RWBY megatron

By johnmr01

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After transformers prime megaton goes into exsyal but on his way he start to fall into a black hole witch sen... More

My start
Season 1
Shining Beacon
The First Step
The Emerald Forest
Jaune dice
The Stray
Season 2
Welcome to Beacon
A Minor Hiccup With Painting the Town
Burning the Candle
Field Trip
Search and Destroy
Mountain Glenn
No Brakes and Breach
Round One
New Challengers
It's Brawl in the Family
Lessons Learned Megatron fight
Never Miss a Beat Megatron fight 2
Penny vs Pyrrha
Battle of Beacon
Heroes and Monsters
End of the Beginning
Season 4
Runaway and Stowaways
A Much Needed Talk and Taking Control
Season 5
Unforeseen Complications
Necessary Sacrifice
Alone Together
True Colors
Downfall of Haven's Fate
Season 6
Argus Limited
The Lost Fable
So That's How It Is
The truth
The Coming Storm
Alone in the Woods
The Grimm Reaper
Dead End at a Lost
Stealing from the Elderly
The Lady in the Shoe is seeing
Our Way
Season 7
The Greatest Kingdom
A New Approach
Ace Operatives
Pomp and Circumstance
Worst Case Scenario
Cordially Invited
As Above, So Below
Out in the Open
With Friends Like These And The Enemy of Trust
Fault At Midnight With War
A Ultimatum Risk
The Final Word
Season 9
A Place of Particular Concern
Altercation at the Auspicious Auction
Rude, Red, and Royal
A Cat Most Curious
The Parfait Predicament
The Perils of Paper Houses
A Tale Involving a Tree
Of Solitude and Self

Confessions Within Cumulonimbus

36 0 0
By johnmr01

Jaune: It... It's really you, right? When I saw you at the market...

(Jaune hesitantly pauses and looks down. The group look at each other before looking at Jaune)

Ruby: Jaune. It's us.

Megatron: You are among your friends.

(They all warmly hugs Jaune. Little, who is on top of Jaune's head, also hugs him. Jaune smiles with tears of joy)

Ruby: How did you find us?

Blake: How were you the Rusted Knight?

Megatron: What have you bin doing all these years?

Yang: And when did you get so...

Weiss: Mature?

(Ok so I have ideas for this
1 Weiss like older me
2 Weiss has daddy issues
3 or she like dilf
Pick witch one you think it is)

(Ruby, Megatron, Blake, and Yang stared at Weiss, who suddenly blushes)

Weiss: Uh.

Ruby: What happened in Atlas, after the rest of us fell?

Megatron; Did you get the relics back?

Jaune: (sighs) I, uh... Guess we all got a lot of catching to do.

(Later, Team RWBY, Megatron, Jaune and Juniper have already left the Gardens Arce and arrive in a flower field)

Ruby: She's... got two Relics now?

Yang: And with Cinder, the ability to get another.

Blake: She doesn't know where the Beacon Relic is!

Weiss: Well there's that to be thankful for at least.

(Jaune sighs as Ruby sits on a small rock)

Ruby: We lost Atlas and the relic...

Blake: (assuringly) But we got everyone out safely. Jaune said so.

Weiss places her hand on Blake's shoulder.

Weiss: We've risked their home to save the Relic... And we failed.

Blake: Getting everyone out has to count for something.

Ruby: (angrily) What good is saving anybody if Salem just destroys the world anyway...

(Yang places her arms on her sister's shoulder and leans in)

Yang: That's how Ironwood thought... you don't mean that.

Ruby looks down.

Jaune: You done?!

(Jaune waves his arm and Juniper prances behind him and stops)

Jaune: We need to move before the weather turns, or it's gonna take us a lot longer to get to safety.

Megatron: And why do we need to get to safety?

(Jaune takes a deep breath, exhaling)

Jaune: There'll be plenty of time to lick your wounds later. Come on.

(Jaune, Juniper, Megatron and Team RWBY are seen walking in a large field of grass)

Yang: Soo... Where're we going again?

Jaune: My village. Heh. I still can't believe you made it all the way from the Crimson Keep on your own.

Blake: Not on our own. We had help. The... Oh. (notices the Curious Cat isn't with them now) I hope the Cat is okay.

Megatron: I have a feeling we will see him again even if he is early distracted.

(Jaune stops as the sound of thunder is heard in the sky)

Jaune: What Cat?

Little: (jumps and points in their direction) That Cat!

(The cat is see run to us with it body going in to till he trips and off landing on all four)

Curious Cat: Oh! Woo! I found you. (catches their breath for a moment) Why is it you always find the thing you're looking for in the very last place you look, hah!

(The cat then look and see his old friend)

Curious cat: Jaune. Oho-my! It has been an indeterminant amount of time hasn't it? (beat) So, how've you been?

Weiss: Wait. You two know each other?

Ruby: Well, they had to. From the story.

(Jaune angrily unsheathes his broken rusted Crocea Mors sword. Blake and Yang stop him)

Yang: Whoa, Jaune!

Blake: I think there's a misunderstanding. The Cat can get us all out of here.

Jaune: We don't have time for this! We got to get to my village! Don't worry, we don't need a guide.

Megatron: The cat has bin helpful.

Curious Cat: Yes your friends wanted to go to the tree.

Jaune: That's where you're letting them take you?

Blake: Well, yeah. That's how Alyx got out. Right?

Jaune: You didn't tell them anything.

Curious Cat: No, that's simply not true. I told them plenty of things. A few any things and lots of somethings.

Weiss: Can somebody please make sense?

Jaune: That tree is Death.

Megatron: What? It's death?

Jaune: It absorbs you, takes your memories, and turns you into something else. If you go there, it's going to erase you! They call it "Ascension" here. That's really what it is.

Ruby: Wait. The tree is what causes the!Ascension?

Blake: That's what got the Herbalist. The roots of the tree.

Megatron: The tree roots must spread all over even under are feet. Now that curious that you didn't mention that cat.

Curious Cat: (chuckles) Excellent pun-manship. But you are not from here it won't do that to you guys.

Jaune: Oh yeah? Then what happened to Lewis?

Ruby: (to Jaune) Who?

Jaune: Alyx's brother.

Megatron: Brother?

(They all looks at the Cat in disbelief over the shocking revelation)

Blake: That... That can't be right.

Yang: she had a brother? Why didn't you mention him?

Curious Cat: Well, you never ask, silly. It was all "Alyx this" and "Alyx that".

Megatron: He does have a point their.

Weiss: We've been following the story the whole time, and it's not even true?

(Megatron looks up and see the coming storm and doesn't have a good feeling about it)

Jaune: Let's go. I got a plan.

Curious Cat: lot of good that done you. For what how meany years.

Ruby: Everyone, please stop! This is a lot to take in.

Curious Cat: Huh. Looks like we're stuck in the crossroads then.

Jaune: No!!!

(In a crossroads)

Jaune: (sighs) Damnit.

Yang: where are we?

Jaune: Welcome to a Punderstorm, a weather pattern that creates a physical manifestation of a mental or emotional problem. So we appear to be at metaphorical and literal crossroads.

Weiss: How perfectly stupidly Ever Afteran. (sighs) This place really is the pits.

(A hole suddenly appears and Weiss falls. The hole quickly closes)

Yang: Weiss?

Jaune: The only way out is to resolve the problem or wait until the storm passes. Let's just get moving.

(Weiss screams until she unceremoniously lands on the ground)

Weiss: Okay. I asked for that.

Ruby: Where's Megatron and Blake?

Jaune: Must have had something bigger to work out.

(With Megaton and Blake)

Megaton: what is this place

(I soon start to move and I see glass stain windows of my life)

A gladiator

A revulsion

A war lord

Megaton: is this supposed to be my life story?

(I then see Blake on the other side)

(With Blake)

Blake: what is this?

(She see her story)

A protester

A fighter

(But she soon see Megaton and runs to his and when they meet my hug)

Megaton: Blake I'm glade to see you but where are the other?

Blake: I don't know?

Megaton: Blake not that I'm not happy I am but are you sure we can be girlfriend and boyfriend?

Blake: Well perhaps we can be more?

Megaton: How.

(She takes both his hands and holds them)

Blake: Megaton do take me Blake belladonna to be your wife to love and cherish till death do us part?

Megaton: Yes Blake I do and will you stay by my side to be the light to my darkness so that way I will never be the person I was?

Blake: Yes. I do. My love.

(They then soon kiss and a crystal purple ring form on Blake middle finger)

Jaune: Y'know this would go quicker if you make up your minds...

(Ruby and Weiss chuckles sheepishly; Ruby gives a sweatdrop while Weiss blushes and looks away)

Ruby: I just don't get how the story is both real... and not.

Jaune: It all happened.

(stops and stares at the watery reflection of Penny smiling before continuing walking)

Jaune: Just not the way Alyx said when she wrote.

(Ruby stops and sees Weiss in front of the watery reflection of the destruction of both Atlas and Mantle. Weiss walks away, with a guilty look on her face)

Weiss: (to Jaune) So what? She just lied?

Jaune: You had no idea...

Jaune: I waited for you to fall for years... But somebody else showed up first.

Jaune: It was Alyx and her brother, Lewis, two siblings from Remnant. I told them I was there, too. I was waiting for my friends. Once I started helping them, it didn't take long for me to figure out I was in her story. I was the Rusted Knight. But things weren't always the same as the book.

Jaune: Like Alyx, she wasn't just a little petulant or inconsiderate. She was selfish, cruel. Like this whole word was simply make-believe and the rules didn't apply to her. Lewis was the kind one, the clever one. We went places she didn't mention in the story. Like the Herbalist. Something changed there. Whatever he said to her, she wasn't the same after that. She lost all trust in us, started accusing us of things. The more I tried to get the story back on track, the more she distrusted me. Was it my fault? Did I change the story? I couldn't even be the make-believe hero. I didn't have time to make it right. The Rusted Knight drank the poison in her stead. She said she wouldn't let anyone get in the way of her leaving. That she'd do whatever it takes. And then she was gone. So... not exactly my favorite story anymore.

Weiss: I'm so sorry.

Ruby: Wait. Why don't you trust the Cat then?

(Jaune stares at his past self in the water reflection before giving a sigh)

Jaune: The Cat's role in the Ever After. I figured it out later, but the Cat came back for me once Alyx left. When people lose their way here, the Cat convinces them somehow. I'd been keeping informed of their role or to go to the tree, get a new one. The Cat calls it "healing", but... it's manipulation. The Cat was never helping Alyx or you. Their purpose here is to feed the tree, to keep the cycle going.

Ruby: How can you be sure?

Jaune: Because the Cat took Alyx and Lewis there. Only one of them made it back to our world.

Yang: How do we know that for shore though?

Curious Cat: (gasps) Oh how odd. (dropping down) This time you were in the first place I looked, rather than the last!

(Ruby Yang and Weiss angrily step towards the cat)

Ruby: Jaune told us.

Curious Cat: oh I thought their was more to the story. Your accusing me of something. Same page now.

Ruby: You're the one who gives Afterans to the tree. Why haven't you been telling the truth?

Curious Cat: When Afterans get all higgle piggly I help them return to the ever after yes. but your not afterans is not taking you their to ascend I'm taking you their because you all have such delightful information.

Weiss: You pretended that you never heard of the story when you met us. But Jaune had already told you.

Yang: tell us the truth!

Curious Cat: I think ol' Jaune's. maybe a few sand berries short of a picnic these days. Wouldn't you say?

(Jaune growls at Cat with his reflection of his past self on the water mirror)

Ruby: What happened when you took Alyx and Lewis to the tree?

Curious Cat: I... I don't know. She had told me she'd take me with her through the door to Remnant, but. she tricked me. Just. Just like all of you.

(They all soon look down)

Curious Cat: You only want to use me, in the same way I've only seen others as sources for knowledge and entertainment.

(The Cat turns around, Jaune staring down at the cat while Ruby and Weiss become upset and yang just try to calm her self down)

Curious Cat: Well... at least now I know what not, to do.

(The Cat walks away from Ruby, Yang, Weiss, Jaune and Juniper)

Ruby: We... We just want to get home.

Curious Cat: Thank you for this lesson, Ruby. Rose. Huntress. I'll be on my way now. Stay with your friend.

(As the Cat disappears, the watery mirrors turn into ice and shatter in pieces. Ruby, Weiss, Jaune and Juniper find themselves back in the flower fields)

(They then look behind them and see Blake and Megatron deep in a pashonet kiss till they stop and look at each other and smile till they look and see they other staring)

Megatron: Did we miss anything?

Jaune: Feels like I've been waiting forever for that. C'mon.

(Night came after Team RWBY Megatron, and Jaune arrived at his village. Juniper is sleeping outside of Jaune's hut)

Jaune: Hey there something I've bin holding on to for you.

(He opens the box to show crescent rose ruby just stair at it a silent takes over)

Jaune: Ruby?

(Ruby snaps out of her daze and looks up at Jaune before turning to her friends)

Yang: Hey.

Ruby: I... (sighs) Thank you, Jaune.

Jaune: Don't mention it.

(Jaune walks towards)

Ruby: Jaune. What did happen to Lewis?

Jaune: I think Alyx traded him to the tree in order to leave and then she wrote him out of the story. Good night, everyone.

(Jaune leaves as he heads inside his room. Ruby stares down at Crescent Rose in the chest. She then gives a sullen look and shuts the chest containing her weapon)

Megatron: (Thinking Or it's the other way around )

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