resilience, und a spirit zat refuses to be extinguished. But most importantly, you have zee potential to make a difference, not just in your own life, but in zee lives of others."

Skyler's brows furrowed in contemplation, absorbing the Captain's words with a mixture of skepticism and introspection. "But... what do you want from me?" he asked, his voice betraying a hint of vulnerability.

The Captain's expression softened, a gentle smile tugging at the corners of zeer lips. "I vant to offer you a second chance," zeer replied, zeer accent weaving a tapestry of sincerity und compassion. "A chance to live, to thrive, und to discover zee true extent of your potential. I intend to send you to another world, a world where you vill face challenges und trials, but also opportunities for growth und redemption."

Skyler's eyes widened in astonishment, the weight of the Captain's words sinking in. "Another world?" he echoed, his mind racing with a whirlwind of possibilities und uncertainties.

"Yes, another world," the Captain affirmed, zeer voice steady with conviction. "A world where you vill have zee chance to start anew, to forge your own path, und to become zee person you vere always meant to be. It vill not be easy, und zere vill be dangers along zee vay, but I believe in you, Skyler. I believe zat you have zee strength und resilience to overcome vatever obstacles may come your vay."

With a sense of purpose burning bright within him, Skyler nodded, determination shining in his eyes. "I accept," he declared, his voice ringing with resolve. "I accept your offer, Captain. I will go to this other world, and I will make the most of this second chance you've given me."

And with that, the Captain und Skyler embarked on their journey, ready to face whatever challenges und adventures awaited them in zee unknown realms beyond.

As Skyler stood before Zee Captain, a sense of anticipation filled the air. The Captain, with a flourish of zeer gloved hand, produced a mysterious black glass ball, pulsating with an otherworldly energy.

"This, mein dear Monseigneur," the Captain proclaimed, zeer voice reverberating with excitement, "is ze source of my power, ze very essence of Captania itself! With zis orb, I possess ze ability to bend ze fabric of reality to my will, to summon armies und conjure miracles at a mere thought!"

Skyler's eyes widened in wonder as he reached out to touch the enigmatic orb. "What is this?" he began to ask, his curiosity piqued, but before he could finish his sentence, a deafening explosion echoed through the air.

In an instant, the black glass ball shattered, unleashing a blinding burst of energy that engulfed Zee Captain's face. Skyler shielded his eyes from the intense light, his heart pounding with shock and fear.

When the light finally subsided, Skyler cautiously lowered his hands, only to find Zee Captain standing before him, unscathed but visibly shaken. The black glass ball lay shattered at zeer feet, its power seemingly extinguished.

"What... what just happened?" Skyler stammered, his voice trembling with disbelief.

The Captain's expression was grave as zeer gaze met Skyler's. "It appears zat ze orb has chosen you, mein dear Monseigneur," zeer replied, zeer voice tinged with a mixture of awe and uncertainty. "Ze power it once contained has now been transferred to you, granting you abilities beyond imagination."

Skyler's mind reeled with the implications of Zee Captain's words. He had been chosen, not by fate or destiny, but by a twist of circumstance beyond his comprehension. With newfound power coursing through his veins, he knew that his journey was far from over.

As Skyler struggled to come to terms with his newfound abilities, he couldn't help but wonder what adventures awaited him in this strange and mysterious world. And with Zee Captain by his side, he knew that he would never have to face them alone.

With a mischievous glint in his eye, Zee Captain reached into his coat pocket and produced a small toy car, its plastic wheels gleaming in the dim light. "Ah, mein dear Monseigneur," zeer exclaimed, "let us put your newfound powers to ze test, shall ve? Simply throw zis car, und vitness ze magic unfold!"

Skyler, still reeling from the recent explosion of the black glass ball, hesitated for a moment before nodding in agreement. With a determined flick of his wrist, he sent the toy car hurtling through the air.

As the toy car landed on the ground, a wave of anticipation washed over Skyler and Zee Captain. Suddenly, with a flash of light and a faint hum, the toy car began to undergo a miraculous transformation.

Before their eyes, the plastic exterior melted away, revealing sleek metallic panels and powerful engines. The wheels expanded and morphed into sturdy tires, while the interior expanded to accommodate passengers.

In mere moments, what had once been a humble toy car now stood before them as a full-fledged automobile, its engine purring with life and its headlights casting a warm glow in the darkness.

Skyler stared in awe at the incredible sight before him, unable to believe what he had just witnessed. "I... I did that?" he whispered, his voice tinged with wonder.

Zee Captain chuckled with delight, clapping Skyler on the shoulder. "Ja, mein dear Monseigneur, you did! You have unlocked ze true potential of your power, und zee possibilities are endless! Now, let us embark on our next adventure, for zee world awaits us!"

With a newfound sense of confidence and excitement coursing through his veins, Skyler climbed into the driver's seat of the transformed car, ready to embrace whatever challenges and wonders lay ahead. And as they set off into the night, he couldn't help but marvel at the strange and extraordinary journey that had brought him here.
Train 1:

At the shooting range, Skyler gripped the dark power within him, aiming carefully at the row of cans lined up before him. With a determined expression, he unleashed a powerful blast, sending the cans flying into the air.

But just as he prepared to take aim at the last remaining can, it suddenly sprang to life, wobbling and dodging his attacks with surprising agility. Skyler's eyes widened in disbelief as he chased after the rogue can, firing shots wildly in its direction.

Meanwhile, Zee Captain watched from the sidelines, barely able to contain zeer laughter as Skyler stumbled and tripped in zeer pursuit of the elusive target. "Ah, mein dear Skyler," Zee Captain chuckled, "it seems even ze humblest of cans can outwit you!"

Train 2:

Next on the agenda was swimming, a skill Skyler had yet to master. With a determined expression, he entered the pool, ready to conquer his fears and learn the basics of swimming.

But as he began to paddle clumsily through the water, a menacing shadow appeared beneath him, followed by the ominous dorsal fin of a giant shark. Panic surged through Skyler's veins as he thrashed about in the water, desperately trying to evade the creature's jaws.

Meanwhile, Zee Captain reclined on a poolside lounge chair, sipping from a mug adorned with a whimsical straw. "Ah, mein dear Skyler," zeer called out casually, "vhy don't you take a moment to relax und enjoy ze refreshing waters? Zee sharks are quite friendly zis time of year!"

Train 3:

In the dimly lit confines of a dark room, Skyler confronted his greatest fear: the darkness itself. With trembling hands, he gripped a flashlight, determined to overcome his phobia and prove himself to Zee Captain.

But as he illuminated his surroundings, he was greeted not by empty space, but by a horde of giant insects and monsters, their glowing eyes gleaming in the darkness. With a yelp of terror, Skyler swung his flashlight wildly, fending off the creatures as they lunged at him from all sides.

Meanwhile, Zee Captain observed from a safe distance, zeer laughter echoing through the room as Skyler battled valiantly against his imaginary foes. "Ah, mein dear Skyler," Zee Captain called out cheerfully, "it seems you've stumbled upon quite ze menagerie! Fear not, for victory is within your grasp!"

Train 4:

In a whimsical twist of fate, Skyler found himself engaged in a peculiar game of hide-and-seek with Zee Captain, with the roles of seeker and hider constantly shifting between them. Amidst the chaos of the chase, Skyler stumbled upon a hidden cache of enchanted potions, each one more absurd than the last, leading to a series of comical mishaps and misadventures.

Train ##: (insert funny training stuff)

Train 100:

As a final test of Skyler's newfound abilities, Zee Captain challenged him to a duel of wits and ingenuity, pitting him against a series of increasingly ludicrous obstacles and puzzles. But just when it seemed that victory was within reach, Zee Captain unleashed zeer ultimate prank, leaving Skyler in stitches and proving once and for all that even in the face of adversity, laughter is the greatest weapon of all.
After a grueling series of training sessions, Skyler and Zee Captain found themselves seated in an abandoned restaurant, the air thick with exhaustion and tension. Skyler slumped in his chair, his expression weary and downtrodden, the events of the day weighing heavily on his mind. Despite his best efforts, he couldn't shake the feeling of inadequacy that lingered within him, the memory of his failed attempts at mastering his newfound powers haunting him like a specter.


Across from him, Zee Captain reclined casually, sipping from his mug with a straw, a contented smile playing at the corners of zeer lips. Despite the trials and tribulations they had faced, zeer spirits remained unshaken, zeer demeanor as carefree and irreverent as ever.

As Skyler stared into the depths of his empty mug, a sense of frustration washed over him. He had hoped that with each training session, he would grow stronger and more confident in his abilities. But instead, he found himself feeling more lost and uncertain than ever before.

"Why... why is this so hard?" Skyler murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "I thought... I thought I could do this. But every time I try, it's like... like I'm just not good enough."

Zee Captain regarded him with a mixture of sympathy and amusement, setting down zeer mug with a clatter. "Ah, mein dear Monseigneur," zeer replied, zeer tone gentle yet tinged with a hint of mischief, "do not be so hard on yourself. Learning to harness one's powers takes time und patience. Even I vere not born vith ze mastery of magic-I had to train und practice und fail countless times before I became ze formidable wizard you see before you."

Skyler raised his head, meeting Zee Captain's gaze with a mixture of disbelief and curiosity. "But... but how did you do it?" he asked, his voice tinged with a hint of desperation.

Zee Captain chuckled softly, reaching across the table to pat Skyler's hand reassuringly. "Ah, mein dear Skyler," zeer replied, zeer eyes twinkling with amusement, "ze secret, you see, is not in ze power itself, but in ze belief zat you can wield it. Trust in yourself, und trust in your abilities. Und remember zat even in ze darkest of times, there is always a glimmer of light to guide you."

With those words of wisdom ringing in his ears, Skyler felt a spark of hope ignite within him. Despite the challenges that lay ahead, he knew that with Zee Captain by his side, he would find the strength to persevere. And as they sat together in the quiet solitude of the abandoned restaurant, surrounded by the remnants of a forgotten past, Skyler realized that sometimes, the greatest lessons were learned not through triumph, but through resilience and the unwavering belief in oneself.
As they ascended to the summit of the mountain, Skyler couldn't shake the feeling of unease gnawing at his gut. After the countless tricks and challenges Zee Captain had thrown his way during training, he couldn't help but fear what awaited them at the peak.

As they reached the summit and stood near the edge of a gaping hole, Skyler's heart raced with trepidation. He braced himself for another one of Zee Captain's elaborate pranks, expecting the ground to give way beneath him or for some other trickery to unfold.

But to his surprise, Zee Captain simply stood there, gazing out at the vast expanse before them with a sense of quiet reverence. The gaping hole before them seemed to stretch down into the depths of the earth, its yawning chasm both awe-inspiring and terrifying in equal measure.

"What... what is this?" Skyler ventured cautiously, his voice tinged with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension.

Zee Captain turned to him, zeer expression solemn yet tinged with a hint of excitement. "Ah, mein dear Skyler," zeer replied, zeer voice carrying a note of anticipation, "zis, my friend, is ze Gateway of Possibilities."

Skyler's eyes widened in astonishment as he took in the sight before him. The Gateway of Possibilities-a name that seemed to carry with it the promise of untold adventures and endless opportunities.

"It is said," Zee Captain continued, zeer tone filled with reverence, "zat zis hole leads to other realms, other worlds beyond our own. Vorlds filled vith magic und mystery, vith wonders beyond imagining und dangers beyond comprehension."

Skyler's mind raced with the possibilities, his fear gradually giving way to excitement and anticipation. Here, at the precipice of the unknown, he found himself filled with a sense of wonder and possibility unlike anything he had ever experienced before.

"And it is here," Zee Captain proclaimed, zeer voice ringing out with conviction, "zat ve shall embark on our greatest adventure yet. Together, mein dear Skyler, ve shall journey through zis Gateway of Possibilities und explore ze wonders of the multiverse beyond."

With a sense of determination burning bright within him, Skyler took a step forward, ready to embrace whatever challenges and wonders lay ahead. And as they stood together at the edge of the Gateway of Possibilities, on the threshold of a new and unknown world, he knew that their journey was only just beginning.

As they stood at the edge of the Gateway of Possibilities, a sense of anticipation hung heavy in the air. Skyler's mind raced with questions and uncertainties, his gaze fixed on the gaping hole before him.

"Zee Captain," he began tentatively, his voice echoing against the mountainous terrain, "what... what exactly lies beyond this gateway? Are there other worlds out there, filled with... with magic and wonder?"

Zee Captain nodded solemnly, zeer eyes alight with excitement. "Ja, mein dear Skyler," zeer replied, zeer voice carrying a note of reverence, "beyond zis gateway lie realms beyond imagining-worlds filled vith magic, mystery, und adventure. Zere are realms of endless forests und towering mountains, realms of shimmering deserts und vast oceans. Each vith its own unique inhabitants und wonders to discover."

Skyler's heart fluttered with excitement at the thought of exploring these distant realms, but a nagging sense of doubt still lingered within him. "But... but what if we encounter dangers out there?" he ventured, his voice tinged with apprehension. "What if we're not ready for what lies beyond?"

Zee Captain's expression softened, a reassuring smile tugging at the corners of zeer lips. "Fear not, mein dear Skyler," zeer replied, zeer tone filled with confidence, "for ve are not embarking on zis journey alone. Together, ve shall face whatever challenges may come our vay, und ve shall emerge victorious, for ve have each other und ze boundless power of ze Gateway of Possibilities at our disposal."

Skyler's fears began to melt away in the face of Zee Captain's unwavering optimism, replaced instead by a sense of excitement and determination. "You're right, Zee Captain," he declared, his voice ringing out with newfound resolve. "We may not know what lies ahead, but as long as we face it together, I believe we can overcome anything."

Just as Skyler spoke those words, a sudden gust of wind swept through the mountain pass, carrying with it a sense of foreboding. Without warning, Zee Captain's demeanor shifted, zeer eyes narrowing with an unsettling gleam.

"Ah, but mein dear Skyler," zeer intoned, zeer voice taking on a sinister edge, "zere is one final lesson you must learn before ve can embark on our journey."

Before Skyler could react, Zee Captain's foot lashed out with lightning speed, catching him off guard and sending him hurtling towards the gaping hole below. As he plummeted into the darkness, his cries of shock and disbelief echoed through the air, drowned out by the deafening roar of the wind rushing past him.

And as Skyler disappeared into the depths of the Gateway of Possibilities, Zee Captain stood at the edge, a wicked smile playing at the corners of zeer lips. "Until ve meet again, mein dear Skyler," zeer murmured, zeer laughter mingling with the echoes of the abyss below.

In the peaceful village of Arindale, nestled amidst rolling hills and lush forests, life flowed tranquilly like the gentle murmur of a babbling brook. The villagers went about their daily routines with smiles on their faces, their hearts filled with gratitude for the bountiful blessings bestowed upon them by the land.

But beneath the veneer of tranquility, a shadow loomed-a shadow cast by the looming specter of war. For months, whispers of conflict had echoed through the land, rumors of battles fought and lives lost in a distant war between the Empire and the allied kingdoms. The villagers prayed fervently to their gods, beseeching them to bring an end to the bloodshed and restore peace to the land.

Meanwhile, at the humble pig farm on the outskirts of the village, a scene unfolded that would forever alter the course of Skyler's fate. As the pigs snuffled and rooted through the mud, their ears perked up at the sound of a distant scream-a scream that seemed to echo from the heavens themselves.

Suddenly, a figure plummeted from the sky, crashing into the muddy ground with a resounding thud. The pigs squealed in alarm as they scattered in all directions, leaving Skyler lying dazed and disoriented amidst the chaos.

Slowly, Skyler lifted his head, his vision swimming as he struggled to make sense of his surroundings. Before him stood a peculiar pig, its eyes wide with confusion as it regarded him with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension.

With great effort, Skyler attempted to stand, his limbs protesting against the strain. But before he could regain his footing, a heavy bag plummeted from the sky, striking him squarely on the head and sending him spiraling into darkness.


As unconsciousness enveloped him like a shroud, the world around him faded into obscurity, leaving him to drift in the murky depths of his dreams. And as the villagers of Arindale continued to pray for an end to the war, little did they know that the arrival of a stranger from the sky would soon herald the beginning of a new chapter in their peaceful existence.

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