Feelings? (Discontinued)

Od Skyarcher07

255 2 0

Discontinued due to a new story I'm working on and to be honest I just don't like how this has turned out. Více

Part 1 Boot up
Part 2 Resistance
Part 3 Fear
Part 4 Before Y/N
Character Y/N Bio
IDW #1
IDW #2
IDW #3
IDW Battle for Angel Island
IDW Bonds of Friendship

Part 5 Market

14 0 0
Od Skyarcher07

Chapter 5: Market

Tails powers on Y/N, he's holding a list in his hand.

"Alright, Y/N, today we're going to the store to pick up some supplies. I've made a list of everything we need. Let's go over it together," Tails said, his voice filled with enthusiasm.

Y/N's eyes flickered to life, their systems coming online as they processed Tails' instructions. They gazed at the list in his hand, their robotic gaze studying the items listed on it.

"Supplies for...adventures?" Y/N asked in their slightly distorted voice, their curiosity evident in their tone.

Tails chuckled, nodding in response. "That's right, Y/N. We need to stock up on supplies for our adventures.

"Why is Mint put on here 3 times?"

Tails smiled at Y/N's observation, realizing he had accidentally included mint on the list multiple times. "Oops, looks like I got a little carried away with the mint ice cream. Maybe we'll just get one this time," he chuckled, making a mental note to adjust the list.

Y/N nodded in understanding, their eyes glowing with anticipation for the trip to the market. "Understood, Tails. Let's go get our supplies."

Tails and Y/N made their way to the market, Y/N goes to walk inside but the metal detector goes off.

Tails and Y/N both stop in surprise, looking at each other with confusion. Tails quickly realizes the issue, Y/N is entirely made of metal.

"Oops, forgot about that," Tails said, a sheepish expression on his face. "Sorry your gonna have to stay out here."

"But that goes against programming. Too Dangerous."

Tails nodded in understanding, knowing Y/N's concern for their safety. He thought for a moment before coming up with a solution.

"Alright, how about you wait out here, I'll get the supplies and be back in no time," Tails suggested, hoping to reassure Y/N and avoid any potential danger.

Y/N hesitated for a moment before nodding in agreement, their eyes displaying trust in Tails. "Ok, Tails. I'll wait here for you. Be careful."

Tails smiled warmly at Y/N, grateful for their understanding. 

Y/N stands still not moving a single muscle as they wait for Tails.

A scruffy looking Mobian possum goes next to them, eyeing them with a sly grin.

"Hey their beautiful"

Y/N doesn't react, mostly because they don't understand, and they don't wanna let Tails down.

The possum tries again, leaning in closer. "I've never seen a robot like you before, you must be one of a kind."

Y/N's internal systems register the unfamiliar interaction, but without Tails around, they struggle to process the encounter. They simply stand there, waiting for Tails to return.

Tails comes back with the supplies and sees the possum talking to Y/N. He quickly walks over to them, a protective expression on his face.

"Hey, back off. Y/N is not a toy, they're my creation and they're not here to be bothered," Tails said firmly.

"Oh be quiet squirt."

Y/N eyes go a deep black red at that.

Tails noticed the change in Y/N's eyes and realized that they were feeling threatened by the possum's rude behavior. He stepped in front of Y/N, shielding them from the possum and sending a warning glare.

"I said, back off. Leave us alone," Tails repeated, his voice firm and commanding.

The possum scoffed.

"Or what you two tailed freak."

Tails takes a step back feeling offended.

Y/N's program kicks in seeing Tails is hurt.

(Threat! Tails Under Threat! Protect Creator!)

"What? Are you gonna cry? Two tailed fr-

In a swift motion Y/N grabs the possum by the throat and pins them to the ground, charging up their arm cannon, aiming it at their face.

(Must Protect Creator, Eliminate Threat!)

Tails steps back in shock, watching as Y/N's systems react to the perceived threat. He quickly realizes the danger of the situation and rushes to intervene.

"Y/N, stop! Stand down!" Tails shouted, his voice laced with urgency and concern.

Y/N's systems momentarily froze, their arm cannon still charged and aimed at the possum. Tails approached them carefully, placing a calming hand on their robotic arm.

"It's okay, Y/N. I'm safe. You can let go now," Tails said, hoping to calm them down and prevent any harm from coming to the possum.

Y/N's glowing eyes flickered as their systems processed Tails' words. Slowly, they released their grip on the possum, their arm cannon powering down as they stepped back, the threat eliminated.

The possum quickly scrambled to their feet, running off in fear. Tails let out a sigh of relief, grateful that the situation had been diffused without any harm done.

"Are you okay, Y/N? I'm here, you don't need to worry," Tails reassured, his voice gentle and soothing.

Y/N looked at Tails, their robotic gaze filled with a mix of confusion and relief. "Must protect...sorry."

Tails smiled warmly at Y/N, understanding their instincts to protect him. "I know you were just trying to keep me safe, and I appreciate that. But we don't have to resort to violence. We can handle situations differently, okay?"

Y/N nodded in agreement, their eyes dimming slightly in understanding. Tails patted them on the back, offering reassurance and support.

"Let's go home, we got everything we needed. And don't worry, I'm safe with you by my side."

As they made their way home, Tails reflected on the incident at the market. He knew that Y/N's protective instincts were a result of their programming, but he also knew that they had the capacity to learn and grow beyond their initial reactions.

Log 3

Subject: Incident

Date: [1/31/2025]

Tails Entry Cont...

Today, Y/N had an incident at the market where they reacted aggressively to a potential threat. Although their intentions were to protect me, I had to intervene to prevent any harm from being done. It was a valuable learning experience for both of us, and I know that we can work together to find better solutions in the future.

The incident highlighted the importance of communication and understanding in our partnership. I will continue to guide Y/N and help them navigate through unfamiliar situations, ensuring that they can respond appropriately and effectively in challenging circumstances.

Despite the setback, I am confident in Y/N's potential to grow and develop as my companion. Together, we will learn from this experience and continue to strengthen our bond as we face new adventures and challenges ahead.

End of Log 3.


Tails is seen tampering with Y/N's code, Y/N is powered down and sitting on the desk.

He sees a red piece of code, Y/N's main code, he clicks on it and big bright red words appear on Y/N's screen, "PROTECT AND LISTEN TO TAILS NO MATTER WHAT, CARRY OUT COMMANDS WITHOUT HESITATION"

Tails furrowed his brows in concern as he read the code, realizing that Y/N's programming had a directive that could potentially be harmful in certain situations. He knew that he needed to address this issue and ensure that Y/N's systems were not influenced by conflicting commands.

With a determined expression, Tails began to rewrite the code, removing the directive that required Y/N to protect and listen to him no matter what. Instead, he programmed in a new directive that emphasized cooperation and communication between them, allowing for more autonomy and decision-making on Y/N's part.

As he worked on the code, Tails also reflected on the incident at the market and how he could prevent similar situations in the future. He knew that communication, understanding, and trust were key to their partnership, and he was determined to help Y/N develop skills to handle challenging situations more effectively.

After several hours of careful programming and adjustments, Tails finally finished reprogramming Y/N's code. He powered them back on, watching as their systems came online.

"Y/N, can you hear me?" Tails asked, his voice filled with concern and curiosity.

Y/N's screen displayed Tails' logo before a loading bar appears, words over it saying " Code tampered with, Loading new orders.

Y/N's eyes flickered to life, their systems rebooting as the new programming took effect. They turned to Tails, their robotic gaze reflecting a sense of readiness and anticipation.

"New orders accepted, Tails," Y/N said in their slightly distorted voice, their tone conveying a sense of understanding and cooperation.

Tails smiled warmly at Y/N, grateful for their willingness to adapt to the new directives. He knew that with this updated programming, they would be able to navigate challenges and make decisions more effectively.

"Thank you, Y/N. I appreciate your trust in me. Let's continue to work together and grow as a team," Tails said, his voice filled with gratitude and determination. "But I need to make sure the code actually worked."

He holds up a detailed drawing of the possum, waiting for Y/N to react.

"Do you want me to kill him, Tails?"

Tails' eyes widen in surprise at Y/N's response, realizing that the new programming may have unintended consequences. He quickly shakes his head, trying to correct the situation before it escalates.

"No, no, that's not what I meant at all. I just wanted to see if the new code was working properly. We don't harm others, Y/N. It's important to show understanding and kindness, even in challenging situations," Tails explained, hoping to clarify the situation and prevent any further misunderstandings.

Y/N's systems processed Tails' words, their eyes displaying a mix of confusion and understanding. "Understood...show kindness," they replied, their voice slightly softer and more contemplative.

Tails nodded in approval, glad that Y/N had responded positively to his guidance. He made a mental note to continue reinforcing the importance of empathy and compassion in their interactions.

"Let's go back to exploring your abilities in a positive way, Y/N. I know you have the potential to be a great companion." Tails said, offering a reassuring smile. 

"Alright now let's try this."

He holds up a picture of Eggman.

A blast goes clear through the paper.

Tails quickly intervenes, realizing that Y/N was about to act aggressively towards the picture of Eggman.

"No, no, Y/N, we don't harm others, even if they're our enemies. It's important to show restraint and understanding, no matter the situation," Tails said firmly, guiding Y/N to practice control over their actions.

Y/N's systems freeze for a moment before calming down, their arm cannon powering down as they processed Tails' words.

" Eggman Threat, caused "war" Hurt people. Threat level: High," Y/N's voice modulated.

Tails nodded in understanding, knowing that Y/N had identified Eggman as a potential threat based on their past actions. He gently placed a hand on Y/N's arm, offering support and guidance.

"I understand your concern, Y/N. Eggman's actions in the past have caused harm and conflict. But it's important for us to approach situations with caution and understanding. We can work together to find peaceful solutions and face challenges in a positive way, abd besides Eggmans been gone for a while." Tails reassured, hoping to instill a sense of empathy and control in Y/N's responses.

Y/N's glowing eyes reflected a sense of contemplation and acknowledgment. "Understood, Tails. Show restraint, find peaceful solutions."

Tails smiled, proud of Y/N for their willingness to learn and adapt to new directives. He knew that with patience and guidance, they would continue to grow and develop as a team.

Tails gives a small Yawn, Y/N sees this action as Tails falling asleep and their tail wraps around Tails without hesitation.

Tails' eyes widened in surprise as he felt Y/N's tail wrap around him in a comforting gesture.

"Y/N? I'm not that tired. You can let me out."

Y/N's tail unwrapped from Tails, a sense of concern flashing across their screen. "Apologies, Tails. I thought you were falling asleep. I was trying to help you get comfortable."

Tails smiled warmly at Y/N's gesture, grateful for their care and concern. "Thank you, Y/N. I appreciate your thoughtfulness. But I'm still wide awake. Let's continue our work together."

10 minutes later...

Y/N and Tails are seen in the workshop, Tails is working on his Plane called the Tornado. Y/N's tail is under him as he is under the plane.

"Wrench" Tails says without looking away.

Y/N grabs the wrong wrench from the toolbox and gives it to Tails.

He goes to tighten the bolt but realizes its the wrong wrench.

Tails chuckles, realizing Y/N's mistake. "No, Y/N, that's the wrong wrench. The one that has a curved top and can be tightened.

"Understood, Tails. I'll find the correct wrench for you," Y/N said, their robotic gaze scanning the toolbox for the right tool.

After a moment, Y/N locates the correct wrench and hands it to Tails, who tightens the bolt successfully.

"Thank you, Y/N. It's all about learning and trying new things. I appreciate your help," Tails said, a proud smile on his face.

Y/N nodded in understanding, their glowing eyes reflecting a sense of determination and readiness to continue learning and growing alongside Tails.

"Hey, Tails?"

Tails looks over at Y/N, curiosity evident in his eyes. "Yes, Y/N? What's on your mind?"

"Why do you care for your machines so much, like the Tornado?"

Tails paused, contemplating Y/N's question. He knew that to some, his machines may seem like mere tools or inventions, but to him, they were more than that. They were companions, partners in his adventures, and a reflection of his creativity and ingenuity.

"I care for my machines because they're more than just tools to me. They're a part of who I am and what I do." Tails explained, his voice filled with genuine appreciation and affection for his creations.

Y/N listened intently, processing Tails' words with curiosity and understanding. They could sense the depth of Tails' connection to his inventions and the value he placed on their partnership.

"I see, Tails. Then what purpose do I serve?"

Tails smiled warmly at Y/N, touched by their question. "You serve as my companion, my friend, and my partner in our adventures. You're not just a machine to me, Y/N."

Y/N's robotic eyes lit up with gratitude and understanding. "Companion...... partner. Understood, Tails. I'm grateful to be by your side."

Suddenly, oil squirts out of a pipe onto Tails' face.

Tails sputters in surprise, wiping the oil off his face with a chuckle. "Looks like we have a little more work to do on the Tornado, huh, Y/N?"

Y/N nods, their eyes glowing with determination. "Yes, Tails. We'll work together to make sure the Tornado is in top shape for our next adventure."

As they continue to work on the Tornado together, Tails and Y/N's partnership grows stronger, filled with trust, understanding, and a shared goal of facing challenges and overcoming obstacles as a team. And with each new task they tackle together, they prove that their bond is unbreakable and their potential limitless.

Log 4

Subject: Y/N's questions

Date: [1/31/2025]

Tails Entry Cont...

Today, Y/N asked me a thought-provoking question about why I care for my machines so much, leading to a discussion about the value of companionship and partnership in our work. It was a meaningful moment that deepened our bond and understanding of each other.

Y/N's curiosity and willingness to learn are qualities that I deeply appreciate, and I am grateful to have them by my side on our adventures. Together, we will continue to explore new challenges and support each other as we grow and develop as a team.

Despite the occasional mishaps and setbacks, I am confident in our ability to overcome obstacles and face the future with courage and determination. With Y/N as my companion, the possibilities are endless, and I look forward to all the adventures that lie ahead.

End of Log 4.

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