The Rockstar & The Balladeer...


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Ayan's dream has always been to be a songwriter and singer, but he was forced to take over as the CEO of his... Еще

Introduction 🎸🎤🎶
Chapter 1: YOLO: You Only Love Once?
Chapter 2: In My Head Rent Free 24/7
Chapter 3: Can I Be Him?
Chapter 4: Love is A Gamble & I'll Gamble Everything for You
Chapter 5: Breathless
Chapter 6: Into The Night
Chapter 7: Tangled
Chapter 8: The Key 🗝
Chapter 9: Of Look A-likes, Lovers & Friends
Chapter 10: Down the Sad Memory Lane
Chapter 11: The Calm before the Storm
Chapter 12: Like We Used To
Chapter 13: Come Back to Me
Chapter 14: A Reunion but Not a Homecoming
Chapter 15: Anger is a Bad Adviser
Chapter 16: I'll Grovel If I Have To
Chapter 17: What A Plot Twist You Were
Chapter 18: Torn To Do What I Have To
Chapter 19: You're Worth A Million Chances
Chapter 21: You & Me Against the World
Chapter 22: Love Is Only For the Brave Ones
Final Chapter: After All

Chapter 20: I'm Yours Until the World Ends

411 28 6


"Well well well... our busy CEO and his second in command finally decides to grace us with their presence!" Wat teased as Thua and I walked into our table in the restaurant that we are having dinner with all our friends. 

Thua kissed and sat beside Khan, who waved at me in greeting.

"Sorry guys got held up in a meeting," I grinned at everyone. "Akk! Welcome back!" I smiled fondly towards the boy who is now one of my bestest friend in the world.  He had a relaxed and fond smile on his face.

"Hey Aye! Thanks. Ummm... Aye, Thua, this is Gaipa, a friend of mine. Gai this is Ayan and Thua. They're the last 2 friends we are expecting," Akk's voice was surprisingly light as he told the gentle boy sitting beside him. After my initial surprise, a bright smile is on my face.

"Hi Gaipa! I'm Ayan but like Akk said, call me Aye," admiring the gentle, good looking boy as Thua appeared to be doing the same.

"Akk, what brought you to Bangkok this time? Are you transferring back?" Namo said adoringly like he always does with Akk.

"Oh I went home to Chonburi and found out my mom is sick. She's here with us, she's with her sister today. Gaipa is my mom's neighbor and he's close to my mom. We'll be staying here for a bit just until my mom's health improves, she's been treated though. We just want to make sure that she is healthy before we go home" Akk explained.

"We should be visiting her then, send us the address of where you're staying," I told Akk, who was nodding appreciatively.

"Where's Sand by the way?" Akk questioned looking at the door.

"He'll join us later, Akk. He's held up somewher. I was going to invite you all to my house for drinks. He's not exactly someone who can just walk into anywhere without causing a scene," I grinned.

"Ah yes, I've seen his MVs and he seems very popular these days," Akk nodded returning my grin.

"Who are we talking about here? Did you say Sand? As in famous rockstar Sand?" Namo asked curiously. Oh right he hasn't met Sand yet and neither did Gaipa.

"Oh Namo, you'll be very surprised," Wat said laughing.

The rest of the evening passed in a series of teasing, laughter and light banters. It's so good to see my friends all happy and comfortable together. Khan grinned at me appreciatively as if saying it's nice that all of us had finally made peace with each other.

Gaipa is a bit shy but when we finally got him to join in the conversation we were pleasantly surprised, he is very smart, patient and very kind hearted. I think his personality perfectly compliments Akk's impulsive nature. The adoring glances he throws Akk's way is a dead give away that he doesn't only see Akk as the friends Akk said they were. I'm not too sure about Akk's feelings yet because although he had been attentive to Gaipa's needs all evening, he had not touched him intimately and mostly had conversations with Khan, Wat and Namo.

When Everyone finally stood up so we could go to my house for the drinks I offered, I told Akk that they can ride with me since Thua is obviously going to ride with Khan and Namo had already followed Wat outside.

Akk offered to drive and I let him, so I was left alone with Gaipa, waiting by the restaurant entrance.

"Nong Aye, you are the Ex Boyfriend of Akk aren't you?" Gaipa asked softly. Surprised that he knew this, I nodded and looked at him curiously.

"You are very handsome. No wonder Akk is crazy about you," he said softly.

Laughing, I said, "Thank you Gaipa. But unless you want me to start calling you Phi, do you mind just calling me Aye? I think a 2 year gap is alright for us to be comfortable with each other?"

"Oh of course," Gaipa shyly nodded and smiled back.

"To answer your question, yeah I am Akk's ex and he was crazy about me but not anymore. He seems to like someone else already," I teased the shy boy who had turned beet red at my insinuation.

"Oh... no no no, Akk and I are just friends," the poor guy is absolutely feeling tense now, so I held his shoulders and squeezed gently, urging him to relax. We are just about the same height so we can comfortably stand side by side.

"So are we, Gaipa. Are you worried? Maybe uncomfortable that he is friends with his ex? I'm sorry, I'll try to keep my distance," I gently reassured him. Not wanting him to be uneasy in my presence.

"Oh not at all Ayan. I was just curious, I'm sorry if it seemed that way," Gaipa apologized.

"Hey... none of that at all. It's perfectly fine. I lived in the US for a long time so I'm used to people being direct and I like it that way. You don't have anything to worry about between Akk and I. I can tell you like him a lot. Go for it Phi! Su su na!" I teased him while also looked him in the eye. Letting him know I meant every word. Glad to see that someone wants to make Akk happy because he deserves that, after all the hardships he had to go through alone.

"You... you think there's a chance he'll like me?" Gaipa asked timidly. Oh this charming boy doesn't even know how attractive he looks. He's also very kind and innocent. I'm pretty sure Akk would be charmed in no time.

"I do think he already does like you, just keep going, and again let me assure you that we are just friends now. High school was a long time ago, Gai. Akk deserves someone who adores him now like you do," I squeezed his hand reassuringly just as my car stopped where we are.

Opening the passenger door, I said, "Gai, you sit here with Akk. I want to be chauffeured by you two today."

"Ayan! Stop teasing Gaipa," Akk laughed from the driver's seat.

"I'm serious Akk. Come on, let's go," I gestured for Gaipa to take the passenger seat and he finally does, feeling shy but appreciative.

Akk and I spent the drive home discussing various topics, making sure Gaipa joins in and the shy boy is finally warming up to me and is more confidently contributing to the conversation.

I smiled at Akk when he glanced at the rearview mirror letting him know I approve of this kind hearted, smart man beside him.

Gaipa and I both teared up when we realized we both lost our mother's recently and I held and squeezed his hand gently when he offered his own to me when we realized we have the pain of loss and grieving in common. Akk had found himself a gem. He is the most genuine and trusting person I've ever met.

The rest of the guys are already laughing and sipping from their glass, and a number of drinks have been placed on the living room table. How could I forget that Thua has a key to my house after all. Khan handed all of us each a drink of our preference. Whiskey on the rocks for me and just beer for Akk. After asking Gaipa what he preferred, Khan also handed him the same beer he handed Akk. Ah... these two must be soulmates.

I moved to the open kitchen counter and prepared a cheese board with cold cuts, fruits, crackers and cheese, getting out all the ingredients. Enjoying the sound of bantering, Namo's loud voice and the laughter that flowed freely as I sliced and arranged everything. Putting down the food on the table, we all turned when we heard the door swinging open.

Sand was removing his jacket and saying, "babe? Are you home? I saw your car in the garage."

Namo and Gaipa were surprised but everyone else just laughed when I ran to Sand and gave him a kiss.

"Hey baby. Stop yelling, we have guests," I fondly said, holding on to him.

"Oh hey! I'm so sorry I thought you all went home after dinner. You must have sent me a message?" Sand asked and I nodded.

"Sorry, my phone's drained. Sorry everyone, I got held up on a photoshoot," Sand walked into the room, keeping his hand on my waist.

"Ayan is dating the rockstar?" Namo asked Wat flabbergasted.

"Yeah, say it louder Nams, the whole neighborhood hasn't heard!" I said laughing.

"Baby this is Namo and Gaipa, Akk's new friend," I half whispered, winking at him. Akk and Sand are on friendly terms now, so he had joined me teasing Akk about getting him to start dating again.

After briefly shaking hands with a wide eyed Namo, he took Gaipa's hand and smiled at him charmingly.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Sand," Sand is using his famous "I'm a rockstar" smile on the unsuspecting Gaipa who immediately returned it with a bright one of his own. Akk immediately groaned.

"You... you look like Akk!" Gaipa stuttered in confused surprise.

"Ah finally, this is someone worth keeping, Akk. He doesn't even care who I am. He just thinks I look like you," Sand grins.

"Ayan take your boyfriend away!" Akk complained which made everyone laugh.

"I'm just teasing you Akk. Good to see you man," he patted Akk's shoulders as he gratefully thanked Khan for the whiskey he was handed.

"Sand, did you already eat? No drinking if you haven't," I warned.

"Nick fed me saying you have been nagging him much more lately about it. Don't worry," dropping a casual kiss on my head, as we sat together on the couch.

The conversation returned to normal, and I sat there relaxed on Sand's side. Sand was warm and gently stroked my back, as he chatted with everyone. I think they're all talking about Wat's desire to make a movie about twins and he was trying to rope Akk and Sand into acting as the adult version of the mostly teenage love story. Akk of course tried to wiggle out of the situation, even back in high school when Wat made that darn movie, he was extremely hesitant but I think he's actually quite a natural on camera just like Sand. My boyfriend was just laughing and assuring Wat he was game for it, if his manager and Wat could find a free schedule to shoot it.

Thua and Khan are cuddled up together, lost in their world like they usually are, Namo is a little drunk and leaning back on the couch he had occupied. Gaipa is starry eyed, staring at Akk, I almost burst out laughing seeing how the innocent boy can't even mask how he is feeling towards Akk but still Akk seemed oblivious.

Finally finding ourselves waving off all our visitors, Sand dragged me in for a more intimate kiss right after we closed the door. "Ah I've been wanting to have that kiss all night baby," he whispered, hugging me tightly. The familiar scent of the man I love wrapping me in a cocoon of comfort and joy.

The drinks must have made him horny because he was dragging me to the couch and not even bothering to climb the stairs to the room anymore. Immediately undressing each other like two silly hormonal teenagers, we were wildly kissing, biting and thrusting against each other in no time at all. The night's quiet is broken only by our moans, the slapping sounds of us pushing and pulling in syncing motion, already very familiar with the way we move and what gives each other greater pleasure.

Afterwards, as we laid spooning, spent on the couch, sweaty and with matching thoroughly fucked out expressions on our faces, I whispered, "Babe, do you think Akk and Gaipa match each other?"

"Yeah I do. The gentle boy is crazy for Akk," he whispers as he drops a kiss near my ears.

"Yeah I do too," I replied.

"Are you regretting letting him go now?" Sand teased.

"Are you crazy? After you made love to me like that? Not a chance. I'm just relieved to see Akk getting his second chance love too," I softly said.

"Don't worry Babe, your ex will be so loved and adored. The moment he said I looked like Akk, I knew he was too far gone. Who tells someone famous they looked like a nerdy engineer anyway? No insult intended to Akk– he does look like me after all," Sand humorously laughed.

"Yeah, I think so too. Remember, I told you in my mind Akk looked like you. That's how I knew I was in love with you and not him," I whispered, trying to get my already close body to his even closer.

"Did I ever tell you, you are like a cat who likes to curl up next to his master, Aye?" Sand laughed, hugging me tighter.

"Oh shut up," I elbowed him affectionately content to shut away the rest of the world so long as I am in Sand's loving arms.

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