I Won't Fail Again

By NezutheRatGod

89.2K 3.8K 1.8K

During the final battle with All for one and Shigaraki, Izuku and the heros failed to stop him and Izuku watc... More

Chapter 1. In The End A New Beginning Starts
Chapter 2. The Dark Future
Chapter 3. You Can't Understand
Chapter 4. Fuming Rage And Leaving UA
Chapter 5. Darkness Of A Hero
Chapter 6. Hosu
Chapter 7. There's Darkness In Light
Chapter 8. Deku Vs Miruko And Glimpses
Chapter 9. A Villains Dark Heart
Chapter 10. I Island
Chapter 11. Overhaul
Chapter 12. Finding Eri A Home
Chapter 13. Training Camp
Chapter 14. Hero Task Force
Chapter 15. Cutting Out Part Of The Infection
Chapter 16. All Might & Deku Vs All For One

Chapter 17. Aftermath

1.9K 124 36
By NezutheRatGod

Deku slowly lowered his arm and stared at All Might who's own arm fell as he looked at his student.

"I will stop the League.." said Deku before he turned and started to force his body to move despite the sheer amount of pain he was, but he did make it far enough that he was able to use Float and fly away, but not before releasing a massive smoke cloud to prevent any heroes from tracking him.

As he flew past the ruined parts of Kamino ward, he wondered where All For One could've sent Shigaraki or Dr Garaki since the old lab he was in before was abandoned and everything of value was gone.

This of course made Deku extremely nervous, given he now had nothing to truly go off on except for hoping to possibly find a trail somewhere, but even then that's not super likely.

Shaking his head, he continued to fly before the pain became to unbearable, so he found a buildings roof that was high enough for him to hopefully sleep off the pain and not get caught. If not then he'd have to find the doctor again to heal him.

But as he was trying to sleep, a thought entered his mind that made him even more confused and nervous.

Why was All For One so... weak? It seemed his quirks didn't have as much force as they did when he originally fought All Might... it was almost like they were just cheap versions or copies of the quirks he had.


"So... your retired forever?" Said Katsuki looking at All Might as he stared at all of 1A, except for Ochako since she was upstairs taking care of Eri after what happened yesterday.

"Yes... my quirk was used to the last of its embers to defeat that monster that me and Midoriya killed... I can never use my quirk again and now all I can do is teach all of you, along with help guide you to a better future.

No one said anything after that, they really didn't know what to say given just the sheer amount of things that have happened since the sports festival and now this... plus them remembering things from.. a different timeline?.

"Who will hold society up now? My father can't exactly be trusted nor is he strong enough or is a strong symbol" said Todoroki voicing his opinion.

That actually made everyone quiet, Endeavor may have been the number 2 hero, but he wasn't strong enough to hold Japan up, especially since he was just slapped aside by All For One and beaten by Deku.

Hawks wasn't really a option either, given he was a bit aloof and didn't really show he had enough power to do it either.

None of the other top 10 besides maybe Ryukyu could do it, but even she wasn't strong enough to hold all up Japan up on its pillars that held society up thanks to All Might. But they were all slowly crumbling under the weight from society since All Mights fell and it held Japan up the most.

"Im sorry young Todoroki, but your father most likely will become the next number 1 hero and he will have to hold society up, no matter how hard it may be" said All Might.

But for him, even he knew that Endeavor couldn't hold it... the only real person who technically could was Midoriya... he's been tearing through the criminal underworld to stop the League and he already eradicated the Yakuza making the drug trade collapse given the massive hole in the trade. But he wasn't a hero in the eyes of the government or the public, he was a villain and a terrorist that needed to be taken down since he's destroying society since he's targeting corrupt heroes and the hero association itself.

"Young Midoriya... why did all of this have to happen to you... you were supposed to be a happy teen with the dream of being the next number one" thought All Might.

Katsuki suddenly stood up and started to walk away.

"Baku-bro where are you going?" Asked Kirishima curiously.

"Training... we all need to get stronger.. the current heroes won't be able to hold society up forever, especially with the league still running about and Izuku tearing the system apart" said Katsuki before he left for the gym. "I promise you Izuku... this burden won't be yours alone and...... I will apologize for everything I've ever done" he thought to himself.


Eri was laying in Ochako's bed crying in her sleep, after seeing everything on the TV and what happened to her papa.. she couldn't handle it and passed out from the shock.

Ochako was sitting next to her and gently running her hand through Eris white hair, trying her best to comfort her while she slept. But sadly, she kept mumbling something that broke her heart.

"P-papa... please..... help" she mumbled before rolling over in her sleep with her face contorting in pain.

Gently Ochako leaned down and kissed her forehead which seemed to calm her down a bit, but she was still in pain given what she saw and memories of her other life began to flood in her brain. She was seeing everything from her past life all the way up to when Izuku tried to save her from All For One, but he just stole her quirk then killed her before Izukus eyes and the last thing she saw was him screaming in pain and rage while screaming her name.


"W-what do I do..." said Ochako looking down in pain, not knowing what exactly to do and so desperately wanting to help her daughter.

"Papa.... please..".

Ochako laid down next to Eri and pulled her into her chest, hugging her to try and make the pain go away.


"Madam president what should we do?" Said a member of the hero association board staring at her. "With All For One dead and Deku coming after our facilities, we are running out of time and need to do something to stop him".

"I already have Nagant and Stain going after him, but your right, we need to do something to stop him and to also stabilize our society..." she said to herself.

"If I may, I have a suggestion for us to fix everything, but it will require us to get members of our association into the National Diet or have members swear loyalty to us and have at least 2/3 of the Diet under our control" said a male member of the board.

Everyone in the room looked at him wanting him to continue.

"My plan is this, we get control of the Diet, and have a member of our board or yourself, madam president, become the Prime Minister of Japan. With us controlling Japan, we can use the Self Defense Force to help us eradicate the problems we are facing along with controlling the heroes by making them all members of the government and have to follow our orders" said the man.

They all then turned to look at the president to see what she thought.

Stroking her chin, she thought over all the pros and cons to this plan, while it did have a lot of cons, that didn't mean it couldn't work, it had lots of benefits since then they won't have to tip toe around lots of things to keep government officials happy or from sniffing around.

"Very well, begin running to control the National Diet or get members of it to swear loyalty to us, we need to secure Japan for a better future and keep our society safe from those who wish to ruin the peace we of the Hero Association brought" she said.

They all nodded and proceeded to leave to follow her orders.

Seeing that she was all alone, she walked out of the room, heading to her own personal office and sat down behind her desk, once she did, a secret compartment on her desk opened.

It showed a small monitor that opened and after a couple of seconds it turned on showing Garaki sitting in his new lab elsewhere in Japan, hidden from everyone.

"Ah madam president, how nice to talk to you, so how may I be of service?" He said with a smile that expressed friendliness to everyone. But behind it, he had a sinister grin that promised pain.

"I have some need of your talents to deal with a problem we both have" she said.


"I will need some of your higher end Nonu, preferably that make for great assassins and follow orders no matter what.. also I will need some to deal with Deku" she said.

"Hehehe, well I suppose I can lend you some of my Nomu. I mean after all, it was your people who came to me and my master and allowed us to keep working as long we provided you with things or got rid of certain people" said Garaki.

"When can I expect them?" She said with a slightly narrowed gaze.

"I will have them send to facility A7, I mean after all... that's where you keep your assassination units" he said with a grin.

She narrowed her eyes before ending the call with him.


Deku slowly opened his eyes and realized something strange... he was laying on a couch with a blanket ontop of him. His eyes then went over, and he spotted his backpack, gear, and even his clothes laying on a chair.

Slowly he sat up and noticed all the bandages on his body, which confused him even more since he didn't remember doing any of this, just using his Black Lightning to cauterized the wounds.

"Ah I see your awake" said a voice that made him whip his head incredibly fast and blackwhip immediately formed around his stump of his right arm.

Deku was staring at a woman who looked to be around his moms age, but she had pinkish skin and hair, while next to her was a tall man with large yellow horns and black Irisis for his eyes.

He immediately recognized them as Minas parents.

"Who are you two... and why am I here" he said not wanting to say their names and have to answer questions.

"Hello my name is Hanako Ashido and this guy is Ararta Ashido, my husband and your in our apartment" she said with a smile hoping to calm down Deku.

"Why am I here.." he said with a bit of a edge to his voice.

"You were Injured and we couldn't just leave you on the roof" said Ararta with a sigh. "Besides... you saved our daughter, so we owed you".

"I just did what was right, you two don't owe me anything or should've helped me, if the Association find out about this, then you will be thrown in prison for helping a villain and it'd ruin Ashidos life" said Deku.

"But isn't what a hero does is save people in need? Regardless of the consequences? That's what Mina always said and she told us you embodied that" said Hanako.

Deku was silent at that, he did use to embody what it meant to be a true hero, but now, he was the furthest thing from that. He had far to much blood on his hands and will never be able to hold that title again.

"It is what a hero should do, but you still shouldn't have helped me" said Deku before he walked over to his clothes and gear and picked them up. He then walked to the bathroom since he both remembered where it was and the door was open.

Once inside, Deku put his stuff down, then proceeded to take off the bandages, revealing all the scars he's acquired since he started to walk this path. His entire upper body looked to be destroyed from the amount of damage he's taken and all the scar tissue, along with some burns. His forearm was no better and had multiple scars down it, then finally he looked at his face where the new scar was.

Deku was about to start putting on his clothing and gear, when something else caught his eye and he used his arm to move his hair. He saw white hair growing underneath his black and green hair.

"Seems the stress and everything else has gotten to much for me again" he said before putting on his stuff.

Once everything was on, he used Blackwhip to create his right arm, then he walked out of the bathroom to see both of Minas parents staring at him.

".....thank you for saving me and it'd be best if the police find out that you lie and say I forced my way into your home and held you two hostage" Deku said before walking away while wishing his mask was still intact and not broken. Since now he will have to find a way to order a new one from Mei.

Once he made it to the roof, he sneakily took off to make sure no one spotted him, until he was far enough that he could shoot off and move faster to gain as much distance as he could.

As he continued to fly through the sky at a very fast speed, he noticed something. He was subconsciously heading towards his mother's apartment.

"...I might as well check up on her to make sure she's ok" he said to himself, before kicking the air to move faster.


"So he's going east.." said Lady Nagant going off the last report they heard about Dekus whereabouts. They somehow lost his trail when he was in the sewers, but now they have the trail and are gonna follow it.

"Yes though it does seem somewhere in this area, he rested for a while before moving" said Stain, drawing a circle over the holographic map of the city since the Hero Association provided them it.

"That area is to large to search. We'd have to go door to door to find anything" said Lady Nagant pointing out that it was a 14 block radius that they'd have to search and in the publics eyes both of them are criminals and are in jail. So even if they did go door to door, that'd cause more problems then solve any.

"That is true, but this at least gives us a idea where he was" said Stain before he noticed Dekus trajectory and his wheels in his brain began to spin upon noticing something.

He was heading in the same direction that Musutafu was and from the files that both him and Nagant read, that's where his home is.

Both of them looked at each other and nodded before they took off, trying not to loose the trail and to hopefully find a way to work with him or at least find a way to remove these explosive collars and save their families. If not remove the collars then to at least make sure that their families live.

But before they could get far, they both got a call from the President Of The Hero Association herself.

"Stain, Nagant you two are to return to facility A7, I have some new tools to ensure you two kill Deku" she said.

"We are on his trail and if we loose it now, we might not get it again" said Nagant while trying to reign in her anger and not snarl at her.

They were both met with silence before they were both electrocuted by 1200 volts of electricity from the taser built into a chip that has planted somewhere in their lower bodies to prevent the electricity from touching the explosives directly. They were of course protected from anywhere up to 8000 volts but she didn't want to take any chances of them killing her new pets.

After 15 painful agonizing seconds, the electricity finally stopped and both of them collapsed on the ground in pain from getting tased for 15 seconds straight.

"You two are not to question my orders, when I give them, they are to be Yes ma'am or no ma'am, not arguing back. For the second you two became criminals, you became our property and have no human rights, hence we can treat you however we wish" she said in a cold uncaring tone.

"So... were just your slaves you bitch" said Stain.

The electricity hit him again and he fell to the ground as she increased it all the way up to 2000 and his body began to lock up painfully as he was withering on the ground.

"Stop! Your going to kill him!!" Screamed Kaina.

But the president didn't, she kept it up for 20 agonizing seconds before she decided, he learned his lesson.

"That will be your final warning or I'll kill your parents" she said.

Stain gritted his teeth in unbearable pain and had to force himself up, regardless of how much it hurt to do so "understood" he said between gritted teeth.

"Good, now return to facility A7" she said before the call cut.

"Come on Nagant... let's go" he said before he began to limp forward with her following and not helping since she knew, he didn't want her to.


Deku stood on a building overlooking his apartment and he saw one cop car with a hero who worked for the hero association sitting at the front, where the front entrance was. His eyes then went to the other side of the building and the same thing was at that side as well.

"Guess I'll have to cause some chaos" he said.

He then snuck off, to get avoided being seen, until he got far enough away and found a dark area, then he slowly sent blackwhip out to a car that was parked. Once the tendrils got under it, he lifted it and hurled it away, but not before he also punched a building with 2% and screamed villain.

Immediately everyone in the area began to scream and run away, while the police officers and heroes had to leave their posts to stop the 'villain'.

Deku snuck away and entered his apartment silently, through his bedroom window, but found it empty. Inko wasn't anywhere to be seen.

This of course increased his worry and he was about to panic, but he saw a piece of paper oddly sticking out of a pile of papers, which was something his mother never did.

Walking forward he grabbed it and began to read It.

'Izuku if you are reading this, I am staying at Mitsukis given she didn't want to leave me alone.

Love mom'.

Dekus eyes saddned at seeing this, he did really regret leaving his mother alone, but... it was sadly to late now and he couldn't do anything to help her now or else the hero association would try and kill her to get him to come out.

"I'm sorry mom.." he said before leaving to go towards another hero association base to take it out. He had to make the association show the world its true colors before he could truly take it out and this was now his current goal since Shigaraki was going to be in hiding for kami knows how long and he could he anywhere.

"I will stop this all... then... I shall end it all so they won't have to suffer anymore" he said accepting his fate. He threw everything away and now he could never come back, he's done to much evil in the eyes of the public and this was now his fate.


Chapter 18. Hunt For Deku. Is available on patreon

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