By Albatross_23

3.5K 304 195

"You won my heart and I will win you with my prayers."🫀🍁 A man who doesn't believe in God fell in love with... More

◇Part 1◇
◇part 2◇
◇part 3◇
◇part 4◇
◇part 6◇
◇part 7◇
◇part 8◇
◇part 9◇
◇part 10◇
◇part 11◇
◇part 12◇
◇part 13◇
◇part 14◇
◇part 15◇
◇Part 16◇
◇part 17◇
◇part 18◇
◇part 19◇
◇part 20◇
◇part 21◇
◇part 22◇
◇part 23◇
◇part 24◇

◇part 5◇

128 14 4
By Albatross_23

Janan had been out for a while, and the quiet of the room seemed to stretch indefinitely. Lying in bed, Ramin's thoughts wandered to the woman who had become so crucial to him. The door creaked open, and Janan stepped in, her presence immediately brightening the room. As she approached, Ramin’s face lit up with a gentle smile. "I was yearning for you, baby," he said softly.

Janan set the food tray on the table and took her place beside him, the comforting aroma of the meal filling the air. She picked up the spoon, carefully scooping up some soup. “Open your mouth,” she instructed, her tone tender. Ramin complied, eyes locked with hers. As she fed him, their gaze held a silent conversation filled with affection. When Janan looked away, Ramin couldn’t resist teasing, “I can see the effect I have on you.”

She rolled her eyes but couldn’t hide the amused smile playing on her lips. “Oh, really?” she murmured, ignoring his comment.

“Janan, when are you leaving?” Ramin asked, his voice carrying a hint of eagerness.

“I’m staying here tonight,” she replied, her eyes meeting his with a reassuring warmth. The news made Ramin’s smile widen, his heart swelling with contentment.

After finishing the soup, Janan wiped his mouth with a tissue, ensuring her fingers didn’t touch his skin. It was an act of care that spoke volumes about her feelings for him.

As evening descended, Janan began her Salah, her movements calm and deliberate. Ramin watched her, his heart full of admiration. After she finished, she came near him, a soft breath of air brushing against his face. “You prayed for me,” he said, his voice filled with gratitude.

Janan responded with a quiet hum, her eyes reflecting a deep, unspoken bond between them. Feeling the weight of his gaze, she glanced at him and saw his loving, yet concerned, expression.

“I had a headache, so I slept,” Ramin said, his voice softening as he drifted off to sleep. The room was filled with a sense of peace, both of them finding solace in each other’s presence.

At 2 am, Ramin awoke parched and glanced to his left. There, Janan lay curled up on the sofa, wrapped in a cozy blanket. Her hijab covered her head, but her cheeks were exposed, rosy and peaceful. He admired the  her thick lashes casting shadows on her cheeks. “Oh my, I’m melting,” he whispered to himself, his heart swelling with love.

Janan shifted slightly, clearly uncomfortable on the small sofa. Ramin, gazing at her with adoration, thought to himself, “She trusts me enough to sleep here. What a beautiful feeling.” An hour passed as he remained lost in admiration, cherishing the sight of her.

The morning light filtered gently into the room, and Janan awoke for Fajr Salah. She rose quietly, ensuring not to disturb Ramin’s slumber, and went to perform her wudu. The tranquility of the early morning was a perfect backdrop for her prayers.

As she finished her Salah, she felt an overwhelming wave of emotion. During Sujood, she began to sob, tears falling freely. “Ya Rab, what is happening? Is something bad going to happen? Ya Allah, my Ramin, Ya Allah, my Rami…” Her heart cried out, pleading for divine protection for the man she loved. “Ya Allah, take care of him. Ya Rab, I love him.”

When she completed her prayer, she glanced over at Ramin, who was watching her with a concerned expression. “Baby, don’t make your Ramin suffer like this. You know I can’t bear to see tears in your eyes,” he said softly. His words, full of sincerity and love, made her heart ache.

“I know you care, Ramin,” she replied, her voice trembling slightly. “It’s just… sometimes, I’m afraid of what might happen.”

Ramin, sensing her distress, smiled warmly. "Don't overthink baby girl" he said, though his eyes revealed his deep concern.

“Astaghfirullah, Ramin, I am not your baby girl,” she retorted, though her lips twitched with a smile.

“You are,” he said firmly, his voice laced with affection. Janan rolled her eyes but felt a warmth in her heart.

“I didn’t pray for you?” Janan teased, He made a sad pout and Janan chuckled, moving closer and blowing air gently on him. Ramin closed his eyes, a blush creeping onto his cheeks. “You blush just from this?” she asked with a chuckle.

“You have a strong impact on me,” he admitted, looking into her eyes with a sincere gaze. Janan bit her lips to hide a smile, looking away shyly.

Suddenly, the rain began to fall outside, and Janan moved to the window, mesmerized by the rhythmic dance of the raindrops. Ramin, watching her, felt a surge of affection. He approached her, standing at a respectful distance. “If your God is real, then you are surely His miracle,” he said, his voice filled with awe.

Janan looked at him, her eyes soft with affection. “Ramin, take a rest,” she said gently. “I get healed by your presence. Don’t ever try to leave me; I can’t live without you,” he continued, his voice earnest.

Janan’s heart raced, and tears filled her eyes. “Never. I will never leave you,” she promised.

Ramin, moved by her words, placed his fingertips on his lips and sent her a flying kiss. Janan, caught off guard, muttered, “This man is a whole package for real.”

A Few Days Later

Three days had passed since Ramin was discharged from the hospital. Despite the brief time apart, Janan found herself missing him terribly. She sighed as she prepared to leave for the bus stand with Zahra. Resting her head on Zahra’s shoulder, she said, “I miss him so much, Zahra.”

Zahra, sensing her friend’s mood, tried to lighten the moment. “You’re having mood swings, sweetie. Is it that time of the month?”

Janan hummed in response, surprised by Zahra’s insight. “How did you know?” she asked, curious.

“You’re a bit emotional,” Zahra said with a knowing smile.

Upon returning home, Janan settled into her room, scrolling through her phone. A notification popped up: a text from Ramin.

“Dear Princess, your Ramin is fine and missing you a lot.”

A blush spread across Janan’s face as she read the message. Smiling, she typed back, “Dear Moron, your Janan is busy and sleeping. Allah Hafiz.”

Ramin’s response was immediate, a crying emoji accompanying his message. Janan laughed, turning off her phone as she prepared for bed. Staring at the ceiling, she soon drifted off to sleep, comforted by the thought of Ramin.

                           .   .   .

Days passed, and Ramin’s busy schedule kept him from visiting his father and Janan. During a particularly intense meeting, he was startled to see a vision of Janan sitting in a chair. He blinked, and she was gone. Chuckling to himself, he thought, “So now I’m hallucinating her. I thought this only happened in fairy tales, but look at our story.”

Meanwhile, Janan was on the rooftop, gazing at the sky. “When will I see you again, Ramin?” she mumbled to herself. “You know Allah, He is the only man I trust,” she whispered, smiling softly. “My man.” She went downstairs, donned her niqab, and headed to the nearest café.

At the café, she ordered a cold coffee, savoring each sip. As she enjoyed her drink, Ramin walked in, ordering something before taking a seat at the table across from her. Janan’s heart skipped a beat as she saw him.

Ramin, noticing her, was momentarily taken aback. His eyes widened as he realized it was Janan. He quickly moved to her table, sitting beside her. “Princess,” he said, his voice warm.

Janan, surprised, asked, “How do you know it’s me?”

Ramin leaned in, his eyes locking with hers. “You have magical eyes that make my heart flutter. No one on this earth can compete with the beauty of your eyes.” Janan’s smile was hidden behind her niqab, her eyes sparkling with affection.

“Love, you’re drinking cold coffee in this weather? Such a careless baby you are,” Ramin said, shaking his head with a smile.

Janan looked at him innocently. “I love it,” she said softly.

Ramin sighed. “Okay, but this is the last time,” he said, his tone gentle. Janan nodded, and Ramin added, “Good girl.”

They continued to enjoy their drinks, their conversation light. When Ramin’s phone rang, he answered it briefly, his attention divided. As he hung up, he turned to Janan. “Princess, I’m going to visit Dad now. I’ll see you soon.”

Janan’s heart skipped a beat. “Fi ‘amnillah,” she said,

Ramin furrowed his brows in confusion and asked, “What does that mean?” Janan smiled behind her veil and replied, “I entrust you to the care and protection of Allah; as nothing is lost in His care.” Ramin’s face lit up with a wide smile. He bent down to her level and said softly, “Fi ‘amnillah.” Janan bit her lip in response. As Ramin turned to leave, he glanced back at her and blew her a kiss. Janan’s eyes widened in surprise, and she muttered, “Astaghfirullah.”

Days passed since Ramin had left for abroad on a work assignment, informing Janan before his departure. Meanwhile, Janan took a leave of absence from the hospital and spent her days in quiet reflection and prayer. During Dhuhr Salah, she wept in sujood, “Ya Rab, what is happening to me? Why does each second feel like years without him? Why do I miss him so much? Ya Rab, wherever he is, protect him and keep him safe always.”

Thirteen days had gone by, and Ramin still had not returned. Janan’s parents had also left for a vacation, leaving Janan alone with her thoughts. Zahra came to stay with her for company. One evening, Janan sat on the balcony, gazing up at the sky with tears in her eyes. She sighed, “Where are you, Ramin? I miss you.” Zahra joined her and gently caressed her hair, saying, “If Ramin knew about how you’ve been, he’d never leave your side.”

Janan looked at Zahra with teary eyes and said, “I can bear this pain, Zahra, but I can’t bear to see him disobeying Allah.” Zahra replied, “Allah is the most merciful, Janan. He will forgive Ramin and guide him. Trust in Him.” Janan’s tears flowed freely. Suddenly, the doorbell rang. Zahra stood up and went to answer it.

Opening the door, Zahra saw Ramin standing there, breathless. “Where is Janan?” he asked urgently. Zahra smiled and said, “Your princess is on the balcony.” Ramin looked at Zahra and asked, “May I come in?” Zahra nodded, and Ramin hurried to the balcony. Zahra chuckled softly, “Love birds.”

Ramin approached Janan, who was still unaware of his presence. She was crying softly, and through her sobs, she murmured, “I miss you, my precious Ramin.” Ramin’s eyes filled with tears as he called out, “Janan.” Hearing her name, Janan looked up, her face lighting up as if she had seen him after years.

“Princess, please don’t cry like this,” Ramin said gently. Janan wiped her tears and pouted, “You too.” Ramin smiled warmly and replied, “You are my happiness, Princess.” As their eyes locked, Ramin continued, “I know how to lift your spirits.” He then kissed his fingertips and blew her a flying kiss. Janan chuckled softly and said, “My flirtiest man.” Ramin laughed and said, “Come on now, pamper me. I’ve missed you so much.”

Janan gazed at him with a dreamy expression and said, “I’ll make lunch for you. Wait here.” As she turned to leave, Ramin reached out and lightly held her hijab, causing her to look back at him. “Don’t go,” he said. “Stay here and let me admire you.” Janan’s cheeks flushed a deep red. Ramin leaned closer to her ear and whispered, “One day, I’ll kiss those cheeks.” He stepped back, noting her tomato-red face.

Feeling her heart race, Janan quickly ran to the kitchen with Ramin trailing behind. As she was drinking water, Ramin came close and said, “I want water too.” Janan placed her glass on the counter and fetched another glass for him. Meanwhile, Ramin picked up her glass and inspected the rim for her lip imprint. Seeing him do this, Janan’s heart raced again.

Ramin found the spot and took a sip, savoring where her lips had touched. Janan’s breath grew heavy as she stammered, “I... I am...” She couldn’t finish her sentence, her nerves getting the better of her. Ramin smirked and leaned in, saying, “If you get nervous over this, what will you do when we get married?”

Janan’s eyes widened in shock, and she grabbed a spoon from the counter and playfully swatted him. “You, Mr. David Ramin, stop this!” she said. “Stop what, love?” he asked, feigning innocence. “I can’t win against you,” she admitted. Ramin smiled and said, “I’ll make you victorious against everyone, including me. Your defeat is my defeat, my princess.” Janan looked at him with deep affection and said, “I would sacrifice myself for you.”

Ramin gazed at her tenderly. He took off his locket and handed it to Janan. “This is the closest thing to me,” he said. “I’ve worn it for years. My mother gave it to me and told me to give it to the one I love most. Back then, I laughed because I didn’t believe in love, but now that you’re in my life, I believe in all impossibilities.” Janan’s eyes welled up as she gently touched the locket. “You are truly a blessing to me,” she said softly.

As Ramin continued to gaze at Janan, she appeared lost in thought, her expression troubled. Sensing her distress, Ramin asked, “What’s wrong, princess?” Janan met his gaze and said, “I’m scared. What if Allah is angry with me?” Ramin smiled reassuringly, “And why would He be?”

Janan lowered her gaze and said, “You’re not mahram to me, and I’m speaking so freely with you. I fear I might be angering Allah by this.” Ramin’s voice was filled with sincerity as he replied, “My beloved princess, I won’t come between you and Allah, but tell Him that I cannot live without you.” The thought of losing her terrified him. Janan closed her eyes and sighed deeply, her hands trembling. Ramin noticed and gently directed her to sit on a nearby chair.

Janan sat down as instructed, her gaze fixed on the floor. Ramin knelt before her and said, “Look at me, chubs.” When she did, he continued, “Tell me what to do, and I will obey. Don’t worry about me. You are what matters. I will not force you into anything. Just don’t leave me. I can’t live without you, my love.”

Tears brimmed in Janan’s eyes, and she buried her face in her hands, crying. Seeing her pain was agonizing for Ramin. “Oh, my precious Janan,” he said, his voice breaking, “I can endure anything but seeing tears in your eyes. I’d destroy myself before letting you suffer.” He pleaded, “Please, for the sake of your Ramin, don’t cry.”

Janan wiped her tears and looked at him with fondness. She extended her hands toward him, stopping just short of touching him, and mimed caressing his cheeks and hair. She closed her eyes and kissed her hands. Ramin watched her every move, feeling his heart race and butterflies in his stomach. “You’re dangerous for my heart,” he said, gulping.

Janan chuckled softly at his nervousness and said, “You’re a baby in this grown body.” Ramin pouted and replied, “I’m your baby.” Janan laughed lightly and said, “Before meeting you, all these things seemed so cringe-worthy to me, but now I’m loving it.” Ramin licked his lips and responded, “Ahan.” Janan smiled and nodded in agreement.

As Janan prepared lunch, Ramin sat on the counter, admiring her. A red hue tinted her cheeks as she cut vegetables and accidentally nicked her finger. She winced in pain. Ramin rushed to her side but paused. “Where’s the first aid box?” he asked. Janan looked at him and said, “It’s just a small cut, don’t worry min.” Ramin smiled, muttering, “She gave me a nickname.” He came out from his thoughts and again asked in a dominant tone, “Where is it?”

“It’s in my room’s cupboard,” Janan replied, rolling her eyes. Ramin went to her room, retrieved the first aid box, and returned to her. He carefully cleaned the wound and applied a bandage. Janan watched him with a warm smile, touched by his efforts to avoid touching her.

“If you keep looking at me like that, I won’t be able to concentrate,” Ramin said with a smile. Janan looked away, and Ramin chuckled.

Janan sat on a chair in the kitchen while Ramin busied himself preparing lunch. The room was filled with the aromatic scents of spices and cooking food.

“Your wife will be lucky,” Janan said, glancing over at Ramin.

Ramin chuckled, his hands stirring the pot on the stove. “Now you’re teasing me, baby girl.”

“I’m speaking the truth,” Janan replied with a smile.

“Yes, it’s true, but my soon-to-be wife is quite ungrateful,” Ramin said, a playful glint in his eyes.

Janan laughed. “Maybe she just wants you to put in more effort.”

“I’d do anything for her. I’d live and die for her. All she needs to do is tell me what she wants, and I’ll make it happen,” Ramin said sincerely.

Janan’s heart raced at his words. They carried a weight that deeply affected her. She looked down, feeling overwhelmed by emotion.

Ramin’s gaze softened as he looked at her with affection. “She is the queen of my heart.”

Janan met his eyes briefly before looking away again. Ramin smiled warmly. “Come on, lunch is ready.”

They sat down to eat, enjoying each other’s company. Just as they were finishing, Ramin’s phone rang. He answered it and, after a brief conversation, hung up. “Princess, I have an important meeting to attend. I’ll see you soon.”

Janan nodded, understanding. After lunch, Ramin left for his meeting.

Zahra, who had joined Janan at the table, looked thoughtful. “Brother-in-law is really setting the bar high for the rest of us.”

Janan laughed, shaking her head. “Your not-so-brother-in-law is indeed a formidable man.”

“Ah, but he’s so soft with his princess,” Zahra remarked.

Janan playfully nudged Zahra. “Stop teasing me.”

Zahra chuckled. “Never.”

Janan rolled her eyes with a grin. “Just wait. My time will come.”

“When?” Zahra asked, clearly intrigued.

Janan smiled. “Patience, sweetie.”

Zahra sighed and hummed in response.

. . .

After Maghrib prayer, Janan headed out for some grocery shopping. As she was returning home, a group of gang members attacked her and kidnapped her. Zahra, who was out at the time, came home to find Janan missing. She tried calling Janan, but her phone was off. Growing increasingly worried, Zahra reached out to Ramin.

In the midst of a crucial meeting, Ramin received Zahra’s call. Upon hearing her distressed voice, he immediately grabbed his car keys and rushed out, ordering his security team to search for Janan. They began a frantic search, leaving no stone unturned.

Meanwhile, Janan found herself bound to a chair, surrounded by men with malicious intent. Her heart pounded in her chest, but she remained resolute. “lā ḥawla wa-lā quwwata ʾillā bi-llāhi l-ʿaliyyi l-ʿaẓīm. Ya Allah, there is no power except You. I entrust myself to You. Save me from these vile men,” she prayed aloud.

The men laughed derisively. One of them taunted, “I thought you’d call for your Ramin.”

Janan’s breath quickened at the mention of his name. The men continued their taunting, saying, “Let’s see what happens to you now.” As one of them approached, ready to violate her, the lights suddenly went out. Amidst the confusion, one of the men collapsed.

When the lights came back on, Janan saw Ramin furiously attacking the men. His face was flushed with rage, and his eyes were bloodshot. He was landing powerful blows, taking down one attacker after another. Seeing him in action, Janan cried out, “Ramin!”

Ramin glanced over and swiftly dealt with another attacker. His bodyguard, having finished securing the area, rushed to Janan, quickly freeing her from the ropes.

“Baby, my princess, are you alright? Did they hurt you? Please, tell me,” Ramin asked, his voice trembling as he fought back tears.

Janan looked at him with relief and gratitude. “Alhamdulillah, Allah saved me, and He made you the means of that salvation.”

Tears streamed down Ramin’s face and he said. “My heart is aching, Janan.”

Janan managed a pained smile. “You are truly a blessing from Allah.”

“No… This happened because of me. They were my enemies,” Ramin cried out, his anguish evident.

Janan shook her head gently. “Are we any different, Ramin?”

Ramin looked at her, tears falling freely, and shook his head.

Janan smiled softly. “Then don’t blame yourself, alright?”

Ramin nodded, still visibly upset. “Let’s get you home now,” he said. They made their way to his car, a sense of urgency in their movements.

Ramin opened the door for Janan and helped her into the seat, carefully fastening her seatbelt before settling into the driver’s seat himself. As he drove, he kept glancing at her, his concern palpable. Janan gazed back at him with deep affection.

“I love you, Janan,” Ramin said quietly, his voice filled with emotion.

Janan, lost in his gaze, replied, “Tell me something I don’t know.”

Ramin looked away momentarily, overwhelmed by the depth of her feelings. “From now on, you won’t go anywhere alone, alright?”

“As my Ramin says,” Janan agreed.

Ramin swallowed hard, his voice softening. “Good girl.”

As they drove, the atmosphere in the car was filled with a mixture of relief and unspoken promises. Ramin’s protective nature was evident, and Janan’s trust in him was unwavering. The bond between them, tested by the day’s events, was only strengthened by their shared experiences and emotions.


JazakAllah for reading lovelies🎀

_you'll save me, I trust that.🌸

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