Changing the residences [boyx...

By draqlasdaughter

1.9K 239 24

Summary: Xiao Zhan, a very stressed accountant worker , living in Beijing, accepts to exchange his city, mode... More

02 First time meeting
03 Second time meeting
04 Question & Answer
05 The morning after
06 A day to the countryside
07 A rainy day
08 Epilogue

01 The Zhan Siamese

329 33 3
By draqlasdaughter

A/n: First of all, I wish everyone a happy   Valentine's Day, in advanced!

If you would like to celebrate Valentine's Day by reading a completed valentine story, I'd recommend one of my old stories if you haven't read it yet.

Look for these covers👇

plus the separated book containing the MRated chapters


Xiao Zhan was being overly eager to meet his former classmates at the ten years high school reunion.

Life had scattered them in all corners of the world, some of them were married or working in foreign countries, some were living in other Chinese cities. Thus Xiao Zhan used to meet only accidentally, over all these past ten years, a few from his high school classmates.

Not only because they were living in other places than Beijing, but also, because he used to be a very busy and successful corporation worker, in the accountancy department. 

For a year or so, he is working in the same field but no longer in a corporation. Anyways he is no less busy, maybe even more overworked as before.

Let's say it bluntly: he was an office mouse, buried daily in numbers and balance sheets, so he was rarely seen in the daylight. Not to mention that at the evening time, he was so tired, that he was happy only with spotting his bed and falling asleep right away.

Shortly, he was having zero social life, he knew just work, work, work!

Now we can understand why this event is like a short vacation to him.

He was snapped out from his thoughts by a chubby girl, who pulled him in a tight embrace, almost squishing out the air from his lungs:
"Xiao Zhan, that's really you!
Oh, my God, tell me your secret!
Why didn't you age at all?
You are even more handsome and more beautiful than you were in high school!
I hate you,Xiao Zhan!
How can you be more beautiful than all women from this ball room?
Look at me, I am fat, old and ugly, and your sight it's depressing!"

"Leave the poor man alone, you are squeezing him too hard!
His eyes are ready to pop out from their sockets!", a blond, thin young man laughed, pulling Xiao Zhan away from the girl's thick arms.

"Lan Zhan, is it really you?
Oh, you're blond now! And you came, you're here!
Why did you never come to Beijing after moving off?
And why did you not give me not even one call to tell me your new phone number?
I started thinking that you got mad at me for not attending your parents' funerals, but you know that I had the uni graduation exams exactly that day.
Oh, how much I've missed you, you have no idea!"

"I missed you, too, but don't tell me that you will start to cry on me, now!
Of course that I didn't get mad at you, just that life brought me apart from my past...I will tell you everything, but for now, come here and give me a big hug, you little nerd!", the blond smiled, wiping away a tear from the corner of his eye.

The chubby girl became even more depressed at the sight of the other Zhan, a tall skinny young man, but not scrawny. He looked cool and sexy, and much the same as in the high school years, except the hair that now is a bright blond.

"It has to be something about the ZHAN name, that both of you look so damned hot and like two teenagers, after all of these ten years...", the girl mumbled in her chin, walking away and leaving the two friends alone.

"So, how are you, what are you doing now?", asked the blond guy dressed very informally, in a pair of black jeans, with a long silver chain hanging aside his thigh, and black sunglasses on his nose, a totally different outfit from Xiao Zhan's elegant gray suit and branded tie.

Xiao Zhan took the glass of champagne from his friend's hand and leaded him toward a couch from the corner of the room.

"Let's take a seat and talk, I know nothing about your life, since you've left Beijing.
Are you married, what are you doing for living, and the most important, are you happy?", Xiao Zhan asked, lovingly ruffling the blond hair, eliciting a yell of protest from the man sitting next to him.

"I'm not the happiest man on earth, but I am pretty content with my life: as you know, my parents left me a vineyard after their death, and now I'm struggling with its management.
It's beautiful there, in the countryside, fresh air, fresh eggs for breakfast, no car honks, no stressing phone calls, but...sometimes it's really boring, and I miss all these city flaws.", sighed the man whose name is Lan Zhan.

"You don't understand what a happy man you are!
Would you like to be in my shoes, always stressed and tired, never breathing that fresh air which you are complaining about?
Never having time to be bored, never eating anything else but an ordered meal, because of the lack of time.
I have just a single contentment, that I am lately my own boss, because I work as an accountant at my home, for a few small companies.
I didn't want to be an employee of a big company anymore, because I wanted to keep my sanity untouched.
But, even so, I work a lot,maybe even more than before. So, go figure that I really crave the lifestyle you have just described."

"Hey, Xiao Yang (A/n: the nickname that Lan Zhan uses for Xiao Zhan, and it means "little guy" in Chinese), I have a great idea!
Let's exchange our lives for like two weeks.
You will live in my countryside house, and I will live in your house here in Beijing!
What do you say about my brilliant idea?"

"Are you crazy, Lanhua (A/n: the nickname that Xiao Zhan uses for Lan Zhan, and it means "orchid" in Chinese)?
I know nothing about managing a vineyard, besides I can't abandon just like that all those small businesses that need my work.", Xiao Zhan shook his head at that thought which ignited his imagination, nevertheless.

"You don't have to do anything there, I have enough workers and reliable men to take care of my business for two weeks. And you can announce to your clients that you deserve a two week vacation.
Come on, Xiao Yang, don't be such a stiff old accountant!
Live the moment!
Just try to be again, the rebel teenager who decided in a blink of an eye to grab his backpack and climb the mountain for camping, or who decided to explore his inner self by kissing a girl, and a boy, as well, do you remember those crazy days?"

"How can I forget, I remember everything like it was yesterday...", Xiao Zhan sighed, drowning himself in a deep melancholy of his high school's days.


"Xiao Yang, two girls from the history class proposed to us to go with them for a camping trip this weekend, what do you say?"

"What girls?
Do I know them?"

"Yes, you know them, they are pretty hot and open minded on top of that , so maybe this weekend we'll finally change our state of virgins.
We can invite them for a movie or something, before going on that trip, so as to get to know them better."

"Okay, let's go to the movie theater this evening!"

The Zhan siamese, as they were known, were pretty popular, even though they were never hanging out with girls.
They were always inseparable, that's why those two girls decided to try on getting them for a double date.

The weekend mountain trip was Xiao Zhan's first time from many points of view: his first real date, his first time alone with a girl, but especially, his first KISS and his first awareness about who he really is.

When the thick darkness of the night covered everything around, they made a big campfire and sat around, telling stories and jokes.

One girl was sitting in the middle, framed by the two boys and the other girl crumpled herself at the edge of the log, next to the boy who she was aiming to date.
Xiao Zhan, who was sitting on the opposite edge of the log, wrapped the shoulders of the girl sitting in the middle with an arm.

As his arm started to feel numb, he slipped it slowly down on the girl's back, till it landed on the log from under their butts.

When he stretched out his arm he met in its way a warm hand intertwining his fingers with his, at the girl's back.

When he peeked over his shoulder he saw that the hand was Lanhua's hand.

They sneakily smiled at each other, at the clueless girl' behind.

In those moments, they both had a sudden revelation that they don't need those girls, and they don't have the desire to lose their first kiss or their virginity to them, even though the girls were ready for that.

Therefore, the evening had passed without any incidents, at least not the kind of expected incidents from the girls' perspective.

They got very disappointed when the boys sent them to sleep in a tent,while they went to sleep in the other tent.

~In the boys' tent:

"Lanhua, are you sleeping?"

"No, Xiao Yang, what's wrong?"

"I'm a bit disappointed with not getting my first kiss tonight, but I didn't feel like doing it with that girl."

"I know what you are talking about, because I felt the same.
I'd rather lose my first kiss to somebody I already know and to somebody I am close to and care about."

"Somebody like me?", Xiao Zhan asked playfully, lightly punching Lan Zhan's shoulder.

"Why not?
Just think about it, we have known each other ever since , we are best friends, we care about each other, and we will have no regrets remembering our first kiss for the rest of our lives.
What do you say?", Lan Zhan said, rising onto his elbow and looking at Xiao Zhan with a wide, gummy smile.

"You are serious!", Xiao Zhan replied incredulously.

"Why are you so surprised?
We will do us a favor! And, also, we will find out something that has bothered me for a long time, and I'm sure that it's your problem, too."

"Lanhua, what on earth are you talking about?
What problem?"

"Come on, Xiao Yang, it's me, Lanhua, your best friend, who will never judge you and to whom you can tell anything!
I saw how you are looking at a beautiful girl, and how you are looking at a hot guy.
I know, because I'm feeling the same.
Xiao Yang, don't panic please, but I think that we are not liking girls, because... we are gays."

"No, no, no way!
Just because I didn't feel the desire to kiss this girl, that doesn't mean that I will not one day find the proper girl for that!", Xiao Zhan shouted.

"Xiao Yang, calm down, and be honest, at least to yourself.
Look, we can kiss and you will see if you liked it or not to kiss a boy, and it will be our little secret.
And we don't have to be embarrassed after that, because we are not in love or something, we are just two best friends helping each other."

"Okay, under two conditions: we will never talk again about this and we will pretend that nothing has happened.
I don't want to ruin everything we have and be awkward with each other after that, I want us to be the same best friends."

"Sounds reasonable to me.
I agree!"

"So, now, what?", asked Xiao Zhan like a bewildered little kid.

"Now, lay down and let me lead.
Close your eyes, don't stare like that.
You are scaring me with those huge eyes of yours."

"Sorry.", Xiao Zhan whispered, tightening his eyelids, to the point of hurting.

He flinched when felt his friend's wet lips landing onto his own, and widened his eyes in shock.

"I said close your eyes!", Lan Zhan shouted, detaching his lips for a moment from his friend's shaking ones.

"Okay, I'm sorry!", Xiao Zhan closed his eyes again.

Finally they started kissing , with a simple pressing against each other's lips at the beginning, slowly starting to enjoy the feeling.

Xiao Zhan circled his arms around Lan Zhan's neck, tilting his head from side to side, then surprised his friend by slipping his tongue between Lanhua's parted lips.

Lan Zhan slid his hand under his friend's head, to deepen the kiss which started to become hotter and hotter.

They sucked each other's tongues, sucked and bit their lips.

Both stopped suddenly, startled somehow at their moans and groans.

"Good night Lanhua!"

"Good night Xiao Yang!"

~End of flashback~

"So what do you say?", Lan Zhan asked, startling Xiao Zhan who was still lost in his memories.

"Didn't we agree not to talk about it anymore and pretend that nothing has happened?"

"What the heck are you blabbering there, Xiao Yang?
I was asking you about the exchange of our houses for two weeks."

"Oh, that...
I say, what the heck, let's do that!"

A/n01: I need a little help from you, to answer a question.
Since this will be a short story of around 8 chapters, from which only half of chapters will be MRated, should I publish it in two separated books (as I did with some other stories), meaning the main story as a Non-MRated book plus the separated book with the MRated content?

A/n02: I hope the first chapter wasn't too disappointing , YiZhan and LanWei are on the way.
Don't forget to comment, subscribe and vote, thank you , if you would do that, you'd make me a very happy author!


Same story with no pics/gifs inserted along the text


Xiao Zhan was being overly eager to meet his former classmates at the ten years high school reunion.

Life had scattered them in all corners of the world, some of them were married or working in foreign countries, some were living in other Chinese cities. Thus Xiao Zhan used to meet only accidentally, over all these past ten years, a few from his high school classmates.

Not only because they were living in other places than Beijing, but also, because he used to be a very busy and successful corporation worker, in the accountancy department. 

For a year or so, he is working in the same field but no longer in a corporation. Anyways he is no less busy, maybe even more overworked as before.

Let's say it bluntly: he was an office mouse, buried daily in numbers and balance sheets, so he was rarely seen in the daylight. Not to mention that at the evening time, he was so tired, that he was happy only with spotting his bed and falling asleep right away.

Shortly, he was having zero social life, he knew just work, work, work!

Now we can understand why this event is like a short vacation to him.

He was snapped out from his thoughts by a chubby girl, who pulled him in a tight embrace, almost squishing out the air from his lungs:
"Xiao Zhan, that's really you!
Oh, my God, tell me your secret!
Why didn't you age at all?
You are even more handsome and more beautiful than you were in high school!
I hate you,Xiao Zhan!
How can you be more beautiful than all women from this ball room?
Look at me, I am fat, old and ugly, and your sight it's depressing!"

"Leave the poor man alone, you are squeezing him too hard!
His eyes are ready to pop out from their sockets!", a blond, thin young man laughed, pulling Xiao Zhan away from the girl's thick arms.

"Lan Zhan, is it really you?
Oh, you're blond now! And you came, you're here!
Why did you never come to Beijing after moving off?
And why did you not give me not even one call to tell me your new phone number?
I started thinking that you got mad at me for not attending your parents' funerals, but you know that I had the uni graduation exams exactly that day.
Oh, how much I've missed you, you have no idea!"

"I missed you, too, but don't tell me that you will start to cry on me, now!
Of course that I didn't get mad at you, just that life brought me apart from my past...I will tell you everything, but for now, come here and give me a big hug, you little nerd!", the blond smiled, wiping away a tear from the corner of his eye.

The chubby girl became even more depressed at the sight of the other Zhan, a tall skinny young man, but not scrawny. He looked cool and sexy, and much the same as in the high school years, except the hair that now is a bright blond.

"Let's take a seat and talk, I know nothing about your life, since you've left Beijing.
Are you married, what are you doing for living, and the most important, are you happy?", Xiao Zhan asked, lovingly ruffling the blond hair, eliciting a yell of protest from the man sitting next to him.

"I'm not the happiest man on earth, but I am pretty content with my life: as you know, my parents left me a vineyard after their death, and now I'm struggling with its management.
It's beautiful there, in the countryside, fresh air, fresh eggs for breakfast, no car honks, no stressing phone calls, but...sometimes it's really boring, and I miss all these city flaws.", sighed the man whose name is Lan Zhan.

"You don't understand what a happy man you are!
Would you like to be in my shoes, always stressed and tired, never breathing that fresh air which you are complaining about?
Never having time to be bored, never eating anything else but an ordered meal, because of the lack of time.
I have just a single contentment, that I am lately my own boss, because I work as an accountant at my home, for a few small companies.
I didn't want to be an employee of a big company anymore, because I wanted to keep my sanity untouched.
But, even so, I work a lot,maybe even more than before. So, go figure that I really crave the lifestyle you have just described."

"Hey, Xiao Yang (A/n: the nickname that Lan Zhan uses for Xiao Zhan, and it means "little guy" in Chinese), I have a great idea!
Let's exchange our lives for like two weeks.
You will live in my countryside house, and I will live in your house here in Beijing!
What do you say about my brilliant idea?"

"Are you crazy, Lanhua (A/n: the nickname that Xiao Zhan uses for Lan Zhan, and it means "orchid" in Chinese)?
I know nothing about managing a vineyard, besides I can't abandon just like that all those small businesses that need my work.", Xiao Zhan shook his head at that thought which ignited his imagination, nevertheless.

"You don't have to do anything there, I have enough workers and reliable men to take care of my business for two weeks. And you can announce to your clients that you deserve a two week vacation.
Come on, Xiao Yang, don't be such a stiff old accountant!
Live the moment!
Just try to be again, the rebel teenager who decided in a blink of an eye to grab his backpack and climb the mountain for camping, or who decided to explore his inner self by kissing a girl, and a boy, as well, do you remember those crazy days?"

"How can I forget, I remember everything like it was yesterday...", Xiao Zhan sighed, drowning himself in a deep melancholy of his high school's days.


"Xiao Yang, two girls from the history class proposed to us to go with them for a camping trip this weekend, what do you say?"

"What girls?
Do I know them?"

"Yes, you know them, they are pretty hot and open minded on top of that , so maybe this weekend we'll finally change our state of virgins.
We can invite them for a movie or something, before going on that trip, so as to get to know them better."

"Okay, let's go to the movie theater this evening!"

The Zhan siamese, as they were known, were pretty popular, even though they were never hanging out with girls.
They were always inseparable, that's why those two girls decided to try on getting them for a double date.

The weekend mountain trip was Xiao Zhan's first time from many points of view: his first real date, his first time alone with a girl, but especially, his first KISS and his first awareness about who he really is.

When the thick darkness of the night covered everything around, they made a big campfire and sat around, telling stories and jokes.

One girl was sitting in the middle, framed by the two boys and the other girl crumpled herself at the edge of the log, next to the boy who she was aiming to date.
Xiao Zhan, who was sitting on the opposite edge of the log, wrapped the shoulders of the girl sitting in the middle with an arm.

As his arm started to feel numb, he slipped it slowly down on the girl's back, till it landed on the log from under their butts.

When he stretched out his arm he met in its way a warm hand intertwining his fingers with his, at the girl's back.

When he peeked over his shoulder he saw that the hand was Lanhua's hand.

They sneakily smiled at each other, at the clueless girl' behind.

In those moments, they both had a sudden revelation that they don't need those girls, and they don't have the desire to lose their first kiss or their virginity to them, even though the girls were ready for that.

Therefore, the evening had passed without any incidents, at least not the kind of expected incidents from the girls' perspective.

They got very disappointed when the boys sent them to sleep in a tent,while they went to sleep in the other tent.

~In the boys' tent:

"Lanhua, are you sleeping?"

"No, Xiao Yang, what's wrong?"

"I'm a bit disappointed with not getting my first kiss tonight, but I didn't feel like doing it with that girl."

"I know what you are talking about, because I felt the same.
I'd rather lose my first kiss to somebody I already know and to somebody I am close to and care about."

"Somebody like me?", Xiao Zhan asked playfully, lightly punching Lan Zhan's shoulder.

"Why not?
Just think about it, we have known each other ever since , we are best friends, we care about each other, and we will have no regrets remembering our first kiss for the rest of our lives.
What do you say?", Lan Zhan said, rising onto his elbow and looking at Xiao Zhan with a wide, gummy smile.

"You are serious!", Xiao Zhan replied incredulously.

"Why are you so surprised?
We will do us a favor! And, also, we will find out something that has bothered me for a long time, and I'm sure that it's your problem, too."

"Lanhua, what on earth are you talking about?
What problem?"

"Come on, Xiao Yang, it's me, Lanhua, your best friend, who will never judge you and to whom you can tell anything!
I saw how you are looking at a beautiful girl, and how you are looking at a hot guy.
I know, because I'm feeling the same.
Xiao Yang, don't panic please, but I think that we are not liking girls, because... we are gays."

"No, no, no way!
Just because I didn't feel the desire to kiss this girl, that doesn't mean that I will not one day find the proper girl for that!", Xiao Zhan shouted.

"Xiao Yang, calm down, and be honest, at least to yourself.
Look, we can kiss and you will see if you liked it or not to kiss a boy, and it will be our little secret.
And we don't have to be embarrassed after that, because we are not in love or something, we are just two best friends helping each other."

"Okay, under two conditions: we will never talk again about this and we will pretend that nothing has happened.
I don't want to ruin everything we have and be awkward with each other after that, I want us to be the same best friends."

"Sounds reasonable to me.
I agree!"

"So, now, what?", asked Xiao Zhan like a bewildered little kid.

"Now, lay down and let me lead.
Close your eyes, don't stare like that.
You are scaring me with those huge eyes of yours."

"Sorry.", Xiao Zhan whispered, tightening his eyelids, to the point of hurting.

He flinched when felt his friend's wet lips landing onto his own, and widened his eyes in shock.

"I said close your eyes!", Lan Zhan shouted, detaching his lips for a moment from his friend's shaking ones.

"Okay, I'm sorry!", Xiao Zhan closed his eyes again.

Finally they started kissing , with a simple pressing against each other's lips at the beginning, slowly starting to enjoy the feeling.

Xiao Zhan circled his arms around Lan Zhan's neck, tilting his head from side to side, then surprised his friend by slipping his tongue between Lanhua's parted lips.

Lan Zhan slid his hand under his friend's head, to deepen the kiss which started to become hotter and hotter.

They sucked each other's tongues, sucked and bit their lips.

Both stopped suddenly, startled somehow at their moans and groans.

"Good night Lanhua!"

"Good night Xiao Yang!"

~End of flashback~


"So what do you say?", Lan Zhan asked, startling Xiao Zhan who was still lost in his memories.

"Didn't we agree not to talk about it anymore and pretend that nothing has happened?"

"What the heck are you blabbering there, Xiao Yang?
I was asking you about the exchange of our houses for two weeks."

"Oh, that...
I say, what the heck, let's do that!"

A/n01: I need a little help from you, to answer a question.
Since this will be a short story of around 8 chapters, from which only half of chapters will be MRated, should I publish it in two separated books (as I did with some other stories), meaning the main story as a Non-MRated book plus the separated book with the MRated content?

A/n02: I hope the first chapter wasn't too disappointing , YiZhan and LanWei are on the way.
Don't forget to comment, subscribe and vote, thank you , if you would do that, you'd make me a very happy author!

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