RWBY megatron

By johnmr01

3.9K 116 35

After transformers prime megaton goes into exsyal but on his way he start to fall into a black hole witch sen... More

My start
Season 1
Shining Beacon
The First Step
The Emerald Forest
Jaune dice
The Stray
Season 2
Welcome to Beacon
A Minor Hiccup With Painting the Town
Burning the Candle
Field Trip
Search and Destroy
Mountain Glenn
No Brakes and Breach
Round One
New Challengers
It's Brawl in the Family
Lessons Learned Megatron fight
Never Miss a Beat Megatron fight 2
Penny vs Pyrrha
Battle of Beacon
Heroes and Monsters
End of the Beginning
Season 4
Runaway and Stowaways
A Much Needed Talk and Taking Control
Season 5
Unforeseen Complications
Necessary Sacrifice
Alone Together
True Colors
Downfall of Haven's Fate
Season 6
Argus Limited
The Lost Fable
So That's How It Is
The truth
The Coming Storm
Alone in the Woods
The Grimm Reaper
Dead End at a Lost
Stealing from the Elderly
The Lady in the Shoe is seeing
Our Way
Season 7
The Greatest Kingdom
A New Approach
Ace Operatives
Pomp and Circumstance
Worst Case Scenario
Cordially Invited
As Above, So Below
Out in the Open
With Friends Like These And The Enemy of Trust
Fault At Midnight With War
A Ultimatum Risk
The Final Word
Season 9
A Place of Particular Concern
Altercation at the Auspicious Auction
Rude, Red, and Royal
A Cat Most Curious
The Parfait Predicament
Confessions Within Cumulonimbus
A Tale Involving a Tree
Of Solitude and Self

The Perils of Paper Houses

25 0 0
By johnmr01

(Nighttime in the Paper Acre. A small origami bird is seen landing in the windowsill of Jaune's home. A tall torch in the background can be seen lighting the lantern that serves as the "sun". Light begins to illuminate the sky and turns it to day. They can all be see sleeping on mats in the living room, while Jaune is asleep in his own bed. Ruby's eyes are open as she stares at the chest with Crescent Rose in it. Suddenly, a crash is heard, and Jaune bolts awake)

Jaune: I'm late!

(They soon all start to wake up hearing the commotion)

Jaune: I'm late! I'm late!

(Jaune hops over then as he bursts out the door)

Megatron: what you think that's all about

(They all gets up and follows him out)

Weiss: What was that?!

Megatron: um if I hade to guess that.

(He point to a town below as it's on fire and so is what I can only assume is their sun)

Jaune: (petting Juniper) I overslept... I never oversleep! Yesterday, ugh! All the excitement! Keep your head together, you can fix it! You always fix it!

(Jaune mounts Juniper and prepares to ride off)

Blake: Jaune!

Megatron: Fix what?

Jaune: I can't wait! I'm late! Any second there's gonna be another--

(Another loud explosion is heard)

Jaune: Damn it, right on time! Get to town, I'll meet you there!

(Juniper proceeds to gallop with Jaune riding)

Little: (rubbing their eyes) I'm never this upset when I oversleep.

Yang: Uh, what did he mean "right on time"?

Blake: I'm sure we'll find out when we get down there. Ruby, where's your weapon?

Ruby: Oh! Sorry, still waking up.

Weiss: Hurry! People are counting on us!

Megatron: let move people.

(Ruby runs back into the house and grabs Crescent Rose out of the chest and then they arrive in the town, taking in the sights)

Blake: Whoa...

Megatron: I can say that I have never see anything like this before.

Yang: Who makes a town out of paper?!

Blue Paper Pleaser: Hello.

Megatron: what hell.

(Megatron raise a eyebrow in confusion and the other turn around)

Blue Paper Pleaser: Welcome to our village. We hope that it pleases you. Would you be so kind as to tell us what you are so that we may serve you?

Ruby: Serve us?!

Megatron: i don't need any to serve me.

Weiss: Your town is on fire!

Blue Paper Pleaser: Oh... no. We are quite safe! We have our hero!

(Juniper is seen leaping over one of the emblazoned houses, Jaune is seen dumping a bucket of water over it, putting out the flames. Jaune lands by the group and the Paper Pleasers cheer)

Blue Paper Pleaser: Hooray! Three cheers for the Rusted Knight and his white rabbit!

Jaune: Stop! Stop, there's water everywhere, you'll dissolve!

(The water he use the up out the fire start to spread around the area)

Yellow Paper Pleaser: Hello, water. How may I serve you?

(Jaune picks up the yellow Paper Pleaser)

Jaune: Stop that... Ugh, I can't believe that almost happened. It's been ages since I missed the first fire.

Megatron: First?

Ruby: Do fires happen... often?

Jaune: Oh, everyday.

(They all look in shock at what he just said)

Yang: What?!

Megatron: But who is that even possible?

Jaune: Oh, uh right, I guess, uh... introductions. These... are the Paper Pleasers. They're probably the most polite, most hospitable Afterans around. Because... that's their purpose.

(A purple Paper Pleaser has a tray of drinks and offers Jaune one, but he declines with a hand motion)

Jaune: (sighs) When Alyx left me to die, Juniper found help, brought me to the Paper Pleasers, who got me back on my feet. They work all day, not just serving travelers, but serving the land they live on too. They beautify it, make it a place of peace. Unfortunately, they're... a bit clumsy, but that also makes them predictable.

(Jaune catches a Paper Pleaser being carried away by the wind)

Jaune: I told you to hold these.

(gives the Paper Pleaser rocks)

Green and Pink Paper Pleaser: Thank you, brave knight!

(runs off)

Jaune: (chuckles) Classic Ren.

Weiss: You named them... after your teammates?

Jaune: No, I named them after everybody.

(A red and gray Paper Pleaser approaches them)

Red Paper Pleaser: Hello! I am the one called Ruby. What are you?

Gray paper pleaser: And I am the one called Megatron. And how can we help you?

(Team RWBY look on horrified and Megatron look confused)

Yang: Hate that!

Megatron: And I don't know how to respond to that.

Jaune: Okay, the disastrous lighting of the morning lantern is dealt with. (mounts Juniper) That gives us just enough time to strategize before the calming pebble tower crumbles, crushing the koi pond dam, and flooding the entire village! So I'm thinking... quick brunch?

(That all look at him with weird looks of what,confusion,)

Little: I could eat!

Megatron: uh some here it has bin a while since we have eaten.

(Jaune lays out a map of the Ever After he made, all the acres are in hexagonal shapes, with the tree at the center. Some acres are labeled with words that Team RWBY has already explored, like "HUNTER MICE", "CRIMSON CASTLE", and "GARDEN", with some that have not been explored like "BLOB", "STINKY CHEESE", "GREEN CHAPEL", "SWAN LAKE", and "VOLCANO". One acre has a drawing of the Jabberwalker's head on it)

Jaune: (sighs) My life's work.

Megatron: What are we looking at?

Jaune: Over the years, Juniper and I have been systematically exploring as many of the nearby acres as possible. If you think you've seen it all here, let me tell you... you haven't.

(A purple Paper Pleaser sets down a plate full of quiches. Little proceeds to grab one and eats away and Megatron does the same)

Blake: What exactly have you been looking for?

Jaune: Anyone or anything that might be able to take us back home.

Weiss: Okay... and, what have you found?

Jaune: Uh, so far? I mean, not much, but I got a really, really good feeling about this one acre we saw with a bunch of pyramids.

Yang: (raising her hand) Sorry, um... I'm just... trying to make sure I follow. Do you have any leads... at all? Any other plans?

Jaune: This... is the plan. Look, I- I'm sorry I didn't solve all our problems by myself, but... I- I can't just run off and let them die! But, between protecting the village, searching for you guys, searching for an exit... we've got a really tight schedule to keep. Or rather, you've got a tight schedule to keep.

Weiss: I beg your pardon?

Megatron: Excuse me?

Jaune: (pulls out a piece of paper) This is the schedule of catastrophes that befall the village everyday. (unfolds the paper to reveal more pieces of paper taped together) Or, at least they would if it wasn't for me and Jun.

Jaune's list says thus:
-Disastrous lighting of the Morning Lantern (the first fire)!!!
-Save PP from the residual water from stopping the first fire
-Patrol the town - check-in on individual PP
-Stop the Pebble Tower from toppling!!
-Secure the dam
-Save Ren from falling into the Koi Pond
-Watch out for Tearable Two's!!!
-Keep away from shredder!
-If any traveling salesman/traders come through, check for hazardous goods
-If you wouldn't give it to a baby, don't give it to the PP's!
-Help w/ daily construction/beautifying projects (so PP don't get injured)
-No more fried foods (too much grease)!
-Tea shop fiasco
-Stop the second fire
-Save PP from the residual water from the second fire
-Check-in at sandpaper knife-shop
-Help rake the sand (*you'd be surprised how dangerous a rake can be!)
-Keep Oscar away from anything that can be used as a kite string
-Repair scarecrows in rice fields
-If late, fight off giant crows/ make new scarecrows (Ruby will help!)
-Stop carts from crashing > East Marketplace
-Stop the coffee maker at the café before it explodes
-Call paper indoors before Daily Wind Surge
-Stop Nora from climbing the Pebble Tower during the storm < (trust me, this one ends poorly )
-Take the scissors from Neptune
-Stop the "Bandits"
-Stop the third, and final (hopefully?) fire
-Help Pyrrha w/ her HW 🙂
-Stop The Un-Foldening (*you'll know it when you see it)
-Take away the makeshift lighting rods during the storm
-Get Paper Pleasers to bed
-Final Rounds
-Find a way home...

I don't know why but I just see him in this see

Jaune: With this, you guys can save the day no problem, which means I can go out to keep searching without any interruptions. With Juniper's speed and my familiarity with this place, we'll find our solution in no time.

(Looking at Jaune's list with bewilderment, sitting back down trying to process it all)

Jaune: Guys... this is it! If there's one thing I've learned after all these years, it's that patience. Pays. Off. It's why we're finally back together! I know I can find us a way out, okay? I-I know it... (raising his voice) I know it! M

(slams his fist on the corner of the map)

(Team RWBY Megatron and Little look at Jaune concerned, the latter gulping down their recent bite of the quiche)

Jaune: (softly) This isn't crazy... I'm not crazy... (clears throat) This... isn't crazy, it's easy! You know, we still got time before the Pebble Tower falls. (stands up) How 'bout I, uh... saddle up Juniper and show you around myself. (starts to walk away) Point out some of the clumsier Papers! (chuckles) Just wait till you guys meet Neptune!

(As Jaune walks away, Yang grabs Jaune's list)

Yang: (reads Jaune's "plan") Damnit, Jaune. This isn't a plan, it's a to do list.

Blake: He's obviously been through a lot.

Megatron: Your right but he's bin here so long with our us

Blake: Your right we can be frustrated later. Right now, Jaune needs us. And we still need him. We just... can't count on him.

(Little nibbles their quiche and looks at Ruby, who's feeling sullen)

Weiss: Then who does that leave us with? It's obvious we need someone to guide us or we could end up thrown back in time, or killed by the tree, or worse.

Ruby: Well, if that's how everybody—

Purple Paper Pleaser: The Great Tree does not kill.

Megatron: I bet that one you Blake.

(She just blushes and looks at me then back at the papper)

Purple Paper Pleaser: That is what we keep trying to tell him. But our hero still insists that we never ascend.

(The Purple Paper Pleaser places another plate down on their table. They look to the Paper Pleaser, while Ruby looks down, still looking sullen)

Weiss: What?

Purple Paper Pleaser: I do not wish to be rude, but our work has been completed for quite some time. Because of us, the land is beautiful, but we have realized that like ourselves, it is also very delicate. We would like to make something that is pleasing, but also resilient. Because of this, we are ready to leave ourselves and merge with the Tree, so that it might return us as something new. But... our hero is displeased by this course of action.

(A flashback is shown, some multicolored leaves of the tree are seen falling. The Paper Pleasers try to catch them, but Jaune grabs them, making a waving motion with his finger)

Purple Paper Pleaser: We tried reaching out to the Tree, but our hero forbade it.

(Another Paper Pleaser is shown try to hold scissors, but Jaune picks them up)

Purple Paper Pleaser: Then, the wisest of our village suggested breaking from our physical forms, so that the winds may carry us back to the Tree.

(On a dark, stormy night, a pair of Paper Pleasers are seen trying to leave the village, but Jaune is shown taking their walking stick)

Purple Paper Pleaser: But our hero is clever and brave, always keeping us from harm.

(The flashback ends)

Purple Paper Pleaser: You must understand, the Tree does not kill, it resurrects and rebuilds. We do not wish to displease our hero, and I hope I have not displeased you, but... we so desperately wish to return to the Tree, to return home, so that we may carry on with our work.

Yang: Return home, huh?

Megatron: ( thinking I wonder how cydertron is doing)

Purple Paper Pleaser: Oh, do not be sad! The wisest are going to topple the Pebble Tower today! I am sure it will work this time.

Weiss: What makes you so sure?

Purple Paper Pleaser: (beat) Nothing!

Megatron: hope they have hope it will work.

(The Purple Paper Pleaser then walks away)

Yang: That's so sad. Weird, but sad.

Blake: But it also means Jaune might not be totally right about the Tree. It's not Death, it's... Rebirth. Like maybe that how Megatron get here.

Megatron: Perhaps.

Weiss: From a certain perspective, maybe. But... What happened to Lewis then? Jaune said--

Yang: Jaune wasn't there. The Cat wasn't even there! None of us know the full story and we'll never learn anything, babysitting these villagers! We have to convince Jaune to let them go.

Weiss: But how? He's clearly not... all there.

Megatron: He's like me when I was blinded by my greed but his is to protect.

(Suddenly, Weiss gasps, Blake turns around to see what she was gasping at. Jaune is standing with a hurt look on his face)

Jaune: Is that what you think?

(Jaune then walks away, exiting the building. Megatron and Team RWBY follow him outside)

Yang: But what if the Cat was telling the truth? Maybe not about everything, but about the Tree!

Megatron: It a possibility the tree could send us back.

Jaune: The Tree is the last thing you should listen to them about. Th-They're just doing what they're designed to do. They don't care what happens when you get there!

Blake: We're not listening to them! We're listening to the Afterans. And they're telling us the Tree is nothing to be afraid of, that they want to go!

Megatron: They know more about this place then we do it it what they want.

Jaune: They don't know what they want. You've seen the way they act, nothing here is that straightforward, okay? Afterans are all either too clever, too stupid, or too crazy to trust!

(The Paper Pleasers watching the scene unfold all groan sorrowfully)

Megatron: Well that was hurtful.

Weiss: Then why do you care so much about this village?!

Jaune: (almost tearfully) Because I can actually PROTECT these people!!

(Suddenly, Jaune's home in the distance collapses)

Megatron: Is that also on the list?

Jaune: No it isn't!

(Then they all see the Jabberwalker on top of the ruins)

(The Jabberwalkers roar, and the Paper Pleasers scream and run away in fear)

Jaune: (sighs) They found us...

(Jaune puts his fingers in his mouth and whistles. Juniper is seen galloping out of the forest to the village)

Jaune: I am not letting them down!

(Jaune reaches his hand out and grabs onto Juniper, still galloping. Jaune mounts them and rides towards the Jabberwalkers)

Weiss: If those Walkers make it down here, those Afterans will never ascend!

Blake: Then we won't run this time.

Megatron: I've bin meaning to see if the dark saber is still as powerful as I remember.

(Yang nods, agreeing with Blake. Megatron, Weiss, Blake and Yang run towards the Jabberwalkers. Ruby just stands there, with a concerned look on her face. She hesitates but quickly runs after her teammates)

(One of the Jabberwalker clones roars, and the others charge forward. Jaune rides in on Juniper, slashing his sword at one, before blocking another with his shield. The clone is then dispelled by Weiss' Arma Gigas summon)

Jaune: Thank you.

Yang: Stay focused!

(Yang and Blake charge forward into battle. The two work together to take down one clone, and then Yang activates her Semblance as two more come charging towards them. They easily dispatch them. Jaune and Weiss take on more clones, with one being thrown into the river nearby by the Arma Gigas. Suddenly, it gets dispelled by another clone, and the clone is then sent flying by a wave of the dark saber)

Weiss: That sword is vary powerful.

Megatron:Yes it is and now it in t he hand of good.

(As they all continue to battle, Ruby simply watches it all happen from the edge of the bridge into town. She pants heavily, watching the battle and then down to her folded weapon. Suddenly, the Jabberwalker clone that fell into the river pops out and tries to swipe at Ruby, but she uses her Semblance to dodge out of the way. The Jabberwalker clone menacingly approaches her)

Jabberwalker: Missed... Hating... Thinking... Waiting... Wanting... Drooling...

(Ruby cocks her sniper rifle)

Jabberwalker: Craving... Tasting...

(From Ruby's perspective, the Jabberwalker suddenly turns into Cinder Fall, flames falling around her in the Evacuation Central Location)

Yang: (muted) Ruby!

(Suddenly, Ruby snaps out of it as the Jabberwalker lunges toward her. She then hallucinates again, seeing the Jabberwalker's head transform into Penny Polendina when she was hacked, green Maiden flames trailing from her red eyes)

Jabberwalker: Wanting...

(Penny lunges toward Ruby, and she is disarmed and pinned to the ground by the Jabberwalker)

Jabberwalker: Hating...

(Ruby now sees Salem's head, her red eyes then turn an irisless black. Ruby looks back at it utterly terrified)


(The Jabberwalker opens its mouth, revealing its black maw as drool drips from its top teeth. Its jaw is dangerously close to Ruby)

Yang: (off-screen) Ruby!

(Weiss, skating on the Glyphs, slashes the Jabberwalker with Myrtenaster. Blake double-kicks it away from Ruby. Yang jumps past Blake, who uses her Semblance to create her clone and gives Yang some boost. Yang delivers a blow on the Jabberwalker and Megatron ready to finish it)

Megatron: check on ruby if this thing makes a move I'll kill it.

(Yang, Weiss and Blake come towards Ruby. Ruby sits up and they watch the Jabberwalker begin to spasm and vanish in bright, pink light, revealing Neopolitan in their place. Neo smirks and makes a gun hand gesture at Ruby Megatron then swings his blade and destroys the clone)

Blake: The Walkers from the Market...

Yang: But that's... Those were more than just her usual tricks. They eat, and grow, and... How had she gotten so powerful?

Megatron: Her semblance must of evolved.

(Jaune gets off from Juniper and lands on the ground)

Jaune: Well, she didn't do it by standing around. (picks up Crescent Rose) I know you may not care about protecting this village, but you could at least help your friends when they're in dang--

(Ruby yelps and quickly steps away from Crescent Rose as Jaune suddenly drops her weapon. Ruby stares down at her hands. Jaune, Weiss, Blake and Yang look at Ruby)

Yang: Ruby? Are you o--?

Paper Pleasers: (off-screen) Push! Push!

(Megatron Team RWBY and Jaune hear something coming from the village and turn to see the Pebble Tower, beginning to tumble. Giant pebbles fall and destroy the dam)

Jaune: (shocked) Oh no, no, no! What time is it?! No!

(Jaune quickly runs towards the village but it is already too late as the dam is destroyed and the village, along with the Paper Pleasers, is engulfed by the waters)

Jaune: (horrified) NOOOOOOO!!!!

(Jaune falls to his knees, devastated as the village is flooded. Blake kneels down next to him and gently grabs his shoulders)

Blake: Oh Jaune.

Jaune: (slamming his hands to the ground) I couldn't save them... I was supposed to save them and... and they're dead...

(Juniper walks to Jaune's side and comforts him)

Megatron: it's what they wanted and if the tree does we will see then again as something new.

Yang: yeah, Jaune. They're gone, but they're not dead. They'll be back.

Weiss: Yeah, it's what they wanted. Right, Ruby?

(Ruby has a scowling expression on her face)

Ruby: (venomous) Why are you asking me?

(Megatron, Weiss, Yang, and Blake look at her in shock)

Blake: Um, we just--

Ruby: Because I'm the leader? (clenches fist) Because I'm just supposed to have something to say? (looks up angrily) Cuz I don't... I mean, why do I have to be the leader anyway? Why do I have to always be the one to pick people up? What about me? "No time", right?

(walks to Weiss, who reels back)

Ruby: Gotta get home!" "Gotta help Jaune!" Gotta find someone who isn't just going to screw everything up!

(turns to Blake and Megatron)

Ruby: Gotta stay positive!" Right?!

(Blake hides behind Megatron, who protects her as Ruby approaches them)

Ruby: Smiles all around! Maybe even finally get our feelings sorted out! Good for you, by the way. We're all so happy for you!

Megatron: (angered) Now...

Ruby: I'm sorry, is this a bad time? Are we supposed to be mourning Jaune's make-believe friends?!

Megatron: That to far—

Jaune: (seething) They're gone... because of you! (stands up) The Walkers came for you, because Neo. Hates. YOU! (walks over to Ruby) Oh, and let's not forget the reason we're in the Ever After in the first place is because of your plan that didn't work! What about you?! It's ALL about you!

(Ruby looks up at Jaune angrily, gritting her teeth and on the verge of tears)

Weiss: Jaune.

(Jaune snaps out of his rage)

Jaune: I'm sorry, I... I know I'm not okay. I- I'm not right, but... Who am I supposed to be...? I've been alone... for SO... LONG! Here... On that bridge... I was the only one that could do it! I was the ONLY ONE!

(Megatron, Weiss, Blake, and Yang, look at Jaune in pity)

Jaune: And I...

(tears stream down his face Megatron try to comfort him by putting a arm on his shoulder)

Jaune: And now I have to live with that forever... In here or back home...

Blake: Guys, I know things are bad, but—

Ruby: (grimacing) Shut... Up...

(Megatron, Weiss, Blake, Yang, and Jaune look at Ruby wide-eyed)

Ruby: Don't... do that... (tears begin to stream down her face) Just don't...

(Little lowers their head in pity in Ruby's hood. Ruby then turns around and picks up Crescent Rose, using her Semblance to fly away from her friends into the forest. Weiss, Blake and Yang helplessly watch their leader go, while Jaune and Juniper overlook the now submerged village of the Paper Pleasers)

Megatron: we have to go after her!

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