Always A fool..

By Sta1k3d

13.9K 176 1.6K

Sanemi is a player. He dates people for up to a month and then dumps them for another person, except that all... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Ninteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Four

695 9 106
By Sta1k3d

Tomioka pov:

We continued gossiping about our lives and such. Soon, gyutaro came back.

'Gyutaro giyuu is here!' Daki yelled to him.

'I got popcorn, wanna watch a movie together?' Gyutaro asked loudly.

'Yes!' Daki and I said in unison.

'Gyutaro, you have to put on a face mask just live giyuu and I though!' Daki said with a smirk as gyutaro came in the room.

'Sure, giyuu, do you want to make the popcorn while daki beautifies me?' Gyutaro laughed.

'Of course, daki, you better not disappoint!' I said to daki, and she smiled.

'I won't, but gyutaro might~' She giggled.

'I feel insulted,' gyutaro said, holding his heart with his hand.

'Perfect, that is exactly what I was aiming for!' Daki smirk widened into a big grin.

I went to the kitchen and heated the popcorn in the microwave, making sure to add plenty of butter.

'What movie are we watching?' I asked them.

'Frozen 2!' Daki said excitedly.

'Oh fuck yeah! Elsa literally is HER,' "I said excitedly, bringing the bowl of popcorn to the couch, sitting beside daki.


'Oh my god, Elsa literally slays!' Daki said excitedly when Elsa used her magical powers.

'I would literally marry her,' I said, and they both looked at me.

'Platinum blonde is your type?' Daki asked with a smile whilst looking at her hair.

'If it's Elsa, then yeah,' I said, looking at daki.

I heard my phone ringing.

'One second, it's probably time for me to head home,' I groaned, picking up the phone.

'Hey kanae,' I answered and walked into dakis' room, since she allowed me to whenever I got a phone call.

'Hey giyuu, what are you doing now? Are you still with daki?' Kanae asked.

'Yeah, her brother and us are watching Frozen 2'
I answered with a small smile.

'Sounds fun and all except you have to come home, okay?' Kanae said.

'Okay, I'll be at the house in fifteen minutes,' I said to her.

'Okay giyuu, be safe, I'll see you when you're home,' kanae said, and I could just hear her smile.

'Bye kanae,' I said, hanging up the phone.

I walked out of the room and to the door.

'I have to go home! Maybe we can hang out tomorrow? With sabito and makomo?' I yelled to them.

'Yes, of course! I miss my bestie makomo so much!' Daki said excitedly.

'Okay, see you guys tomorrow,' I said, heading out the door.

I started walking back to my house, listening to my music on the way.


I opened the door to my house to be in complete chaos.

Kanae was making some late supper in the kitchen while Shinobu and her friends were having a pillow fight in the living room, which was right in front of the door.

'I'm.. home..? I said, and Shinobu threw her pillow to the ground, coming and jumping on me, knocking me to the ground.

'Giyuu, you're back!' She said while hugging me.

'I really wasn't gone all that long,' I said, lifting her off of me.

'Long enough! Wanna join in the pillow fight?' She asked, handing me a pillow.

'No, thank you,' I said, handing her the pillow back.

'Giyuu, be nice and play with shinobu. Just keep her busy until supper is done?' Kanae asked of me.

'Isn't she thirteen? That's old enough to not need me to babysit her,' I stated.

'Excuse you! I'm fifteen!' She said, hitting me with a pillow.

'You sure don't look like it then,' I said with a smile, and she hit me again.

'Everybody attack giyuu!' Shinobu said, and suddenly I was stampede by four people.

'Holy Frick! Kanae, help me!' I yelled, and I could just hear her laughing.

'You're on your own for this one, sorry, kid.' She laughed.

I started hitting people with pillows, not hard, though.

'Nuh uh, I am not about to get abused by little kids who look like rats!' I said and quickly ran up to the stairs and locked myself in my room, trying hard not to laugh.

I went to pull out my notebook only to realize I probably dropped it downstairs.

I quickly rushed downstairs to see them opening it.

'Shinobu, give that back,' I said quickly, rushing to grab it.

'Chill, it wasn't like I was going to read it outloud or anything,' She said, throwing me the book.

'I'd prefer if you didn't read it at all,' I said to her.

'Sorry dude, just relax,' She said, patting my head.

'Stop using me to entertain your friends,' I said to her, moving her hand off my head.

'Fine, whatever~' She said, rolling her eyes slightly, and I went back upstairs.

I decided to group call makomo, daki, sabito, and gyutaro.

'Heyyy giyuu!' Daki said with a big smile.

'Dude, Shinobu tried reading my notebook again,' I complained.

'Why do they keep trying to butt into your business?' Makomo asked, sounding annoyed.

'I know, right? Like, dude, it is my diary. It has some personal stuff in it as well.' I complained once more.

'If I were you, I would've just started crying out of frustration.' Daki said, turning on her video to show she was with gyutaro.

Makomo also turned on her video to show she was with sabito.

'Same honestly,' sabito said, wrapping his arms around makomos waist.

'I would've padlocked that notebook by now.' gyutaro said, shrugging.

'It just annoys me so much, I don't like people trying to know about me at all. It is so irritating,' I whined, turning on my video camera as well.

'I would've just killed myself already.' makomo said, leaning into sabito.

'I wish it's that easy, I just want them to stop not my whole entire existence to disappear,' I let out a breathy laugh.

'Tomorrow, we should do something dangerous,' daki said excitedly.

'Like what?' I asked, suddenly intrigued.

'Skydiving!' Makomo said with a big smile.

'Oh, that sounds so fun!' Sabito said, kissing makomo on her cheek.

She giggled and kissed him back.

I heard a knock on my door.

'One second,' I said, getting off my bed and opening the door.

'Hey giyuu! Sorry about taking your notebook and all!' Shinobu said with a big smile.

'Okay,' I said to her.

'Not even a "you're forgiven?" Hmm?' She asked me.

'Nope,' I replied to her with a smirk, leaning against my doorframe.

'Soo- who are you on the phone with?' Shinobu asked.

'Okay, you can go now,' I said, shutting my door on her and locking it.

'Harsh, that's nice.'
Daki said with a smile.

'She just butts in a bit too much.' I said with a huff.
'Do you guys wanna fall asleep on the call?' I asked.

'Of course! It's like a virtual sleepover!'
Daki said excitedly, shutting off her light.

I moved my phone to beside me and shut off my light.

'Yall wanna hear my beautiful singing?' Sabito asked with a big smile.

'No!' Everybody said in unison.

'lEt It Go LeT iT gO cAnT hOlD iT bAcK aNyMoRe' sabito started singing.

'I'm going to kill myself.' Makomo and I said in unison, then laughed.

'Jinx!' We both said in unison, then laughed again.

'Double jinx!' We continued.


'God, shut up!' Daki said, laughing.

'Make me~' I teased her.

'I'm into girls,' She said, rejecting me playfully.

'I'm pretty sure giyuu I'd gay' sabito said.

'Shut up - no, I am not!'
I argued with him.

Eventually, everybody fell asleep, including me.


I woke up to people talking outside my door.

I looked to see if my phone was still on the call, and it was. Everybody was still asleep except for me.

'Just knock on the fucking door!' I heard shinobus voice say.

'No - what if he isn't awake and I wake him up?' I heard another voice say.

I opened my door to see sanemi, and Shinobu argued.

I looked at them confused.

'Hello?' I asked, leaning against my doorframe with my arms crossed.

'Just wondering if you want to hang out with us later today!' Shinobu said with a smile, I could see her pulling on the back of sanemis hair.

'Why are you pulling his hair?' I asked, confused.
'Because that is his kink!' Shinobu said with a wide smile.

'Ew, what the hell?!' I yelled, surprised.

'No, it is not!' Sanemi argued, pushing shinobus hand off his head.

I could hear screaming coming from my phone, and I sighed.

'Who the fuck is screeching like a animal?' Shinobu asked, and I went to grab my phone.

'Guys, giyuu is go- nevermind I found him!' Sabito said everybody was suddenly awake due to his screeching.

I showed Shinobu and sanemi that I was on a call.

'Giyuu, is that your girlfriend? I didn't know you were into pre-schoolers,' said daki, and I could hear makomo and sabito laugh.

'This is Shinobu, my sister,' I said to daki.

'I thought she was supposed to be fifteen?' Gyutaro asked, confused.

'I already hate those two,' Shinobu said in a huff with her arms crossed.

'Anyway, I'm busy, I'm hanging out with them later,' I said to Shinobu, throwing my phone back onto my bed.

'Doing what?' Shinobu asked with her arms crossed.

'Doesn't matter, you can go now,' I said to them and tried shutting the door.

'Sanemi was actually wondering if he can hang out with you while I help kanae make breakfast, since the others are still asleep,' Shinobu said with a smile.


'Yes!' I heard sabito say from the phone.

'You don't speak for me-'

'Perfect! Here you go!' Shinobu said, shoving sanemi into me and causing us to fall onto the floor.

'Ow- what the fuck?' I asked, and I could see her taking a photo.

'I'm going to kill myself,' I mumbled.

I grabbed my phone and hung up, finally realizing how off of a position we were in on the ground.

I was lying on the floor with my elbows propped up, so I was half sitting up and half laying down. while sanemi had his arms on either side of my face, his leg pushing up against my inner thigh.

His face inches away from mine since I was half sat up.

'Y-you can get off now..' I mumbled to sanemi.

'And if I don't to?' He asked with a flirtatious smirk, using his finger to lift my chin up and gently caress my cheek.

'Ew- you freak, get off me!' I said, pushing him off.

'Well, that sucks, I like the feeling of you underneath me,' he sighed.

'Just shut up! You are so weird!' I complained and buried my face in my hands.

'Why don't you make me shut up, hm~?' He hummed, coming a bit closer to me.

'I'm going to throw you out of my window,' I said, irritated.

'Would you like to continue our little book?' Sanemi asked with a smile.

'Whatever, just read,' I said, and he pulled out the book from his pocket.

'How did that even fit in there? The book is so big-'

'You wanna know what else is big?' Sanemi asked and winked at me.

'Just read the goddamn book!' I kicked gently at him.

'Whatever - whatever,' he mumbled.

He started reading while I listened intently, just imagining the scenario.

'Suddenly, Brian found a deer. It seemed to be doe. Brian decided to test out the bow and arrow he made - shooting the doe right threw its stomach.' Sanemi said, and I felt kind of sorry for that poor doe. It was just at the wrong place during the wrong time.

I yawned, sitting criss-crossed on my bed.


'And that is chapter ten done!' Sanemi said, closing the book after putting the book mark in.

'That was a gross chapter. He put the deers head on a tree?' I questioned, and sanemi nodded.

'Disgusting, I could never,' he said, imitating vomiting.

'Yeah, you know what else is gross?' I asked sanemi.

'Hm?' He hummed and looked over to me.

'You~' I teased, smiling softly.

'Ah- don't be a dick!-,' he said, moving closer to me.

'You like dick!' I laughed quietly.

'Only if it's from you~' he teased me, crawling onto of me.

'Okay, get off - that isn't funny,' I said and get crawled away, huffing with his arms crossed.

'Sooo boring!' He stated, and I was trying to hide how fast my heart was beating.

I didn't know if it was out of fear or arousment.

A/N I really want to go skydiving, like it just seems so fun to me.

The only problem is I am absolutely terrified of heights. They scare me half to death like I am not kidding. I can't even look out of my second story window because I get scared.

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