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Por geraltsjaskier

912 48 11

no rivers and no lakes can put the fire out. ( legolas x fem!oc ) ( the hobbit/lot... Mรกs

๐ฌ๐ž๐ฏ๐ž๐ง ๐๐ž๐ฏ๐ข๐ฅ๐ฌ . . .
act. i + graphicsโ–• โ›๐จ๐Ÿ ๐ช๐ฎ๐ž๐ฌ๐ญ๐ฌ ๐š๐ง๐ ๐ก๐จ๐ง๐จ๐ซโœ
๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ. a sickly forest
๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ‘. the woodland realm

๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ. adventure awaits

190 7 5
Por geraltsjaskier

adventure awaits !

      THAT EVENING started off to be just as normal as the rest. Nelladrie was currently standing in the kitchen, humming quietly to herself as she made supper. Large bumblebees occasionally flew by her, but she didn't mind them, nor did she mind all the other critters that found their way into their home.

      She sat the wooden ladle down next to the pot of stew and made her way over towards a ladder. She began to climb it, needing to get to the spices on the top shelf. You see, skin-changers were known to normally be massive and tall to match the form of their great beasts. Nelladrie, however, wasn't like her ancestors.

      The elf blood in her seemed to stunt her growth, and she was perhaps a little shorter than an average elleth—which is why she kept her trusty ladder handy whilst living in a house that had items twice the normal size. Luckily, Beorn had crafted her some regular-sized items specifically for her to use.

      Speaking of Beorn, he was currently out for the evening. He was hunting in his beast-form, and he usually didn't come home until the early morning hours. Sometimes she would be out there with him, but lately, Beorn had been suggesting that she stay behind, and she didn't know why. He never told her that orcs were starting to spread in the mountains for a sinister reason.

      It was dangerous out there, and Beorn knew something...dark was lurking in the shadows. He also knew of things that she didn't—like a certain foe who'd been rumored to have returned; Azog. Though, he wasn't going to tell her any of this because he'd told her that Azog had died a long time ago. He did this because he wanted to protect her—he didn't want her to hold onto revenge and go after him herself, which she would most certainly try to do.

      He also didn't want her out there because of her inability to change form for long periods of time like he could. If orcs were to attack them, there would be many probabilities of things going wrong, and he wouldn't dare put her in harms way.

      Not only was it difficult for her to stay in her beast-form—she also couldn't fully control when she turns. Her abilities were limited when it came to her skin-changer side, but it was something she was working on. However, it was frustrating to her that she couldn't pick up the habits that she thought should come naturally.

      Nelladrie would often find herself thinking about what the outside world could bring. Of course she loved her life, and she would be forever grateful to Beorn for raising her up—but she wanted a bit of excitement in her life. A little adventure. She practically craved it at this point. Though, she knew that Beorn would disapprove.

      A soft sigh escaped her lips as she descended down the ladder and back over towards the pot of stew. Just as she was beginning to sprinkle some spices into the food, the sound of distant yelling could be heard. She furrowed her eyebrows slightly as she stopped what she was doing and listened closely. The screaming was growing closer and closer with each passing second.

      Out here in the middle of nowhere, it was usually quiet and peaceful. No trouble came their way, and they were never disturbed. So hearing a bunch of yelling like this was definitely cause for concern. Confused and wanting to know what on earth could be happening, she quickly made her way through the house and towards the front doors.

      As she opened them, her gaze instantly landed on a bunch of figures that were darting their way across the green fields and directly towards the house. And then that's when she heard it—the familiar sound of a vicious roar that belonged to a certain skin-changer; Beorn.

Oh no. Her brown eyes widened as she felt her breath catch in her throat. The giant and quite angry black bear was trailing not far behind the dwarves who were running for their lives.

"Run! This way! Hurry!" A voice yelled, causing them all to run faster. "Come on! Get inside!" A tall old man wearing grey robes and a pointy hat ushered them into the house.

Nelladrie stepped out of the way to avoid being knocked over as the dwarves all piled inside. They quickly tried to shut the doors, but before they could close them all of the way, the beast had stuck his head inside, snarling and snapping his teeth as he tried to get in.

The dwarves used every ounce of their strength to push the door closed. Once it was latched, they all collectively let out sighs of relief. Nelladrie looked at all of them, her lips parting in shock as she tried to wrap her head around what was happening. She felt at a loss for words as she stared at the fifteen strangers that were now standing in her house.

      "What is that?" Ori questioned, trying to catch his breath as he looked up at Gandalf for an answer.

"That is our host..." The dwarves all turned to look at the wizard as he said this, as did Nelladrie. "His name is Beorn. And he's a skin-changer." Her shocked expression twisted into more of a confused one. This person knew of Beorn? "Sometimes he's a huge black bear. Sometimes he's a great strong man. The bear is unpredictable...but the man can be reasoned with. However, he is not overfond of dwarves..." Well, the old man was definitely speaking as if he knew him.

"You know Beorn?" Nelladrie questioned, causing him to turn and look at her.

"Oh, hello, dear," he told her, as if just now realizing that she was standing there, "Uh, not personally, no." She blinked a couple of times, still very confused about all of this.

"I-I'm sorry—who are you..?"

"Oh, of course. My apologies," He replied as he took his hat off and placed it against his chest, bowing his head respectfully, "My name is Gandalf. Gandalf the Grey." He then motioned his staff towards the others crowding around the entryway. "And this is the company of Thorin Oakenshield."

      Nelladrie's eyes trailed across the company in front of her. There were thirteen dwarves and a little fellow who was much shorter than the rest of them.

      "Hi.." She said, not knowing what else to say because this entire situation was so bizarre. Ori was peering through the cracks of the door, watching the beast outside.

     He then turned around to say, "He's leaving." Beorn's growls could be heard growing distant as he gave up and took his leave.

      "Come away from there," Dori scolded as he pulled the dwarf away from the door, "It's not natural. None of it! It's obvious. He's under some dark spell." Upon hearing this, Nelladrie cracked a small smile and let out an airy chuckle, finding his comment to be funny. They weren't under any dark spells—it was just their nature. Though, she quickly stopped laughing as the dwarves all looked at her.

      "Don't be a fool," Gandalf said, "He's under no enchantment but his own."

      Kili looked the girl up and down, a standoffish look plastered on his face as he said, "You a skin-changer, too?" It sounded like he was almost accusing her.

      "Look at her ears," Dwalin pointed out, "She's clearly an elf." He didn't seem to like elves very much by the disdain in his tone.

      "Yes, I am. Both, actually," she told them matter-of-factly. Noticing their hesitation and the way they were slowly backing away from her, she quickly spoke again, "Oh, but you have nothing to worry about."

      "—I don't trust it," Kili began to say, causing the others to agree with him, starting a loud banter between them.

      "Settle down," Gandalf told them all, "If she wanted to cause you harm, she would've done so already." The wizard then turned to gaze upon the girl. "What is your name, dear?"

      "Nelladrie," she answered, "Nelladrie Goldmore."

"Well, Miss Nelladrie—we are all truly sorry for the intrusion, but I'm afraid we had no where else to go," Gandalf said to her, "I was hoping to speak with Beorn, perhaps tomorrow when he's not...trying to kill us. If it's no trouble to you, would it be possible for us to rest here for the night...?" She gazed between all of them, feeling a bit hesitant.

      She didn't know them, and the dwarves obviously didn't seem to like her very much. However, she knew that if they went back out there, they would be in great danger with Beorn still wandering around. She also couldn't turn down people in need of help.

Eventually making up her mind, she nodded, "Yes, of course." Gandalf gave her a warm smile upon hearing her decision.

"Then it's settled," the wizard said as he looked down at the company, "You'll be safe here tonight." Even though they were still unsure about Nelladrie, they all began to scatter in the house, making themselves right at home.

      "What did you need to speak with Beorn about?" She asked the wizard curiously.

      "There's a pack of orcs hunting us," he told her, "We are trying to pass through the Wilderlands, but we need his help to do so." She looked confused and a bit alarmed as her eyes widened. She hadn't heard of any orcs being around these parts for a long time. It took her by surprise.

      "Orcs? Why are orcs hunting you?"

      "That is quite a long story..." Gandalf began to say, "Perhaps we can speak more about it tomorrow when Beorn is here." She was very curious to know what was going on, but she didn't want to pry into business that wasn't hers. So, she smiled softly and gave him a small nod.

"What's that delicious smell?" Bofur suddenly asked.

"What is that...a roast?" Dwalin added as he sniffed the air a bit, "With garlic and potatoes?"

"Erm, yes, I was just finishing up supper," Nelladrie told them, "Would you like to have some?"

"—Would I?" Bofur replied, practically scoffing, "You betcha. Just point me in the direction."

"Me too! I want some!" Ori added. It was as if the second food was mentioned, the dwarves forgot all about their feelings of distrust towards Nelladrie. She led her new guests into the kitchen—and in the back of her mind, all she could think about was the great concern she felt knowing that orcs were near her home...

🐺 🐺 🐺

      BY THE NEXT MORNING, Nelladrie knew all about the company of Thorin Oakenshield and their quest to reclaim their homeland. To retrieve the Arkenstone from Erebor and use it to unite armies of dwarves to attack the dragon who lays wait in the mountain. Listening to their story and hearing the passion they had for this quest...it moved her.

      Beorn was currently moving around the table and pouring milk into the guests' cups. Nelladrie was also going around and handing out fresh biscuits. One thing was for sure—these dwarves could put away some food.

      "Thank you," Bilbo told her kindly as he took the biscuit she was giving him. She smiled in response, giving him a nod. She liked this little hobbit—he definitely had more manners than their other guests...

      "So you are the one they call Oakenshield," Beorn began to say as he glanced over at the dwarf. Thorin just stared back at him. He wasn't normally one to make small talk—he just wanted to get straight to the point.

The dwarf began to say, "How do you know that Azog is hunting us?" As soon as those words left his mouth, Nelladrie stopped what she was doing, her eyes widening as she looked over towards Beorn.

      "What?" She said rather loudly, feeling as if her heart had just stopped, "Azog?" Beorn sighed softly to himself before turning to glance at her. The look in her brown eyes was all too evident—confusion, bewilderment and pain. Azog was alive?

"I have heard rumors," Beorn told him, "You see, our people were the first to live in the mountains before the Orcs came down from the North." He continued to move around the table as he spoke. "The defiler killed most of our family. But some he enslaved. Not for work, you understand, but for sport. Caging skin-changers and torturing them seemed to amuse him."

      "There are others like you?" Bilbo asked curiously.

      Beorn nodded, "Once there were many..." Nelladrie gulped back a lump in her throat. She was too young to remember any of her kin, but perhaps that was why she still felt so much pain. She never got the chance to know them. That's why this news about Azog still being alive was making her feel upset.

      "And now..?"

      "Now there is only two..." Beorn sat the pitcher of milk on the table and turned to sit down himself. "You need to reach the mountain before the last days of Autumn."

Gandalf gave a slight nod, "Before Durin's day falls, yes."

"You are running out of time," Beorn stated, as if they didn't already know themselves.

"Which is why we must go through Mirkwood." As the wizard said this, Nelladrie turned to look at him.

"A darkness lies upon that forest. Fell things creep beneath those trees. There is an alliance between the Orcs of Moria and the necromancer in Dol Guldur," Beorn informed them. Nelladrie then glanced over towards him. She wanted to know why he knew so much and didn't think to tell her anything. "I would not venture there except in great need."

"We will take the elven road," Gandalf told him, "That path is still safe."

"Safe...?" Beorn said, shaking his head lightly, "The wood elves of Mirkwood are not like their kin. They're less wise...and more dangerous." Nelladrie had heard many stories of the woodland elves of Mirkwood, but she'd never ventured into their forest. Beorn made it very clear that she shouldn't get herself involved with anything Mirkwood-related. He thought that they couldn't be trusted. "But it matters not..."

Thorin looked over at him, his eyebrows furrowing, "What do you mean?"

"These lands are crawling with orcs. Their numbers are growing," Beorn said to him, "And you are on foot. You'll never reach the forest alive." This wasn't exactly what the dwarves wanted to hear, which is why they grew quiet. Beorn suddenly stood up from his seat, his eyes narrowing as he began to slowly stalk up towards Thorin.

      "I don't like dwarves. They're greedy...and blind. Blind to the lives of those they deem lesser than their own." Gandalf tensed up as he watched Beorn grow closer to Thorin, not too sure about where this was going. "...But orcs I hate more. What do you need?" Upon hearing this, Thorin smirked softly.

🐺 🐺 🐺

WHILST THEY STILL HAD THE LIGHT, the company of Thorin Oakenshield was to travel to Mirkwood on pony-back. The orcs weren't far behind now, so they had to make haste. As the dwarves were readying their things to depart, Nelladrie watched them from inside through the window.

      She'd been thinking to herself about everything going on. There was a weird butterfly feeling in her stomach and her heart was racing. She wanted to go with them. Suddenly turning around, she went to go find Beorn, who was in the process of cleaning up the mess the dwarves left behind. She walked up behind him and he sensed her presence.

"No," he simply said, not even bothering to look at her.

"You don't even know what I was going to say."

"I do know," he replied, turning to meet her gaze, "And you cannot go."

"—I just want to help them," she tried to say.

"Nelladrie..." he said her name sternly, "I am no fool. You hope to cross paths with Azog, and I will not allow you to put yourself in such unnecessary danger." She then crossed her arms over her chest and shook her head.

"You told me he was dead. Why did you lie to me?"

      "Because of what you are trying to do right now," he told her.

She let out a huff, "This is a chance to avenge our people. To avenge my parents." Beorn's eyes softened as he looked down upon the girl.

"I know the pain you feel, child," he said to her, "But we do not seek out revenge. It will lead you down a dark path."

"—But we may never get this opportunity again," she argued, letting out a frustrated sigh. After a moment, she raised her chin slightly higher in the air. "I'm going with them. And you can't stop me." Beorn knew that she wouldn't listen to him no matter how many times he tried to tell her his concerns. However, he also knew that he couldn't keep her here forever. Deep down, he knew this day would come.

"You have the stubbornness of your father and the courage of your mother..." Beorn let out a deep sigh. "Promise me that you will not purposefully look for the orcs. That you will stay with the company."

      She gulped lightly, eventually nodding, "I promise." After a moment of thinking to himself, he came to a conclusion.

      "If you must do this, then very well. Go now and get your things." Nelladrie couldn't help but smile as she pulled him into a tight hug. She was so much smaller than him, so he had to kneel down to hug her properly. Even though she was all grown up, this was still his little girl in his arms, and he didn't want to let her go. Though, she was her own person. He couldn't make decisions for her, and he had to make peace with whatever she would choose to do.

      At first, Thorin turned down the idea of her tagging along. He didn't know her and he didn't trust her. Though, Gandalf convinced him that she would be a great ally and addition to the company. So, it was settled—she would travel with the dwarves and help them reclaim their homeland. If she just so happened to run into Azog...well, it would be fair game.

As Nelladrie was fixing the saddle on her pony, Beorn watched her from a little ways away. "Keep an eye on her for me," he said to Gandalf.

"Of course, Master Beorn..." the wizard replied, "but I do believe she is quite capable of taking care of herself."

Beorn sighed deeply, "Ay...that she is."

      Once everyone was ready to go, they began to set off in the direction of Mirkwood. Nelladrie turned to look over her shoulder, giving Beorn a wave goodbye. She felt a sudden pang in her heart. She'd never left home before like this, and it was a bit frightening.

      Nevertheless, after twenty-three years of daydreaming, she was finally going on an adventure. All of her life she'd dreamed of avenging her parents' deaths. Whatever Beorn thought about taking revenge—she saw this as an opportunity to make things right. Little did she know that the course this quest would take her on would change her life forever...

( author's note! )
chapter one update yay!!! it's a long ahhh one, but you know how it goes with the first chapter, gotta get that setup going 🤌😌 legolas is gonna be in the next chapter so stay tuned!! thank you for reading! 🩵🩵🩵

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