Pretty Boy: The Lost Chapters

By The_Musician

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Hey! This is a spin-off of my fanfic of the same name. This book will contain a lot of fun tidbits which were... More

And So We Begin!
Alternative: How Marshall and Paul Were Originally Supposed to Meet
Alternative: How Sam and Jared Were Originally Supposed to Meet Marshall
Alternative: How Jake and Embry Were Originally Supposed to Meet Marshall
Character Archives: Marshall Hale
Character Archives: Brad Romero
Deleted: The First Time Marshall Got Sick In Front of Paul
Deleted: Marshall Talking About His Awakening as a Vampire
Character Art by Me!
Extra: Marshall Comes Out to Brad
Deleted: Night Terrors
Deleted: A Day at the Lake
Deleted: Marshall vs. Red Eyes - The Aftermath
Deleted: Reassurance Goes a Long Way
Deleted: The Slip Up
Deleted: The Bond Between Marshall, Brad, and the Pack
Alternative: How the Pack Originally Found Out About Marshall's Assault
Deleted: What Happened After The Betrayal
Extra: Paul Tells the Pack About the Imprint Bond
Extra: The First Kiss to Mean Something More
Deleted: Paul Saves Marshall from an Attempted Assault
Alternative: The Fight with Red Eyes
Happy Birthday, Marshall!
Deleted: Bella Tries to Force Marshall's Compliance
The Pretty Boy Halloween Special
Alternative: Marshall Reveals His Gift
Extra: Because You're Worth That to Me
Deleted: Marshall's Grief
Extra: Brad's Ceremony of Life
Alternative: Marshall's Breakdown
Alternative: The Forever Bond
Deleted: The Pack Finds Out About Marshall Feeding from Paul
Alternative: If They Had to Make a Choice
Author's Note: Health Issues
Alternative: The Consequences of Forced Imprint Separation
Deleted: Marshall's Bond with Renesmee
Post Credit: Alejandro Finds Out the Truth
Alternative: The Polyamorous Route
Brad's Survival Arc: Part 2
Brad's Survival Arc: Part 3
Brad's Survival Arc: Part 4
Brad's Survival Arc: Part 5
Brad's Survival Arc: Part 6
Brad's Survival Arc: Part 7
Brad's Survival Arc: Part 8
Brad's Survival Arc: Part 9
Brad's Survival Arc: Part 10
Brad's Survival Arc: Part 11
Brad's Survival Arc: Part 12
Brad's Survival Arc: Part 13
Brad's Survival Arc: Part 14
Brad's Survival Arc: Part 15

Brad's Survival Arc: Part 1

57 6 5
By The_Musician

A/N: Just wanted to put it out there that this is the last author's note I'll be writing until the very end of this book. I want to allow the chapters to flow well without you guys having to worry about additional information or things of that nature. While I don't have a specific count for how long this section will be, there will definitely be more than ten chapters.

Trigger warnings for the remainder of this book include: blood, verbal abuse, graphic violence, vomiting, brief talk of suicide, depictions regarding severe mental/emotional instability, and talk of past sexual assault. There will be a lot of unearthed trauma in this which stems from certain decisions which weren't made in the original storyline. Have your tissues ready.

While this section focuses on Marshall's struggles with his trauma, history, and familial issues, it will also be about Brad's livelihood as he gets accustomed to being a vampire; so there will be some chapters centered around him without Paul or Marshall making any appearances. I've never truly written in Brad's perspective before, so I'm excited to see how that will go!

Now, let's travel back in time to Eclipse with Brad's Survival Arc: Part 1! There will be a few references made to events that coincide with the original plot during this arc, so be mindful of that too. I hope you guys enjoy it, as well as the art up above of Brad wearing Marshall's clothes and using his hair tie! 😊


Marshall couldn't say for certain what happened.

One moment, he was allowing Brad to caress his cheek, coming to terms with the fact that the younger man was now a vampire. A creature walking around in a body whose freezing temperature felt warm to his best friend.

Next thing he knew, a woman from Victoria's army tried to approach them with the sole intention of putting an end to anyone standing in her way.

A ruthless need to protect awoke within Marshall. He would do anything, kill anything, for the people he cherished. Brad was no exception to that. Any obstacle, vampire or not, trying to bring about suffering was to be dealt with in the most appropriate fashion possible.

So, understanding the type of danger they were in, a split second decision was made.

Marshall tore himself away from gentle hands. He turned around to meet an incoming threat head on. A brutal tackle sent him and the assailant tumbling down a lengthy patch of grass multiple feet away. Attempts at harming each other were thwarted by not having enough freedom to maneuver their bodies in any controlled manner.

Fierce momentum gave the woman an opportunity to pin Marshall to the ground. She pulled her arm back to deal a fatal blow.

Brad appeared between them to use himself as a shield.

Marshall reacted by wrapping his arms around his friend's torso and using enhanced speed to roll in another direction.

The woman's fist still made contact. Because her trajectory changed as she was flung in a different direction, however, her hand didn't succeed in blowing a hole clean through her opponents' chests. Instead, she knicked their sides with the edges of her knuckles.

It was enough to cause bodily harm—but not enough to kill anyone.

Marshall ignored his injury, along with a burning pain stemming from it, to utilize his hidden ability by raising his free hand. A bright, scorching fireball was tossed at his assailant, successfully hitting her square in the stomach. 

She staggered backward in panic. A frightened scream was belted out for less than a second before she was decapitated by Paul.

Any remaining opponents straggling along the battlefield were neutralized as well, thanks to several vines shooting from Marshall's palm to forcefully hold them in place so his allies could do what they needed to do.

As soon as the coast was clear, he slumped against the ground with a strained whimper.

Part of him wanted to clutch at his injury in an attempt to keep it from leaking. Another part of him was too afraid to put any form of pressure against the wound because he was already experiencing an agonizing amount of pain. Having a chunk taken out of his abdomen had already worked to make tears form, teeth clench, and limbs tremble.  He couldn't, or didn't want to, imagine how much worse things could get if he decided to care for himself in any facet.

Brad wasn't faring too well either.

Since they were at an angle when being struck, he ended up getting a larger, more devastating injury. His was painful enough to not allow for any type of movement whatsoever. He could only lie down in a loose fetal position with his arms wrapped around his torso to keep his laceration from rubbing against grass blades.

How terrifying—all it took was a single moment to alter the path of their fortunate luck. 

Victoria's army, along with herself, were all dead and could no longer pose a threat to any more innocent lives. In concurrence with that, however, two friends were horribly injured while fulfilling self imposed roles of selfless protectors.

Courtesy of a brief distraction which gave their enemy a cheap opening.

Regardless, despite events turning sour at such a fast rate, everything was over. There were other more pressing concerns to worry about.


"Leah, don't!"

All eyes darted toward Edward's unexpected voice. His shout was the only warning given before one last vampire from Victoria's army slipped his arms around Leah's neck to kill her. The attack was interrupted by Jacob running forward with a harsh tackle. A brief tumble ended with him caught in a similar bind. He wasn't violent enough when it came to thrashing himself out of a strong grip. A demented gesture led to him having his ribs crushed without remorse.

Paul ran forward to assist. 

But his mind was elsewhere—rampant thoughts probably focused on his wounded imprint—and his movements were sloppy.

The vampire saw the opportunity to attack by planting a vicious bite into the wolf's neck.

High pitched whimpers morphed into bloodcurdling screams.

"No. No! PAUL!"

Marshall pushed himself onto his knees to get up. Quiet groans to his right made him pause.

Fuck- which situation took precedence over the other? Was it Brad with his flesh torn open from his upper ribs to his hip? Or was it Paul who had venom now coursing through his veins? Was one more at risk than the other?

Was Marshall going to have to make a choice?

If so, who was he supposed to choose?

Wait, wait, what was he talking about? He didn't have to choose. He- he could save them both. He was strong enough. He had to be. He could-

"Go, hermano."

Marshall nearly cracked his neck with how fast he turned around. "What?"

"Go. Please, just leave me-"

"No. You've never given up on me- I'm not about to give up on you."

Brad shook his head. "Come on, there's no time for this! I'll be fine. Nothing I can't handle. But he needs you right now. I know you- you'll never forgive yourself if Paul dies because you couldn't save him. Don't put him, or yourself, through something like that. Please, just go."

The brutal reality of the situation tore a flinch out of Marshall's body.

Paul's nearby cries were tormenting.

A glance in his direction revealed his nude body covered in bruises and bulging veins. He clawed at his neck with enough ferocity to break skin. His eyes were scrunched shut, tears falling past his cheeks.

He was suffering and needed Marshall.

There really was no time to lose.

Clutching his side, the vampire rose to his feet. "Okay...yeah, okay. You're right. I'll- I'll be back- I promise. Please, just wait for me."


Paul's limp body slumped against a firm chest. One arm was wrapped around his shoulders to support him. A hand cradled his head to keep him from swaying. Haziness could be seen in his half-lidded eyes, shedding light on how exhausted he'd become after getting the venom sucked out of his bloodstream.

Previous shouts in agony rendered his voice useless. He attempted to reciprocate a gentle hug to show he was okay, but he didn't have the strength to move on his own.

A tender kiss pressed against his forehead made him sigh.

The welcomed contact vanished as soon as it came, though, as Marshall pulled himself away. "I need you guys to take him home for me and watch him until I get back. I'm sorry, I just- I need to figure out what to do with Brad before-"

"Bring him," Sam answered, his expression serious.

His words were met with a sharp inhale. "But- he's- the treaty-"

"Doesn't matter right now. Besides, Brad's always been one of us. That's not about to change just because he's no longer human. We've already brought one vampire under our wing. We can extend that invitation to him too."

Other pack members voiced their agreements as well while helping their injured brethren.

To them, Brad was just as much of a member of the family as anyone else. His altered species didn't put a damper on fond memories created over group hangouts, sleepovers, and shared dinners. Months worth of happiness weren't going to be flushed down the toilet just because he craved blood instead of food. A lifelong companionship woven out of deep trust for each other could triumph over any hardships which may come.

The foreseeable future was going to be full of immense difficulty.

That was just more reason to be there for him—so he could have a steady anchor to help out during a harsh adjustment period.

Marshall's body sagged in relief. He prepared to give his most heartfelt thanks.

Movement in his peripheral vision made his attention dart toward Brad.

Edward was approaching the wounded newborn. His hands were clenched into tight fists. A sense of intimidation pushed itself forward with each threatening, heavy footstep.

Brad was a member of Victoria's ranks.

An enemy.

Not caring to understand the situation, Edward readied himself to kill an innocent person to make sure Bella was kept safe.

Marshall growled. He appeared before his friend to act as an impenetrable wall of defense. An enraged hiss coupled with bared fangs made everyone jump in surprise.

Edward lurched backward, fear evident beneath his anger. "What's your problem-"

"What's your problem? Do you mindlessly go around killing people just because you fucking feel like it?!" He was pulled forward by the collar of his shirt, forcing him to peer into blackened eyes full of blatant hostility. "Damn bastard. Brad wouldn't hurt anyone unless they deserved it. Just because he was turned by the bitch going after your girl's head doesn't mean he's a bad guy. He's not disposable just because you're too much of a self absorbed, arrogant prick to ask for details." 

Edward remained speechless as he was pulled even closer. 

"Do you see anyone else coming over here to attack him? No. So why in the hell do you think you have the right to? You think that just because you killed Victoria that you're allowed to play God? Should I follow in your footsteps and rip your head from your fucking body because you're putting my people in danger?!"

Carlisle tried to move forward to assist. "Boys, really, we shouldn't be trying to fight-"

"Don't even think about touching me. And don't you dare try to touch him."

Edward was tossed backward, sending him sprawling to the ground.

Careful, gentle hands scooped Brad up into a bridal carry. His arm wrapped around the back of Marshall's neck to keep any cracks from running deeper near a leaking injury. 

He ignored his body's preconditioned need to shy away from the light touch.

"Since you guys want to sit here and play favorites, I'm not going to bother dealing with your bullshit anymore. You asked me to fight, and I did. Now, I'm leaving."

"Wait- you can't!" Bella yelled in alarm. "The Volturi-"

"Is your problem. This all happened because of you and your shitty husband over there picking fights with the wrong crowd. I'm not wasting any more energy on ungrateful people who don't fucking deserve it. Instead, I'm going to focus on helping the people who really matter. My family members who have been injured because of your selfish mistakes."

Offering one last aggrieved huff, Marshall turned his back on the Cullens.

He rejoined the wolves and, together, they began their long journey back home.

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