Children of the Ocean

By ZaffreTales

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On the shores of Badunura there is a boy who's name was Shark-Fang. He was a child of the ocean, which means... More

The Swords of Sleep
Dead Man's Fingers
The Girl in his Dreams
Nightmare Sky

Sweet Sorrow

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By ZaffreTales

The sheer vastness of the ocean would make finding something there hard if you didn't know where to look. And if you can breathe underwater that makes it even less difficult. So the person who skulked across the ocean floor, who had both these advantages, was not troubled. She found herself at the bottom of a large cliff face the place she had been looking for. 

   "Codium had better have been right about this," she thought to herself. "Can't get him to check again since he got blown up." Recalling a news story she had seen. She examined the rocks until she found an opening and squeezed herself through it. She wriggled her way through a tunnel full of water undeterred and soon she emerged at the other side. Swimming up the Nightmare Witch soon broke the surface of the water. Now on the other side of the cliff face she was a huge cavern that had been undisturbed for a very long time. But attention was not drawn by the size of the cavern, the stale air filter through the smallest of cracks or by the jagged rocks above and below but by the large object floating in the centre. It wouldn't be until closer inspection that you would realize it was a ship as it was entirely covered by a strange fiery golden orange crystal. The witch smirked beneath her mask because this crystal covered ship was what she had been looking for. 

Using her magic she propelled herself out of the water and on to the ship's deck. She wondered where to begin but then noticed that the door to the captain's cabin was still open despite being encrusted with crystals. Inside was large mound of crystal more opaque than the rest she ignored this and looked elsewhere and found a large chest. The Nightmare Witch blasted it with magic causing the crystal to crack. But the cracks spread all over and part of the large mound broke off. There was a sound like a wheezing. 

   "Air at last," said a voice from the crystal. "How long have I slept?" The witch was taken aback by this. 

   "Hmm this could be trouble," she thought. The crystal mound shattered revealing the figure within. The gruffest looking woman you had ever seen. Dressed in large red coat with black boots and a large hat, it was a look that could only be described as pirate. Her long black hair was tied in a long braid and her scarred face was quite aged. She drew her sword and pointed it at the witch who noticed the holster belt across her chest with six pistols in it. 

   "And who are you supposed to be masked one?" said the pirate as smoke began to emanate from bunches on her hair making her seem somewhat ethereal. 

   "My name is Coral-Red," said the witch with a bow. "But you can call me the Nightmare Witch." 

   "Hmph sounds like a self indulgent title. "Maybe just a little, but it's an appropriate one I assure you captain...?" 

   "Commodore," corrected the pirate. "Commodore Blackbraid." There was a pause before the witch, still with blade pointed at her let out a laugh. 

   "What? Blackbraid? Get real. I know this is her ship but how are you her? She lived in the eighteenth century." The pirate just glared at the witch and she realized she was telling the truth. "Well well, this is a turn up for the books. The infamous Edwina Teach, better known as Blackbraid the most feared pirate on all the sea. Though it was mostly bluster I hear." Blackbraid drove her sword into the witch who vanished and reappeared standing next to her. "Hmm maybe not." 

   "And you're actually a witch not just some child trying to sound scary." 

   "What can I say? I have a knack for trickery." The Nightmare Sword appeared in her hand. 

   "The Nightmare Sword? One of the most accursed swords in all the world. Never thought I'd see it with my own eyes. But I have questions for you, one how did you get into this cave? And two what do you want?" 

   "A true monster showed me where to look and as a child of the ocean I can breathe underwater." 

   "A child of the ocean? So you're not just a myth after all." 

   "As for what I want there's only one way to boost the power of this sword. A long lost building built by both the dream tribe and the nightmare tribe in a time when they got along. And the last know document detailing its location was stolen by you a long time ago." 

   "So you thought you'd steal it from me?" 

   "To be fair I assumed you were long dead. How was I to know you'd preserved yourself in this orange stuff." 

   "Preservation crystals charged with time energy enough to keep me suspended for as long as I wanted. Besides what you seek is not on board my ship it's with my hidden dock on Badunura. But you won't be seeing a single bit of it." 

   "I couldn't care less about your secrets or anything else I just want that map." Blackbraid seemed to way up her options. 

  "Alright then as you're tricky to kill I'll take your word for it. But if you want that map you will serve under my command and the map, and keeping your life, will be your payment. And you will give me something in return." 

   "Well my end goal is cursing the world. Reshaped to the way I want. I can get you anything you want. I could turn the ocean into a pirate's paradise which you could rule. Oh and I can provide us with a crew so long as you have no trouble with lesser monsters." 

   "Very well witch we have a bargain. I have no trouble with a ship crewed by nightmares so let's leave at once. But no this witch only I can open the way to my hidden docks and if you betray me I'll prove just how little justice those stories did my brutality." The pirate snapped her fingers and the rest of the crystal began to break apart and fly into her hand. "Luckily these things absorb information so between them and you I can learn how the world has changed." The crystal had turned into a much smaller one which she pocketed. 

   "Shall we be off commodore?" Blackbraid touched the desk in the room and a magical rune glowed. A loud rumble lead the witch back on to the deck where she saw the wall of the cave collapsing letting sunlight into the cave for the first time in an age. She placed the tip of the Nightmare Sword onto the ground and spun it around. Black mist spewed from it as she brought her nightmares to life. 

The sun was bright and warm in the sky above Anemone's Crown. The children of the ocean were no stranger to this type of weather and were out enjoying it regardless of how often they seen it. One of them sat on a rock under the water not too far from shore but enough that he could see all the various plants and animals that lived nearby. Shark-Fang smiled to himself despite the fact that his arch-nemesis was still at large. Sitting in this place gave him comfort. Not the least because this was a meet up place for him and someone else. 

   "Hope you haven't been waiting long Shark," said Turtle-Green as she approached. 

  "Only been here a couple minutes," he replied. Turtle-Green sat next to him on the rock looking out at all the creatures as well. 

  "How's your mother?" 

   "She's doing really well." 

   "And how about you?" 

   "I'm fine Shark, still got a bit to go but I feel like my old self again. Not just cause I'm back home." Although something in her eyes suggested she wasn't so sure. "Say I hear you found a Dream Shard in the Aegis Reef, that must have been something I've always wanted to explore it." 

   "It was amazing. Being able to walk through the ocean has always been so and the reef was amazing to see. Though I did have other things on my mind at the time." It was strange the way he felt towards Turtle-Green was similar to how he used to feel towards Coral-Red but it was different. Although Blue-Ring said that Shark had felt that about most of the girls in Anemone's Crown. He figured it was because their hearts were actually connecting. However an interruption came when they heard two other voices coming near. 

   "No! I'm not letting them anywhere near that thing," was the first thing they could make out. They recognized the voice as Shark-Fang's father. 

   "All I said was they'll want to help," said the other voice they identified as Kraken-Heart. 

   "They can help by staying here. I couldn't stop them the last three times but there's no need for them to be involved." 

   "As far as we know." Barracuda-Fins sighed. 

   "I can only hope. I know it's no different from what we used to do but still." 

   "Well they have no idea about it so for now you're in the clear." As she spoke they came into to view and spotted Shark and Green. "Then again your boys are pretty intuitive." 

   "What's happened?" asked Shark-Fang. Barracuda-Fins sighed again. 

   "Oh nothing that fascinating," said Kraken-Heart. "Just someone has made off with a very old ship." 

   "Then why did you both sound so concerned?" asked Turtle-Green. "Doesn't sound like the sort of thing that'd worry ocean spirits." 

   "It was ship that was hidden on the ocean without our knowledge," explained Barracuda-Fins. "To do so you'd have to be very powerful and to find it you'd have to be just as powerful." 

   "What kind of ship is it?" asked Shark-Fang. 

   "A ship that once belonged to a ruthless pirate," replied Kraken-Heart. "A ship called The Sweet Sorrow. Full of nasty magic and traps, deadly in the hands of whoever sails it." 

   "I've heard that name before," mused Turtle-Green. 

   "But Barracuda-Fins is right there's no need for you to get involved. Leave this one to us spirits." 

After the two spirits left Shark and Turtle headed back to shore. Shark-Fang found his brothers and told them what they had heard. 

   "A ship full of traps and magic?" repeated Blue-Ring. "Sounds like the Nightmare Witch if she was a boat." 

   "Well I'm with you mid bro we should go after it," said Manta-Tail. "Can't be any worse than a true monster." 

   "The only problem is how do we get to the ship?" wonder Shark-Fang. 

   "Climbing straight on the ship blindly would be a bad idea," warned Turtle-Green. "It'd be a good idea to scout it out first find out who's sailing it. Although we're probably all thinking it's int the hands of the same person." 

   "If the ocean spirits can't seem to get on it. So we can't talk someone else into to taking us instead of dad," said Blue-Ring. 

   "They didn't even tell us what part of the world the ship was in," said Manta-Tail. "Maybe we'll have to sit this one out after all." And then it happened a large vortex appeared in the water by the coast making a loud sound as if announcing its presence. 

   "What on Zaffre?" said Shark-Fang. "There's never been a whirlpool anywhere near Anemone's Crown." 

   "I can sense magic making it," said Turtle-Green. "But it feels faulty I don't think it's working properly." A large object emerged from the vortex which vanished when the object settled on the surface. It was a ship that looked like it belonged in the past. It was huge like it could cut through the water with speed and that it was armed for battle with anything from sea monsters to whole fleets of ships. Above the dull white sails was a black flag with the image of a skull with broken horns and pointed teeth over a heart with a spear driven through it. And on its side on the wood that looked as hard as steel written in a black paint were the words Sweet Sorrow. 

   "What were the odds of that?" said Manta-Tail. 

   "Scouting it is gonna be easier now," mused Blue-Ring. Despite Green's protests they agreed to take a closer look. Carefully the four of them crept through the water towards the ship which appeared to have stalled. When they got close they found some rope that allowed them to climb up. All the cannon holes were shut tight so they climbed right up to the deck and looked over the side. The crew was not what they were expecting, they may have been humanoid in shape but they were completely skeletal. And not one of them looked human, spiked teeth and spines all over their bodies, dressed in pirate like rags all of them letting off some kind of otherworldly light from within. 

   "Whoa it's a ghost ship," said Shark-Fang. "Wait. Hang on I know that magic." He climbed on deck and the others followed. 

   "Oh goody I was worried I wasn't gonna have anyone to walk the plank," said an all too familiar voice. Following it they saw hanging upside down from the lowest sail was the Nightmare Witch. "I knew it. But why would you steal a ship?" 

   "I didn't steal it I merely booked passage." Shark-Fang summoned the Dream Sword and place the tip on the deck. He span it around spreading the white mist of dream magic all over to get rid of any illusions. None of the crew disappeared but the witch hanging from the mast did and the real one appeared leaning against its side, mask on top of her head picking at her teeth. 

   "Ahem," said Shark-Fang. The witch turned her head and realized her illusions were gone. 

   "I gotta remember you can do that," she said wiping her fingers. "Well now that I'm back in town might as well have some fun." She moved the mask back over her face. 

   "You're not here on purpose," said Turtle-Green. "That magic vortex you transported yourself through wasn't working properly. I'd guess you're way off course." 

   "Didn't I leave you in a coma?" 

   "It didn't take." 

   "I did a number on your nerves, your mother must have given up quite a lot of her own to wake you up. Clearly though it wasn't enough I can see your hands shaking from here. You may be up and about but you'll never be back to the way you were." 

   "That's enough witch," demanded Blue-Ring. "What are you planning to do with this ship?" "Why don't we say hello to our illustrious host? Oh Tea-each!" she called to the cabin. The doors to the cabin swung open and smoke billowed out. 

   "What is it witch? I'm trying to fix the transportation vortex," said a figure in the smoke. "What's this? A band of whelps looking to be skewered?" A woman emerged from the smoke which seemed to be coming from her hair. "Oh the brat with the Dream Sword you told me about." Something red seemed to drip from her mouth. 

   "May I present the boss of our little voyage of the wicked," said the witch. "The fearsome pirate Blackbraid." 

   "What?" said Manta-Tail with a slight laugh. "You couldn't think of a more original pirate name." 

   "Oh no this is the actual Blackbraid the pirate who was the terror of the seas so long ago. The commodore of a fleet of deadly ships, although now she's down to one I guess she's just a captain." 

   "Don't push your luck witch lest I feed you to a crocopent. As for you four it's time for you to leave." The kids had heard the phrase emotionally dead before and now this pirate seemed to embody the term. The way she spoke, the look in her eyes, this was a woman who had killed all feeling in her heart. She drew her sword and the pistols in her holster floated out and took aim. "Alive or as chum it really matters not. Though it has been a while since I made some human detritus." Turtle-Green used her aura and a huge turtle shell formed around them protecting them from the pirate's shots. 

   "Geez a true monster and a pirate, Coral keeps the worst company," said Blue-Ring. "Not to mention a deadly ship. What kind of a name is Sweet Sorrow anyway?" said Manta-Tail. 

   "Because my ship much like myself can tear anything apart," explained Blackbraid. "And as you know parting is such sweet sorrow." 

   "So it's a bad joke and a tasteless joke," said Shark-Fang. The Nightmare Witch landed on the aura shell. 

   "We children of the ocean really shouldn't comment on others' names," she said. She made a large sphere of magical energy and slammed it into the shell making it shake. Turtle-Green had the shell flip forward and the witch was flung off just as she was reading another sphere. The witch collapsed back onto the deck and her sphere of magic rolled away. It went into the captain's cabin and there was a bang and the sound of something shattering. 

   "Incompetent child!" snapped Blackbraid. "You've broken the transportation vortex." 

   "Woopsie," said the Nightmare Witch. "As if this trip wasn't tense enough." 

   "We'll have to sail there." The pirate barked orders at the nightmare crew. "We leave immediately. Witch you better increase the spells keeping us hidden from the ocean spirits. Or there'll be nothing left of you to feed the seagulls!" The ship began to move as the crew began to work. Blackbraid reached into her inside coat pocket a retrieved a powder which she threw at the brothers and Turtle-Green. When the powder landed in front of them a gust of wind swirled upwards carrying the four of them up and throwing them in the ocean. 

   "See you around guys," called the witch. She laughed. 

   "Normally that powder is to throw people into the ocean when you're miles from shore. And that was the last of it." 

   "They can't drown anyway. But you can bet they'll find away to follow us." 

   "Hmph this ship has torn apart whole fleets. If they follow us they follow death." 

After they had landed the brothers found themselves face to face with their father who had clearly just arrived to find the Sweet Sorrow. One chastisement later they filled him and Kraken-Heart in on everything that happened. 

   "I can't be the real Blackbraid surely?" said Blue-Ring. 

   "Oh I dare say it is," said Kraken-Heart. "When we examined its hiding place it seemed as though something had been dormant there for a long time. And not just the ship. There were traces of time energy keeping something still." 

   "I'm going after them," declared Shark-Fang. "Ruthless pirate or not I'm the one with the Dream Sword I'm the best one to fight the Nightmare Witch." 

   "And you know we're going with you," said Manta-Tail indicating to himself and Blue-Ring. Barracuda-Fins let out a sigh knowing that there was no talking them out of this. 

   "It would seem the best way to pursue them is by boat," he said. "When they showed up here they were still setting things up on the Sweet Sorrow. Next time it'll be ready for battle and there'll no way get on board without a fight." 

   "Lucky for us we access to plenty of ships," said Kraken-Heart. "Not that we have much use for them. I'll go get one set up and ready, the rest of you prepare for the trip." Reluctantly Barracuda-Fins agreed to let his boys go but told them he was coming too. Turtle-Green said she wasn't going to be left out and insisted she come to. 

Some time later a large ship was docked near Anemone's Crown. It was a lot more modern than the one it would be chasing, it was sleek and a gleaming white. Less than half the size of the Sweet Sorrow but it was clearly much faster and more manoeuvrable. 

   "Here we are Barracuda, she's ready to seek and locate," said Kraken-Heart indicating to the vessel. "This is the Scarlet." 

   "But it's pure white." 

   "It's named for an admiral's wife. Anyway it's got speed, the best equipment for tracking down the Sweet Sorrow an

d plenty of offence and defence for when you do." 

   "You sure you don't want to come? I'd feel a lot better with you along." 

   "I gotta research everything we have on Blackbraid and figure out what the Nightmare Witch is doing teamed up with her. Codium must have directed her to the ship believing it would help both of them. But the question is how it will." 

   "It's been a while since I was in a boat chase and battle." 

   "Ah memories." Nearby Turtle-Green was saying good bye to her parents. 

   "Try not worry too much," she said reassuringly. "I can take care of myself well enough." 

   "I know dear," said Ellin who was in a wheel chair having given up movement in the lower half of her body to help Turtle-Green. 

  "I'd be going to but Kraken-Heart keeps telling me there's no one better to help with her research." 

   "She's right mum." 

   "Just try not to fight the pirate or the witch," said Barreleye-Scales. "Barracuda will be trying to get the boys to do the same." 

   "I'll do my best dad." Elsewhere the three brothers were ready. 

   "Ok let's go after them," said Shark-Fang. "It's gonna be so great having Green along." 

   "Is that what I'm like with Tang?" Blue-Ring whispered to Manta-Tail. 

   "Sort of," he replied. "You don't usually get a chance to talk." He said more as an observation than a cheap shot. 

   "Let's just try and keep his head on straight." So the five of them boarded the boat and the Scarlet began to set sail. Those onboard waved fair well to those left on the shore. 

   "Alright you two let's get to work," Kraken-Heart said to Ellin and Barreleye-Scales. She snapped and a magical sphere appeared around Ellin so she could travel underwater. While back onboard the Scarlet, Barracuda-Fins was giving out tasks. 

   "Ok Blue-Ring and Manta-Tail I need you two to take charge of the instruments for tracking the Sweet Sorrow and keeping an eye out for anything else out there," he said. "Shark-Fang and Turtle-Green I need you to use your dream magic to make sure we're protected from any of the Nightmare Witch's traps or illusions. I'll be in charge of the helm and navigation." 

   "Oh come on dad can't I take the helm for a bit?" asked Manta-Tail. 

   "None of you know how to steer a ship." 

   "We don't know how to use those instruments either." 

   "Yes but I had clear instructions drawn up for them and deliberately left out on how the steer the ship." 


   "Come on little bro we'll be in a lot of action soon," said Blue-Ring. The four kids left. 

   "Well Tulip it seems that once again I'm failing to keep my promise to keep our boys safe. I know this is basically what we used to do but this is not what we had in mind when we became parents. Coral you'd better be ready for what will happen if you hurt them." 

The Sweet Sorrow sailed across the water in a manner parallel to a feral beast hunting down another creature. The Nightmare Witch was making sure the crew were doing what they were supposed to. 

   "Make sure you keep a keen lookout for anything pursuing us," she called to the monster in the crow's nest. "They'll be chasing after us in whatever boat they figured would best for this." 

   "Why would a group of beings made of water have a single boat let alone several?" inquired Blackbraid. 

   "I never cared enough to ask. Probably some nonsense about being prepared for any eventuality." 

   "Heh they were troublesome back then as well." 

   "It is unfortunate that your secret dock is located on the same land as the children of the ocean and therefore the one the spirits keep the closest eye on. Kinda funny they never found it." 

   "They may watch the ocean but they do not control it, especially not the area we'll be crossing. In my day it was called the Phantom Waters. So called because they say it's so haunted even the water is made of ghosts." The witch laughed. 

   "Ooh the massive ship graveyard. The ocean floor there is strewn with wreckages they've never been able to recover. And you're right it's so haunted even the ocean spirits are wary of going in there." 

   "My ship is more than prepared to keep the ghosts at bay. But anyone chasing us will not be so lucky. We'll put a great distance between us. Although I would have preferred blowing them out of the water." 

The Scarlet was tracking the Sweet Sorrow now that everything had been set up. Blue-Ring and Manta-Tail were beginning to understand how the instruments they were put in charge of worked. 

   "I think whoever wrote these instructions weren't confident in our intelligence," mused Blue-Ring. 

   "They clearly didn't know that the three of us are more than just some pretty faces," said Manta-Tail. The person who wrote the instructions for them was correct. "You think dad will ever let up on us going on adventures?" 

   "Maybe. He did change a lot after mum died. Aunt Kraken-Heart says he was a lot like us. But mum was the one who had the drive we have." 

   "Ellin was mad with fear not long ago and yet she let Turtle-Green go without her going with them." 

   "She was having her emotions poisoned by Coral. That's not happening with dad." 

   "Say you don't think Yellow-Tang will get annoyed for not being invited when we brought mid bro's girl friend." 

   "Is she his girl friend? They act like it but I don't think they've noticed. Anyway Yellow's not one for chasing down bad guys." 

   "I guess I should be glad that I don't have anyone to get annoyed." 

   "I'm sure you'll find you'll find someone who'll be annoyed with you. If they did get annoyed what was supposed to be done about it? Let's hope any boyfriend you get is chill." The door opened and Shark-Fang walked in. 

   "Well that's the protection spells done," he said. "We'll be able to see through any illusion the Nightmare Witch left behind. Of course we can't stop her monsters from boarding the ship." 

   "Both the Nightmare Witch and Blackbraid do love their scare tactics," mused Manta-Tail. 

   "But Blackbraid is also more ruthless," Blue-Ring pointed out. "Her exploits may have been romanticised but she's still killed a lot of people. And we don't really know how savage the Witch has really become. I don't think she has a conscience anymore." 

   "Yeah we need to be very careful," said Shark-Fang. "It's getting late we better get some sleep." Meanwhile Turtle-Green wanted to ask Barracuda-Fins something. 

   "Ok that's the watch rota worked out," he said. "Everyone should get plenty of sleep and we'll always have someone keeping an eye on what's happening." 

   "I want to ask you something Barracuda," said Turtle-Green. She sighed. "You still haven't told them the whole story have you?" Barracuda-Fins didn't look at her. 

   "No. The Nightmare Witch revealed part of it to them but left out everything. I explained that it an accident but that's still only half of it." 

   "My dad told me the whole story a while back. It's not right that I know and they don't." 

   "The last thing Banded-Tulip said to me, the last thing she ever said, was asking me to promise that I'd protect our boys." 

   "But is this protecting them?" 

   "I used to think so but now I'm not sure. But they will know everything by the end of this trip. Because if I don't Kraken-Heart will." The boat trundled on through the night everyone took and turn at keeping an eye on the instruments in case anything turned up. 

They followed the Sweet Sorrow's trail as best they could and soon began to get an idea of where they were heading. 

   "The Phantom Waters?" the brothers repeated after their father told them. 

   "I'm not keen on the idea on going through somewhere that's haunted," said Shark-Fang. 

   "Unfortunately if we don't follow the Sweet Sorrow carefully we'll lose them," explained Barracuda-Fins. 

   "And we don't where they're going so we can't try and head them off," added Turtle-Green. 

   "Ok so what's the best plan for going through haunted waters?" asked Manta-Tail. 

   "Surely keeping a low profile," suggested Blue-Ring. "Or pretending we're also a ghost ship I guess." 

   "It's almost impossible to cross the haunted waters without encountering any ghosts," said Barracuda-Fins. "So we better be prepared there's all manner of lost sailors in there friendly and nasty." 

   "Isn't there a good chance that they'll slow down the Nightmare Witch and Blackbraid as well?" wondered Manta-Tail. 

   "The Phantom Waters is not an ideal place for our confrontation," said Turtle-Green. "And we don't know what tricks that pirate has. She may have a way through." 

Elsewhere in the ocean the others had received an update. 

   "It seems they're chasing the Sweet Sorrow into the Phantom Waters," said Ellin. 

  "Even we ocean spirits give that place a wide berth for the most part," said Barrel-eye. 

  "Dangerous waters and aggressive ghosts," mused Kraken-Heart. "If Blackbraid has found a safe way to cross then it's no wonder she's heading for there." 

   "I found a lot of records that say the Sweet Sorrow ventured into the Phantom Waters in order to lose pursuers," explained Ellin. "I dare say she has some way getting through them." 

  "Then we need to work out how. And see if we can replicate for the others." 

The Scarlet had arrived at the Phantom Waters and headed straight in. As soon as they crossed into them things changed, the crystal clear blue waters turned to a pale ghostly grey. The Badunuran heat was replaced by a deathly chill and the air filled with an unnatural mist. Soon they could see the ruins of ships from many different eras. 

  "You'd think every ship wreck ever was here," observed Manta-Tail. 

  "And yet there's only about fifty," said Barracuda-Fins. "Nobody's ever been able to work out how many ghosts there are. It's not exactly easy to count them." 

  "All the instruments are still working," reported Blue-Ring. "And they all say the Sweet Sorrow is progressing without any bother." 

  "Let's hope they don't undo all our dream magic protections," said Turtle-Green. "It'll be a bit of a time waste to have to redo them all." 

  "I think we're being followed," warned Shark-Fang. "You did say it was bound to happen." Barracuda-Fins brought up the image of what was behind the ship on the screen by the helm. Following at a close distance to them was something that looked like a picture that had been faded by the sun, a few planks of wood and a single sail. 

  "A raft? That's anti-climatic," said Manta-Tail. There was burst of water as the vessel erupted upwards and became a far, far bigger ship. "Never mind." A gigantic galleon loomed over the Scarlet that seemed to be made from many different ships, with missed matched sails, a hideous dragon/mermaid figure head and its name painted in letters that seemed to ooze: The Cursed Chimera. 

  "Holy star fish!" exclaimed Shark-Fang. "Let's get out of here." 

  "Too late!" cried Blue-Ring. An ethereal light appeared around the Scarlet bringing it to a stop. "Now we're in for it." Figures appeared in the mist like shadows without anything casting them. 

  "I thought the living had learned not to come here," said a voice from one of the figures. "And yet two boats in the one day. But the first one could slip right past us." The figure moved through the walls and into the cabin. "Now that irked me perhaps you could help me vent my frustration." The figure was a man alright but nothing about suggested life. Apart from the fact that he was about twenty five percent transparent, his face was like a skull despite the flesh, there were no sign of his eyes and his clothes were torn and ruined. 

   "I will ask you now to not to harm any of these children," said Barracuda-Fins in a tone that would suggest a warning. "And that goes for your entire crew." 

  "An ocean spirit? Now you should defiantly know better." 

  "The Cursed Chimera, that would make you Admiral Benthic." 

  "Maybe in life but now I am just another soul wandering this graveyard." 

  "The ship you died on is a long way from here." 

  "Dad you know this guy?" asked Shark-Fang. 

  "His reputation precedes him," replied Barracuda-Fins. "This is the man who trapped Codium in his sinking vessel." 

  "No way." 

  "What do you know of that blasted pile of kelp?" roared Benthic. "Oh that's right he escaped on your watch." 

  "Codium is dead," said Turtle-Green. Benthic glared at her but then his expression changed into one of surprise as though there was something familiar about her. 

  "Bah this topic is redundant! I'll keep you in the hold until I decide what to do with you." The ghostly mist began to thicken and soon only white could be seen and then everyone passed out. 

Kraken-Heart and co continued their research. 

  "There doesn't seem to be any explanation as to how they were able to cross the Phantom Waters," she said frustrated. 

  "Unless she has some kind of deal with the ghosts that haunt there," mused Barreleye-Scales. 

  "I'm not sure that's possible, there has to be some lost treasure Blackbraid has, but what?" 

  "It's because her ship's cursed," said the voice of Ellin from behind them. 

  "Run that by me one more time dear," said Barrel-Eye. "I found information on the curse that traps the souls in the Phantom Waters. It says they can't affect anyone else who's also cursed. If the Sweet Sorrow is cursed then it can sail through the Phantom Waters just fine." 

  "People have described that ship as cursed," recalled Kraken-Heart. "Usually in reference to Blackbraid herself. But what kind of curse would anyone be fine with sailing on?" 

Something came into view, something wide and damp. It was wood, wood was all Shark-Fang could see and he then realized he was lying on the ground. Sitting up he saw that he his brothers and Turtle-Green had been dumped in a ship's hold. Presumably on the Cursed Chimera. The other three were coming around as well. 

  "Oh great we're in the prison of a ghost ship," said Blue-Ring. 

  "Where's dad?" wondered Manta-Tail. "And our ship?" 

  "Benthic must be interrogating your father," mused Turtle-Green. "Don't know about the ship." 

  "We need to break out of here," declared Shark-Fang. "Let's get planning." Elsewhere on the ship Barracuda-Fins was face to face with Benthic. Sitting across from each other in a deteriorating room that might once have been a captain's cabin. Everything was so ruined that it all looked the same a dark mouldy green that gave the impression of being lost in a forest of rotten wood. It would seem only the curse on these waters held the ship together.

  "First things first," said Benthic seated behind a desk that was split in two. "What is your name?" 

  "Barracuda-Fins." "Ah of course you watery lot all have sea life names. Though for some reason it almost rings a bell." 

  "Twenty years ago myself and three other ocean spirits battled a group of sea serpents on the boarder of the Phantom Waters. I could see the Cursed Chimera watching us, you probably over heard our names then." 

  "You were they? You must have known Banded-Tulip the most famous ocean spirit in recent history." 

  "Oh I knew her. I was in love with her and as it turned out the feeling was mutual. Those three boys are our sons." 

  "The children of the great Banded-Tulip? I might be wary if I hadn't been dead for centuries. But who's the girl?" 

  "The daughter of my best friend Barrel-Eye and a human woman name Ellin. I couldn't help but notice you recognized something in her." 

  "Careful where you tread, if you die here you'll be trapped." 

  "I know what you saw, see we spirits know somethings about your life. The girl, Turtle-Green, is one of the last descendants of the Dream Tribe." Meanwhile back in the hold the others had figured out their plan. 

  "Ok so we break down the door and fight our way through the ghosts until we find dad," said Blue-Ring. Well maybe plan is a little generous. 

  "I can use my dream magic to protect us from being knocked out again," said Turtle-Green. "But I have no idea what other mind games they may have so I can't protect us from them." 

  "Well then let's go," said Shark-Fang. Each of them readied their auras and with a slam from a hammer head, eight tentacles, manta ray fins and a turtle shell the bars flew off the door and allowed them to escape. Turtle-Green surrounded them with a dream magic mist shielding them as she said. Ghosts appeared in front of them to block their path knowing that even though their weapons had some magic it probably wouldn't be enough the slow down the ghosts so they didn't bother summoning them. Shark-Fang did summon the Dream Sword and with a swing its power knocked the ghosts away. They exited the hold and looked for a way to head further up. More ghosts appeared and began to close in Shark-Fang and Turtle-Green knocked them back with blasts of dream magic while Blue-Ring and Manta-Tail attacked with their auras. They found a set of stairs and charged upwards. Voices called from all over. 

  "They've escaped find them." 

  "They might be tough be careful." 

  "We're already dead genius." 

  "I heard children of the ocean can eat ghosts!" 

  "We spread that rumour!" 

  "I honestly don't know why we make such a fuss." 

  "Being a ghost is exhausting." 

  "Geez these guys aren't very good at this," observed Manta-Tail. 

  "We are a mismatched crew," came the voice of Benthic who appeared in front of them. "But that's what happens when your crew much like your ship is made from parts from other ones. Now then if you'll be good enough to come with me I've reached an agreement with the adult."

  "What do you mean by that?" demanded Shark-Fang. 

  "That the ocean spirit is the only grown up in your group." 

  "No not that." 

  "Well if you don't know what an agreement is at your age then you're in trouble." 

  "Watch it we've dealt with worse than you." 

  "I'm a ghost you can't deal with me I've been dealt with. Now Barracuda-Fins has convinced me to let the five of you pass, so let's stop wasting time." 

  "You're letting us go just like that?" wondered Blue-Ring. "And your crew is fine with that?" 

  "It's part of the curse we all have to obey whoever is the highest ranking sea officer among our number. And no other admirals have ended up here. Now shift." 

  "What reason should we trust you?" said Manta-Tail. 

  "Oh enough of this you might have protected yourselves from being put to sleep, but let's see how you handle a vision. Events past that you both want to know and don't want to know." Everything went white. 

Five years ago an ocean spirit sat on the beach on Anemone's Crown watching the sunset. The water that made her long hair looked like crashing waves. This was Banded-Tulip, one of the most renowned ocean spirit's that has ever lived. But she was troubled. 

  "That's the boys finally settled," said Barracuda-Fins as he approached. "They've got more energy than you and I ever had." 

   "Oh I don't know you and I have done some energetic things," replied Banded-Tulip as he sat down beside her. 

  "You still dwelling on what Neritic said to you?" 

  "She threatened the our boys. Just cause she's the last descendent of the nightmare tribe she feels she has to be a living nightmare. What a way to live." 

  "She only acts crazy, just be glad it's not someone more dangerous. Besides if Neritic wants to hurt the boys she'll have to go through you and she'll regret that. We'll keep them safe." 

  "You're so laid back, a little less since we had kids, but still pretty relaxed. Let's head in." They headed back towards that same house they still live in to this day. Taking a scenic route through the shallow water. But this time things were not going to end well. Much like what would happen that fateful day the brothers met the Nightmare Witch, Banded-Tulip and Barracuda-Fins found someone waiting for them on their way home. 

  "You took your time," she said. It was a thin and wiry woman with wild hair and a withered face. Her eyes were full of hate for everything and everyone. 

  "Neritic, you've finally found your way here," said Banded-Tulip. "I warned you about coming here." 

   "Tulip be careful," said Barracuda-Fins. "Go get Kraken and Barreleye." Barracuda-Fins left. 

  "Dear oh dear you shouldn't have sent him away," mocked Neritic. "With just the two of us thing will be over all too soon." 

  "Hmph you said stuff like that last time." 

  "We of the nightmare tribe are born of true horrors. We are living nightmares." 

  "Oh please you're not actually a nightmare you just know how to control them. You once said the nightmare tribe would rise and conquer but you're all that's left." 

  "You forget the prophecy of the last dream tribe oracle. Two people from outside each tribe will wield the two Swords of Sleep. To wield the Nightmare Sword you have to be unhinged, the tribes will rise again." 

  "The battles with the Swords of Sleep brought both tribes to ruin, even if the prophecy is true the tribes will not be revived while they still exist." 

  "Just you wait Banded-Tulip. But first I believe I promised to burn your sons to ash." A huge cloud of black mist of dream magic descended from above. "Just a little something I made earlier." Banded-Tulip fired a beam of magic at the mist to try and dissipate it. 

  "You will not get near my boys!" 

  "I don't need to get near them. I can break the whole island." This mist was spreading and reaching towards Banded-Tulip's house. Then three more beams of magic struck the mist. Barracuda-Fins had returned with Kraken-Heart and Barreleye-Scales. 

   "Go get her Tulip!" called Kraken-Heart. Banded-Tulip charged at Neritic who drew a knife. Banded-Tulip tried to wrestle the knife away from her. Despite the distraction the mist didn't go. 

  "I've got a very bad feeling about this," said Barreleye-Scales. "And I don't think it's the nightmares." 

  "I know what you mean," said Barracuda-Fins. 

  "Will you two relax," said Kraken-Heart. "This is what we do!" Banded-Tulip at last wrested the knife away from Neritic and then it happened. In an instant Neritic lunged at Banded-Tulip blinded by rage and then she stopped. Everything was silent all four ocean spirits had a look of horror across their face. All the magic, the dream magic and that of the ocean spirits, vanished. 

   "Not so heroic now," said Neritic. And then she collapsed in a lifeless slump on the ground. No one could say anything there was only the sound of the waves. 

The brothers woke up and found that they were on the Scarlet once again but they were now on the other side of the Phantom Waters. 

   "Ah you're back with us," said Barracuda-Fins. 

  "Mum," was all any of them could say. 

  "Oh. You saw it. I'm sorry you had to see that for yourselves. And I'm sorry I didn't tell you myself." The Scarlet was already on the move again and on the edge of the Phantom Waters the crew of the Cursed Chimera watched them go. 

  "Why were you do willing to let them go?" asked the second in command. 

  "That girl is one of the last descendants of the dream tribe," replied Benthic. "In life I knew the remnants of the dream tribe. They were already dwindling. And I got to know one of them very well. That girl is also a descendant of mine." The Scarlet vanished from sight. 

Barracuda-Fins was telling them what happened after what happened in their vision of the past. 

  "After we recovered from the initial shock we contacted the authorities and your mother turned herself in," he explained. "But it was agreed that it was an accident and the death was not her fault. Still she felt so guilty and ashamed that she withdrew into herself. And then she got sick and well you know what came next. She didn't want you to know until the time was right but I was never sure if there ever would be a right time." Everything was silent nobody was sure what to say. But they didn't have to as the silence was broken by a ringing sound coming from the controls by them helm. Everyone jumped then Barracuda-Fins pressed a button, the ringing stopped and Kraken-Heart appeared on a screen. 

  "Hey all," she greeted. "Hmm? Barracuda you ok?" 

  "I'm fine Kraken. Just sharing a long overdue truth." 

  "Ah. Well I'd leave you to it but this is important. We worked out how the Sweet Sorrow is able to cross the Phantom Waters undisturbed." 

  "We're passed it too. I don't think it matters if we recreate it now." 

  "Oh it matters. According to Ellin's research the curse that traps all those souls prevents them from affecting anything else under a curse. The Sweet Sorrow is cursed." 

  "Wait Blackbraid is sailing a cursed ship?" repeated Manta-Tail. "Geez talk about a walking stereotype." 

  "She's probably the source of the stereotype," mused Blue-Ring. "Bar the eye patch, peg leg, hook hand and parrot." 

  "That pirate must be as crazy as the witch to sail a cursed ship," said Shark-Fang. 

  "Unless the curse doesn't affect her," said Barracuda-Fins. 

  "That was our thinking," agreed Kraken-Heart. "Blackbraid loved to intimidate her crews, the smoking hair, the bloody mouth, the ventriloquism. So cursing her ship in a way that only affected them makes sense. If you're not careful you'll all fall under it." 

  "Hmm and we're just about ready to catch up to them thanks to Benthic." 

  "So reasoning with the old ghost went well then?" 

  "Yes that little bit of information made them send us straight to the other side almost eliminating the gap between the two ships. We'll catch up with them soon." 

  "We will?" said the brothers. 

  "Oh right I didn't get a chance to tell them." 

The Sweet Sorrow was getting very close to its destination. Blackbraid was still unsure what to make of the Nightmare Witch, but she saw no reason why she couldn't have the map. But if she tried to take anything else she'd run her through. And there was something cathartic about shooting her illusion selves. The doors to her cabin swung open and the witch entered. 

  "Well it seems out pursuers are catching up," she said nonchalantly. 

  "What?" snarled Balckbraid standing up. "How did they cross the Phantom Waters faster than we did?" 

  "Beats me, I don't know of any ocean spirit tricks that'd could have done so. I mean sure they can teleport people through the water, but not a boat that big." The pirate growled. 

  "Let's see if those nightmares of yours are as dangerous as you claim. The Sweet Sorrow hasn't torn apart any ships in the longest of times. I bet she yearns to do so." 

  "Oh goody this sounds fun." On both ships people ran to get ready as the Scarlet closed in. Hatches opened on the back of the Sweet Sorrow and cannons emerged. They blasted a rain of cannonballs at the pursuing ship. 

  "Everyone hold tight!" called Barracuda-Fins as he took evasive measures. The Scarlet moved between shots with speed while everyone onboard tried to stay in place. The brothers pressed buttons and magical energy sparked across the Scarlet's front and bolts of magic fired of it knocking cannonballs out the air. They tried to hit cannons but to no avail. The witch held the Nightmare Sword a loft and it burned with dream magic. Black mist appeared overhead both ships and beams of magic shot down and the Scarlet. Turtle-Green used her own dream magic to boost her aura and made a shell over their ship for protection. Despite the Sweet Sorrow's best efforts the Scarlet came along side it. The two ships continued exchanging shots. 

  "Alright time to board," said Shark-Fang. 

  "I better stay here a make sure we still have a ship afterwards," said Barracuda-Fins. 

  "I'll help you out," said Turtle-Green. 

  "Then it's up to the three of us," said Manta-Tail. 

  "Let's hope the crew's distracted," said Blue-Ring. They activated a spell within their ship that made a bridge between the two decks and the brothers headed across. They landed on the Sweet Sorrow weapons readied. The Nightmare Witch was leaning against the mast waiting for them. 

  "You know this ship's cursed right?" she said. "You are making me look rational by coming aboard." 

  "Curse or not we're not letting you get away again," said Shark-Fang. 

  "It's a fun curse, it drains the life out of any crewmen who turns against the captain until they crumble to dust. If we make you join you'll die and your life force will be stuck in this ship. But don't worry I'll kill you three myself and then we'll blow daddy out the water. That's way better." 

  "I think you try to hard at being crazy at times." The Nightmare Witch lunged, the swords of sleep clashed, and the two of them swung away. The swords continued to clash as they swung at each other. 

  "Come on she can't take all three of us," said Manta-Tail. 

  "But I can, maggots." Turning they saw Blackbraid with her sword pointed at them. "I hope you don't croak to quickly I like it when things last a while." Her six pistols levitated out of their holsters and took aim. Blue-Ring made his aura tentacles and grabbed the pistols out the air and threw them over the edge of the ship where they flew into the path of an energy beam and were vaporized. 

  "That's was fortunate," he said. 

  "Fortune favours only she who commands the Sweet Sorrow while we stand upon it." The pirate lunged swinging her blade down. It clashed with the harpoon and axe and the three struggled. Blackbraid was at least as strong as the other two combined. 

  "I take it your goons are too busy with the battle between ships?" asked Shark-Fang. 

  "You thought ahead for once," mocked the Nightmare Witch. "But your brothers are in real danger of getting skewered by Blackbraid. And you can't help unless you turn your back on me and that'd be very stupid." Her aura began to form around her free arm as branches of coral began to grow. But something wasn't right, the colour wasn't the usual ocean blue, it looked like a deep abyss. 

  "Your aura. What have you done?" 

  "Just a little bit of fine tuning of my natural powers with the Nightmare Sword. Give them a little extra sting." The aura branches shot forward. Shark-Fang responded with his own aura knocking them back with a hammerhead. Black fire erupted from the Nightmare Sword surrounding the witch and reaching for Shark-Fang. He responded by using the power of the Dream Sword, reaching through his dreams he had the white mist form into a large fire blanket. It fell down putting out the flames and knocking over the witch. The other three broke out of their deadlock, Blackbraid stomped with her boot. Planks of the decking flipped up as if they were rakes that had been stepped on. As they got close to the brothers they reacted. Manta-Tail made a stinger that tore through them and Blue-Ring tore them out with tentacles. Something ripped through the fire blanket and shot upwards. It was the witch's mask, the spikes made sharper by magic. The blanket disappeared as she stood up. She caught her falling mask and then threw it again. Shark-Fang knocked it away with his sword, the witch caught it again and put it back on her face. Blackbraid stomped again but this time the planks moved apart dropping the two bothers to the deck below. Grasping a bit of rope to steady her fall Balckbraid leapt down. The brothers staggered back up and there was a blast of magic and Shark-Fang and the witch fell through as well. 

  "What have I told you about making holes in my ship!" barked Blackbraid. 

  "Shut up Edwina I'm having fun," said the Nightmare Witch. The witch and the pirate swung their blades at the brothers when several nightmares transporting cannon balls moved through the room. As one passed the witch grabbed another sword from its belt. 

  "Can you handle two swords at once?" 

  "Can you?" said Shark-Fang. In his free hand appeared the cutlass that once belonged to his mother. The witch grinned beneath her mask as they lunged at each other. Blackbraid snapped her fingers and the two monsters turned to face her opponents. Beams of energy erupted from their skeletal mouths making the others duck out of the way. When the beams stopped Blue-Ring threw poison at the monsters eyes to impair their vision. Manta-Tail made a pair of ray fins with his aura and with a swing he slammed the two monsters together. 

Meanwhile spare members of the witch's crew were crossing the bridge between the Sweet Sorrow and the Scarlet. 

  "Great there were some spare ones," said Turtle-Green trying not to panic. Despite the ships still exchanging fire the bridge never got caught in any of the blasts. Turtle-Green moved her dream magic enhanced aura shell that was protecting the Scarlet and threw it at the approaching monsters. She knocked the monsters back the way they came and due to the wide angle of the swing she knocked several cannonballs back as well. One flew towards the Sweet Sorrows helm and slammed into some kind of magic runes. The ship lurched and began to move at speed causing everyone onboard to fall over. 

  "Blast!" yelled Blackbraid. "Those shots must have somehow hit the speed booster spells. We'll crash into something at this rate." 

  "Sounds like we better retreat for the moment," said Blue-Ring. His brothers nodded in agreement. 

  "Witch come help stabilize the ship we can gut these worms after." The five of them backed away from each other slowly before heading off at speed. As the pirate and the witch headed for deck the brothers found and a hole where a cannon was supposed to be. The bridge between the two ships shattered when the Sweet Sorrow shot away. Fortunately those still onboard the Scarlet saw the brothers jump off the ship into the ocean and headed to pick them up. The Sweet Sorrow was ahead now but not out of sight and a split second later it crashed against the rocks by the shore. After the brothers were brought back onboard the Scarlet followed. 

A swirl of black dream magic and the Nightmare Witch and Blackbraid appeared on the beach. 

  "My ship!" roared the pirate. "She should have gone down in a more glorious battle than this." The entire bottom of the ship had been torn off and it was full of even more holes. 

  "At least we crashed right outside your secret base," said the Witch. 

  "Do not mock me now Coral-Red! I have half a mind to string you up by your neck. And we're not rid of your foes yet!" 

  "Ah yes the blondie brothers, dream girl and that drip are on their way. Oh, hold on, my nightmares aren't destroyed they're still onboard. And with the life force that's stuck in there I think your ship may have one fight left in her. Mind if I do something with it?" 

  "If it buys us time then so what you please. But get on with it." The Nightmare Witch struck the blade of the Nightmare Sword on the ground and black mist began to spread. 

The Scarlet reached the shore, those on board disembarked. 

  "Whoa that's some wreck," observed Turtle-Green. "You got off there in the nick of time."

  "Looks like the Nightmare Witch and Blackbraid got off too," said Shark-Fang indicating to a pair of figures charging down the beach. "Let's go." But then he could feel movement behind them. They turned and saw the Sweet Sorrow was getting up. The Nightmare Witch had used the wreckage and the nightmares onboard to make a brand new monster. It wore the ship like armour with black parts connecting it all together. Its right arm was made of broken planks while the left was the ship's anchor. The hulking legs were covered in jagged wood. It was covered in the ragged remains of the sail and the front of the ship sat on top and had been opened like a set of jaws where two yellow eyes glared out. 

  "Right," said Manta-Tail. "That is a new one to me." 

  "I think it's a new one too all of us son," said Barracuda-Fins. The monster swung its anchor at them making the five of them dive out the way. The brothers summoned their weapons, Shark-Fang back down to just the Dream Sword. 

  "We better keep this thing busy while you go after the bad guys," Blue-Ring said to his father. 

  "Just leave it to me," said Turtle-Green who headed off. The monster tried to attack her but Shark-Fang blasted it with a shot of dream magic. Barracuda-Fins was unsure what to do, he wanted to help his sons but he couldn't leave Turtle-Green on her own. But then it occurred to him his boys would watch each other while Turtle-Green was on her own so he ran after her. Manta-Tail made a stinger and drove it into the monster followed by a hefty swing from his axe. Blue-Ring unleashed a flurry of attacks from his harpoon and aura tentacles. Blackbraid and the Nightmare Witch had arrived at a large cliff face partially by the shore mostly in the water. 

  "Just as well we can get in by foot as well as by boat," said Blackbraid still furious over the loss. She snapped her fingers and there was a loud bang and the rocks that made the cliff face began to fall away. 

  "You know there's other kinds of door right?" said the Witch. The Sweet Sorrow monster fired cannonballs at the three brothers. They scrambled to get out of the way of the oncoming attacks. Blue-Ring camouflaged himself so he could get in close. Shark-Fang made a barrier to halt the cannonballs in their tracks. Now that he was in close Blue-Ring jabbed one of the legs with harpoon covered poison causing the monster to buckle. Taking this opportunity Manta-Tail sent an aura manta ray at the other legs knocking the monster to its knees. Shark-Fang then had the barrier throw the cannonballs back. The monster lashed out with its anchor to gives itself a chance to get back up. 

The air inside the cave was old, stale as the years it had been trapped for. A port had been built into this vast place with space only for the Sweet Sorrow as it was Blackbraid's safe haven no one else's. Boxes and boxes were piled up on the ground, so many it seemed like a ware house. But each and every one of them was full of the spoils of Blackbraid's pirating career. One box had been torn open, it was full of paper and parchment. 

  "Here's what you seek witch," said the pirate holding out one piece in particular. "One step closer to your goal, but remember what you promised me. And if I'm not repaid, I'll take your bones." 

  "Yeah yeah," said the Nightmare Witch. "You can have the pirating fun and spoils you want when the world is full of nightmares." 

  "Not if we can help it." turning to see who spoke they saw it was Turtle-Green. "You both belong in prison with the tightest of security." 

  "It's hard to take seriously a little girl who hands tremble at the mere sight of us," remarked Blackbraid. 

  "No I think that's due to the nerve damage I gave her," mused the Nightmare Witch. "But she's on her own." 

  "No she's not." This time when they turned to look they were blasted by magic from Barracuda-Fins who came in through the water. The Nightmare Witch grabbed the map while she could. Outside the monster tried to shoot the brothers again but several shots went awry and struck the cliff side. The cavern shock as the pirate and the witch got back up. 

  "That monster of yours will bring the whole place down!" snapped Blackbraid. 

  "I'm relaying the instruction for it to watch where fires," said the witch. Turtle-Green and Barracuda-Fins shot beams of magic at them but both villains knocked the attacks away with their blades. Blackbraid charged and then Barracuda-Fins sensed something on pirate's person. He sent a wave of magic to try and activate whatever it was. The pirate stopped when she realized she was being covered in the same crystals that had kept her dormant for all those years. 

  "You blasted worm," she growled. "You better hope you're dead when I get free." And then she was covered in the preservation crystal again. 

  "I forgot about that," said the Nightmare Witch. The cavern shook again and the crystal containing Blackbraid fell into the water and was swept way by a riptide. And the Nightmare Witch vanished. 

 "This whole place is coming down," said Barracuda-Fins. "Let's move." 

  "No need to tell me twice." The monster swung with both arms as the brothers ran to avoid the attack. They then saw the others headed towards them. 

  "Everyone combine your power with the Dream Sword," instructed Barracuda-Fins. Shark-Fang held the sword aloft and the others sent their magic to it. Blue-Ring and Manta-Tail's auras, Turtle-Green's dream magic and Barracuda-Fins' magic. And then with one last boost from his own aura Shark-Fang threw the sword. It flew at the advancing monster and shot right threw it stopping it dead. The Dream Sword returned and the monster exploded into to magic leaving only the wreckage of the ship behind. Everything was still for a moment as they made sure it was over. Everyone was caught up with what had happened but with no sign of the Nightmare Witch or Blackbraid all they could do was return home. Not without alerting the right people that some long lost pirate den had been discovered and warning them of the cursed ship wreck. Barracuda-Fins was able to transport them back Anemone's Crown, glad to be going somewhere he could. The Scarlet would need collecting. 

Later the four children of the ocean sat on the beach watching the sun set. 

   "The bad guys got away but at least we got some stuff for all the museums in Badunura," mused Blue-Ring. 

  "It's still a little disappointing to go through all that and have them escape," said Manta-Tail. 

  "Blackbraid didn't exactly escape," Turtle-Green pointed out. "She looked pretty trapped in that crystal." 

  "Let's just hope the Nightmare Witch wasn't able to break her out again," said Shark-Fang. It was then they noticed Ellin approaching. 

   "No news on where the witch is. But I have something else. I think I know what that parchment Coral was after is," she said. 

  "Don't keep us in suspense mum." 

  "I went through every record that may have told us what was in Blackbraid's possession for something that the Nightmare Witch might be after. And then I found something, something that's last known record was in a place that was attacked by Blackbraid. A map to the lost temple of the dream tribe and the nightmare tribe. Said to be able to reach all the gods of sleep and dreams and any deity in the realm of dreams. So they called it the Pantheon of Dreams."

  "Why would she want to go there?" wonder Shark-Fang. 

  "It can enhance dream magic especially that of the Swords of Sleep. If she gets there she could plunge the whole world into nightmares." 

  "Then we need to get there first."

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In which a boy dreams about a girl, getting slaughtered by his enemies every night. He couldn't sleep with that dream that turned out to be his own n...
2 0 19
A young boy who goes by the name Storm is raised on a small island in the middle of the ocean by his father. as he grew up everyone looked at him dif...
6.9K 262 9
He loved her, in any possible way a man could love a woman. But they were starcrossed, for he was not human. He was the Sea. And she could not love...
1.3K 82 16
A boy who only knows his mother and her pirate friends is thrown into a world of hurt and pain by the hands of his unbelievable older brothers for so...