Memories - King's Return (Wak...

By MooseyGirl16

2.7K 99 58

This event starts taking place during the finale of the second season of Wakfu on Netflix. Watch the show for... More

Concept Art
Chapter #1 - Add Insult to Injury
Chapter #2 - The Deceivers and the Deceived
Chapter #3 - A "Great" Reunion
Chapter #4 - Revalation
Chapter #5 - The Little Remains
Chapter #6- The Rulers
Chapter #7 - To The Public's Mercy
Chapter #8 - To Amelka
Chapter #9 - The New Problem
Chapter #10 - Delirious Yugo
Chapter #11 - Elicatt
Chapter #12- Mistake
Important Clarification and Joke Skit Featuring: My Sweet Boy (:
Chapter #13 - Tuto's Theory
Michell says Hi
Chapter #14 - Tuto's Test
Chapter #15 - Q
Chapter #16 - The Protege
Chapter #17 - Chibi
More Important Notice
Chapter #18 - Ralo the Captor
Chapter 19: Kerquek
Good day~
Chapter #20 - Kolor
Chapter #21: Sadidan Outskirts
Chapter #22: Ralocolcourtay
Chapter #23 - Open up Your Eyes
Chapter #24: Moments Slow
Chapter #25 - Shaken
Chapter #26 - Recall
Happy Thanksgiving!
Chapter #27 - Falling Tree Branch
Chapter #28 - The Torntam
Chapter #29 - Ceriian
Chapter #30 - Adamai's Journey
Chapter #31 - Reasoning
Chapter #32 - Reunion
Chapter #34 - Xenlyr
Chapter #35 - An Escape
Chapter #36 - An Arrest
Chapter #37 - Not Coilcarairienmeianzenmarlei
Joke Skit #2
Chapter #38 - The Tale of the Villian's Leadership
Notes and Other Clarifications
Chapter #39 - The Sadidan Forest
Chapter #40 - Dreams
Chapter #41 - the Ashnuks
Chapter #42 - Queen Annefarr
Chapter #43 - Eniripsa Concernment
Chapter #44 - Arbitration
Chapter #45 - The Story of Lukeus
Chapter #46 - Soup
Chapter #47 - Ceriian's "goodbye"

Chapter #33 - Shinonome's kept secret

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By MooseyGirl16

"Kolor why would you send him away in such a rush? What happened to Yugo that you can't bring yourself to tell him?" Shinonome asked Kolor, looking right at him concerned and slightly offended at the lack of answers.

"I know little, but whatever happened to Yugo might kill him unless he gets prompt help. I know that work is needed here, though if we plan to venture into the Sadidas," he tried to convince her. She whispered "liar" under her breath.

"What about others who were in peril the last time we saw them?" she pushed to get him to reveal his secrets.

"Tuto and Madellinn are fine. Xenlyr is still in Elger Nouvelle checking them every couple of minutes," Kolor said in a coaxing way. Shinonome sighed at his stories.

Mina walked over to the two arguing and tried to lighten the mood saying, "Sounds very much like Xenlyr, though. I don't even think that Eniripsa gets to sleep unless there's someone as capable as him there to take his place. Besides, that makes him all more reliable." She chuckled a little to alleviate the tension. Shinonome and Kolor both rolled their eyes. Kolor sighed, dropping the subject.

"How are the preparations, anyway?" he asked Mina, who smiled brightly.

"I think leaving at early light is very likely if you and the council are ready. The people have all made themselves ready for travel at this moment if the sun weren't setting. I think it's only the best option to go sooner than later," she reported charismatically. Kolor nodded and began to walk away from the area before Shinonme interfered, which she did.

"Shinonome, I need to go check on Chibi right now. Arguing with you is completely unnecessary," he said, quickly teleporting away to get to a quieter place. He knew Shinonome was chasing him anyway. He stopped near a river with no Eliatropes around.

Silence was nice...

"Kolor, get back here!" Shinonome yelled, flying right next to him. He swiftly scooted slightly to his right to avoid her touch.

"Shinonome, leave," he whispered, adding aggression to his voice. She was clearly enraged. Kolor saw Mina indiscreetly hiding behind a nearby tree. He began to walk in that direction, knowing that Shinonome was too focused on him to see Mina hiding there.

"I can't stand you and your stupid secret you know," she started, reflecting the same aggression that Kolor had in his voice. "Q is a dumb excuse."

"What, am I supposed to use my full name, then?!" he yelled back, still facing away from the angry dragon.

"WHAT ELSE, QILBY?!" she finally shouted. Mina silently covered her mouth after letting a short gasp escape, accidentally making her presence all the clearer.

Shinonme stared blankly realizing the sudden weight of the atmosphere. She slowly turned her gaze to meet Mina's, causing a small tear to form in her own eye. She ran up to Kolor to hug him. He looked at her coldly.

"Traitor... I had it all perfect. Only you knew, but that's just my disadvantage from the start. If only you weren't my stupid sister, Shinonome," he told her through gritted teeth. Shinonome stepped back, shocked. Mina stayed silent, knowing that a single word would have two council members one her tail.

"I literally DIED for you the last time you decided to do something idiotic. I'm surprised Yugo didn't kill you, honestly," she remarked. Making the scientist more hateful, she walked up to Mina who slightly shook at the scarring interaction. Kolor, or Qilby, walked up behind her, silently summoning his Wakfu scythe in spite.

"I know you want to kill me....


But you know that you couldn't stand another lifetime away from me. I'm barely even seven, you know,"

He froze behind his sister who had been dear to him for so long. What did he really feal about her? He realized that she had been an instrument for his antics and frivolous behavior for so long that she was just a burden in his emotional life.

But this kind of betrayal made her more than just a burden to him. She was nothing less than an average Eliatrope in his mind already (which was no compliment considering he caused the Mechasms to massacre hundreds of thousands of them before in denial to Yugo's decision), but now she was a hindrance, a distraction, something lesser that he would need to get rid of, and mainly, his new enemy within the deceived government they had created together.

She wasn't even his sister in his mind. 

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