Prince Of Blood And Shadow

By VVCollins

1.4K 85 2

Prince of Blood and Shadow is a gripping tale that unfolds in a world of magic, danger, and intricate allianc... More

Map of Harrowsvale
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 4

82 3 0
By VVCollins

His knuckles collided against the tree with many satisfying thuds against the sturdy oak. Each blow came faster, shattering the bark beneath his fists. Inias pictured Sylvis' perfect face with every punch assaulting the massive oak tree sitting in the groves beyond the castle grounds. Far away, where his tantrum went unheard as he relentlessly tore through the solid tree with each blow. Styx was busy chasing a bunny around, more interested in playing than eating. The bunny didn't share the same playful intent as it ran across the forest floor, trying to escape.

Inias couldn't feel the bitter wintry winds whipping through the grove. Hitting the tree generated warmth within him. The pile of chipped bark had risen several inches above the snowy floor, and he had to keep repositioning to avoid stepping on it. Even the pain from the splinters buried in his knuckles didn't slow him down. The commotion sent the forest critters running, but Styx kept that one little bunny from escaping it all.

The encounter with Sylvis left his blood boiling. All his grief seemed to flow through his fists. He would've killed him if that man hadn't gotten in the way. Rip his throat to pieces while his lackey's watched in horror. The scene replayed endlessly in his mind. He slammed his fist harder as every loop ran. The hum of the forest was a mere buzz in the background. All that reached his ears was Sylvis' arrogant voice and the snickering of his boytoys. He'd waited for years for the high and mighty Inias to fall.

At every turn, that noble prick had tried to sabotage him. The tournament when he'd spiked Inias' wine before the last match. He'd squeezed out a victory, but that was out of sheer luck. Not to mention the date he'd prepared for his first crush. Sylvis had slipped a hex on the wine, causing the girl to become ill. There were shots from both sides, Sylvis and his goons were the only ones not afraid to push back.

"Piece of shit!" Inias snapped, shaking the entire tree with one last punch. Snow from the top branches fell around them, catching Styx's attention, who ran back to his side. "I'll rip him apart... peel the skin from his bones and..." He slumped back against the tree, sitting upon the pile of bark chips that had formed. He planted his face in his hands to hold back the tears. He didn't want to cry, he wanted to rip into that pompous prick and pull his heart free. What if Sylvis was right? His uncle had lost faith in him and the court as well. He couldn't salvage this. What possibilities lay ahead for Nightfang Hallow with him as its king? Who would trust him?

A constant rustling over the snow jolted him from his brooding. His ears twitched, points poking through his long raven black hair, as he strained to identify the source of the sound. That was when he saw the dagger hurling towards his face. He turned his face away as Styx leapt over him towards the girl who'd thrown it. Inias yanked the blade free from the oak he'd been punching for hours. "Get off!" A voice cried out as Inias bolted to his feet to join his friend. "Styx! Let her go." The fox continued to growl and snarl as he slid back to Inias' side.

Keira Ravenmoon, the younger sister to Sir Vestin Ravenmoon. "Geez, put a leash on that thing!" She said as she took Inias' hand and pulled herself up. She had the same solid black eyes as her brother. The same blue hair with hints of purple thrown in there, a common blend in the Ravenmoon clan. It fell straight, the ends touching her shoulder while her hair swayed in the breeze. Delicate black horns rose from atop her head, peeking just past her hair. She dressed in a tight combat suit, stuffing or hiding knives wherever possible. Various magical tools and crystals adorned her belt, ready for deployment.

"How about I put a leash on you?" Inias answered, crossing his arms. "You tried to kill me!" He was mad enough to kill Sylvis earlier, but her brother had just died thanks to Inias. "If I wanted to kill you, I wouldn't have missed!" She was an expert hunter. The only reason he heard her was because she allowed him to. Were it Sylvie or one of his goons, Inias wouldn't have hesitated to gut them.

Inias chucked the knife down by her feet and slumped against the tree again as Keira watched him with a raised brow. "I'm sorry about your brother. Is that what you're waiting for?" Everyone had at least one friend. He didn't get along with the other boys. Only a few girls, seeking a crown, dared to speak with him. Keira didn't look so faerie like herself, with her horns and those long-pointed ears extending beyond the back of her head. "Yes! What in Cerenos' name were you thinking?!"

"I thought if we could surprise them...then..." It all came back to him in flashes as he recalled the entire scene. He shut his eyes tight and slammed his head back against the solid oak. "It should've been me..." He sobbed as Styx rushed to his side to lick his cheek. "Aw, he's sweet." Keira smiled, reaching down to pet the fox but backed away when he growled, "And I never said that." Keira retrieved the knife left in the snow and sighed. "I could sense it...when you were fighting...he was in danger, and I knew." She gave Inias a hard shove. "Why aren't you out there looking?" Inias rolled over into the snow as Styx snarled again, ready to strike. "They're dead!" He snapped, resting a hand on Styx's head to calm him. No one could have survived that assault; his father had barely scraped him out of it. "They only found Tremaine's body."

"So they dragged them away to eat la-." Inias stopped himself when Keira looked away. She didn't need to know the details. Both were familiar with redcaps. "I need to know..." Keira sighed and took a seat beside her friend. She was upset. Naturally, she had every right. But Inias hadn't forced Vestin to run into the fire with him. That was his choice. "And instead of brooding out here, you need to come with me."

"Uncle wouldn't allow it!" He protested, digging the top of his boot into the snow to kick up a little into the air. "So? Sneak out. We do it all the time!" A mist of ice flew from Keira's hand, freezing the little clump of snow as it fell to the ground. "No...I can't...not this time." Inias shook his head, fighting the tears as they wet his long lashes, "I'm sorry..."

"Whatever Inias," she huffed and pushed off the ground, glaring down at him. "If I fail again..."

"If you won't even try to save them, maybe it should have been you," she stormed off into the woods, the pounding of her boots vibrating over the surrounding ground. "Where are you going?!" Inias called out, she hadn't brought all those weapons for him. "I'm going to clean up your mess as usual and find my brother. And remind those redcaps to stay in the forest border where they belong!" Her voice faded as she ran towards the castle in a blur of speed. Black and purple tendrils seemed to follow behind until she was out of view.

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