The king is back and it's her...

Par Kinstrak

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Monkey D Luffy watches as his crew is murdered by Sakasuki Akainu and Blackbeard. Luffy is angry as the corru... Plus

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 2

2.2K 38 7
Par Kinstrak

Holy Land, Red line

One month later

Luffy POV

Climbing the Red line was going to be the hardest part but Tiger Fisher help him with that part. Been part of the revolutionary army and a close friend of his dad, had it's advantages. When they arrived, Luffy use his new sword to cut down the royal knights like butter. This bastards defend the Celestian Dragons while innocent people are either killed or kidnapped. They don't deserve to breath the same air. After all the guards were taken care off, he look at his father

"Give then hell, son" said Dragon "go find whoever your looking for". Luffy nodded as he use his observation Haki to look for Hancock and her sisters. This could go  two ways. As Hancock is his age, she probably doesn't have that much hate but it can also be that she already suffered enough with those despicable creatures. Luffy prays that she will not try to turn him to stone, although it may not work as she is a child. Luffy started running as he went to all the houses of the freaks and started killing guards and freeing slaves. He didn't care if they were humans, giants, minks, long-legs or fishman. He wasn't a racist and in the future that's lost, he befriended many of the races. He free them all as he kill guard after guard. Finally arriving to were he sense her

"Hold on, Hancock-chan" said Luffy to himself "I am coming for you". He cut down another guard as he destroyed the door and going to where they keep their slaves. The first thing he did, was freeing all the slaves as he did with the other houses. Finally, he arrive where Hancock and his sisters were. Hancock, even as a child was cute.

"Who are you?" Hancock ask in a childish voice, so different from the woman he meet "what do you want!"

"My name is not important right now" Luffy answered as he took out their collars "just follow me and be fast. The moment the marines arrived, this will be harder to get out of here"

"Why are you helping us?" Marigold ask

"I have my reasons" Luffy answered "reasons I will explain later. First,we need to get out of this hell"

"I hope you keep that promise" Hancock answered "because if you don't, I will make sure to find out what is my devil fruit power!". Luffy suspected that was going to happen. But Luffy decided to teased her a bit

"Sadly, it won't work unless you are a teenager" Luffy said, while laughing. A tick mark appeared her forehead.

"What's that supposed to mean!" Hancock asked annoyed

"I will tell you later" said Luffy as he block a holy knight sword and then punch him in the stomach, sending him  away "as you can see, I have to protect you three beautiful ladies". Luffy saw as Hancock and her sisters blushed a crimson red as Luffy laugh "come on"

"Right" said Hancock. Luffy smiled as they exist the mansion of the World Noble. Everything outside was in flames and the knights were running like headless chickens trying to stop the revolutionary army. He use his ability to sense ki and when he knew there wasn't anyone left on the mansion, he throw a ki blast powerful enough to blow it up to ashes "what the hell!!!!"

"Why did you that?" Marigold ask, even though Luffy could see tears in her eyes as well as her sister's, Sandersonia and Hancock

"Because you suffer in that hell" Luffy answered "so it had to go. That's justice for the crimes those freaks of nature did to you. They aren't human, they are scum. Let's go". Luffy saw the three sisters nodding at him as they continue running until they were stopped by a Celestian Dragon. He was an ugly bastard, probably because of the inbred they do

"You will pay!!!" He screech "after I kill you, I will take those girls and make them su.....". Luffy interrupted him when he cut off his head in a simple movement with his sword

"I won't let you touch them" said Luffy furious "not ever again". The headless body fall down, as the head of the Celestian Dragon rotated on the floor. A surprise look could be seen. Luffy saw as Hancock went to the head and kick it off. Then she went to Luffy and give him a kiss on the cheek, making him blush a crimson red and then she hug him and seconds later, he hug her back

"Thank you" she said as she cried. Luffy continue hugging her and comforted her.

"No problem" said Luffy "but we need to go. I just kill a World Noble and it will get us a lot of attention". Hancock nodded, as they continue running until he saw his father once again

"You did good, son" he said "come on, I will take you to an old friend of Tiger Fisher"

"Who?" Luffy ask curious as they went to an elevator, although he already knew. If Tiger Fisher was part of Roger's crew, then it had to be Silver Rayleigh, also known as the Dark King, Vice-captain of the Rogers pirates, right hand of Gol D Roger, the first King of the Pirates

"You will see" his father said. Soon, they were clear of the marines and government agents as the Holy Land burned

Some time later

Shakkys bar, Sabaody Archipelago

"I will contact Amazon Lily right away" said the Shakuyaku

"I can't believe that a former empress is here!" Said Hancock "can I ask why?"

"That's because I fell in love and I choose Rayleigh over dying" said Shakuyaku

"So, if I decided to return to Amazon Lily, would I die?" Hancock ask so suddenly, that Luffy look at her confused. Did she love someone else?. It make Luffy scared a bit.

"Why do you say that?" Shakuyaku ask "I doubt you meet another man besides Luffy here"

"I love him" she said suddenly. Luffy's eyes widened with that. So, even when she is his age, she falls for him very quickly "even when I am only ten, I know I feel something for him". Luffy smiled at that. It took him a while to known Hancock love him when he was training with Rayleigh. The old man decided to give him the talk after he told him what he was feeling for Nami, Vivi, Robin and Hancock. It was the most embarrassing talk of his life. He was thankful that Rayleigh had an aura of grandfather, so it was a good thing

"Well, that's not good" said the familiar voice of Elder Nyon"

"Empress Gloriosa?" Hancock said surprised

"Hello there girls" she said "who did it?. Who rescue you?"

"That would be me" said Luffy "as I promise, my name is Monkey D Luffy, the proud son of Monkey D Dragon and grandson of Monkey D Garp". He avoided saying anything else up

"But you are ten!" Gloriosa said surprised

"And he is very powerful" said Hancock "he is deadly with his sword and I bet anything he would be even deadlier with a supreme great sword"

"Really?" Said Rayleigh. Luffy saw as he went into his room and got out moments later "then it's a good thing my Captain gave me this and told me to give it to someone worthy of using her". Luffy's eyes almost pop out of his sockets when he saw the famous cutlass Ace. The supreme great sword of Gol D Roger "take care of it, kid"

"Why give it to me?" Luffy ask "we are strangers. And I am just a kid"

"I feel you are meant to have her. You were born one year before he died, right?" Rayleigh ask. Luffy nodded and it was true, in this timeline, he was older than Ace by one year "he said that someone very powerful was born when we were sailing on our final voyage. When he said his final goodbye, he gave me the final order of finding the person when he surrender himself to the marines". Luffy suddenly felt as someone familiar was in danger. Robin!. But why was she here!.

"I will come back in a second" said Luffy as he use his gear second to went to where Robin was been chased by marines. She really was his age and she look like she had been in hell. Her clothes were rags and she was bleeding from her head.

"Kill her in the name of absolute justice!!!!" Screamed a marine. Something in Luffy broke at hearing those words.  Unknowingly to him, he had grabbed Ace when he went out and because of his knowledge of sword fighting, thanks to Anakin, he wipe out all the marines in an instant. When he calm down,  his eyes widened when he saw Ace on his hands, covered in blood. He could feel it's power with his haki. It was amazing and he could feel the sword was happy to finally be in battle once more. He put Ace back on the scabbard of his old sword. Luffy then gently went to were Robin was "are you okay?" Luffy ask as he show her a hand to help her stand up. Seconds later, she took it, but she was shaking a lot

"I am" she answered  as he help her stand up

"Come with me" Luffy said, smiling at her "I will take you somewhere safe until it's safe for you to leave". She nodded as she followed him. Luffy just hopes Hancock is not as jealous as she was on the previous timeline. When he come back, Rayleigh was smiling at him

"That was impressive" said Rayleigh "how did the sword felt?"

"Amazing" Luffy answered "but I am sorry for taking it like that"

"Don't worry about it" said Rayleigh "it was for you anyway. Just promise me you will take care of Ace"

"I promise" Luffy said grabbing Ace

"Who's this?" Hancock ask Robin as she went to her "wait, your bleeding. Are you okay?"

"She was been chased by marines" Luffy said angry "they were screaming for absolute justice but I didn't know why". He wasn't supposed to known and he want Robin to trust him. That he wasn't someone who will betray her

"My name is Nico Robin" Robin said suddenly, crying "they want me dead because I am the only survivor of Ohara". She started crying harder as she told them how her Island was destroyed by a Buster Call. How she watch the civilians been murder by an unknown marine in cold blood. He had a feeling it was Sakasuki Akainu. That red mutt was a psychopath after all. And how she heard it was for absolute justice. Luffy saw as Hancock hug her and comforted her once again

"Luffy-kun save me and my sisters recently from hell" said Hancock. Luffy then realized she was crying "I own him a lot for that"

"We own him as well" said Sandersonia and Marigold at the same time smiling at him

"While we don't feel what Hancock is feeling, we respect Luffy a lot" said Sandersonia "Luffy, please call me Sonia from now on"

"And call me Mari" said Marigold smiling

"Well, this is troublesome" said Gloriosa. Why does Luffy feel like he heard that word before?. Well, it doesn't matter "you three want to follow Luffy, don't you?"

"Yes" they said at the same time, surprising Luffy

"And I would like the same" said Robin "you are kind people to a demon child like me"

"You are not a demon" Luffy said with seriousness "the marines that kill your people are the real demons and one day, they will get justice for their horrible crimes"

"What are you planning to do, Luffy-kun?" Rayleigh ask

"Well, I want to remain hidden for now" Luffy said "I don't know if I will have a bounty or not but knowing the World Government, I will but probably a small one, considering that I was very careful"

"Then let Hancock, her sisters and Robin come with me" said Gloriosa

"But I don't want to go back" said Hancock "I want to be with Luffy"

"You don't have to stay" said Gloriosa, shaking her head "but become stronger and powerful, so when he gets ready to sail, you can help him reach his dream"

"She's right" Luffy said "I meant when I said I want to stay hidden but I aslo been offered to join Tiger Fisher's future pirate crew as a cabin boy but I told him I will think it about it"

"Becoming a cabin boy is like everyone starts" said Rayleigh"that's how Shanks and Buggy started their paths". And both of them become Yonkos. Although how that coward achieve that, it's still a mystery to him

"Then when you are ready, we will come and find you" said Hancock "we will become strong enough to make you proud"

"You are already strong" said Luffy "Robin, go with them. You will be safe and they will protect you"

"Okay" said Robin "I will train and become strong!"

"Don't let anyone tell you are a demon, because that's no true" Luffy said

"Thanks Luffy" said Robin smiling. Two days later, Luffy saw as Gloriosa and Shakuyaku took Hancock, her sisters and Robin to Amazon Lily. Luffy then call Tiger Fisher, accepting his offer of joining his crew but to give him two months until the news of the attack on the Holy Land become old news

Timeline ( We don't know the year in the series. They never day it. Only that it happens 800 years after the World Government is founded but we don't know when Roger died, so I will use YARD (Years After Roger's Death) or YBRD (Years Before Roger's Death)

Original timeline:

21 YARD: Straw hats are defeated and killed by Sakasuki and Blackbeard. Luffy is given a chance to time travel

New timeline:

68 YBRD: Brook is born

53 YBRD: Gol D Roger is born

14 YBRD Franky is born

1 YBRD: Luffy, Hancock and Robin are born

0: Roger is executed. Ace, Zoro, Sanji, Sandersonia and Sabo are born

2 YARD: Nami, Vivi, Chopper and Marigold are born

7 YRD: Luffy, age eight awakens from the time travel and later meets Ace and Sabo, both age seven. Luffy begins his training

10 YARD: Sabo is supposedly killed by a Celestian Dragon but he is saved by Dragon. Luffy meets his father ask him to take him to attack the Holy Land.

a) Same year/one month later: Luffy and the revolutionary army attacks the Holy Land where he helps free slaves, including the Boa sister's and kills a Celestian Dragon

11 YARD: Luffy is part of the Sun Pirates

I don't know if did it right but it's more or less the time events

Next on The King is back and is here to conquer:  Luffy becomes the cabin boy of the Sun Pirates, where he is highly respected by the majority and only a few ones hates him

Meanwhile, on the Other World....

No longer after Luffy is send back to the past...

"Hey, Goku" Naruto said in a thinking pose and scratching the back of his head

"Yeah?" Goku ask him. Naruto knew he was still embarrassed about his embarrassing secret come out and been teased by a kid younger than him!

"Should we have told Luffy about the other girls that were in love with him?" Naruto ask him then

"You mean about Rebecca, Shirahoshi and Yamato?" Goku answered. They look at each other thinking about it

"Nah" Naruto and Goku said at the same time. Anakin just sweet-drop at the two idiots and then he look at the tide up figures behind him. Still struggling to escape as they look at the two childish adults in anger. One was bald and had a strange tattoo on his head in the shape of an arrow and had strange clothing. The other was a young man. He had glasses and a fainted lighting bolt scar

"Man, what a drag" said Anakin "but if you have given gifts to Luffy, he would have been too overpowered, no matter how much you protest". The two just mumbled about how Naruto and Goku cheated in their fight.

Aang: The last Airbender belongs to Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko. Also Nickelodeon as they produced.

Harry Potter to JK Rowling

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