
By KatGee

30.3K 2.3K 489

Book 3 of the DeLuca Mafia Series Alessia DeLuca has known since she was a child that once she was an adult... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 11

1.5K 129 41
By KatGee


Did Dante not come home last night? The question hits me as I blink, bleary eyed at his untouched side of the bed.

I push up onto my elbows, a yawn falling from my lips as I check the time on my phone. It's almost lunch time, this is the latest I've slept in since I was a teenager. I tried to wait for Dante to get home so we could go to bed together but I gave up the fight around four this morning when I could no longer hold my eyes open. It didn't do much good though, due to the many times I randomly woke up, I feel as if I barely slept.

I force myself to get out of bed and trudge into the ensuite. One look around the room shows nothing is out of place. It's just as clean as it had been when I went to bed last night and my stomach sinks.

He really didn't come back.

Swallowing down the hurt that realization gives me I make my way toward the shower. My bare feet pad across the floor, the sunlight shining in from the skylights above warming the tiles. The ensuite reminds me of a homey spa. The room is painted sage green, the wood cabinets stained dark with gold hardware and matching faucets on the sinks, shower and tub. There's a set of his and hers sinks with two ornate mirrors rimmed in gold hanging above them. A large porcelain tub sits beneath one of the skylights and a big glass shower with two shower heads takes up one side of the room.

It's a sanctuary of peace and tranquility. I could easily picture myself spending hours soaking in the tub with the warm sun beaming down on me.

I reach in the shower, turning the water on before stripping out of the silky nightie I'd chosen to wear to bed last night.

Little good that did me when I slept alone.

I grab a washcloth and a towel from the cabinet, hanging the towel on its rack before slipping inside the shower. Rectangular tiles in various shades of deep green are placed vertically on its walls, giving the space a moody feel.

I step under the spray, closing my eyes, letting the hot water wash over my body and I soak the feeling up. It was weird being here without Dante yesterday. Nadia served me dinner and even after I insisted she stayed to eat with me she left me to eat by myself, saying she wasn't hungry, and I was alone for the rest of the night.

After dinner I unpacked my things and put my suitcases away. It unfortunately didn't take long so I had a lot of time on my hands and I honestly didn't know what to do with myself. I'd grown so used to Mamma constantly asking me wedding questions the silence was strange. I've only ever lived in a house with multiple other people, this is the most alone I've ever been. I don't like it.

I ended up roaming the house, I even went to the basement and took a look at the wine cellar and the gym Dante had told me about. I sent Emilia pictures and she gushed over how Dante's taste in decor matched mine so well.

Afterwards I watched a few movies in the living room and then I laid in bed and scrolled on my phone until I couldn't hold my eyes open any longer.

I can't help but be disappointed the first night spent in this house, what's supposed to be our home, Dante wasn't here. What was he doing that kept him away all night? Do I even want to know?

I quickly push the thoughts away and start washing off.

I'm sure there's an explanation for his absence, probably a reasonable one but why wouldn't he at least text me and let me know? My annoyance over the situation grows as I shower. I'm almost done when I hear a knock on the door.

"Alessia?" Dante's voice calls from the other side.

"Yes?" I ask, quickly rinsing the conditioner from my hair before shutting the water off and stepping out to grab my towel.

I get it wrapped around my body just as the door pushes open and he appears, broad shoulders filling the doorway. He opens his mouth to say something but when his eyes take me in he quickly swallows it.

I can't help but bask in his attention, the way his gaze roams across my damp body making my thighs clench.

"Yes?" I repeat, reminding myself that he didn't come home last night.

His gaze meets mine, the lust there nearly consuming me. "We're going to have lunch with my sisters and my nieces."

It's not a question but also not a demand. He's not going to force me to go but it's planned already and honestly I'm really interested to meet his sisters and nieces, especially Frankie.

"Okay." I agree, keeping my voice devoid of emotion.

He gives me a nod, his eyes taking one last look at me before he exits the ensuite, shutting the door behind him. I release a sharp exhale, my body sagging as the grip on my towel loosens. God, it was as if his very presence sucked the air from the room.

I shake myself out of the lust induced stupor and walk over to the double sinks. I brush my teeth and use the toilet before exiting the ensuite in my towel, waiting for that heavy gaze of his to hit me. It doesn't. A glance around shows our bedroom is empty so I go to our closet and grab my clothes. I take them back to the ensuite and finish getting ready, making sure to fix my hair and apply some makeup. When I'm done I spritz on some perfume, giving myself one last look in the mirror before leaving the room.

I go downstairs and find Dante leaning against the wall in the foyer staring at the ground as if lost in his thoughts. At the sound of my heels on the tile floor he looks up, his eyes taking in the tight fitted sweater dress and darkening with lust. He doesn't say anything though, just opens the front door and motions me through.

His car is waiting in the circle drive, the same one we came home from the airport in. I slip in the passenger seat of his car and he buckles me in before shutting the door and rounding the car.

I turn my wedding ring back and forth on my finger as he gets in, slightly nervous about meeting his sisters especially with how distant he's been. He's close with them so if they don't like me then living here will be rough. I'm also upset with him for sleeping elsewhere last night. He hasn't even tried to offer up an explanation either.

Dante turns the dial on the radio up, the soft crooning of an R&B singer filling the car but I don't sing along like I usually do. I'm too caught up in my head.

I keep my eyes on the passenger window, mindlessly picking at the fabric of my dress.

The music quiets and I glance over to see Dante turn the volume down. "What's wrong?"

I purse my lips, debating on whether or not I want to get into this right before meeting his sisters. Normally I'm not one to bite my tongue but I feel out of sorts, like I've been tossed into the water without an anchor. Sure I can swim but not forever and I refuse to drown.

"Where did you sleep last night?" I ask finally, unable to keep the question in any longer.

He stops at a stop sign, eyes meeting mine and studying my face. "Mamma's."

I feel relief but also hurt. I push the feeling away and go back to looking out the window.

"You don't believe me?" He asks.

"No, I do." I reply softly, keeping my gaze averted so he doesn't see the emotion there.

He grips my jaw, turning my face until our eyes meet. "Then what's wrong?"

Green eyes search mine, his brow furrowing at what he sees.

"You said you would come back." I try and fail at keeping the hurt from my voice.

His thumb glides across my cheek and I want to sink into the pale depth of those eyes, melt into that warm touch. "I didn't mean to fall asleep. I had back to back meetings with the capos, visited my father in the morgue and ended up at his office going through his things."

"You could've texted me. It's lunchtime and you're wearing different clothes than yesterday."

"I didn't wake up until about an hour ago and my phone was dead or I would've texted you immediately. I still have clothes at my parents house so I took a shower and changed before coming home. I plugged my phone up when I got in my car but it didn't turn back on until I was pulling in the gate." He motions toward where his phone sits still charging and then studies me for a moment. "I'm sorry."

"Okay." I whisper, feeling better after his explanation.

He pulls me into him, pressing a kiss against my forehead before releasing me. He still hasn't kissed me, not since I told him I'd snuck out, and I miss it.

After our talk the tension in the car evaporates. The remaining ride is spent with me humming to the music playing and him glancing over at me every time he gets the chance.

Dante parallel parks in front of a cute cafe thirty minutes later. The building is painted a warm, sunshiny yellow with 'Isabella's Cafe' written in black cursive font. There's a patio area with bistro tables out front for seating in the warmer months of the year.

We exit the car and Dante takes my hand, lacing our fingers together as he guides me around the side of the building to a private entrance. The air is cool against my heated skin, I can't help but lean into him, taking in the warmth of his body. He gives the side entrance a knock and a minute later the door opens.

"There you two are, I thought you were going to bail on us." Isa says, looking just as beautiful as she had the day Frankie had FaceTimed Dante while we were eating dinner.

She could be Dante's twin, the resemblance so strong it would be hard to mistake them as anything but siblings. The same pale green eyes and wavy hair. Isa's nose was slightly more upturned than his and her body thin where his was bulky and thick.

"Alessia, this is Isa. Isa, Alessia." Dante introduces us.

She pulls me into a tight hug, sugary sweet perfume engulfing me. "It's so nice to finally meet you."

"You too." I reply as I pull back.

"Come on, everyone's waiting." Isa turns on her heel and heads deeper into the building.

Dante takes my hand again and we follow her inside, the door closing behind us.

"This is Isa's cafe. It's closed on Sundays so we have the whole place to ourselves." He explains.

We walk through what looks to be a pantry, stocked full of baking ingredients and through a swinging door that opens up to an industrial kitchen. The smell of sugar and a mixture of spice greets my nose. I can't help but take a deep inhale. I'm a sucker for sweets, especially homemade ones. We exit the kitchen and enter the dining area. Booths and tables fill the room, the chairs are padded with yellow cushions and the tables are covered in white lace tablecloths. Atop each table sits an empty crystal vase that I'm sure is filled with flowers when the cafe is open.

A few of the tables have been pushed together, multiple women occupying the chairs. I spot Dante's mom first, her dark demeanor expected of a woman in mourning. The room nearly goes silent as all eyes land on us and then words of happiness quickly fill the space.

The adults quickly rise from the table but one familiar little girl beats them to us with an excited squeal. "Zio!"

Frankie throws herself into Dante's arms and he gives her a big hug, lifting her up and letting her legs dangle as she laughs. He puts her back on her feet and I nearly melt as she looks up at him, her dark eyes sparkling as if he hung the moon.

Those same eyes meet mine and her smile grows.

"Frankie, this is Alessia." Dante introduces us.

"May I hug you?" She asks politely.

"Of course." I agree.

Frankie throws a smirk over her shoulder at Isa. "See, I told you she would let me." And then she wraps her arms around me.

I can't help but laugh at her sassy tone and Isa rolls her eyes at her daughters back.

When Frankie pulls away she grabs my hand and inspects my nails. "Much better than last time."

I smirk at the little girl. "I'm glad you approve."

Dante introduces me to the other women, each one giving me a hug and welcoming me to their family. Dante's the oldest, then Isa, then Camilla and the youngest is Gia. They're all married through arrangements made by Edoardo but Isa is the only one that lives close by. Isa has Elena who's eight, Frankie who's six and Rosa who's five months old. Camilla is three months pregnant with her first baby and Gia got married last summer and doesn't plan to have kids anytime soon.

"We're sorry you had to be forced into our family." Camilla says.

"If it helps, Dante is actually a good man and he knows we'll kick his ass if he mistreats you." Gia smirks.

"You three act as if you aren't happy in your marriages." Lucia, Dante's mother, says and then she presses a kiss to each of Dante's cheeks. "Did you sleep at the house last night? Your room was empty but I thought I heard you leave."

"I fell asleep in the office." He admits.

Although I believed him when he told me he'd fallen asleep there it was nice to have it confirmed by Lucia.

Isa scowls at him. "You left Alessia alone the first night in her new home?"

Dante winces. "It was an accident and it won't happen again."

"I'm sorry I didn't attend your wedding. It was best for everyone if I came home." Lucia says to me, pulling me in for a hug.

"I understand. No apology necessary." I assure her.

Isa brings a tray of sandwiches from the kitchen and places them in the center of the table. She pours everyone a glass of wine, except for herself, Camilla and the kids, opting for plain sparkling juice instead, and then raises her glass.

"To Alessia and Dante and hopes of a long, happy marriage." She says and everyone agrees clinking their glasses together.

"And to getting a new cousin from Zio!" Frankie adds and everyone laughs. "What's so funny? I'm serious, when is that going to happen?" She questions, her gaze bouncing between Dante and I.

I freeze at the question. Kids? We just got married. Sure I like Dante and I'm fully willing to admit that to myself now but having children with him is a huge step that I don't even want to think about.

"That is none of your business." Gia huffs, hip checking her niece who sticks her tongue out her in return and we all sit down to eat.

Dante's sisters are easy to get along with and Frankie is hilarious. Dante's Mom is quiet for the most part, other than doting on baby Rosa and chatting in a low tone to Elena and Frankie periodically. She's clearly grieving but putting on the happiest face she can probably manage right now, mainly for her granddaughter's sake.

When we're done and Dante needs to go they give us hugs and kisses bye. His sisters add me to their group chat so I can be part of their conversations and after growing up with nothing but brothers I'm excited to join. Frankie clings to Dante until Isa pries her off and then we leave.

I feel a strange sense of melancholy settle over me as we drive. Being around his family like that, feeling as if I'm one of them, it made me miss my family. I haven't talked to Mamma since my wedding and the only reason I've heard from Lorenzo is due to my wrong doings. Nolani did send me a picture of Rome yesterday though.

"You okay?" Dante asks, resting his hand on my thigh, the heat from it singeing my skin through the fabric of my dress.

I give him a smile. "Yeah. I like your family."

He returns my smile. "I'm glad. They seemed to like you too, judging by your invite to their group chat. Even I'm not privy to those texts." He smirks and I laugh lightly. "Gia lives thirty minutes away and Camilla an hour so we don't see them as often but we'll pass Isa's house on our way home, I'll show it to you. I'm sure she would love for you to visit when she isn't working."

It's crazy to think they've all been placed in arranged marriages that have worked judging from the way each of them talked about their husbands. It makes me feel like I'm not so alone.

Just as he said he would, Dante points out the gate to Isa's house and informs me she married a capo called Carlo. Their house is only a couple houses down from ours.

When we get back to our house Dante walks me to the door but informs me he has business to take care of and won't be staying.

I want to pout at him like a child and beg him not to go but I don't. He's already dealing with enough, my attitude won't make things easier.

"Okay." I reply quietly.

He wraps me up in his arms, his bulky body cocooning me in its warmth and I squeeze my eyes closed and sink into the hug. What has Lorenzo done to me?

After a few minutes he tips my head back and our eyes meet, my heart rate spiking at his heated gaze. Stay, I want to say, want to demand it.

"Are you ready to tell me who the friend is, piccolina?" He asks, shattering the sense of longing that had overcome me.

I tense in his hold and his jaw clenches, immediately taking note of the abrupt change in my body language. His eyes drop to my mouth and a fierce yearning for him to kiss me pierced through the stiffness his question brought on. If our size difference wasn't so drastic I'd reach up and steal a kiss. I'd have to climb him to manage that. So instead I demand it with my eyes.

Kiss me. Kiss me now.

And just like yesterday he drags his finger through the lipgloss I'd applied in the car, smearing it down my chin before he releases me and takes a step back.

He turns on his heel, his back to me as he says, "I'll text and let you know whether I'll miss dinner or not."

I don't reply, so many angry words caught in my throat. With the sharp sting of rejection in my veins I flee inside the house, slamming the door shut behind me. My heels echo on the tiles in the foyer as I quickly make my way through it and up the stairs, angry tears burning my eyes.

But it's not him I'm angry at, it's me.


Something soft and warm brushes my neck, coaxing me awake gently.

A second later it happens again a little lower.


Another kiss just below the second makes me sigh, the scrape of a trimmed beard sending goosebumps across my body.

"Wake up, little wife, I have a present for you."

I hum, a smile curling my lips at the sound of Dante's voice so close. I force my eyes open, a yawn escaping.

"What time is it?" I ask.

After I cooled down when Dante left I'd change into my pajamas, grabbed some candy from the pantry in the kitchen and binged watched Il Comissario Alessandro, an old detective show Mamma used to watch. It's my comfort show. Dante texted a few hours later saying he wouldn't make it to dinner and most likely wouldn't be home until late so I had dinner alone again. I couldn't stay up late for the second night in a row and ended up passing out around eight o'clock.

The room is dark, bathed in shadows with only the light in the ensuite allowing me to make out the looming presence of my husband above me.

"Almost midnight." He replies as I sit up, running my fingers through my messy hair.

I take notice of the gift box in his hand and smile. "Did you say you have a present for me?"

Dante gives me a smile in return, the shadows on his face from the dark room making him appear slightly sinister as he hands the box over. "I do. You should open it."

I happily take the gift, placing it on my lap as Dante turns the lamp on the bedside table on. I let my eyes adjust before tugging on the pretty bow. The red ribbon easily untangles and falls to the side allowing me access to its contents. I lift the lid and push the red tissue paper aside... and then a scream catches in my throat, my grip on the box tightening.

"Do you like it, little wife?" Dante asks, his voice darkening in a way I've never heard come from him before.

I swallow, the box shaking due to my trembling hand. "Is that..." I swallow down the word, unable to ask the question as I slam the lid back on the box and shove it into his chest, lurching off the bed with a racing heart. "What is wrong with you?" The question comes out as a sharp gasp.

"You don't like my gift?"

I blink at him in disbelief, my brain trying to process what the box held, trying to figure out what's going on.

"It's a fucking finger, Dante." I quickly cover my mouth as my stomach churns with nausea when I say the words out loud.

A finger. My husband gifted me a finger.

He nods, taking in my distress with a solemn expression. "It is. Only one though, he still has nine others I plan to remove for daring to touch what belongs to me." His tone grows sharper, deadly.

Ice floods my veins, every muscle in my entire body locking up and my hand falls from my mouth. "No." I whisper and then I really look at my husband. His green eyes lack their usual warmth, his jaw clenched, visible anger on his face. He knows. Lorenzo must have sent him the footage, that's probably why he ended up working late. I dampen my dry lips. "Dante..." I struggle for words because what do you say when your husband gifts you your ex lover's severed finger?

His fucking finger!

"Get dressed, we have a date." He demands abruptly, exiting the room with the gift in his hand, toting around a severed body part as if it's nothing.

I gape at the empty doorway in absolute shock.

He expects me to go on a date with him after that? What the fuck.

I grab my phone from the bedside table to see multiple missed calls and texts from Lorenzo. Shit. He tried to warn me but I forgot to turn my phone off silent before falling asleep.

I quickly call him back, my hands trembling; heart racing.

"Dio mio, Alessia, you never answer the damn phone." He huffs.

"You let Dante take him? What were you thinking?" I whisper in a harsh tone wishing I could yell without Dante overhearing.

"I warned you." He states simply, as if someone's life isn't on the line. "You think I'm going to protect him when he knew he was disobeying orders? I told you I wouldn't."

A tear slides down my cheek. "What am I supposed to do?"

My feelings had waned in the time we'd been apart but I didn't wish him any ill will, I didn't want him dead and now he's lost a finger because of me.

"Deal with the consequences of doing something you shouldn't have. I've been warning you for months now."

Lorenzo's right and I know that but it doesn't make this any easier.

I end the call, nothing else for me to say if he's unwilling to help me. I toss my phone down on the bed, running my fingers through my hair and trying my best to collect my thoughts.

Maybe compliance will make Dante spare his life? Maybe I can bargain for it. I don't have anything of value but a part of my conversation with Lorenzo yesterday comes to the forefront of my mind. It's a good thing he's obsessed with you, he'd said. Is Dante obsessed with me? Lorenzo isn't usually one to make accusations without evidence to back it up so if anyone would know it would be him. Maybe this is something that will put me at an advantage.

I quickly go to the bathroom to pee and brush my teeth then I go straight to our closet. A date at midnight, I doubt it. He clearly has something planned but if I play the part maybe he will go easy on me. He likes the way I look, he's told me so and it's obvious on his face when he looks at me.

With that in mind I get dressed in the sexiest lingerie set I own. The set is made from delicate lace and feels luxurious against my skin. I slip on a tight, long sleeved dress with a high slit, the velvet like material molding to every curve, and pair it with high heels. I put on jewelry and try to be quick with my makeup and hair, getting it as close to glam as I can with a time limit. He didn't tell me to rush but knowing he has him makes me think I should. Normally I'd feel sexy in this dress but my nerves are shot so instead I have to fake it.

My heartbeat is all I can hear as I make my way down the hall to the stairs. I find Dante in the same place as I had earlier leaning against the wall in the foyer, but this time he's typing on his phone. He doesn't look up although I know he can hear my heels clicking on the tile floor. He pockets his phone and holds the front door open.

I stop in front of him, swallowing the nerves down. "Are you not even going to look at me?"

His eyes meet mine immediately. The swirling emotions in them nearly suffocating me. I don't say anything else, quickly exiting the house before I upset him further. I slip inside his car and he buckles me in. I release a nervous exhale as he shuts the door and rounds the car.

I'm screwed. I'm so screwed.

The air is thick with tension as he starts the car and I'm thankful it's dark so he can't see exactly how scared I am. We sit in silence, the only noise is the purr of his exhaust, he doesn't bother with the radio this time.

"Where are we going?" I question, keeping my tone as even as I can.

"I told you, we have a date." He responds in a cold tone.

"A date at midnight?" I scoff in disbelief.

"Just squeezing them in where I can."

I don't believe him though. There's no way this is a date.

"And you expect me to just act normal as if you didn't give me a finger as a gift?"

"No, I have no expectations for how you should act."

"Dante," I huff in frustration.

He glances over at me as he pulls onto the main road. "Yes?"

I purse my lips and avert my gaze to the window unsure of exactly what I should even say. What can I say? He's going to do what he wants whether I like it or not? Like Lorenzo said I have to deal with the consequences of my actions.

We drive for what seems like forever until we're miles away from civilization and terror creeps its way up my spine. What if it was a lie to get me to willingly leave with him? What if he's taking me to a secluded cabin so he can keep me locked away there?

We turn off down a crumbling road until finally a large, old factory building comes into view and my heart pounds against my ribs.

"Dante, please." I beg as he parks in front of the building.

I know what buildings like these are used for. I may be sheltered but I'm not stupid. Is he going to lock me up here? Is he going to hurt me?

He doesn't say a word as he rounds the car and opens my door.

I shake my head at him, gripping my seatbelt tightly. "No."

"Get out of the car."

"No." I repeat.

"Now." He demands.

I shake my head.

A scream flies from my lips as he leans in and unbuckles me. I fight against him as he grabs me up and slings me over his shoulder, his muscled arm an impenetrable band around my legs.

"Let me go!" I scream, tears blurring my vision.

"Behave." The command is sharp and sends tendrils of fear across my body.

I never thought I'd be afraid of Dante but I am. I'm scared. At the end of the day he's still a made man no matter what side of me he's shown previously.

We enter the building, the air stale and dust filled. My body sways as he makes his way through the large space and then he's opening another door and bringing me down to my feet. He flicks the light on and spins me around and a cry springs from my lungs at the sight in front of me.

"No." I whisper as familiar dark eyes meet mine.

Eyes that are bloodshot and bruised. Dried blood covers the side of his face, an open wound on his cheek. He's shackled to the wall, a bandage covering the place a finger once was on his right hand.

"Hello, Jamie." Dante greets him happily, his hand squeezing mine.


Hey babe's, well there ya go 😏 the ex lover reveal. Dante gifting her Jamie's finger has been written for so long I'm glad I finally got to share it 😂

Also I couldn't remember if I gave Dante's mom a name or not and I don't have time to check. My 3yo is literally demanding my attention as I'm writing this authors note.

Edited to add: Jamie was the bodyguard who stayed with Alessia and Viola in book 1


Love youu🖤🖤

— Katy

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