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By Bryfeal_multii

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"๐˜›๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ'๐˜ด ๐˜ต๐˜ช๐˜ฎ๐˜ฆ๐˜ด ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ ๐˜ญ๐˜ช๐˜ง๐˜ฆ ๐˜ธ๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ช๐˜ต ๐˜ต๐˜ฆ๐˜ด๐˜ต๐˜ด ๐˜ถ๐˜ด ๐˜ต๐˜ฐ ๐˜ด๐˜ฆ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ช๐˜ง ๐˜ธ๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ธ๐˜ฐ๐˜ณ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๏ฟฝ... More

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955 58 93
By Bryfeal_multii

Awake the City
━ 01. Not Exactly How We Planned

ALFONSO MONTEZ WAS RESOURCEFUL not many people could say the same. It was a skill that he had picked up while living in the streets of Brooklyn New York and he made a promise to himself that the next time he came to New York he'd be running it.

Ramiro came strolling in the house with a box in his hand as he looked around the penthouse. "Damn—I mean it's not like the mansion back in Cali but this shit is big as fuck."

Alfie shook his head while he walked out of the elevator with Diablo following behind him as he took in their new home. "I do miss the home back in Cali but I can't lie and say that I don't miss New York."

Ramiro looked around while he made his way upstairs. "Which one is my room?" He yelled over the balcony.

"Towards the pool—you got a whole ass section, I don't need to hear anything I don't want to hear." Alfie told him shaking his head while he climbed the stairs that led up to his room.

Ramiro walked inside his room looking around. "Papi, Por qué tu habitación es más grande que la mía?" He questioned making Alfie chuckle.

"You paid for this house? I didn't think so." He made his way to his already stocked closet.

Ramiro follows him inside. "The fuck, yo closet look like a mall—and where all these clothes come from? I can't have none of this?" He touched one of Alfie's many suits.

Alfie shrugged his shoulders. "Take whatever you want, Mir—but don't touch my jewelry or I'll have your ass." He sharply looked at the boy who smiled as he immediately grabbed a pair of his boots.

"My two thousand dollar boots Ramiro Santos?" Alfie looked at him like he was crazy.

Mir shrugged walking out of the closet. "You said anything." He paused in his walking. "Where you going anyways?"

Alfie took off his shirt before replacing it with a black button up shirt, as he soon took the boots out of Ramiro's hand. "Well—I'm going to go check out the club that's going to make us more money."

Mir hummed. "I heard about a new club that opened up in Queens. We looking at some competition?" He questioned making the man shake his head.

"No—that's just a nice club you go to for drinking and dancing. This club is partially for men and woman who want their desires fulfilled." He explained.

"So a strip club?"

Alfie tilted his head a bit before nodding. "Yeah—a strip club. Don't forget to feed Diablo, you know how he gets when he doesn't eat." He looked down at the puppy who laid down on his feet.

He smiled rubbing his head. "Un bebe así." He zipped up his boots before walking out of the closet.

"I'll bring you back something to eat!" He yelled before entering the elevator as it closed behind him.

Alfie sometimes didn't like to lie to Ramiro but it was for his own good most of the time—he wasn't ready to get involved with the team just yet. Maybe in a couple of months but as of now he needed to be focused on school not shooting niggas in the head.

Opening the door to his SUV Nathaniel awaited for him already dressed for the occasion. He smiled at his old friend as they did a handshake. "I didn't think you'd actually come back." The man says.

Alfie shrugged putting on some shades. "Well, like we talked about over the phone—New York is a dried out mess it needs to be corrected and I happen to fix messes how it's why I sent you out a month ahead before my arrival."

Nathaniel nodded with a hum. "So how's Mir? Logan stopped by last night before he started his new position at the hospital in Queens." He asked.

Alfie chuckled thinking about his youngest son. "Mir, is Ramiro. Smart, intelligent and rebellious—he's ready to step into our world but I ain't ready for him to yet. You see Logan didn't even hold a gun until he was eighteen."

Nathan chuckled. "He's just like you—his buddy is right behind him. These young bulls are ready to take over but don't even know the pressure that comes with being a king."

Alfie hummed in agreement. "¿No es eso un hecho?"

Nathan looked at him with interest. "You know, you never did tell me how you know Spanish?"

Alfie looked at him funny. "It's my native language my father is Peruvian while my mother is Antiguan. I can speak Spanish, Portuguese, patois, creole, French, Italian. It's all in me." He shrugged.

"Damn—I can barely speak English and here you are speaking six different damn languages." They both laughed as the car pulled off.


Alfie stepped out the car followed by Nathan as they walked up toward the entrance of the soon to be club with Marcos walking up in front of them.

Him and Allie smile at one another before embracing each other. "Ah! It's been a while my friend—I told you that New York will be the place for us." He chuckled as he showed him the inside of the club.

Alfie hummed before pointing to him. "You also said that about Los Vegas, and Paris and didn't you also convince me to open up a hotel in Jamaica?"

Marcos smiled sheepishly. "You've made millions from it didn't you? And this club it's taking it to the next level—think about it, what's more popping than throwing dollars at somebody's ass."

Alfie shook his head. "I'm a feminist."

"You're gay—there's a difference." Marcos rolled his eyes while Alfie gasped offensively.

"I'm bisexual thank you very much—but that's besides the point. You bring the gift?" He smiled with Marcos smiling in return.

They walked upstairs towards Alfie's upcoming office where santos pulled open a bookcase that hid a sliver door behind it. "I never disappoint when I'm delivering."

Pushing open the door it led them to a basement like room where the rest of Alfonso's men stood around a table where a bagged figure sat in a chair panicking.

"Who's this?" He motioned toward the man. Eric Alfonso's chairmen picked up a small clipboard.

"Names Diego Sanchez—apart of the Tainos gang with that fucking creep Anibal." Eric informed him and Alfonso nodded taking off the bag from his head.

"So why's he in my face?"

Nathan walked up front speaking. "Him and a couple of his buddies were trying to steal our shipments that we sent out to one of our distributors—his fatass was to slow to run away so Logan caught him and brought him to Marcos."

Alfie nodded before unbuttoning his shirt as he took it off not wanting to get it bloody. "If there's one thing I hate is people fucking with my shit—it wasn't bothering you, we just got here." He huffed.

Marcos looked at him. "Which meant somebody knew our shipment loads already if they were ready to take them—and the only people who could know that are the men down at the warehouse."

Alfie grabbed some gloves slipping them onto his hands while he walked over toward a tray full of tools. He liked to fuck with people before he killed them. "Which means little boo bitch, was friends with a member of our crew who ain't to loyal."

He turned to Diego who sat there with a calm expression on his face. "You can keep the poker face all you want to papi—I like to make people sing, and you look like a singer." He smiled.

He picked up a torch before he tuned it on watching Diego viably start moving his legs. "Shh, don't scream chulo it won't help the pain it'll only make it hurt more." He walked closer to him.

"I only need the name of the dumb bitch who sent you after my shipment—cause quite frankly you don't look smart enough to plan that on your own."

Diego spat near him. "No hablo inglés." He tauntingly smiled.

Alfie let out a deep chuckle before gripping the man's jaw as their eyes connected. "Bueno, menos mal que no solo soy inglés, ¿no es así, papi?"

Diego looked displeased by him being able to speak Spanish making Alfie smile. "Ahora dime quién se llevó mi maldito dinero antes de dejar salir mi locura."

Diego fixed his face glaring up at the man. "No te voy a decir una mierda." Alfie hummed.

"Well have it your way then peaches." He flicked the torch on before he put it directly over Diego's eye causing the man to let out a scream as everyone but Marcos and Nathan turned their heads.

He smiled pulling the torch away from his eye. "Somebody should've told you, that I'm not the most fake person Diego—u got a habit of letting my temper get the best of me." He sighed.

He pulled out his phone before dialing a number and on the receiving end. "Hola Papi." Logan answered while he walked down the streets of New York.

Alfie walked away from Deigos body. "Logan, Necesito que envíes un pequeño mensaje a nuestras pandillas locales de que Diablo no está dispuesto a que lo jodan.."

Logan raised an eyebrow. "And how do you want me to do that exactly?" He asked when he bumped into somebody causing him to drop his phone.

"Mierda." He hissed—he went to grab the phone but the man who he bumped into grabbed it first making him look up at him.

The man blinked once he got a good look at Logan as his eyebrows lifted. "Holy shit." He whispers while Logan was entranced by the man.

One of the man's friends looked at him confused. "Julio let's go! Boss man is waiting." He yelled and Julio blinked before handing Logan back his phone.

He smiled. "Lo siento." He then rushed off jumping into the truck that his friend got into before they drove off.

"Logan?" Blinking Logan put the phone back to his ear as he sighed. "My fault Papi, I dropped my damn phone." He walked off.

Nodding Alfie sighed. "Just wait for my call—I'll let you know the rest." He hung up the phone before he turned back to Diego.

"You see...normally I would spend all night torturing you and asking you all these damn questions. But I ain't got time for that, I got work in the morning so we just gone cut this simple." He walked up to the man placing his hands on his head.

"Send your family my regards." He snapped his neck before pushing his body onto the ground without an ounce of hesitation.

"He's the message." He pointed at the lifeless body before walking out of the basement.


Alfie walked out the elevator to find Ramiro sitting on the couch eating pizza with Diablo laying down next to him. He walked over toward the fridge finding it full stocked up. "You did this?" He looked over toward the sixteen year old who nodded.

"Yep—I asked Dominique to pick up some groceries before stopping by the pizza joint you told me about, also did you know Logan got a bigger apartment?" He looked towards his father.

Alfie chuckled grabbing a beer from the fridge before walking over toward the couch. "Yeah—your brother is getting older Mir. He needs his space."

Ramiro rolled his eyes. "For what? He ain't got no boyfriend—or girlfriend for that matter and he definitely ain't got no kids cause I don't remember having a niece or a nephew."

Alfie scoffed taking a pizza from the box. "I don't have neither of those but yet we live in this big ass penthouse what's your excuse now?"

Mir smiles. "You got me—that's all the loving you need. These niggas ain't shit these bitches ain't either."

Alfonso agreed with that statement—anybody he ever dealt with on a romantic level could never measure up to his standards. He needed a partner that understood him and his ambitions, and so far he ain't found nobody like that.

He threw his arms around Mir shoulders. "Ain't that the truth. Ready for school tomorrow?"

Ramiro raised an eyebrow. "Am I ready for school where I'll be around a bunch of non cultured people?"

"Isaiah will be there."

Humming he nodded at that. "Yeah—he will be so then yeah I'm ready so me and Isaiah can take over it."

"You are so much child—trying to conquer everything." He mumbled before looking at the tv.


The next morning Alfie woke up early to cook breakfast for him and Miro—but he knew that Logan would soon come walking through the elevator so he made extra and just like he thought the elevators chimed and Logan walked through with Marcos and Isaiah.

The teenager looked at Alfie. "Morning uncle Alf."

"Morning Siah—your dad left you with Logan this morning?" He put out some plates on the table before he made his way towards the cabinet.

Logan picked up a muffin from the cake stand. "No, I went to pick him up from uncle Nathan's house—and decided he could tag along so him and Mir could ride together you going into the office today?"

Alfie took a small portion of dog food putting it in a bowl for Diablo as he filled his water bottle with some spring water—he cut up some bacon before sprinkling it over his food.

"Diablo Ven a comer." A few seconds later Diablo came sprinting in the kitchen going straight to his food bowl.

"Good boy—but to answer your question I have a meeting with this new team at the firm. Raul is supposed to be on patrol this morning so I'll have to wait to talk to him." Logan nodded.

Mir came downstairs throwing his coat on while he passed his brother and best friend not acknowledge them at first until he took a bite of his bacon he then fully turned to them. "Hello Peasants."

Alfie snorted retreating back towards his room as he got ready for his first day at the new law firm. If you were to ask him why he wanted to be a lawyer he'd tell you it was to give children who had the same story as him a chance at a better life.

But that was the more sensible answer—the real one was to cover up his dirty life. Don't get him wrong his business alone covered anything he did underneath it but he was a mafia leader on his way to becoming a cartel leader which technically in his terms he was a cartel leader but in American terms he wasn't.

But he taken over multiple cartels within the span of two years and he ain't did that shit just by using his clubs—he had to put of a facade so that people believed he was harmless and when reality struck them it was to  late for them to do anything about it.

He slipped off his shirt before replacing it with a white button up—following through with a black tie that he fitted around his neck as he threw over a suit jacket. He zipped up his pants before walking out into the hallway with his shoes in his hands.

Mir smiled at his choice of outfit. "You look like a million dollars—papi."

Alfie winked at him. "Check my net-worth it's definitely higher than a million dollars."

Kissing him on the head Alfie grabbed his coat before kissing Logan on the head while ruffling Isaiah's head. "Alright boys I'm out."

Isaiah smiled at him. "See ya later—uncle Alfie."

Mir and Logan looked at their father. "See ya later Papi." They say in unison.


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