Poor Thing || Trollhunters ||...

By PantoraCordis

73 2 1

Life does not spare Hira. She is only 17 years old and has already moved between five continents. Well, being... More


The Gifted One

38 1 1
By PantoraCordis

I looked down at my trembling hands. Easy girl, it's just school. Act normal, don't be weird and everything will be fine. Tight hank of anxiety went down my throat as I walked towards my locker. It took me a while to find it, but finally I stood in front of a blue, worn-out door. They were bent so much that a little more and you could ski on them. A grimace of disgust entered my tanned face when I saw many chewed gums stuck to the bottom edge of locker. Just adorable. Loud sigh escaped my lips as I struggled with the number lock. I was sure that I was entering the right code, but it wouldn't even budge.

- Oh come on! - I growled, feeling like a soldier on a losing battlefield. And then a light tap on my shoulder caught my attention. 

- Need a little help? - A girl with short black hair asked me with a friendly smile.

- Please save me from the stubbornness of the local beasts - I pointed to the school locker with a smirk, giving up.

The girl first pushed gently and then pulled the handle. And that was it. It opened with loud creak.

- You have to push it first, that's the trick - she said, adjusting the backpack on her shoulder. - You are new here - she stated rather than asked.

- Well, there's no denying it - I admitted, sticking out my hand. - Hira Begar - I introduced myself, shaking her hand. 

- Claire Nuñez, nice to meet you. - She grabbed my hand tighter when I tried to withdraw it. - And these are a lot of beautiful rings - I laughed, seeing how her eyes sparkled at the sight of golden jewelery. Some had stones, some didn't. They were all unique. 

- These are souvenirs from all the trips I had. My father is an archaeologist, I had time to explore shops while he was discovering ancient artifacts and smiling at newspaper photos - I explained, clearly arousing the girl's interest. 

The sharp sound of bell interrupted our conversation, heralding the beginning of class. I took a deep breath, tightening my hands on the handle of the linen bag.

- You must tell me more about it after classes. What do you have first?

I reached into the back pocket of my wide jeans and looked at the carefully folded lesson plan. 

- Mi primera lección es español, mi amiga - I didn't have the best accent, but I spoke the language fluently. My father and I spent almost three years in Spain, I had to learn it quickly.

Claire perked up.

- It looks like we'll be in class together. Don't worry, the first day is always hard. But I'm sure you'll settle in quickly - she reassured and led me to the classroom.

Yes, that's what I'm afraid of. That thought crossed my mind like an irrittaing insect, but I quickly got rid of it. Gathering the courage to meet new people wasn't a big deal for me. After all, I had been doing it all my life. A pleasant spark of excitement lit up my heart as I saw so many new faces. 

When I finished introducing myself to the class, I sat down in the only available seat. The second-to-last row by the window seemed like a good place to daydream throughout the lesson. Perfect spot.

The rest of the classes went by just like in any other school. Before I knew it, the whole day had passed. The final bell rang and I walked out of English class by Claire's side. It turned out that we had a lot in common - we both love learning. And eventually I managed to tame my locker. It was opening without any effort now.

- I'm organizing a sleepover this weekend. You wanna come over? – Claire asked, taking out some notebooks from her locker.

- Oh, I'd love to. If you don't mind, of course. - I faced Mary and Darci, girls I had met earlier.

- Girl are you kidding me? - Darci raised an eyebrow, smiling at me.

- Yeah you should totally join us! Our pack is currently recruiting - Mary echoed, clapping her hands excitedly. Before I could answer, a tall and well-built blond boy walked past us.

- Excitement in your voices is the correct reaction to seeing me. - He said boldly, pointing to his face. - Keep it up, ladies - he winked at us, baring his white teeth in a smile.

- Poor Steve, he still hasn't developed a brain. - Claire joked and we all giggled.

It turned out that Claire and I were walking in the same direction home. So we said goodbye to the girls and moved forward, enjoying the fresh air and golden rays of sunlight. She told me about two of her friends, Jim and Tobes, who weren't at school that day. And I told her about my last place of residence - Ecuador.

It was a nice change to meet someone who actually listened. That's why we ended up talking for a good fifteen minutes, standing in front of the girl's house. In the end, however, she had to go back and take care of her younger brother. 

- See you tomorrow! - I said goodbye to Claire and moved on in my own company.

The afternoon was so pleasant here. Not too hot, not too cold. I took a deep breath, enjoying the greenery surrounding me. Arcadia was not a big city, rather a small one. When we drove through the center a week earlier, I couldn't shake the feeling that it was very cozy here. I also knew that such places like to hide secrets. I couldn't wait to discover local legends and stories of older generations.

But for now, I dreamed of a solid dinner and my own bed. I wanted to curl up in it with a book after a whole day of challenges. I quickened my pace, feeling that my blanket, brought as a souvenir from Cappadocia, was calling me. In my mind's eye I could already see the multi-colored, soft-weave material wrapping around me like a burrito.

However, my mood quickly deteriorated when I stood in front of the door of our new house. It was rather tiny, cluttered and old but I couldn't complain. We already had lived in much less civilized conditions anyway. I sighed, opening the door quietly. I didn't expect to find my father anywhere other than in his own office, which he had set up in the living room. I passed empty boxes- leftovers from our move. I was going to take them to a nearby animal shelter, but there was no time for that yet. I went to the kitchen, immediately throwing my bag on the back of the chair and heading to the fridge.

The kitchen was the most well-kept room. I had managed to clean it up earlier and do the shopping my dad sent me to do. He had fixed a leaking sink and tightened the hinges on the cabinets. Now pots full of plants smiled at me from every available space. I've always liked being surrounded by life, and my dad didn't mind. Well, at least until he started tripping over flowerpots. It was starting to feel like home thanks to that plants. I was at least trying to convince myself of that.  

- After school already? - I heard my father's deep tenor. He stood in the doorway, holding an empty cup in his hands. Dark color of his hair looked the same as the color of the old wooden furniture in the house. Well, maybe apart from a few gray streaks. He was elegantly dressed, as always. He didn't part with his shirts even during ordinary days like this.

- Yes, it was okay. Like always. - I shrugged, not really eager to talk. I was tired of chattering. 

We had a rather good relationship, but not a particularly warm one. The similarities in our personalities meant that we understood each other well. He always asked how I was doing and was interested in my well-being. But sometimes I had the impression that my father did it out of some necessity.

- Hmm, that's good - he muttered as he put water on for coffee.

For a long moment soothing silence lingered in the air. I was eating yesterday's leftover casserole, using the fork to play with wilted broccoli. Dad was wandering in his thoughts, looking at the trees surrounding our house. 

I had to admit that it was quite a friendly neighborhood. Far from the center, but with a forest nearby. We both liked to stay close to nature, so that landscape suited us well.

- I'm planning on going to a geology gala. It's in a city few hours away. - He said suddenly, sitting down next to me at the round table.

- Will you be gone long? -  I was used to his absence, so that information wasn't a shock.

- About three days, no more. Will you take care of yourself? - His voice was filled with formality rather than concern, but that wasn't anything new to me either.

- You know you can rely on me. I'm almost an adult. - I rolled my eyes discreetly, shoving the last portion of pasta and a cherry tomato into my mouth.

- Speaking of which, I'd like to give you your present in advance. - He took a sip from the cup.


- But my birthday is in 10 months - I said in surprise, putting the empty plate into the sink.

- That's right, but I think you should get it sooner. It's from... your mother. She wore it and wanted to give it to her daughter someday. - I sensed an anxious tremble in his voice.

Oh. We didn't like talking about mom. She died during childbirth. When I asked my dad what she was like, his answer was always mixed with confusion and difficulty. This was probably the only topic that made him feel that uncomfortable. It must have been very difficult for him, even after all these years. All I knew was that she was a wonderful woman and I had her green eyes. I mean, she wasn't here, so why dwell on it? It was just me and dad against the whole world. 

So I followed him to his office without saying a word. We stood in a room full of unpacked luggage. On every wall there were shelves with carefully arranged stones and crystals. My father has been collecting them for as long as I can remember. He didn't let me approach them because they had great sentimental value. It was kinda sad for me that he saw me as a careless child.

- I hope you'll take care of this - he said, handing me wooden box. - It would be best if you didn't take it off at all. 

I looked at it with delight, tracing the symbols carved into the wood with my finger. They looked neither Celtic nor Aztec. Shoot, they don't look like any runes I know! I felt even more excited when I opened the box. Inside was a ring with a beautiful yellow stone. It was clearly marked by the fang of time, but still magnificent.

- Your mother's family has passed it down from generation to generation - my father explained, noticing my curiosity about the hallmark. I used the magnifying glass on the desk to take a closer look at it.

- But this is... - I frowned, not believing what I was seeing. The hallmark featured a deer, a medieval symbol.

- Yes, it comes from the Middle Ages - my father confirmed my suspicions with a smile.

 Woah was all I could say with my mouth opened in admiration. But I quickly became serious, containing my enormous excitement. 

- I promise I will take care of it - I swore, clutching the ring to my chest. 

- I believe so. Now go ahead and try it on - my dad encouraged me, leaning against his mahogany desk.

I bit my lip as I put the ring on. A tingling sensation went through my finger, and for a moment it seemed as if the crystal was shining brightly. My father widened his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest. Rays of the setting sun reflecting off the surface of the crystal are so amazing.

- I hope you like your gift. And now I have to pack for the congress - He stated with some strange agitation, immediately throwing things into a travel bag.

- Yes, thank you - I replied with a tired smile, still staring at the yellow stone. It radiated some strange energy. I guess it's just the magic of relics of the past, I thought, stepping back from the office.

I didn't want to disturb my father, so I went upstairs to my room with a cup of steaming tea. I put it on my small desk and opened window to let some fresh air inside. Relieved, I closed the door behind me and fell onto the bed. I could finally wrap myself in a blanket and snuggle under the duvet. I felt so warm and blissful that I even forgot about my tea. I simply let my eyelids close and fell asleep, exhausted by the hardships of the day. 

My dreams were very strange that night. I dreamed of a pair of orange fireflies blinking far away in the dark. I tried to catch them, but they kept running away. Some strange split voice kept repeating eldritch, eldritch over and over again. I had no idea what was the meaning of that. It sounded ominous and pleasant at the same time, echoing in the void. Eventually, the pair of fireflies stopped and I managed to get closer. And only then I realized that these were not any bugs.

 It was a pair of eyes.

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