Green Mistress | LloydxFEM!Re...

By YaSi666

16.4K 714 189

"Lego ninjago?" I rasp out, dragging my hand through the strands on my head. "Okay so a perfect match. A sou... More

Rise of the Snakes
Never Trust a Snake
Can of Worms
The Green Ninja
All Of Nothing
The Day the Great Devourer Roze
Darkness Shall Rise
Pirates vs. Ninja
Double Trouble
Ninjaball Run
Childs Play
The Day Ninjago Stood Still
The Surge
The Art of Silent Fists
The Blackout curse of the Golden Master
Winds of Change
Stixx and Stone ghost stories
The crooked path of a cursed world
Hands of Time till The End

The Snake King

599 31 15
By YaSi666


Lloyd stomped his feet, for once not being bratty. “First, I'll stomp on his tail. Then when he turns, a thunder clap to his ears. Then when he's stunned, I'll disarm him.”

“Too late, he's already hypnotized you and now you're under his control.” Cole grins, leaning back.

Zane's ‘U’ cup hands closed into a ‘fist’ “Or he's already put you in a squeeze.”

“Or spit on you with his hallucinatory venom. Trust me, bad stuff.” Kai slaps the table, rubbing his eye.

Lloyd groans watching as Wu entered the room with a box, “Uncle, what's the best way to stun a Serpentine if you don't know what kind they are?”

“Sadly, it was the Sacred Flute you four carelessly lost.”

“Hey, no, no, no, we didn't lose it. Pythor stole it.” Jay corrects only getting a scoff out of me.

“Same difference.”

“Whatever the case, without it I fear we have nothing to combat their powers. We may have prevented them from uniting in the past, but they will try again, and one day they will be stronger.”

Cole sat his hand on my shoulder leaning towards me, “Don't worry. I've almost reached my Full Potential, and when I become the Green Ninja, we're not gonna need any magic flute.”

These guys suck at flirting.

“You're gonna be the Green Ninja? Hahaha, don't make me laugh.” Kai interrupts, slapping Cole's hand away from me.

“I thought it was decided that I was destined to become the Green Ninja.”


Jay slapped his hands on the table abruptly, “Oh! The only thing decided about you, Zane, is that you're weird.” 

They all start arguing, Kai and Cole battled on pulling me towards each other with each thing they said.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” Llyod rolls his ears making his way to Wu. “What's in the box?”

“Your new uniforms.” 

The four ninja gasp in awe, finally ending their argument.

They all quickly snatch their outfit out of the box.

“Whoa! They've got, like, armor.’

“I love the gold highlights.”

“Battle claws!”

“The material is really light and breathable.”

Lloyd glanced at the box, his smile falling slowly, “Oh, nothing for me?”


You get the box.

“you get, uh, the box.” 

Wu! Buy this boy a small little outfit. I feel so bad for him!

The blaring alarm echos from the speaker. 

“Sorry to break up the moment, boys, but a small faction of our slithering friends are stirring up trouble at Mega Monster Amusement Park.” Cole grins helping me to my feet.

“Amusement park? Can I go? Can I go with you, please? Let me make things up. I can help.” Lloyd begs as we all made our way to the bridge.

“I'm sorry, nephew. You will stay here, where it's safe. Y/n watch him please.”

“Awe man.” I mumble thinking of the fun I could be having down there.

“Oh, ninja get all the fun.”

“What do you say, guys? Time to try out the new merchandise?”

“All right. This new stuff feels like it'll really protect us-” their voices faded out as they jumped off the deck.

Turning around Nya was also gone. 

And so was Wu… 

What the hell?! I wanna ride something!

“Little dude.” I call walking over to the deck. “What do you say we get some fun in?” I ask looking down at the area.

“But uncle said I have to stay up here.” He pouted.

“Well he told me to watch you. But he never said where I had to watch you.” I mutter pointing down towards the ground. 

His face brightened instantly.


I've become the first person to look at whenever the kid needs babysitting, which is rather annoying on its own. Although, he's not all too bad to be with. 

Can I call it a sick day? I don't want to do this every single time no one else is available.

Kai’s motorbike came to a stop, letting Lloyd and I off. 

“Alright, you know the deal-” 

I cut him off crossing my arms, “Dude you're supposed to be my sitting partner today.” 

Every one of them have been ditching me alone so they can try and find out the Samurai’s secret identity.

“I know…” I muttered handing Lloyd some coins, “I'll make it up to you, but I have a feeling the Samurai may show up.” 

“Oh, let us help.” Lloyd pleads.

“No.” “No.” We practically sang together.

The blonde kid looked up at me, betrayed by my answer then back to Kai, “Come on. At least drop us off at a decent arcade.”

“Sorry, shorty. Y/n” he nods, driving off.

“Ugh. Them and this stupid green ninja bet.” I grumble being tugged along to the door of the Kiddy Arcade by my sleeve. 

Lloyd froze. “You hear that?” He asks changing direction to pull me into an ally way. 

My hands instantly fell down to pull up the bottom of my skirt. Puddles of mud tracked the ground, “It's disgusting back here.” 


As soon as my complaining quieted down the echoing voices became quite obvious.

“I hear he found it. And everyone is gathering again.”

“Impossible. The Lost City does not exist.”

“Well, it isn't lost anymore. Haha. And I heard there's gonna be a fight.”

“A fight? Count me in.”

We peaked over the wall seeing some serpentine waiting by a bus.

Pulling my sleeve back, I coerce him back to the main street. “You're being too curious for your own good.” 

He didn't even listen to me, instead his eyes were focused on a pair of serpentine helmets inside the shop in front of us.


He walked in.

“Kid!” Oh my god! I'm going to strangle him! “Augh!!!” The thumping in my chest pulled me inside the store against my will. I hate him.

He was already at the cash register, slapping the coins Kai gave him on the counter.

Two serpentine heads, 4 rattles, and a pair of black pants. 

“You can't be serious.” I practically gasp as he jumps up to slap the helmet on my head. 

“If you're not coming, I guess I'll be the only one.” Lloyd answers walking to the door. 

A growl of annoyance left me, “Ugh! Give me the damn pants!” he grinned allowing me to snatch the pants away. “I'm going to get in trouble for allowing you to do this!” I mutter hopping on one foot in order to slide the pants under the long skirt.

“Just blame it on me.” 

A bit of regret struck me as I unbuttoned my skirt, dropping it to the ground to discard. “I already am” I crossed the surplice neckline tighter to hide the green light underneath, as well as trying to hide my chest. 

Lloyd led the way back to the alleyway, handing me two rattles, as I tied the wooden coat belt to keep my shirt in place. 

“All aboard. Next stop, Ouroboros.” Lloyd steps onto the bus, I follow on after, “Hey, you, hold it there.” the green snake pointed to me.

“Y-yes?” my voice lowered, pretending to me a male. We're dead, we're dead!

“Last one in closes the door.”

Oh thank goodness, “got it.” I closed the door behind me following Lloyd to the last seat.


Now when they said lost city, they meant one. It literally grew out of the sandy desert.

Pythor stood down on a podium.

Wow… that's my snake man… 

Okay I just can't help that I am an official simp for main antagonists, Pythor, Lord Garmadon. 

“I bring you together to the Lost City of Ouroboros, before the statue of our very own Great Devourer, to speak of unity.” He bellows out.

The audience of hundreds of serpents complained, “Where are the fights?” “Where is the big show?” “Slither Pit! Slither Pit! Slither Pit! Slither Pit!”

“Argh!” Okay so maybe I shouldn't have a thing for a person with anger issues, “You want a show? You want to see a fight? I ask for your allegiance but you will not give it. So I will take it.”

“What are you saying?”

“I challenge the four tribe Generals for their staffs and their allegiance. At once!”

“I fought hard for this staff and will not give it up easily.”

“There's no way he can defeat the four of us at once.” 

Pythor immediately starts playing sensei Wu’s flute.

Lloyd gasps quietly beside me, “Oh, he's using the Sacred Flute against his own.”

“My ears!”

“It hurts!”

The green snake throws him his staff, while Pythor defeats the other generals.

“Bow to your master. Bow to your master, Serpentine!” The purple serpent commands.

Every other snake does so, following their lead Lloyd and I follow along.

Lloyds slippery, sweaty hands loose grip on his rattles, causing them to fall down to the ground, echoing in the stadium.

“Go!” I shout pushing Lloyd away from me as annoying snake gripped the back of my shirt holding me in place. He didn't get very far once another grabs him.

“Where do you think you're going?” The bitch holding me asks, knocking my helmet off.

Pythor’s eyes widened, “Lloyd?” 

— — —

I slumped down against the bars surrounding us. A cage. I've been condemned into a fucking cage! 

Even a bird would have a better cage than this.

“I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.” Lloyd cries out looking at my expression.

I hate it. I hate it so much. I can't even stay mad at him. It just won't let me. 

“Hey, we'll get outta here.” I tried to soothe him. 

Every part of me wanted nothing but to comfort the child with a hug. But if him just saying my name does things to that stupid orb then touching won't be any better.

A loud thump alerted us of the trapped ninja. The dropped their golden weapons outside of the cage they got caught in.

Lloyd gasps, “The ninja.”

“Looks like we've caught the main event.” Pythor laughs watching as the ninja are brought into the arena.

“Main event? What do you think he meant by "main event?"”

“I have a feeling we're the main event.”

“Or the main course.”

“Kai, you may be right. Things really may come to an end today.”

“Uh, don't worry. The Samurai could still come around to save us.”

Pythor sneered, turning to the crowd, “You say you wanted a battle, and I give you one. I give you ninja versus Samurai!”

The Samurai is brought out in chains on the other side of the stadium.

“What? We have to fight the Samurai? But we don't even have our Golden Weapons and he has that hulking thing of armor. It's not fair.” Jay shouted.

“I want to see once and for all who is the greatest hero. Is it Samurai, or ninja? Only the victor will be allowed to leave.”

The four quieted down talking to each other only to be cut off once the samurai attacked.

“Haha, missed me!” The blue ninja laughed, getting hit right after. 

Zane says something, getting nods. 

The each of them jumped up saying their elements, “Earth!” “Fire!” “Ice!” “Lightning!” “Ninja, go!”

They perform their spinjitzu creating a tornado filled with all their elements. The strong winds pulled many things from the crowd. 

The ninja made a slingshot and fired only for the Samurai to block it.. 

Pythor activates spikes.

They seperate from their tornado.

“Argh! Why can't anyone play fair?!” 

Pythor tilts the arena.

The arena fully tits to the side, allowing gravity to pull the 5 competitors closer to the black void under the stage.

The samurai’s hand grabs onto a spike, hanging on. Each ninja follow whatever they say and jumped onto their exo-suit.

Rockets jetted them into the air, but thanks to their weight it was stuck in the same place.

Out of nowhere Samurai X  jumps out and the mech blasts off, uncontrollable.

“Go, ninja, go!” Lloyd chants.

Pythor growls angrily, “Get him!”

“Magnetizer activated.” The Samurai steals the Golden Weapons, but pauses looking over to Lloyd and I.

With a shake of my head, he took his leave avoiding the serpents after him.


See what I mean about poor writing? Some chapters will just feel... Empty... Idk depends on how I felt while writing them. Some I was bored writing, waiting to get to an exciting part.

I love love love this show so much though.

Even after writing this story I haven't had any bad feelings towards it, unlike my others.

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