The Turbo Hero:- Midoribolt

By Kevhedgehog

8.7K 229 56

Izuku Midoriya has really had enough. First, he had his property destroyed by his childhood bully, then he wa... More



637 28 5
By Kevhedgehog

Ten months have gone by ever since Izuku made his debut as the Vigilante known as Midoribolt, and since Eri took on the Midoriya name and became Izuku's adopted daughter. During the time when Izuku was not doing vigilante work, he spent as much time with her as he could. One of the things he wanted to know about her was what kind of Quirk she possessed, after remembering how much pain she endured from the mob boss Chisaki due to it, he never asked or brought it up.

At one point he came home bleeding from the side when a criminal caught him off guard and slashed him with a knife. Upon seeing him struggle to walk in, Eri rushed to him and hugged him tight while crying. Before he could push her away not wanting blood to drip on her, he noticed the horn on her head glowed, and that his wound was completely healed like he never got hurt in the first place.

After she had calmed down, Torbolt analyzed her and gave Izuku a brief detail on how her quirk can reverse a living being's body back to a previous state. Understanding how it works and why she feared it, Izuku worked day and night coming up with ways to help her control it. She didn't like it at first, especially when he used himself as a test subject by constantly giving himself scars on the hand for her to heal. After a whole month of trial and error and giving her confidence when she feels like she can't get it, Eri manages to control her quirk to a good degree where Izuku doesn't have to cut himself again.

From what Torbolt had found out, the day of the UA High Entrance Exam, was also the same day where parents can register their young children to UA Elementary. Giving a wild guess that Eri didn't receive the proper education for a child her age, he set up study sessions for her to bring her up to speed. He only meant to teach her the basic stuff so she wouldn't overwhelm herself, but was surprised that sometimes seeing her still studying, practicing and even reading some old Hero books he was able to recover from his old apartment where he and his mother used to live. Sometimes during dinner or while he's making dinner, she would come up to him and tell him what she learned.

Finally, on the day of the UA High Entrance Exam, the family of three woke up early so they could head to their local beach, Takoba Municipal Beach Park before going to the school to sign up Eri.

For the past 10 months, Izuku would go to the beach due to all the junk it had and do a little community service, not only to work out his body and get fresh air but to also have a place where Eri could laugh and have fun someday. As he placed the last garbage in the pile, he climbed up to the top and gave a victory scream.

Torbolt gave a cheer while Eri applauded in excitement. Izuku climbed down the garbage and fell onto his back in exhaustion. The two quickly ran over to where he was jumping excitedly.

"You did it, Daddy. Look, the beach looks beautiful," Eri said looking around the beach. Izuku raised his head to see all the work he had done had finally paid off.

"Yeah, it is," Izuku said chuckling before hearing Torbolt give off an alarm like one would hear from their phone to remind them to wake up.

"Come on Izuku, we gotta get Eri signed up at UA ASAP," he said. Nodding his head, Izuku slipped on his shirt lay on a nearby bench, and ran with Eri and Torbolt to his bike.

While linked to Izuku so no one would see him, he and Eri both put on their helmets and got on the bike with Eri sitting behind Izuku. 

"You ready Eri?" Izuku asked through his helmet.

"I'm ready Daddy," Eri said nodding in her pink helmet. Starting the bike, they all drove off the beach and headed onto the main road to UA High School.

About 15 minutes later, Izuku and Eri arrived at UA, not long before the exam started. As they went in holding hands, they saw a bunch of parents signing up their children. As they stood in the line to sign up Eri, she looked at a digital display showing the older kids taking the exam.

"Daddy, on the screen, they look so cool," Eri said looking at all the screens left and right. Izuku couldn't help but smile and nod his head feeling relieved that she was enjoying herself. "But, that boy looks a little scary"

"Who?" Izuku asks curiously before noticing her pointing up at one of the screens. Following her finger to see who she was looking at his eyes widened upon seeing the boy with ash blonde hair.

"Kachan," Izuku said to himself while growing mentally upon seeing the boy who made his life a living hell for so many years. He had not forgotten about the last thing he said to him before he met Torbolt. Lowering his head while gently clenching his fist, he began reminiscing the days he still had his mom by his side.

"Daddy? Daddy?" Eri said finally getting his attention while tugging his shirt. Looking at her face, he could see that she was concerned. "Are you okay?"

"Oh, I'm sorry Eri. I'm okay," Izuku said reassuring her by scratching the top of her head. "What were you talking about?"

"Oh, I was saying that my favorite is the brown-haired girl who's making the robots float," she said pointing to another screen.

"Brown-haired girl?" Izuku asked himself as hearing that brought his attention to the screen Eri was looking at. Looking at it, his eyes widened upon seeing a girl with bob cut touching robots, floating them in the air, then dropping them to the ground destroying them.

"Uraraka," he whispered to himself as he stared at the screen.

"Who would've thought she'd be in the exam too?" Torbolt said to him mentally.

"Tell me about it," Izuku said in response before looking around to realize everyone was starting to look at him possibly wondering who he was talking to. Trying to play it off, Eri tugged onto his shirt again.

"Daddy? Do you know that girl?" she asked to which he nodded.

"You could say that. I met her the day I met you and Torbolt. But I haven't seen her ever since that day," Izuku said before realizing they reached the front. "Oh, look it's our turn"

As they approached the counter, Izuku took the pen, bent down, and began completing the form as he signed up Eri for the school. While doing it, Eri continued to stare at the screen watching mainly the one with Uraraka before gasping. As he finished, Izuku turned around to see Eri and the other people gasping and becoming worried as they stared at the screens.

"Wh-What's going on?" Izuku asked.

"Izuku, look at the screen!" Torbolt screamed from his chest. Looking up, he noticed a giant robot chasing down the students. It was so big, that he wasn't sure if anyone had a quirk to handle it. But it wasn't the size that scared him. What scared him was that ground, right in the robot's path, Uraraka was lying there with one of her legs trapped under some rubble.

"Crap, aren't they gonna stop it?" Izuku asked looking at all the other screens to just see everyone running in the opposite direction. Conflicting on what to do...

"Daddy," he heard Eri said from beside him. He looked down to see he pointing straight at the screen. In a very low voice, she said with a serious face, "Please save her"

Izuku gasped upon hearing her and gave her a confirming nod.

"Go sit down and wait for me," he said indicating to some benches nearby. As she ran off, Izuku ran out of the building and went behind a wall where nobody was around to see him. Crossing both his arms, he shouted, "GO TURBO SPEED!!!!"

Wasting no time, leaving a trail of green light, Izuku ran straight for the train area at full speed.

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"H-Help!" Uraraka screamed struggling to get her feet out of the fallen rubble. Looking behind her, upon seeing the robot approach her, she closed her eyes in fear before feeling something approach. Opening her eyes, as if time was moving slowly, she saw a figure dressed head to her in white and green run past her. Once it did, it bent down and jumped straight up into the air.

As she watched in astonishment, the eyes of the spectators in the room widened in surprise too. The figure crossed both its arms and exploded in green light while screaming, "GO TURBO GAUNTLET!!!!!"

In this form, the right arm has a green and white shoulder pad with four spheres leaking energy, a large gauntlet with four energy spheres, and black and white details. As he approached closer and closer to the robot's massive head, he screamed from the depths of his heart, "TURBO SMASH!!!!!!!!!"

Slamming his fist into the robot's face, the robot broke into many pieces leaving the spectators, examinees, and Uraraka in shock. She was snapped out of it when she noticed a big piece of the robot falling towards her. She again braced herself to be crushed only to feel nothing. She opened her eyes and noticed she was in the arms of the green figure who reverted back into the form he had that gave him superspeed.

"Are you okay... Uraraka?" he said through the mask.

"Y-Yeah," Uraraka said as the pink marks on her cheeks slightly got red. Gently laying her down, he went on one knee to examine her leg. "I'm fine, just a sprained ankle that's all"

He raised his head and looked around to see different heroes were beginning to approach him. Among them, he could see an old lady slowly coming in their direction apparently dressed like a nurse. Using his superspeed, he ran up to her, scooped her up, and ran back to Uraraka.

"You're Recovery Girl, right? Can you heal her?" the figure asked.

"Why of course dearie," she said before looking at him up and down. "My, my, you look quite young to be a vigilante Sonny. Are you by any chance this girl's age?"

The figure jumped a little from hearing that and looked at Uraraka to see her staring at him as if she were waiting for an answer. He turned around and said, "You can say, that I'm still in my teens"

In a flash, the figure ran off disappearing from the scene. While Recovery Girl heals her legs, the teachers approach the pair.

"Is she okay?" the teacher Cementoss asked.

"Why yes. She would've been in a worse shape if that robot came any closer," Recovery Girl said. "Though I am grateful that 'boy' came in and rescued her, I can't help but wonder how he knew she was in danger"

"Despite what he did, he's still a vigilante running around illegally using his quirk," Aizawa said looking in the direction he saw the figure run off. "When I find him, he will be trialed before he inspires others to do the same"

While the teachers continued to talk with one another, Uraraka who was still on the ground stared in the direction the figure ran off to with one thought flowing through her head, "Just, who are you?"

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Once far enough, Izuku switched to Stealth Mode to snuck away before anyone could track him.  Using his invisibility, he sneaked into a bathroom and went back to his Green Camouflage Jacket. As he exited, he went back to the lobby of the building where he was registering Eri, only to be jumped and hugged by her.

"I saw you on the TV. You were so awesome and cool," Eri said excitedly.

"Thanks, Snowball, but try not to say it out loud next time okay?" Izuku said putting a finger to his lip. Understanding what he meant, Eri quickly covered her mouth and nodded her head. "Good, now come on, we have about two weeks to get you ready for your first day of school"

While holding hands, they walked out of the school campus, hopped onto the motorcycle and drove to the mall.

2 weeks later...
It was 7 AM, and Izuku was currently packing for lunch in a pink lunch box. Opening the fridge, Izuku pulled out a fresh apple and dropped it in a pink lunchbox that had a picture of a unicorn on it. Izuku's been watching Eri every day since they applied her to the school, and she looked excited to go and take her first step into society as a normal girl. 

After dusting his hands off after cleaning the kitchen, Izuku looked at the clock and then at the door of Eri's room. It had flower and apple stickers outlining the word 'Eri'. He walked towards it and gave a quiet knock.

"Eri?! Are you ready to go?!" he asked out loud.

"C-Coming!!!" he heard her voice nervously which made Izuku raise an eyebrow. After 5 seconds, Eri opened the door and stepped out in her clothes holding her bag. Izuku smiled upon seeing but once she saw her face, he looked at her concern.

"Are you okay?" he asked. Eri lowered her head and shook her head.

"Sorry, Daddy. It's just... I'm scared that someone would hurt me or a villain might come and you might not be there to save me," Eri said sadly. "I don't know if I'm ready to go"

In a way, Izuku understood how she felt, as memories of how everyone in his kindergarten left him isolated while focusing on his childhood bully. With a smile, he bent down and placed a hand on her head.

"Eri, at UA Elementary, there will be a lot of children there, so I promise, you will not only learn a lot, but will also make a lot of friends," he said to her calmly. "They say a hero is nothing without their comrades"

"But, you're a hero Daddy. Does that mean Uncle Torbolt your comrade?" she asked causing Izuku to laugh.

"Yup, you're right, he is. Though, I don't know about being a hero," Izuku said before standing up. "I'm just a person who does the right thing"

"I still think you're a hero. Because you saved me and took care of me," Eri said flashing a pure smile, which Izuku always enjoyed seeing. 

"Thank you, Eri," he said lifting his head to look in a different direction. "Torbolt! Is it ready yet!?"

"I got it!" Torbolt said flying out of Izuku's room holding something in his metal hands. Eri looked at him questionable as he flew in front of her with the item. "Here, take it Eri!"

Even though she was still confused, Eri took the item and looked at it in her hands.

"What's this?" Eri said looking up at Izuku.

"Go on, put it on," he said. Eri looked at it once more before slipping it onto her left wrist. At first, she thought it was too big cause it looked like it was gonna dangle around her wrist, but when the green symbol began to glow, the band itself shrunk and wrapped around it completely. 

"It's a little gift I made for you. If anything truly bad happens or if there's a villain, just tap the symbol, call me and I'll come and save you," he said to her as she stared amazed at the device. "Eri, as your guardian, I swear I'll protect you no matter what happens. Okay?"

With a tearful smile, she ran up to his legs and hugged him so tight, he thought he could tip over. As she held him, she said, "Thank you, Daddy. I love you!"

After she had let go, Torbolt linked to Izuku and morphed him into his casual clothes. The three of them walked out of their apartment, locked the door, and took the elevator down to where Izuku parked his motorcycle. Putting on their helmets, Izuku started the engine and they all drove off onto the street in the direction of Eri's new school.

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