Coffee and You ( short SHIVIK...

Da PriyaShivika_love

6.8K 596 58

it will contain one , two or three shots stories..... Basically on shivika .... Enjoy ... Altro

I love you
Never AGAIN ( Take 1 )
Never AGAIN ( Take 2 )
Annika's Shivaay
I Broke HER ( part 1 )
I MEND her ( part 2 )
Mission Shivika is ON
Mr. Perfect Lover
Mr. Perfect Lover 2

Finding Way to YOU

400 45 6
Da PriyaShivika_love

This is a new story of Shivika .....

It is not related to Ishqbaaaz storyline.... It's different story..... hope you will like it.....



It's fourth day the rain has been pouring down continuously without taking any break.
The sky is covered with thick cloud preparing for another pour down. The city seems to be lazy . The streets are empty with very few umdrellas roaming around. The vehicles are not much crowded moving here and there .

She is laying down on her bed looking at the shower through the window.  She is lost in her thoughts of someone particular . Her eyes are empty, since there is something for someone. She hates the rain . It always made her sad . She turned around hearing the sound of door click . She looked at the person and then again turns back to enjoy what she was doing till now . The person enters and placed a bowl of soup on the table before standing before her . She looked up to the person only to receive a glare but she ignores it and pushes her face on the pillow.

" Why are you doing it ? " The person asked her but didn't bother to reply.

" Ani I'm asking you something...... Why are you doing it ? See your condition.... Did you realise that whatever you are doing is totally crazy..... " The person seemed to be disturbed.

" You would not let me stay peaceful right .... What's your problem Haan ..... " Annika sat down on the bed making a sulking face.

" Ani I'm your big sister... I do care about you .... And I can see that you are nothing but ruining yourself..... "

" Did I ask your opinion Khush ...... I can handle my problem.... "

" But whatever you are doing absolutely wrong Ani..... He has been calling continuously since  three days .... Atleast you could have received his call .... He is tensed you have realised How many times he had called you ? Why are you ignoring him Haan .... Atleast listen to him ...."

" Khush I know what I'm doing " Annika turned making a face at her .

" No you don't..... You don't have any idea what you are doing Ani..... See I'm your elder sister and I will never want any bad to you Ani.... Listen to me,  talk to him .... He is still calling you .... Where is your phone..... " Khushi started to search for her phone only to find it switched off .

" Ani switch it on and talk to him ..... " Khushi forwarded the phone to her .

" I won't..... Tell him that I will never talk to him . If he doesn't care than I don't care too "

" Ani why are you behaving all stubborn.... "

" What did you call me .... Stubborn..... Ok I'm stubborn... I'm egoistic I'm everything now happy...... Just go from here khush ..... " she almost screamed at her . Khushi sighed and grabbed the bowl  and forwarded it to her .

" Ok...... Atleast have this soup ... You haven't taken anything since yesterday.... You'll get sick Ani.... Just have it "

" No .... I'll not have it ..... I'm not hungry "

" Really...... You are just angry on him ... Nothing else ... Ok .... Have it you'll feel better " she patted her back and left from there .

Ani looked back at khushi and then turned back to her previous position without Sparing a glace at the soup .

Some time later she took the phone and switch on it only to find a ton of calls and messages pop out on the screen. Mostly it was from him .

1253 missed calls, 3453 messages......

She unlocked the home screen and a picture flashed on the screen. He looked too cute on the photo. He looked like a little baby with a cute pout on his face. The picture was taken during a party . A smile came on her face. 

Looking at his photo her mind drifted her back to the particular incident before 3 days.......


" Hey ...... What are you doing? "

" Nothing just laying on the bed and cuddling my pillow .... "

" My bad .... Wish I were the pillow and you would cuddle me .."

" Shut up .... Listen to me ..... "

" Okkk...... Ani can I video call you ...."

" Why ? "

" What why ...  Can't I video call my girlfriend "

" Shiv ..... I know why you want to video call me .... It's not happening today cause today I'm wearing a high neck full sleeve night dress so no chance.... "

" Ouch ..... It hurts .. .. what do you think of me Ani , I want to see you ok ....  I'm very gentleman..... "

" Ok ok ...... Call me after 5 minutes.... "

Just after 5 minutes his name ' Shiv 🧡 '  flashed on the screen and she attended it immediately laying on her stomach. Keeping the phone on the support of other pillow she settled herself comfortably on the pillow.

" You are looking gorgeous..... "

" Really........ You too "

" I really wish I were there with you and can kiss you till you gasp for breathe .... Hey don't bite your lips...."

" Why ....  "

" Because it's my right only ..... " Annika got reddened being shy .

" Hey , Annika Sharma is blushing..... It's a sight to see "

" You are speaking like you haven't seen me blushing.... "

" Hmm.... I have seen it but I didn't notice kyun ki at that time I was busy doing something else " he winked at her .

" Just shut up .... Don't you have brake on your mouth..... Shameless.... "

" I'm shameless only for you baby.... "

" Don't baby me ... I hate it .... "

" But you love me "

" Who told you .... "

" I know..... "

" Ok ... Leave it ..... How is everyone at home?"

" Good .... They are missing you .... "

" Ask them not to miss me this much ..... I'm coming to your house very soon .... "

" Seems like you are very eager to come over here Haan "

" Shut up and ofcourse I'm very eager to go over there because I belong there ...."

" Yeah .... Ofcourse.... "

" Anyway Shiv, I was thinking to call our school friends what say ..... "

" Hmm.... It will be good ..... "

" Ok then ..... "

"Ummm..... Ani .... "

" Hmm.... "

" Colonel sir called me this morning"

" Yeah ..... You invite him right......   "

" Hmm...... Actually he was telling that.... " He hesitated .

" Telling what .... Shiv tell me clearly..... "

" Actually some problem has arisen there in the south border side suddenly and the team needs to lead and they need someone who is experienced.... And as you know most of the members in that side are inexperienced and it's not possible to send there someone else as it'll take time in paper works so .... "

" So ..... "

" So .... He requested me to join as soon as possible "

" As soon as possible means..... you remember na our wedding is just in a week "

" Yeah .... I know...... "

" So .... What you have decided..... "

" Ani you know how much I love my profession "

" And me ???? ..... "

" Ani ...... What type of questions is this "

" When have you decided to return "

" Umm....... On our wedding night "

" What !!! Are you even listening to yourself "

" Ani plz try to understand..... It's urgent and I can understand your feelings but ....."

" Urgent....... Shivaay I had told you before to organise everything , this wedding when you are free and you can give your time ... There is no hurry .... I can wait for you ..... But you said this time you would not do anything like this as you have sorted everything out .... But see ..... You are planning to return on our wedding night ..... ...... It's our wedding shivaay .... It's not a joke .... I don't know about you but it's very special for me shivaay ...."

" What do you mean by you don't know about me .... It's very special for me too"

" Does not look like "

" Are you taunting me ? Ani you know it very well how my profession is and you yourself pushed me to chase my dream , help me to achieve my dream then what happening now "

" Yes , I supported you because for me your dream means everything but I never thought that one day this dream will become an obstacles in my happiness..... "

" What did you just say ..... "

" Whatever I have told it's true "

" Ani , I had always told you how much sacrifices it takes , then you are all fine then what happened now "

" I understand everything shivaay .... But you are leaving me alone on our wedding night , I can't tolerate this ....  "

" Ani try to understand...... I'm needed there ..... "

" And here .... Doesn't I need you beside me ..... "

" Ani .... Everyone is there with you .... You are not an unknown person to them .... "

" You won't understand shivaay ..... Anyway you have to go there I understood..... But you have to choose one .... Either this wedding will happen with all rituals and norms or you will leave for duty .... Choose one "

" Are you out of your mind Ani "

" I'm perfectly alright shivaay .... I think we should postpone this wedding... Or I think we should cancel it .... I don't think you'll be ever free from your duty .... So it's better we cancel it .... "

" Ani ... Listen to me .... "

" I guess there is  nothing to listen to you .... " She cut the call and switched it off and kept it switched off till now .

End of Pov ........

A stubborn tear rolled down from her eyes remembering their last conversation.

She knows that she is being indifferent but she can't do it anymore. She has been doing it since he joined army . She just wanted him beside her atleast in time of their wedding but seemed like she would not also get it . It's not that she doesn't understand his point of view, she very well knows that how much he is needed there . It's about our motherland and nothing comes first other than our motherland. But still she just wanted him beside her atleast this time , in their special day . She asked him 100 times before starting the arrangements of their wedding if he was free , if he can give time. He comforted her saying there is nothing to worry but now .

She got up from the bed and walked to the balcony. Tears were silently  rolling down  just like the rain outside . Suddenly she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned over and  broke into tears as soon as she saw the person. She hugged him tightly and started sobbing.

" Shhhhhh ...... Don't cry Anu ..... " He caressed her back. 

" Aru , he told me he would leave on our wedding night ..... "

" Shhh .... First stop crying ok ..... You look horrible when you cry ..... Just chup ..... Anu you are absolutely right .... You should be angry on him . You did the right thing by not talking to him ....  "

" I wouldn't talk to him ever .... " she made a pout .

" Ok ...... Now stop crying and listen to me .... "

" Hmmm "

" Anu , Shivaay is an army officer and his first priority always will be our motherland. When you first informed me about him joining army I told you , it's not him who will only one to  sacrifice but it will be you and family who have to sacrifice more . Their job is just like that Anu. Neither he nor we can do anything. Just keep faith on him I know he'll never let you down.  He loves you like anything Anu . He will definitely find a way to  this problem. Just keep faith on him . I know him and he is a gem . By the way your idiot has made me half mad by calling me 100 of times saying to come over here . "

" If he really bothered about me then why didn't he come over here "

" Really..... What about your swear  ...  You gave him right not to come over there "

" I ...... Don't know "

" Anyway he is on the call ..... Talk to him .... And don't cry over that idiot, learn to make him cry for you just like your sister does .... "

" Haawwww jiju .... "

" Shhh .... Don't tell her .... "

He handed her the phone and left from there  giving her a kiss of her forehead. Arnav is khusi's husband. He pampered Annika like his little sister. He loves Annika too much . As Annika and khushi don't have parents as they passed away long ago , Arnav becomes a father figure to her . Annika loves him too much .

" Ani.......... " She heard his voice from the phone.

" Ani ..... Please talk to me plz ...... I'm sorry.... Please talk to me ..... Plz "

" What you wanna talk about..... I guess I have made myself clear to you already "

" Ani..... Plz .... Plz I'm sorry..... I understand your feelings....I.... "

" Don't say sorry everytime Shivaay..... Sorry can't fix everything everytime "

" Still I'll say sorry to you .... Plz forgive me plz ...... Talk to me , we'll fix everything ... "

" What you wanna talk ..... "

" Ok.... But before that can I enter your house "

" Wait .... What ..... Where are you  "

" Outside of your house "

" Are you mad ? Why didn't you come inside.... Shivaay it's raining outside.... Have you forgotten how easily you catch cold "

" You gave me swear Ani.... How can I break it "

" In which era you are living Shivaay..... Just come inside right now... "

" Ok..... "

It's been merely 1 minute Annika found Shivaay standing at her door step  . He was almost drenched . Throwing an angry glare at him Annika dragged him and forcefully made him sit on her bed . Then taking a towel started to wipe his hair and face . Shivaay was just looking at her lovingly .

" I just want you to keep smiling like this Ani forever. I know you sacrificed lot for me . It's not easy for you I know. I understand your pain Ani . I can't give you time like others . You must have so many wishes but believe me I'm helpless Ani . I can't ignore my duty Ani . I'm bound to perform my duty . I'm sorry..... " Shivaay thought looking at her who is now busy wiping his head . Who would say that this girl was angry on him for 3 days ! That's my Ani. She can be angry on him , she can fight with him but she will never stop her concern for him . In these 3 days she didn't talk with him but it doesn't mean she didn't ask about his health. She has a secret agent in his house who gives her all the informations . It's ofcourse Rudy .

" Are you listening what I'm saying "

" Yeah .... Yeah..... "

Annika looked at him sternly making him gulped down.

Sometime later a househelp came with a bowl of herbal soup as per Annika's oder for Shivaay.

" Thank you Sunita ...... You may go now "

" Now don't make faces and have it "

" Annika it  tastes bitter..... "

" Shivaay "

" Okkk ..... " He took the bowl and had the soup silently without making any tantrum .

" Annika , can we talk ? "

" About what ..... See finally I have made my mind and I really don't want to ruin it thinking about your....... Leave it ....  "

Shivaay didn't say anything just kept on looking at her . Then suddenly he engulfed her in tight hug . Annika was taken aback by his sudden gesture . She didn't want to show her vulnerability to him right now. He started sobbing making her clothes wet .

" Shiv .......... Are you crying? Shiv .... Hey .....why ...  Why are you crying?"

" don't say anything.... Plz "

" Shiv .... Will you stop crying ? "

" I'm sorry..... I'm sorry for not giving you a simple life you deserve. I am sorry for everything Ani . "

" Hey ...... Shiv .... I agree I told you everything in anger but don't you know your Annika..... don't you know how much pride I feel for you Shiv. It just sometime my emotions overpowered and I blabbered shit .... "

" You asked me to choose one ..... " He complained like a child.

" I'm sorry.... I'm sorry..... "

" You didn't talk with me for 3 days "

" Ok I'm sorry..... "

" I'm sorry too ..... "

" Does anyone know you come here "

" No .... Only Dadi knows "

" Ok ..... Have you eaten anything "

" No "

" Such a child you are Shiv , wait here I'm just coming with some food "

" No need ..... I'm not hungry "

" Will you shut up " she went out to grab some food . He sat there with his finger on his lips . Who would say he is the same person whose one thunder like voice scared the enemies. But it's about love and a real gentleman only bowed down infront of his lady .


" Ani ...... Me and khusi are going out , we wouldn't return today...... Be careful.... " Arnav told Annika when he spotted her near kitchen. They didn't know about shivaay's arrival. Annika also chose not to inform them as they will tease her to the end.

" Ok ....... Enjoy...... " They bid bye to her and went out . Annika grabbed some food and returned to her room then locked it from inside.

Not finding Him in her room , she realised that he is in the washroom. After sometime he came out of washroom . He smiled at her .  throwing the towel on the chair he laid down on the bed with only his lower on .

" Shiv ..... What are you doing?  Get up and have it then leave .... "

" Leaving not happening.... I'm staying here tonight"

" What ! Are you mad ? No you can't stay here .... If khush and Aru see you then. ... No it'll be embarassing...... "

" Ani ....  Don't try to fool me .... I know they will not return tonight so .... Relax"

" So ... That doesn't mean you'll stay here "

" I'm staying here darling"

" No .... "

" Yes "

Shivaay pulled her on top of him and caged her in his arms. Annika struggled to come out but his grip was more tight so soon she stopped struggling and placed her head on his chest . Sometime they both didn't speak anything just stated calm . Shivaay stroked her hair while she tightly embraced him. 

" I talked with Colonel, he got convinced. He informed an other officer and he  didn't have any problem. But he also told me that I have to join them two days after our wedding..... As it is an emergency situation they can't help it .  And for two days I'm calling you to tell this but you didn't pick up my call...... Ani....... "

Shivaay stopped when he didn't find any reaction from her . He looked down and find her buried her head in his chest . Soon he felt some wetness on his chest .

" Ani ..... Are you crying? "

" Noo.... "

" Ani you are crying..... "

" Nooo..... "

Annika hugged him more tightly crying bitterly on his chest .

" Hey why are you crying? It's happy news and still you are crying...... Look at me Ani..... "

He lifted her face only to find it soaked with water . He made her sit on his lap and wiped her face.

" I thought you would leave me ...... I can't imagine it Shivaay..... I thought you wouldn't be there with me ..... It's going to be our first day after marriage and I can't imagine it without you Shivaay..... I got scared and I blabbered every shit to you ...... I'm sorry...... "

" Hey .... It's alright...... I understand your feelings Baby ...... I know from the starting of our relationship you are the one who has sacrificed the most . You supported me , guided me in my bad time. You never left my side when I couldn't do anything like the typical couple does . Neither I can give you enough time nor I can pamper you like them . Still you glued to me and never left my side. This is the biggest thing I got in my life Annika...... I am blessed to have you in my life.... And I should atleast tried to convince Colonel before..... I'm sorry..... "

Annika turned towards him and hugged him from front like cola and stayed like this for sometime.

" Ok .... Now everything is sorted .... Let's have food ... I'm hungry..... "

" Yeah ..... "

Annika got down from his lap and forwarded him the plate . They both feed each other then laid down on the bed . Annika laid on his chest encircling her hands around him.  He smiled and kissed on her forehead.

" I'll always find my way to you ANNIKA , because you are my HOME " 


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