𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐆𝐓𝐇, Clarisse la...

By eurikacherries

87K 4.5K 6.1K

❝ always an angel, never a god. ❞ ( not strong enough, boygenius ) ━━ Nabi Cho-hee learns to find the str... More

𝐨. prologue
𝐢. nabi falls off the lava climbing wall
𝐢𝐢. capture the flag games suck
𝐢𝐢𝐢. movies and monsters
𝐢𝐯. the traitor that lies amongst them
𝐯. the heroes return, wings break free
𝐢. talks of love and centaurs get sacked
𝐢𝐢. flaming freaking bulls are not cool
𝐢𝐢𝐢. clarisse gets issued a quest
𝐢𝐯. the island of the fountain
𝐯. the lovers of life and death
𝐯𝐢. picking up pals on the css birmingham
𝐯𝐢𝐢. sea creatures with bad teeth, yikes...
𝐯𝐢𝐢𝐢. witches, guinea pigs, and pirates, oh my!
𝐢𝐱. a glimpse of nabi's true desires
𝐱. sneaking sheepishly into the cyclops' lair
𝐱𝐢. clarisse flies home alone
𝐱𝐢𝐢. a showdown interrupted by party ponies
𝐱𝐢𝐢𝐢. celebrations with chariot races
𝐱𝐢𝐯. a plan suddenly set in motion
𝐱𝐯. a million and one thoughts
𝐨. valentine's special, nabi has a date?
𝐨. nabi's birthday special, ft. an evil cat

𝐯𝐢. nabi's father finally pays a visit

4.1K 230 161
By eurikacherries

━━ act one, chapter six.


   "NABI CHO-HEE, DAUGHTER OF THANATOS," Chiron murmured, "angel of the Underworld; reaper of souls; the god of peaceful death. The first of his offspring to ever exist."

   Nabi bit into a piece of ambrosia as she listened to the centaur — her, Percy, and Annabeth had made their way to Chiron as soon as Luke had disappeared into the portal. As she swallowed the substance, the cut on her wing healed up. She didn't know how to retract them yet. Did they just disappear? Would they stay on her back forever?

   They were in the Big House, with Chiron magically compacted into a wheelchair, his upper half dressed in his coat and tie. The three demigods sat opposite from him on one of the couches as Percy explained everything. Kronos had attempted to get the son of Poseidon on his side; the Titan Lord was using Luke to help him awaken; he planned to overthrow the gods. Percy even spoke of how the lightning bolt was stolen to divide the gods, and how it was also an attempt to get the weapon in the Titan Lord's possession.

Chiron sighed as he stroked his beard, and said, "This must be reported to Olympus. I will go at once."

   "What about us?" Percy asked. "We can't just sit back and do nothing. Luke is out there, somewhere."

   Annabeth mumbled, weakly, "He was never the same after his quest — the one that gave him the scar..."

   "We will not sit back," Chiron promised, stroking his beard, "but you must be careful. Kronos wants you to come unraveled, Percy. He wants your life disrupted, your thoughts clouded with fear and anger. Do not give him what he wants. Train patiently. Your time will come."

   The centaur turned to Nabi, a grave expression still on his face as he continued his lecture. "You must be careful also, Nabi. Now that your godly parent has been revealed... he may want you on his side too."

   He wheeled himself out of the room, leaving Nabi, Percy, and Annabeth to sit for a while — collecting their own thoughts. Nabi didn't want anything to do with Kronos. She felt her stomach churn at the idea of him, sneering and attempting to persuade her onto the Titans' side. She'd never accept. Percy snapped her out of her thoughts as he turned to the two with a grateful smile. "Thanks for saving me, both of you."

"That's what friends are for, right?" Annabeth said.

"Yeah. Friends." Percy's smile grew into a grin, like the word was some sort of inside joke between him and Annabeth. Then he shook his head, and said to Nabi, "Thanks for your help back there also — the wings are awesome. If it weren't for you, Luke could've injured me badly... we're friends too, right?"

Nabi's wings fluttered at his words, like a happy bird grateful for his praise and friendship. Her cheeks flushed pink as she gave him a smile in return. "Uhm, I didn't know my wings did that... but of course we're friends, Percy. Don't worry about it."

They all seemed exhausted, but Luke's betrayal had cut them deep enough to prevent sleep. Percy mumbled, "I don't think he actually wanted to kill me."

"No," Nabi agreed, "he just... let it all get to him. He still cares about all of us. Everything he did was out of fear of— of being punished by the gods and hurt by Kronos. Luke's suffering."

Out of all of them, out of probably everyone in the entire camp, Annabeth was affected by Luke's betrayal the most. She said, her voice small, "We have to. Luke's— he just needs to see that Kronos is worse than the gods. He's going about it the wrong way."

There was a small period of silence. Eventually, Percy was the first to get to his feet. "Let's head back, yeah?"

The other two nodded, and all of them made their way to the porch — their hands on the railing as they took in the sight of Camp Half-Blood. It was well into the night. The camp looked completely deserted, with everyone asleep in their cabins; the volleyball pit was silent; no canoes cut the surface of the lake.

Nabi rubbed her eye, yawning. She could feel the way her wings drooped slightly at how tired she was. "I think I'm gonna go back to the Hermes cabin. I haven't actually had a good night's sleep since the whole 'I'm a traitor!' thing."

"Yeah, we should all get some rest," Percy nodded, and said, "have a good sleep, Nabi."

"You too, guys." Nabi smiled, leaving Percy and Annabeth to speak alone.

She headed back to her cabin, her mind still reeling, despite how drained she was. Nabi wondered, how would the entire Hermes cabin, all of Luke's siblings, handle his betrayal? She couldn't even truly comprehend it herself, and she'd witnessed it. Maybe it was wishful thinking, but the next time — if there was a next time — that Nabi encountered Luke, she could change his mind. She understood his motives, understood that his hatred had consumed him. But anyone suffering always needed someone.

   He was suffering, and Nabi refused to let a person suffer alone — no matter who it was. She wanted to help him.

   As she continued walking, she mumbled, thinking aloud on how to retract her damn wings. Nabi's mind took her to all the way back when she was younger — when the voice, which must've been her dad's, had instructed her on how to wield the darkness, the day she has defeated the cyclops on the dimly lit street. He had said to embrace the calm... Nabi hadn't really had time to just relax after the fiasco with Luke in the forest.

   Nabi took a few deep breaths, trying to ease her mind after the day's events. After a few tries, she felt the same, familiar tingling sensation on her back. Her wings folded neatly behind her, and then vanished into thin air.

Gods, Nabi was definitely passing out as soon as she lied down on her bed. She also probably needed to throw out her shirt that had two holes on the back of it. Who knew becoming some sort of angel was such a tiresome thing?

【 🦋 】

AS ALWAYS, DEATH MADE ITS WAY INTO NABI'S DREAMS... THOUGH THIS TIME, IN A DIFFERENT SENSE. A man, an incredibly familiar man, floated in the darkness — Nabi walked towards him. His eyes were molten gold, his hair was long and black.

"Good to see me without the janitor costume?" The man smiled, though a twinge of guilt stained his features.

He was wearing a black robe, still as handsome as before, with dark skin and a regal face. But his wings, exactly like her own, glimmering in shades of black and blue, were what made Nabi realise who he was. She whispered, "Dad— you're my dad."

"Yes, Nabi," His voice was soft, regret laced in his words, "I am sorry that I have not been able to reveal myself to you sooner."

Nabi struggled to speak, afraid that if she said anything he'd disappear. Her voice was fragile. "Why are you here?"

Thanatos took a step towards her. He stated, "Because I care about you — my sweet, winged child. Let it be known that I care."

   He had said similar words, when they had met at the cinema. She trembled slightly as he took another step, almost like he wanted to reach out to her. But she took a step back, and his expression fell. Her voice cracked as she asked, "Why'd you leave me alone for so long?"

Nabi had been at camp for years, for what felt like an eternity. An unwanted child. She'd felt a growing resentment over the years, a tad bitter, but she'd never known how bad it had gotten until he was face to face with her.

"I made an oath," He explained, "on the River of Styx. To keep you safe... but the fates were watching me. You were already a forbidden child. Death himself had given a child... life. It was unheard of. It did not mix with the world's laws."

"That's so... it's so stupid. How was ignoring me my whole life keeping me safe?" Nabi frowned. Her words sounded angry — desperate for an answer.

Thanatos swallowed, "I promised your mother that I would keep you safe for as long as I could."

"What do you mean? Mom?" Her brows pinched together, confused. She remembered at the cinema, when he had mentioned a woman. He must've been referring to her. "You aren't making any sense."

"Rarely anything ever makes sense, with us gods..." He murmured, "but I assure you — I have always been here for you. The day you ran away, I sent my people to take care of you. The days where you believed you were alone on the streets, I whispered in your ear my reassurances. Any time where I have been able to help without breaking the ancient laws, I have."

   Nabi's frown only deepened, as she stuttered, "How— how have you not broken them?"

"You were always going to use your powers, you were always going to survive those events," He hummed, "though, I was only able to do those things due to the oath I made with your mother. Now that I've done my best, now that I have claimed you, I cannot help you as much as I used to be able to."

When Nabi had no words to say, still in deep thought, he continued on with a nostalgic tone, "Mika Cho-hee was a wonderful woman... but she was cursed. Your mother was cursed to die in her youth; her life was never meant to last. She was a demigod herself, after all. But I hadn't expected her to be so... charming. None can say that they had postponed death by making him fall for them, none except her."

"She... was a demigod?" Nabi muttered.

Of course, many demigods never did live very long lives — but Nabi had a feeling that it was something more.  Thanatos had a far away look in his eyes, reminiscing on warmer days. He nodded, and sighed, "I had offered to... 'accidentally' cross her name out on my list of souls to reap. Immortality, in other words. But the fates would have gotten angry — punishments would have been sentenced."

   Nabi had too many questions, and not enough time. Who was her mother's godly parent? What was the curse? She didn't think she could take it all in, just yet, so she settled on a simpler question, "Did she know who you were? Before... falling in love with you?"

   "Of course," He smiled, a twinkle in his eyes, "she was no fool — though, I assume maybe a little. She did fall for me, after all."

   This time, when he took a step forward, Nabi didn't flinch or move away. Thanatos said, with an evident pain in his voice, "Everyone wise knows that death is kinder than love. I loved your mother, and yet I was fated to drag her into the Underworld — fated to leave you... with the curse passed through your blood."

The curse...? Did that mean...?

Nabi swallowed a lump in her throat. She wanted answers, but the more he explained, the more her thoughts got all jumbled up and made her even more confused. She stammered, "You— what? You can't just tell me I'm cursed, and then— I don't understand."

   "You will in due time." He mumbled, stretching a hand out to cup her face, stroking her cheek gently with a thumb, "Life and death cannot hold value without the other. But when they are both together in one being... in you, it should not mix well."

   Nabi wanted to be show her anger — wanted to scream to her father that the least he could do after vanishing from her life was actually make sense. She really wished she had the gall to yell, demand for answers, but she couldn't. Her voice couldn't raise without shaking or cracking. So instead she repeated her words through unsteady breaths, with a growing frustration, tears appearing in her vision, "I don't understand. I want to understand."

   He cupped her hands in his own, gazing into her eyes with genuine regret and apologies. "I truly am sorry, Nabi. I do care for you. I will always care for you... I feel it's best I tell you another time what I mean. The fates have something in store for you... something bigger."

Something bigger.

"I'm still upset," She was crying now, sobbing, "I— I can't accept your apology. Not right now."

   "That is alright, my dear." He whispered.

Thanatos gently pulled off Nabi's bracelet, the one he had gifted her, so that it transformed into the Stygian iron sword. He opened one of her palms, placing the sword in her hand, and then wrapped his own hand around hers to close her fist tightly. Thanatos said, "I am in no condition to ask you of a promise — but please, promise me this. Do not be afraid of your powers. Fear will only bring you harm, it will only bring you to me... and not as a chosen visit. Take control of your abilities. Kronos is planning a resurgence, and you cannot afford to falter. Let the dead rise."

"I..." Nabi's hands shook as she held the sword in her hands, and more tears escaped from her eyes. Her father was right. She couldn't grow stronger if she let her fear inhibit her potential. "Okay. I'll try to be less afraid, I promise."

   She made the promise more so for herself, than for her father. Nabi was still angry at him. But it was a promise, nonetheless.

"Thank you," He murmured, "and in return, the least I could do is say this. I'll try to be a better father, I promise."

   Nabi hoped he meant it.


【 🦋 】

   CLARISSE AND NABI WERE SITTING ALONE IN THE ARES CABIN, the day after it all went down. Nabi painted Clarisse's nails black as she explained everything — reciting what Percy had said the previous night when he was telling everything to Chiron. She decided to keep the dream with her father to herself, though.

Chiron had informed the other head counsellors that they didn't need to follow either of them around anymore, much to both of their reliefs.

Clarisse's nails were already painted the day before, but she had picked off most of the nail polish whilst concerned about Nabi's safety the whole night. It was a habit she had, something she did when she was anxious or bored. The latter had offered to hang out and repaint it.

"Chiron'll probably announce Luke's betrayal in a few days," Nabi said, coating one of Clarisse's nails carefully, "he just needs to report to Olympus, first."

   Clarisse scoffed, "Luke's a coward. If I had been there, he wouldn't have gotten away."

Nabi merely hummed, too focused on her task to actually reply. After a minute of silence, she mumbled, "Y'know, I'm still getting used to my wings. Sometimes, my back feels weird. Like they want to be freed."

It was a similar feeling to waking up in the morning and needing to stretch.

"Then free them," Clarisse muttered, "I want to see your wings. I can't believe Percy and Annabeth saw them before I did."

"M'kay, but they're kinda big, so I'll have to stand up." Nabi nodded, setting the nail polish on Clarisse's nightstand. She leaned forward a little closer, dipping her head lower as she lifted Clarisse's hands to blow gently on her nails.

   When she looked up, Clarisse was looking at her funny. Nabi raised an eyebrow, and Clarisse huffed, "Nothing. I just can't believe you're an idiot. You went into that fight against Luke without your weapon ready."

   "I wasn't thinking! Percy needed help!" Nabi pouted, getting up from the bed. "Besides, I'm fine now, aren't I? Anyways, look."

It took a second, but her wings sprouted from her back like the night before, displaying them openly to her friend. She had purposefully cut out two holes at the back that were more so slits than tattered, ripped shreds — more deliberate in size, so her shirt didn't look ruined. She planned to do it for the rest of her clothes. Instantly, Nabi felt better, like a knot in her back had been relieved. She wondered if she could go without her wings for longer, once she'd gotten used to them. Clarisse grinned in awe as Nabi did a full turn with her arms out, letting them flap a little to show how they moved.

"They suit you." Clarisse murmured in wonder, "I think it makes sense — how you really are an angel."

Nabi flushed a pink hue at the compliment, and her wings started fluttering rapidly. Funny. It was the same with her heart. She stuttered, "Uhm, my wings just— they just do that. I think they like to express my emotions. I haven't, uh, gotten in control of it, yet."

She tried to retract them and make them vanish, but they didn't seem to want to. Clarisse grinned at her words. "What, so if I compliment you, they'll just start flapping?"

"Let's not try that out, please." Nabi muttered, embarrassed as her cheeks grew even warmer.

"I think you're brilliant, y'know."

Her wings flapped a little more aggressively, and Nabi huffed, blushing slightly, "I said, let's not do this."

"I am so going to keep doing this." Clarisse snorted.

   Clarisse began spouting compliments one after the other, and Nabi's wings started fluttering until there were gusts of wind throughout the room. Nabi tried covering her ears and begging her to stop, her face getting hot, but Clarisse's compliments only got louder and more teasing.

"I'm pretty sure you helped my nails dry with all your flapping, Nabs." Clarisse chuckled.

Nabi mumbled, "Keep laughing, and I'll—"

"Have I ever told you how pretty your eyes are?" Clarisse said. A flurry of wind swirled through the room again.

"I can't believe you—!"

Fortunately, the conch horn sounded — signalling it was time for lunch. Clarisse stood up, still smirking, "Alright, I'll stop torturing you."

   "Good." Nabi grumbled, her wings slowing down their movement, coming to a stop. "I hated that."

   Clarisse opened the door, before grinning cheekily at her. The look on her smug face made Nabi know exactly what she was going to do. "Let's go get lunch, yeah, angel?"

   Nabi's wings fluttered uncontrollably, faster and wilder than how the last few compliments made her wings flap. Her face was bright red now, flustered. Nabi scowled, "Clarisse, I swear to the gods—!"

   Clarisse was already running before she could finish her sentence. Nabi rolled her eyes, but began catching up to her quite quickly with how fast she flew with her wings — other passing campers looked at her in shock and awe. She'd forgotten for a moment that not everyone was aware of her claiming. Huh. Though, they might've also been staring because Clarisse was cackling like a maniac as she tried sprinting away.

   "Holy shit— Nabi's a fucking bird!"

   She grinned as she saw Connor and Travis' baffled expressions, pointing at her soaring through the air. Nabi could hear some of her other friends as they all made their way to the dining pavilion — Silena was yelling at her in the distance for not telling her about her wings sooner, and Percy was yelling at Nabi to get Clarisse.

In this moment, Nabi couldn't help smiling. This was a breath of rest after a disastrous week. Despite everything that had happened with Luke — all the possible threats and worries in the future that had to do with Kronos — in this moment, she felt happy. She had people around her—Percy, Annabeth, Travis, Connor, Silena, Clarisse. Everyone she cared about, here at camp.

This was her home. This was her family. SHE WOULD NOT LET KRONOS TAKE IT FROM HER.



જ⁀➴ this is the end of the lightning thief and into the sea of monsters! yippee! i wanted the last bit of the 1st book to end on a slightly happier note ig but btw, i might also take a lil longer to post the next few chapters than the regular 2 day schedule because i need to refresh my memory on the sea of monsters act!

   ok but nabi's wings fluttering when her heart picks up or when she gets really happy, or drooping when she's tired, is so cute to mee 🙈 she'll probs get in control of them and they might not show her emotions as much later on, but let's enjoy beginner angel nabi while we can ,, also nabi being an angry crier is so real to me too !! whenever she gets angry she can't express it without sobbing. relatable babes. she's emotional and sensitive and it is ok !!

   thanatos finally makes an appearance as himself! no longer a janitor or a spooky voice ,, yippee! also want to say that the pjo books r known for their greek myth parallels... 🤭 nabi is thanatos' daughter so... hint hint 😉 lol i'm so excited for smth to happen in act 3 but ofc, we have to get thru the 2nd act! hope u liked it, can't wait for u to read the next chapter and thanks sm for reading!

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