RWBY megatron

By johnmr01

4.1K 116 35

After transformers prime megaton goes into exsyal but on his way he start to fall into a black hole witch sen... More

My start
Season 1
Shining Beacon
The First Step
The Emerald Forest
Jaune dice
The Stray
Season 2
Welcome to Beacon
A Minor Hiccup With Painting the Town
Burning the Candle
Field Trip
Search and Destroy
Mountain Glenn
No Brakes and Breach
Round One
New Challengers
It's Brawl in the Family
Lessons Learned Megatron fight
Never Miss a Beat Megatron fight 2
Penny vs Pyrrha
Battle of Beacon
Heroes and Monsters
End of the Beginning
Season 4
Runaway and Stowaways
A Much Needed Talk and Taking Control
Season 5
Unforeseen Complications
Necessary Sacrifice
Alone Together
True Colors
Downfall of Haven's Fate
Season 6
Argus Limited
The Lost Fable
So That's How It Is
The truth
The Coming Storm
Alone in the Woods
The Grimm Reaper
Dead End at a Lost
Stealing from the Elderly
The Lady in the Shoe is seeing
Our Way
Season 7
The Greatest Kingdom
A New Approach
Ace Operatives
Pomp and Circumstance
Worst Case Scenario
Cordially Invited
As Above, So Below
Out in the Open
With Friends Like These And The Enemy of Trust
Fault At Midnight With War
The Final Word
Season 9
A Place of Particular Concern
Altercation at the Auspicious Auction
Rude, Red, and Royal
A Cat Most Curious
The Parfait Predicament
Confessions Within Cumulonimbus
The Perils of Paper Houses
A Tale Involving a Tree
Of Solitude and Self

A Ultimatum Risk

15 0 0
By johnmr01

(We all move fast and get out and then a massive explosion goes of knocking us all down)

(Megatron, Yang, Ren, Jaune, Oscar and Emerald are left at what remains of Monstra. As the large Grimm decays into the sky above, Megatron gets a video call on his scroll and answers it to see it was Blake, who is biting her finger nail in concern. She brightens up when she sees him answers the call)

Megatron: Blake.

Blake: megs! Are you okay? Where are you?

Jaune: Yeah, we're fine. Is everyone there all right?

Blake: We're... alive. This'll help though. Guys! They're okay.

(Oscar gets up and Ren tries to help him. They look over at Emerald on her knees not too far away, all alone)

Oscar: What do we do about her?

Emerald: Hazel?

(Emerald looks down at her empty palms as black flakes from the dead Grimm fall around her)

Weiss: I'm sending you a map. You're in the agricultural area. Just head to this access point to reach the red line subway tunnel then follow the route I've drawn for you.

Jaune: Got it. We'll see you soon.

(Megatron, Jaune, Ren, Yang, and Oscar are walking through the dark subway tunnel. Emerald is walking ahead of them with her hands up in the air. Yang has her gauntlet trained on Emerald with one hand, and is holding Emerald's guns in the other. Meanwhile, Ren and Jaune are using their Scrolls as flashlights)

Yang: You can't be serious. You want us to work with her?

Oscar: I'm just saying it makes the most sense. We're all enemies of Salem, including her.

Megatron: yes and their a old saying the enemy of my enemy or my friend.

Emerald: No, I'm with blondie. You don't like me, I don't like you. So how about we just part ways and you never have to see me again.

Jaune: You're not going anywhere. Not after everything you've done.

Ren: We can't let all of our actions stem from fear. If she could help us, I think we should consider it.

(Ren looks towards Emerald and he sees purple petals flicker around her with his semblance)

Yang: She is part of the reason I have this. (holds up her arm) I'm not going to just forgive her. Everything that happened at Beacon... She lied to us, tricked us. She is dangerous.

Oscar: You don't have to forgive her. You have every reason to feel that way. Just maybe give her a second chance. Like when you all found out about who Megatron really is and besides. We've already gotten quite a bit of help today from someone we don't exactly trust right now.

Ren: Do you mean Ozpin?

(Oscar becomes surprised and looks back at Ren)

Ren: I had a feeling.

(The group stops walking. Megatron, Yang, Ren, and Jaune circle around Oscar)

Yang: Wait, what?

Jaune: Oz is back?

Oscar: I know how you feel but he saved my life. When we were tortured, he took it. So I wouldn't have to. He entrusted me with this, and the massive amount of power he had stored up in it.

(Oscar holds out The Long Memory)

Oscar: Kinetic energy that he spent lifetime after lifetime accumulating in the cane he built.

Jaune: So that's how you did that? Using all of the stored up power.

Oscar: Not all, but most. We have to be careful with how we use the rest.

Megatron: so we should use it if it life or death then.

Oscar: yes He trusted my judgment and it saved us. I want to reciprocate that trust. There's a lot to sort out, but... Oz really wants to help.

(He retracts the cane and places it on his back)

Ozpin: Thank you, Oscar.

(The group hears the echo of a baby crying, and decide to run towards the noise. They come across a large group of Atlas citizens taking refuge in the subway. The lights are occasionally flickering as vibrations are felt from the grimm attacks overhead)

Jaune: All of Atlas is down here.

Megatron: thing are just be worse when we meet up with the rest of the team we need a new plan.

Oscar: I've seen what you can do, Emerald. However this fight ends, we could really use someone like you.

Megatron: and you are not that off from being redeemed.

(We make are why to the manor)

(Ruby opens the door of Schnee Manor, Weiss and Blake at her side. Yang, Jaune, Megatron, and Ren are seen standing. Ruby jumps into Yang's arms as they happily hug each other. Ruby began crying tears of joy as she looks at her sister, who smiled back at her)

Yang: I missed you too.

(Yang hugs Weiss as Ruby goes to greet Jaune and Ren. Megatron then spots Blake, standing with her cat ears lowered. Megatron holds the side of Blake's face, blushing, before the two touch foreheads and just look into each other eye happy and Blake even start to purring)

Megatron: I'm glade to see you ok.

Blake: same to you.

Ren: Where's Nora?

(Weiss walks towards Ren as Ruby watches her doing so. Ruby turns to Oscar)

Ruby: Oscar, you-

(Ruby goes to hug Oscar, stopping when she notices Emerald with him. As Ruby reaches for her weapon, Emerald reaches for her own guns holstered behind her. Oscar stands between the two)

Oscar: No, she's okay. I can-

(Ruby hears a notification from her scroll. May is calling from Mantle)

May: Kids, the cargo ships you sent just made it but they're not alone.

Ruby: May? What are you talking about?

May: Oh my gods, run! Everyone, into the mines!

Megatron: what is happening now?

Blake: Were those...?

(Everyone hears alarm blaring. Yang and Blake cover their ears when hearing them. Everyone takes out their scroll)

CCT Voice: This is an emergency CCT broadcast.

(All CCT's and Scrolls across Atlas show the SDC freighters being shot down by Atlesian Mantas)

Yang: What's going on?

Weiss: Those ships, they were going to save people! Why would-

(The broadcast changes to show Ironwood standing in the center of a dark room, under a spotlight)

Megatron: because the general has lost his mind try to save what little he has left.

Ironwood: I have always promised to defend this Kingdom. Its technology, its future, from those who would see it destroyed. Our enemy is crippled, but one individual still denies Atlas its salvation. The Protector of Mantle.

(As Ironwood continues, Ruby, Blake and Yang became displeased as everyone watches)

Ironwood: Penny, wherever you and your friends are, I need you all to listen. I know how much Mantle means to you, so I'm going to give you a choice. You can bring yourself to Atlas Academy and do your duty, help me save as much of Atlas as I can, and Mantle will be left to fend for itself. Or... you can all watch as I destroy it.

(Everyone is shocked to here this Blake even getting close to my chest with my eye wide open from Ironwood's ultimatum)

Ironwood: I have one bomb. That's all it will take. If there is no Mantle then there is no reason for you not to work with me. Neither of us want it to come to that, but one of us is willing to do it. If anyone tries anything other than what I've ordered, Mantle... is gone. You have one hour to respond. I hope you live up to the title I gave you.

)A few minutes after the broadcast Team RWBY, Megatron, Emerald, and Oscar are in the meeting room. Weiss Schnee is pacing around the room, Emerald is leaning against a wall and Oscar is looking through the window. Everyone else is sitting at the table)

Yang: (sighs) Okay, Ironwood wants Penny, otherwise Mantle is done for. So, how do we stop him?

Megatron: we can't I fear we maybe a the end of are rope.

Blake: And Qrow and Robyn are still in his custody, and May said that the Atlas security drones are watching the crater, so they're trapped too.

Oscar: And Salem isn't going to stay gone for much longer.

Ruby: So then, it's impossible.

Emerald: See? If Miss Hero with all the answers doesn't have an answer, then we have ours.

Weiss: Shut up.

Yang: (Approaching Emerald) Okay, then why don't you just leave?!

(Emerald backs away in fear)

Oscar: Can we please just give each other a chance? Emerald's not with Salem anymore, and Ozpin is back.

(Ruby grumbles into the table while everyone else goes quiet)

Oscar: All of this doubt and worry and distrust, it isn't getting us anywhere.

(Ruby slams her hands on the table)

Ruby: (distraught) Then nothing has changed! We're in the exact same spot we were yesterday. Arguing what to do while the Kingdom waits to die.

(The rest of us just stay in the dining room with Blake put her head on my shoulder to be confident)

(They are startled by the sound of glass breaking and soon we get out to see penny with red eye trying to escape)

Penny: I can no longer be delayed.

(She begins to walk away. Ruby uses her Semblance to get in front of her and grab her by the arms)

Ruby: Penny please!

Penny: (twitches uncontrollably) I...I the Vault. (Eyes flashes between red and green) I, I do not want...Ah!

(Emerald emerges from the entrance and looks on in shock as Oscar runs past her)

Penny: Ruby, stop me!

Ruby: Penny!

(Ruby grabs her by the waist as Penny's eyes settle on red)

Penny: I must open the Vault and self-terminate.

(Penny takes flight with Ruby still holding off. Penny is stopped from her flight by Gambol Shroud wrapping around her right arm as Blake and Megatron hold her. Ren takes the moment to grab Penny's other hand with the hooks from his gun. Blake, Yang, Nora, and Oscar grab the chords, and together they drag Penny to the ground, onto a Glyph made by Weiss)

Weiss: I've got her!

Nora: What do we do?

(Penny's eyes flare, as she summons a tempest around her. The wind causes Weiss to recoil, canceling the Glyph. Penny tries to lift herself up with the summoned wind)

Penny: I must open the Vault! (eyes alternate from red to green) And self-terminate.

(Emerald joins in, using the chain sickles from Thief's Respite to grab Penny by the shoulders. She looks back at Jaune)

Emerald: Do something!

(Jaune lets go of Gambol Shroud and heads towards Weiss. He powers her up with his Semblance, allowing Weiss to make a stronger Glyph, grounding Penny once more)

Ruby: Penny please. Tell me how to help you.

(Penny narrows both her green eyes)

Penny: Kill me.

(Ruby's eyes widen in shock)

Penny: Kill me. And I can make sure the power goes to you.

(Ruby doesn't reply as everyone else looks in in horror)

Penny: Please... Please! (eyes twitch red) I cannot fight it!

Nora: Yes you can! It's just a part of you, remember? If you were only a machine, you never could have fought back for this long.

Ruby: She's right... She's right! Jaune! Boost her Aura!

(Jaune runs from Weiss and begins using his Semblance on Penny. Her eyes continue to flash, but it starts to slow down and eventually disappears. Penny sits still, shocked, but eventually gives Jaune a nod)

(The danger, having seemingly past, causes Ruby to hug Penny in relief. Everyone sees Oscar and Emerald approach her in relief, with Nora giving Penny another hug)

Jaune: Did... I stop the virus?

Megatron: no I think you holding it at bay.

(Penny looks at her hands, contemplating Jaune's words)

Penny: Megatron is correct.

Ruby: But you've got an Aura, Penny, a soul. That's who you are, our friend, not a machine.

(The group enjoy a moment of silence, being happy that they didn't lose Penny)

Emerald: I think you're wrong, by the way.

(They all turn around to look at Emerald, who was sitting on the ground with her legs crossed)

Emerald: I highly doubt you're in the same place you started. I-I mean, yeah, y-you guys have been getting your asses kicked, some of that my fault, but like, you're at war. You're gonna take hits.

(Emerald looks away, trying to figure out what she was trying to say)

Emerald: Look, I'm just going to be super pissed if you all finally decided to give up the moment I switch sides.

Oscar: (smiles) Switched sides, huh?

(Emerald opens her mouth to reply, but is unable to retort)

Yang: Aww.

(The group begins to giggle at Emerald's look of embarrassment)

Emerald: Or like, whatever.

Megatron: well let me say welcome to the team.

(Oscar offers Emerald a hand, which she accepts, and lifts her up)

Oscar: If you all wouldn't mind, I really think Ozpin would like to say something.

Everyone silently looks at Ruby.

Ruby: Go ahead.

(Oscar's eyes briefly flash gold, and Ozpin walks forward)

Ozpin: I was recently reminded of an old fairy tale. A young girl flees the consequences of a choice, to a magical place. But, having never learned from her initial failure, she only succeeds in spreading it. I failed all of you. I should have trusted you with the truth and should never have run the day you discovered it.

Yang: It was rough, but...

Blake: I think after everything that's happened here, we understand. Trust is..

Weiss: Trust is a risk.

Megatron: a rise to not see who they where in the past but who why they are now.

Ozpin: And I hope it's a risk you can take on me again.

(Ruby silently nods her head at Ozpin)

Penny: I can still feel it fighting me.

Jaune: I can't just keep amping her forever.

Ren: And we can't keep Ironwood waiting.

Nora: Guys, she has to go to the Vault.

(Everyone looks down in thought, except for Ruby who looks around at everyone)

Ruby: That's actually a risk we haven't considered.

Megatron: she right and it maybe the only shoot we have left.

(Some time later, Ironwood is standing in the Vault with his Scroll in his hand, in a phone call with Ruby)

Ruby: She'll do it.

Ironwood: The Academy entrance. Penny comes alone.

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