Ⓗealing Ⓖolden Ⓢcars (Hunter...

By sun_ve

22.6K 1.4K 9.4K

Y/n, a 19 year old, accepted as a scout healer into the emperors coven, it's a regular job. Healing coven sco... More

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Bonus Drawings P.1
Bonus Drawings P.2
Bonus Drawings P.3
Whats next?


260 20 169
By sun_ve

~ 4 years ago ~




~present time~

"So... that must be why you're back... the emperors coven came... and brought you back..? What about Tom? What happened to him?" You ask.

Hunter glances at you and he takes another sip from his drink. He makes another sour face.

"Uhm.." He looks away.

He rubs the rim of his nose and you can smell the anxiety off of him.

"Can I sit.. next to you?" He asks.

"Go ahead." You scoot over on the couch to give him room.

He sits next to you and he sighs and holds his head in one hand and his drink in the other. You look at him and he seems stressed and uncomfortable.

"I haven't told anyone this. I've never talked to anyone about this... and I thought I never would have to talk to anyone about this." He says.

"Take your time." You say.

He sighs and takes another sip from his drink.

"I-" He trembles.

You frown.

"I'm sorry it's- it's difficult-" he shakes his head.

You put your hand on his shoulder and he looks over at you. He looks vulnerable, he looks sad.

"...Did they kill him?" You ask.

He looks at you nervously and his pupils contract. He looks away and just stares into his drink.

He's gone tense. You can feel how tense he's getting from your hand on his shoulder.

"N-no- we- I- " He starts trembling.

You frown.

"Start where you left off... you found Tom in his toad habitat... he told you the emperors coven was here... then what?" You grip his shoulder.

He looks at you and then back into his cup. He sighs.

~4 years ago~

When I found out the emperors coven was here I didn't know what to do. I was afraid.

"What do we do? Where are they? We need to hide..!" I stand up.

Tom stays kneeling down where he is staring at Josie and Bumpy. The tadpoles in the pond are still alive though. He watches them swim.

"I don't know." Tom says emotionlessly.

"Tom!" I exclaim.

He doesn't answer he just sits there looking deprived of all emotion. I frown and I grab his shoulder and start shaking him.

"Tom you can't just sit there we need to do something Tom..!" I shake him.

He doesn't even look at me. He won't, he's still devoid of any emotion. He looks hopeless, distraught. He looks like he's given up.

I give him a genuine worried expression.

"Tom! Say something! Tom!" I shake him.

Still no answer from him.


He finally looks at me. Not a shred of light in his eyes. He looks broken.

"What...Is even... the point..?" He finally says.

I stop shaking him and I let go of his shoulder.

"We'll die anyway. You know that?" He says.

"Once we're caught he's going to kill us both." He says.

I frown even more and my heart starts racing

"...just like every other grimwalker before us. Every single one of us who disobeys.." He mutters.

"It's just a continuous loop.... He makes another one of us... we fail... we die... over... and over... and over again." He says.

"You... didn't see them. There's troops of them. Even though we both have the combat skills. We don't stand a chance against THAT many." He says.

He looks into my eyes. I look into his. I haven't seen him this expressionless since...


I don't even think he was this emotionless back in his cell. I've never seen him like this before.

"What's the point." He mumbles.

My eyebrows curve and I grip his shoulder again. He glances at me.

"Tom...You can't just give up." I look at him.

He looks at me again without any light in his eyes.

From afar I heard something noises in the woods and I flinch and look behind us both. I grip Tom's shoulder tighter and I start shaking him.

"Tom..! We need to go!" I say and shake him.

He doesn't move.

"Tom!" I shake him harder.

"Just let them come." He mumbles.

"No Tom! Come on! You can't just give up on everything now!" My voice starts breaking.

"You're my family Tom!" I feel like I'm about to cry.

He doesn't answer.

I hear the trudging of footsteps from the forest and talking approaching and I start panicking.

"Stand up! Stand up! Please! Please get up!" I say shakily.

"Over there!" A scout shouts.

Panic courses through my veins. And I start breathing fast. I shake him harder.

"TOM!" I exclaim.

He doesn't even look at me. He's just staring at the tadpoles swimming in the pond. Still devoid of emotion.

I start getting angry at him and I can't control myself.

"Tom! For titans sake SNAP out of it!" I slap him.

His eyes actually widen and he looks at me in shock. He holds his hand over his cheek.

"Tom!! We're supposed to look out for eachother...! We're family that's what we do...! We depend on eachother! Come on..!" I grab his arm and try pulling him with me.

When I told him that I think something changed in him. He didn't look that emotionless anymore.

His eyes widen even more and some of the light actually returns in his eyes. He looks at me with... something going on behind his gaze.

The guards start running towards us and Tom darts his head back around to look at them. He darts his head back at me and more light returns in his eyes.

He stands up quickly and grabs my arm and runs off.

He starts dragging me away and I gasp slightly at his sudden attitude change. His motivation must have came back.

"They're running! Get them!" One of the scouts yell.

"Where are we gonna go?!" I exclaim.

"I don't know!" Tom says sort of panicked.

"Oh Titan..!" He starts laughing nervously.

"Oh Titan-" I say shakily and run with him as he holds onto my arm tightly.

He looks back at me and smiles nervously and I don't know how to respond to that and I just look at him confused.

"Quickly!" A scout yells.

I look back at the scouts chasing us and back at Tom. There's so much adrenaline going on through my veins.

We keep running and running. The scouts keep chasing us as fast as they can and we keep running as fast as we can.

We're heading to the more rocky part of the island and I can hear Tom panting as he's running, he's really trying to run as fast as he can. I can barely keep up and it feels like I'm being lifted up off my feet a few times as he holds onto my arm.

One of the scouts shoots an electric shock at us and it hits Tom on his side.

He falls down and he lets go of my arm. I hear him wincing.

"Stand up! Come on..! It's okay!" I grab his arm and try pulling him back up.

He winces and tries standing up again. I nod and he gets back on his feet and we keep running.

I look behind us both and the scouts are on our tail. Tom looks around too and there's suddenly scouts left, right, and infront.

We don't know where to go we're completely surrounded.

I tremble and Tom looks behind us and sees a little cave and grabs me and runs into it.


"Give me flapjack! Quickly!" He says and huddles closer to me so the scouts won't see the palisman.

I go through my pocket and give him flapjack. He takes him quickly and once we're fully in the cave he shoots the top of the cave.

Some rocks come piling down and cover the entrance to the cave, enclosing me and Tom behind it.

"Damn it!" I hear one of the scouts yell.

Tom shakily looks at me and it's dark in the cave. It's a small cave, it's like the size of a room. He falls down and sits on the ground and takes some breaths.

"Tom- what now?" I ask wiping the sweat off my forehead.

He looks at me and starts trembling a little.

"...We don't have much time." Tom says.

"What?" I say shakily.

"It's only a matter of time before they break down all the rocks over the entrance." Tom grabs my shoulders.

"S-so what do we do?" I look at Tom.

He looks at me with a glint in his eye. Then he frowns and makes a sad expression at me.

"Hunter, sit over here with me." He says and then starts scooting closer to me

He makes a serious face at me. I look at him worriedly and sit down next to me.

He puts his arm over my shoulder and smiles sadly.

"Look... I need you to listen to me..." He says shakily.

I furrow my eyebrows.

He swallows and then looks down and then back into my eyes.

"Look..." His grip on my shoulders tighten and he tilts his head.

He gulps softly and he lets out a shaky breath. Like he's trying to prepare himself for what he's about to say.

"What?" I say.

"...Listen, I have a plan..." He says.

"Oh good.. what is it?" I ask.

He looks at me and shakes his head.

"Well... it's- it's not a good plan. It's- I feel terrible making you do this-" Tom says and his voice is starting to break.

"...Tom.." I look at him.

"....I hate this part..." Hunter trembles.

"Take your time." You say

Hunter takes a deep breath.

"One of us... still has a chance." Tom says.

"...what..?" I say shakily.

"We're gonna have to pretend to be some actors here okay? For your sake." Tom says.

I look at him nervously.

"Look. I hate to do this to you, but it's the only way that Belos will think you haven't betrayed him." Tom says.


Tom pulls out the knife he made from me out of his pocket and holds it infront of me. I look at it and back at him.

"When we go out there. We're gonna be acting. We're gonna pretend I'm holding you hostage. I brought you here against your will okay?" Tom says.


"That way, I'm seen as the traitor, you aren't. Okay? You're still innocent." Tom says.

"What are you getting at?" I shake my head.

Tom sighs and grips my shoulder tightly.

"When we get out, I'm gonna grab you, hold the knife on your throat as an act okay? I'm not actually gonna hurt you." Tom says.


"That's my act. Your act is... you hate me, you are here against your will, I kidnapped you. Understand?" Tom says.


"My grip on the knife isn't gonna be hard it's gonna be loose." Tom says.

"I'm gonna threaten to kill you because you're what Belos wants. When I nudge you you're going to grab the knife from my hand, I'll let you take it." Tom says.

I start shaking my head.

"Hunter listen to me here. When you grab the knife..." Tom takes a deep breath.

I furrow my eyebrows. He looks at me intently and gives me a serious look.

"...Tom asked me to kill him."

"ARE YOU CRAZY?!" I yell.


"Tom..! There has to be another way! I can't- I- I-" I exclaim.

"Look! It's the only way to convince Belos we weren't working together.."

"No it's not..! Just- just-" I start tearing up.

"Look you have to face it we're both going to get caught. But you have the chance of living, you're newer than me." Tom says.

"Do you realize how much he'll trust you and tell you the truth about all his plans because of the fact you killed me?" Tom says.

"If you kill me, Belos's failed creation. His trust in you will be off the charts. Because he is going to think you're on HIS side. He won't even kill you, I'm sure of it." Tom says.

"But- why can't I just tell him I don't like you?" I ask.

"Belos won't believe words. He'll believe actions. You know that. You have to kill me." Tom says.

"Why can't I just injure you? What about that instead?!" I ask.

"No." Tom says shakily.

He starts tearing up and he looks down and takes a shaky breath.

"...You already know if I were to be brought back alive he'd kill me anyway. I don't have a way out of this. I don't." Tom starts crying.

"And..." Tom sniffles and wipes his tears.

"I already know he'd give me a slow and painful death. Especially since I ran away with you, he'd be furious, he'd want me to suffer I know it." Tom wipes his tears again.

He goes a little quiet and shakily inhales, more tears run down his face.

"I don't wanna die like that... I don't want to suffer." Tom whispers.

I start tearing up and a gentle sob escapes my lips.

"Please. You have to. If you want to live, you need to take my life. I'd rather you kill me quick and fast than him kill me slowly to the point I'm suffering." Tom wipes his tears.

"I don't want to kill you..! I- I couldn't live with myself- Tom-! You know I couldn't! I-" I feel the tears coming out.

"I don't wanna kill my only family... you're all I have.." I sob.

"I know it's a lot..! I know! I know you don't want to! And I hate myself for making you do this but Hunter do you want to live or not?" He grips my shoulders.

I wipe my tears.

"You...! You have things to live for! You have a life in the boiling isles! You have a girl who cares about you! You have people there Hunter!" Tom says.

"Me...? I don't have anything there for me... I don't have anyone... any friends... anybody...I..." Tom sniffs.

He grips his head and starts gently sobbing. I grip his shoulder and just stare at him.

"I've already accepted that this is the best I'm gonna get. This is all it for me." He sniffs.

"But when I go back I'm just gonna become golden guard- i won't even be able to talk to her again... I can't- Belos will only make things worse when I go back..! Continue with his terrible governing..! I can't do anything about that I-"

"Yes you can." Tom says.

"...You need you to kill him. You have to stop him." Tom stares at me.

A wave of shock goes through me. I let out a shaky breath.

"...Stop him from making more of us... stop him from his stupid day of unity shit. Stop him from giving everyone sigils. It's all for something bad I know it is." Tom says.

"I want to be the last grimwalker to die. I don't want any more of us killed." Tom says.

"He needs to be stopped." Tom says and looks down.

I wipe my tears. And I sniffle softly.

"...And you need to kill me." He says softly holding the knife in his hand.

"You grab it from me while I hold it against your throat. And you stab me." Tom says.

"Stab me in the heart." He points over his chest.

I exhale shakily and wipe my tears.

"Well... after learning about what we're made of... it's my Galdorstone really, heheh." He smiles.

"Don't make jokes." I sniffle.

"Sorry." He says.

I wipe my tears more and I breathe shakily. I shake my head and I exhale shakily.

He frowns and then pulls me into a hug. I gasp slightly and I rest into the hug. He rubs my back and smiles.

"...Thank you... for finding me in that cell when you did..." Tom mutters.

A breathy sob escapes my lips.

"And... thank you... for keeping me company nearly everyday..." He says.

I cough out a sob.

"And... thank you for considering me family..." His voice starts shaking.

I put my arms around him and hug him back. I sniffle and another sob comes out.

"Thank you... for breaking me out... even though you had to leave people important to you... I know that must have been hard.." Tom says.

I cry softly.

"And... thank you for making me feel the happiest I've been ever since then." He says gently.

"Tom..." I sniffle.

He pulls away from the hug and smiles sadly at me.

"I love you man." He tilts his head and looks at me sincerely.

I look at him and I feel more tears coming out of my eyes. I let out an even bigger sob and I nod at him and wipe my tears from my face.

"Me too." I sniffle

Tom smiles and pats my shoulder.


Me and Tom quickly look over at the sealed entrance to the cave. They're starting to tear through the rocks and boulders.

"There's not much time. Are you ready?" Tom asks.

I shakily breathe.

"No." I say.

"...Yes you are. Come on. You can do this." Tom says.

"No I can't." I shake my head


"I can't do it I won't be able to live with myself..!" I breathe.

"You have to!"

"Come on, you can do it." He says.

"When I nudge you, thats your cue." Tom says.

"No.." I say.

The thumping intensifies. I breathe shakily and we look over at the entrance and then back at eachother.

Tom grabs my shoulders.

"Yes. Come on. You can do it. We don't have much time! Say you'll do it..!" Tom grabs my shoulders.

The boulder in front starts cracking.

"Please..!" He says and starts shaking me.

My heart shatters. He's right, I have to. I don't have a choice...

"Fine....I'll do it." I nod and more tears fall out.

Tom sighs in relief.

"Good." He says.

The boulder cracks even more. Tom's eyes widen as well as mine.

He stands up, grabs me by my shirt and drags me up close to him.

"I just want to say... everything I'm going to be saying about you... it's not true. I don't feel that way at all about you." Tom says.

I nod shakily.

"You're strong, you're independent, you're brave, you're a risk taker, you're really smart." Tom grins.

I nod and let out a shaky exhale.

"And I love you... my brother." He smiles.

I nod and a soft sob comes out of my mouth. He smiles sadly.

There's a large exploding noise and the boulder breaks open. Me and Tom turn our heads and the dust from the rock breaking slowly comes between the entrance.

"Acting starts now." He whispers.

As soon as he says that he holds the knife to my throat and grips the back of my head exposing my throat.

I gasp a little and I glance at Tom. He doesn't look at me. He stares at the scouts in front of us with an angry yet confident look.

The knife is pressed against my neck and I swallow anxiously.

The scouts stare at us and they start backing away, falling for the act that Tom is trying to kill me.

Tom glares at them.

"Get back now or I kill him! Belos won't like that will he?" Tom smirks slowly walking us both closer to them.

"He wants him specifically alive.." Tom glances at me.

I shiver a little.

The guards stare at what's going on and don't know how to approach the situation.

"He won't like it if you fail your mission now will he? I heard your conversations. He wants us alive." Tom glares.

"Oh but he's just gonna toss me aside as soon as he gets his hands on me. I was originally golden guard! I won't let this cheap COPY of me get promoted to golden guard it was my position! It was mine! Not his! I refuse Belos to give him MY position!" Tom exclaims.

The guards grip their spears tightly.

"I'll kill him and you'll have no one! He's a brat! You want this pathetic boy as golden guard? He can't do anything! He's useless! The entire time we've been on this island he's been a dog taking orders from me! He's weak! You want someone as weak and helpless as him?! You want this pathetic boy as your leader?!" Tom exclaims.

I exhale shakily.

"I'll kill him now!" Tom yells.

...he nudges me.

The adrenaline courses through every vein in my body. My breathing stops. The world is frozen. Time has stopped.

I feel his grip loosen on the knife.

I squeeze my eyes shut and I look at him one last time. He looks at me.

Despite his fake glare at me. I can still see the true emotions he's feeling in his eyes.

I feel like everything is silent. And my breathing pick up and I look at him with penitence in my eyes.

I grabbed the knife from his hand.

And killed him.

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