Parasite Season 1 (Miraculous...

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Loneliness, you despise the feeling. Everyday happens in the exact same order you've grown accustomed to. Go... Mais

Prologue: An Out Of This World Encounter
Episode 1: The Birth Of Two Heroes
Episode 2: Stone Strong Justice
Episode 3: Cloudy With a Chance of Villainy
Season 1 Episode 4: Bubble, Bubble, Here Comes Trouble

Season 1 Episode 5: Identity Fraud

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The episode begins at the Dupain-Cheng Bakery, where Marinette is trying to get some help from her kwami Tikki to come up with the perfect way to ask her crush, Adrien Agreste, on a difficult journey in life none as a date. Unfortunately, the kwami is unable to help her wielder think of the perfect thing to ask him... the moment she actually calls him the minute she gets his number or meets him in person.

Tikki: How about inviting him to a movie then?

Marinette: (unsure) Right, Tikki. Can you imagine that conversation?

Tikki: (impersonating Marinette) " Hey Adrien, would you like to-" (fakes getting her tongue twisted)

Marinette: Exactly. I can't help it. Every time I see him, I get all clammy and I feel like fainting. (imagines Adrien in the clouds)

Tikki: So... Basically the only way you could have a normal conversation with him, is if you're blindfolded.

Marinette: Pretty much.

Tikki: There is a very simple solution, Marinette. It's called a cell phone. You just need his number.

Marinette: (gasps happily) I know who'll have Adrien's number!!

Marinette then leaves her saved picture of Adrien, enters her contacts, and begins to call her best friend Alya to help her come up with a plan. Meanwhile at the local park, a crowd has gathered for the unveiling of a new statue, with Mayor Bourgeois himself and the sculpture Theo Barbot standing in front of the the growing audience. As the number of the people grow, Theo begins to grow worried, only for the mayor to give him a reassuring pat on the back.

Andre: I'm sure you've outdone yourself, Theo.

Theo: It was my honour, and I can't wait to meet Ladybug. (pulls out a picture of the superheroine) I hope she'll autograph the photo I used as the inspiration for the statue.

Andre: (checks his watch) Oh, it's nearly time. Ladybug, Cat Noir, and Null should already be here by now.

As the mayor and sculpture continue awaiting for the superheroes for as long as they can allow, over at (Y/N)'s place, the young boy and the three parasites are dealing with an important question. When the members of Impostorm asked (Y/N) if he was autistic yesterday, he just froze up and refused to answer the question. Now, after they had some breakfast, the three agents have sat the human down and are going to try again, this time not as interrogative as before.

Green: (pats (Y/N)'s shoulder) (Y/N), we know that this question might be difficult for you, but all three of us have got to know you for nearly a full month. You've become a member of our team, and as such, you're like a part of our family! (hugs him) If you told us anything about yourself, we wouldn't judge you.

Blue: Green is right, (Y/N). Even if our species has an unwavering hatred for humanity, you've become by my records one of the few humans to ever show us that not every human is the same cretin that's fuelled by pride or greed. We won't judge you.

(Y/N): (wiping some tears away) I... I know. B-But what if it gets o-out?! Others m-might judge me, or p-pick on me... A-and-

Green: (wipes away his tears) If they ever pick on you, we'll be here to help look after you. Like we said, you're a family member to us, and family looks after each other. Even if we aren't able to speak with the others in person.

Blue: Are you feeling a little better now? ((Y/N) nods after a while) Okay. Now, I'll ask the question again, and you have the right to not answer if it makes you uncomfortable. (clears his throat) Are you autistic, (Y/N)?

The young boy stays silent for a moment, unsure of what to say to his close friends. At first, his voice wants to say he doesn't want to answer, but after what Green and Blue have said, he feels a little better in trusting them. So, after taking a deep breath, he gives them his answer with a heavy heart.

(Y/N): Yes... I-I have autism, or as my uncle and aunt found out, Asperger Syndrome.

Red: (eating some pancakes) Asperger Syndrome? Could I get a refresh on what that is? Along with autism, in case I forgot?

Blue: (shakes his head) First of all, speak with an empty mouth next time. I don't want a some chewed up pancake pieces hitting me, Green, or (Y/N) in the face. Second, autism is a spectrum that can effect an individual's mind. For example, it could effect how they speak with others, understand how people think and feel, make them overwhelmed by things like bright lights or loud noises, get anxious about unfamiliar events, take an extra while to understand information, or do and think the same things on repeat.

Green: The ones on loud noises and anxious in unfamiliar environments do make sense. During the party the Bubbler was holding, (Y/N) was incredibly stressed out, and needed to be placed in a more quieter area nearby. I even stayed there for him, since he looked like he'd faint if someone he didn't trust wasn't with him.

(Y/N): (voice still shaky) Y-Yeah... I-I got diagnosed when I w-was... s-seven.

Red: (swallows his food) Well, why doesn't anybody else know about this, aside from your own family?

(Y/N): (looks down) B-because nobody back at my e-elementary school knew how to deal with it. B-Back then, I w-was only known as the -talkative, forgetful, and easily distracted kid t-that was a perfect target for b-bullying. (rubs his arm) A-And whenever the classroom would get l-loud, which was o-often, I'd freeze up. B-But the teachers w-wouldn't do anything about it, b-because... (starts tearing up again) A-All they'd s-see is a child that m-misbehaves finally s-staying q-quiet and l-listening.

Red: (looks sorrowful) Man, they treated you like that?

(Y/N): (nods) Y-Yeah... W-When I told my A-Aunt and Uncle, t-they pulled me out for a w-while and home-schooled me, until f-four years ago, when I was allowed back in. T-They also gave me some ear defenders to h-help me, in case I have to do somewhere loud. A-As for why I haven't told anyone else... (looks away again) I-I feared they'd just use it as an excuse to bully me more, saying I-I don't look autistic.

Green: (glaring) Well, all those people should've done a better job looking after you! Just because others treated you like an outcast because you acted slightly different than other kids doesn't give those heartless creatures the right to neglect you and act like there's nothing wrong!

Red: (stands up) Green's right! They're human, and humans are supposed to treat each other with kindness! Every creature is supposed to look after another of their kind, unless they've done something to deserve harsh treatment. Having some kind of rare mental problem isn't one of those reasons! (pauses for a moment) Wow, I actually said something that sounded smart for once.

Blue: (chuckles) I know. Surprising, isn't it? (Red pouts as Blue looks to (Y/N)) See, (Y/N)? Even if you have something like autism doesn't mean we'll treat you any different. We treat you how you want to be treated. Now, how about we continue that little game of Trials and Titans for a while, to help get your mind off this stressful moment?

(Y/N): (tears fall down his face) Th-Thanks guys...

As more tears continue to pour down his cheeks, the three Impostorm agents pull their human friend into a caring hug, which (Y/N) returns back, happy that this friends still accept him for who he is. While this heart-warming moment is going on, back with Marinette, the girl is now in her room, sitting in a chair as Alya passes her a notepad to read off.

Alya: Look, we all know improv's not your bag, so just stick to the script.

Marinette: (still unsure) But all the teachers say I don't sound natural when I read.

Alya: Then memorize it, it's pretty simple. You got this, just don't improvise, got it? (passes her phone to Marinette)

Marinette: (looks between the notepad and the phone) Forget it! This is never gonna work!

Alya: (taps the call button) Too late. It's dialling.

As Marinette gasps and becomes more worried, Alya soon jumps behind her friend's chaise with a smirk and a chuckle. The blue-haired girl, not knowing what to do, leaps from her chair and starts panicking on the spot, only to hear the sound of her crush's voicemail on the phone.

Adrien's Voicemail: Hey, this is Adrien's voicemail. Leave a message.

Marinette: (looks to Alya) It's gone to voicemail!

Alya: Leave a message! Don't improv!

Marinette: (extremely nervous now) Uhh, hello, uh, Adrien's voicemail. (Alya sighs and facepalms) Uh, this is Marinette, who, uh, has a message for you, of course, cause it's, uh, your phone, so, umm... (nervously chuckles before speaking really quickly) Call me see you later, bye!

Hanging up, Marinette throws the phone which lands on her chaise, while Alya gives her an exasperated look as the blue-haired girl rolls over on her chair, letting out an upset groan.

Marinette: (sees Alya's expression) What? What did you expect me to say? "Hey, hot stuff, this is Marinette. I'd ask you on a date to a movie, but I've got such a crazy crush on you that the only I can talk to you without foaming out the mouth is over this stupid phone". (leans back in her chair) Pretty ridiculous, right?

Automated Voice: (coming from the phone) If you wish to hear your message again, press one. If you wish to erase your message, press two.

At that moment, both girls freeze up for a split second, before Marinette gasps, realising her whole speech was recorded, and now she's afraid that her crush will hear the whole thing. What follows next is what many can describe as a panicked frenzy.

Alya: (quickly) Hit two! Hit two!

In an instant, Marinette lunges for the phone, grabbing it and hitting the button as she falls onto her friend's lap. Unfortunately for the heroine in disguise, she hit the wrong number.

Automated Voice: (coming from the phone) Message saved. Goodbye.

With just those three words, Marinette screams in fear, before lying face first onto her chaise and lets out more upset noises, while Alya tries to cheer her up.

Alya: (sits next to her) It's not as bad as you think. (Marinette perks up) Okay, it's bad, (Marinette instantly deflates) but you were gonna have to tell him one of these days, some way or another. Think of it this way: No more secrets!

Marinette: (in an emotionless voice) The voicemail recorded my whole conversation.

Alya: (brushes it off) Big deal!

Marinette: (voice muffled) I called him "hot stuff". (leans up) He cannot be allowed to hear that message, Alya! (shakes her friend) If he does, I'll die of shame!

Alya: (gets Marinette's grip off her) Okay, okay, I got an idea. If Adrien's phone went to voicemail, it means the dude's busy. Which also means you can get to it before he does. (starts thinking) Hmm, I wonder where he'd be...

As Alya starts to ponder, Marinette soon pulls down a large copy of Adrien's schedule from the ceiling, showing every single detail, right down to when whatever's happening starts and finishes.

Marinette: (becomes positive again) Of course! He's got fencing club after school. That's why he didn't pick up! It ends in exactly twenty-two and a half minutes.

Alya: (blinks for a moment before smirking) You are seriously insane, you know that, right?

Marinette just giggles, before tapping the side of her head with a ruler in her hand. Speaking of Adrien, he's currently wrapping up his fencing lessons while his kwami Plagg is about to enjoy a piece of Camembert cheese in the young model's locker. However, he's soon spooked and shrieks from Adrien's phone suddenly vibrating.

Automated Voice: (coming from the phone) You have one new message.

Plagg soon shuts it off, upset on how the device ruined his relaxing meal time. Meanwhile, Adrien defeats his sparring opponent on the fencing court, before briefly taking his mask off to say something.

Adrien: Gotta get a drink of water. I'll be right back. (opens his locker to see Plagg asleep after eating the cheese) Plagg, you pig!

Plagg: (in a tired voice) You have one new message. (lightly belches)

Adrien: (grabs Plagg and his phone) Move, please, so I can check my voicemail. (sees the number) Hmm, don't recognise this number. (checks the time, and his eyes widen) Oh no, now we're late! Time to transform, Plagg!

As Adrien's ring flashes, signifying his transformation, back over with (Y/N) and the three parasites, they're currently in the middle of exploring the dungeon their characters have entered in their game of Trials and Titans. Currently, (Y/N) is the storyteller, Green is a mage, Red is a fighter, and Blue is a thief. On the map are their characters, with a doorway in front of the pieces.

(Y/N): (narrating) As the door behind you suddenly closes, the walls begin to shake as three figures made of stone emerge. The first resembles a large knight, the second resembles a  giant serpent, and the third looks like a massive spider. (looks to Red) Red, since you have the highest speed out of everyone in the battle, you may go first.

Red: I swing my halberd right through the large knight. (rolls his dice) Okay, 9 plus my expert in melee weapons adds three, so I get 12.

(Y/N): (nods) You swing your halberd right through the knight's stomach, but you are unable to properly cut the behemoth in half. Instead, you leave a massive gash in its side, revealing a purple glowing orb inside it, almost like it's some kind of life force. (looks to Green) Green, the stone serpent looks towards you, roars, and lunges at you. What do you wish to do?

Green: I unleash a thunder spell right at its stupid face! (rolls her dice) 19 plus magic bonus of 4 equals 23. Yes! A direct hit!

(Y/N): You are right on a direct hit, as your lightning spell obliterates the head, leaving nothing in its place. (Green cheers) However, as you're about to perform a little victory dance, the stone serpent suddenly grows two more heads, revealing itself to be a hydra in disguise! (Green groans as Red laughs)

Green: God dang it! (punches Red in the shoulder) And shut it, you.

(Y/N): (chuckles and looks to Blue) Blue, the massive spider leaps for you, intending to sink its fangs into your head. What action do you wish to perform?

Blue: (thinks for a moment) I pull out my dagger and slash at the spider's head. (rolls his dice) 10 plus 3 due to my precision equals 13. Not bad. What are my results?

(Y/N): You react quickly and duck under the spider's lunge and swing your dagger at it. However, you are only able to cut off its stone fangs, as you miss the rest of its head.

Blue: Not the outcome I wanted, but I can work with what I've got. (looks at the clock and eyes widen) Hold on a minute, we're supposed to be attending the unveiling of a statue!

(Y/N): (eyes widen) You're right! We can wrap this game up later today. For now, let's quickly hurry.

The three parasites nod as they all transform into their disguised forms, with (Y/N) transforming into Null. Once that's sorted, they quickly take their leave, hoping to reach the reveal in time. Back with Marinette, she's rushing down the staircase as fast as her legs can move with Alya behind her, but when they leave through the front door, they see Cat Noir leaping across rooftops before arriving at the crowd, with Null and his squad soon arriving.

Cat Noir: (waves to the crowd) Hey, everybody!

(Y/N): (also waves) Sorry for the late arrival, we were occupied a few minutes ago.

Alya: (looks excited) They're unveiling the Ladybug, Cat Noir, and Null sculptures today! I totally spaced!

Marinette: (looks guilty) Me too.

Alya: (looks at Marinette suspiciously) Uh, you never mentioned going to the unveiling before.

Marinette: (worried) I'm not. I mean, I am! Uh, I mean, I forgot?

Alya: (brushes it off) Listen, about Adrien's cellphone. What if we go right after?

Marinette: (unsure) If we wait until after the ceremony, Adrien's fencing training will be over, and he'll have his phone back by then.

Alya: (says under her breath) Shoot. I gotta cover this event for the Ladyblog... (looks to her friend) I'm sorry, Marinette!

Marinette: (gives Alya a reassuring smile) Don't sweat it, I can manage! I think.

Alya: You sure?

Marinette: (quickly) Yes, yes, I'm sure.

Alya: (smiles) Cool. (starts running to the park) Good luck, and stay out of trouble. (turns around) And don't improv!

After waving back to her best friend, Marinette begins to sprint over to where the Fencing Club takes place, but while waiting for the traffic to die down, her kwami peeks out from her hair to say something important.

Tikki: Isn't Ladybug supposed to be at the unveiling?

Marinette: Yes, but Marinette needs to be at the school first.

Tikki: (argues back) But it is a ceremony in your honour.

Marinette: (argues back) And it's my honour that's at stake right now! I'll be in and out of there in five minutes. We can be at the ceremony in no time!

As Marinette quickly rushes to the school in order to delete the recorded message, back at the park, many civilians, including Alya, are taking pictures as Cat Noir, Null, and the three parasites politely wave to the crowd. However, Theo still remains restless, as his favourite of the heroes hasn't arrived yet.

Theo: (looking around) Excuse me Cat Noir and Null, but Ladybug's not here.

Cat Noir: Don't worry about Ladybug. I'm sure She'll be here any minute. Null, his team, and I can handle this situation alone for now. (strikes a cocky pose) I'm the one in charge anyway, you know.

Null: (bonks Cat Noir) No, you aren't. You and Ladybug are a duo, and duo's work together. They don't have a leader, only themselves. Take us for example, we fight as a quartet, but we have no leader. We have versatility, offence, defence, and intelligence as our skills, and we use them in combination with each other. (looks to Theo) Don't worry, Theo, I'm sure Ladybug will show up at any moment now.

Theo: (smiles) Thanks Null, but I really want her to be here. (pulls out his photo) It's just that, I  wanted to ask her to autograph this photo. (subconsciously smiles) She's amazing. She's so brave and smart, the way she saves everyone...

Green: (smirks) Aww, look over here Red, guess our resident sculpture is a bit of a fanboy for the bug!

Red: (joins in) I see that too, Green. (leans closer) Are you hoping for more than an autograph, like a kiss on the hand or something?

Theo's face immediately turns red as he attempts to shut down Red and Green's questions, his voice occasionally stuttering while the two parasites simply explain they were just joking. As Null and Blue look on with a small smile on their faces, they soon notice Cat Noir's expression having a glare of jealousy, which makes them go back to their neutral face. They hope for now the cat-themed superhero doesn't do anything to make the situation worse.

Andre: (still looking for Ladybug) Perhaps the ceremony should commence. It might bring her here faster.

Theo: Please, just one minute more, Mayor Bourgeois. (looks at his photo) She's going to come, I can feel it.

Blue: (looks to Andre) While I would agree on your idea, Mayor, perhaps we should grant the sculpture this one last request before we go through with it. Just like with us, she may be occupied with something at the moment.

Mayor Bourgeois gives Blue a nod as Theo looks up to the sky with hope, wishing his idol arrives soon before it's too late. Over with Marinette, she manages to infiltrate the school's fencing club, sneaking past the instructor and students, before managing to reach the locker room and steps inside.

Marinette: I'm in! (gasps at the large number of lockers)

Tikki: Oh boy.

Marinette: (worried) Which one is his?!

Tikki: If you call him, you'll make his phone ring.

Marinette: (brightens up) Nice, Tikki!

Marinette soon calls Adrien's number again, causing a ringing sound to echo around the locker room. Soon, the blue-haired girl starts searching for the noise, pressing her ear against rows of lockers to find out. Back at the park, the three statues are about to be revealed, with Mayor Bourgeois giving a short speech before it happens.

Mayor Bourgeois: It's only proper for Paris to pay homage to those who protect us from evil. (gestures to the statues) Ladybug, Cat Noir, and Null!

At the mayor's words, the cloth hiding the statues is pulled off, revealing replicas of the three heroes made out of gold, and striking poses. Everyone currently present is amazed by the finished work, even Null himself, who wasn't expecting one of him, since he prefers to distance himself from the animal duo.

Alya: (curiously) Can I get some photos for the Ladyblog?

As everyone shows how much they appreciate the images of their heroes, Theo takes a glance to the Ladybug statue, before sighing in sadness and looking down. However, his negativity doesn't go unnoticed, as the artist soon feels a reassuring hand on his shoulder, from Null himself and his team standing behind him.

(Y/N): I can tell you wished Ladybug was here to see your work of art at this unveiling, but just because she isn't here doesn't mean you should feel like it wasn't enough. Superheroes have a lot of duties to handle in their lives, and like Mayor Bourgeois mentioned, protecting others from evil is of high importance to them. Perhaps we could ask her to come meet you, so she can sign the photo herself, as a way to make up for not being here in time?

Theo: You... You'd really ask her?

Green: (smiles under her mask) Of course we would! Just because we don't like to be linked to them doesn't mean we can't ask them a favour or two! We'd do the same for them in case we accidentally upset a fan!

(Y/N): (motions to Green) See Theo? Ladybug shows no desire to let you down, but keeping the citizens of Paris safe comes first in the heroine's mind. (sees Theo cheering up a bit) I must say though, I wasn't expecting to see a statue of myself alongside them.

Theo: (scratches his hair) Well, even if you say you and your own team don't want to be partnered up with Ladybug and Cat Noir, we still see you as heroes as much as we see them, and that means you should still receive some form of appreciation for helping them keep us safe.

(Y/N): (smiles at Theo) And I thank you for being the one to show that level of appreciation, Theo.

Red: (wraps an arm around Theo's shoulder) We all do, Theo! (smirks) Though, you think you could make a statue of us one day? Doesn't have to be as big or grand as this one.

Theo: (chuckles) I'll think about it.

As Team Impostorm continue chatting with Theo and making him laugh, Cat Noir gives the group a similar glare of jealousy as he did to the sculpture. He wasn't liking how they kept stealing his spotlight. Not one bit. Back with Marinette, she's now frantically searching every row of lockers as fast as she can, while Tikki comes back to inform her about the unveiling.

Tikki: Hurry, they're finishing up!

In a panic, Marinette begins to check the lockers even quicker than before, until she eventually finds the locker that's emitting the ringing sound.

Marinette: Here it is! (attempts to open it, but can't get it open) Gah! It's locked!

Tikki: (flies inside and opens the locker) Ta-dah!

Marinette silently thanks her partner before she starts searching through her crush's bag to find his phone. Back at the park, the unveiling has finished, and the crowd has now dispersed. Cat Noir is currently shaking hands with Mayor Bourgeois while Null and his team continue talking with Theo.

Blue: (looks back at the statue) There's something I just noticed, Theo. For Null's statue, you used his neutral form, the one he is in now. May I ask why?

Theo: Oh, well not only is it the form of Null that the public recognises and sees the most, but the other two forms were a little difficult for me to capture. The one where he uses fire is a bit too complex for my skills, and the one that can summon a black hole was a bit too intimidating to create.

(Y/N): Well, no matter the form, you did a great job as a sculpture, Theo.

Theo: (smiles) Thanks, I-

Cat Noir: (leans on Theo's shoulder) These statues are amazing, huh? One thing's slightly off though. I'm actually taller than Ladybug. (whispers the last part)

Theo: (lets out an upset sigh) Ladybug didn't show up. I just wanted to express my adoration for her. Let her know that everything I had went into her statue. I'm sure if she took a little time to get to know me, she would see how much we have in common. (Cat Noir begins to get more jealous) Our devotion to the things we love.

(Y/N): Well Theo, I think-

Cat Noir: (interrupts) Hey, don't mean to burst your bubble, but you know, Ladybug and me, we're a thing, you know?

Theo: (shocked) Really?

Cat Noir: Yeah, we're like this.

Cat Noir then crosses his fingers before giving the sculpture a rude smirk, getting Theo to scoff before angrily marching towards the exit of the park, his day made even worse by the superhero.

Red: (calls out) Theo, where are you going?

Theo: (says back) I need to blow off some steam. (says to himself) What does Ladybug see in him?

Cat Noir: Wow, someone really can't take facts, huh?

As Cat Noir chuckles to himself, his laughter quickly dies down as he sees the expressions of Null and his team. They're not happy at all.

Cat Noir: (confused) What? Why are you giving me the stink eye, guys?

Red: (marches over to him) Why?! Well, how about for the fact that you've suddenly obtained an ego the size of Jupiter in the span of a few minutes?! That man worked hard on these statues, and all you do is criticize him on small things, and brag about credit that you don't deserve!

Cat Noir: (glares back) He deserved it! He was planning on getting in the way of my love life.

Red: (his left eye twitches) Love life? Love life?! You and Ladybug aren't even a couple!! You just met around like a month ago!! Not only have you spat on a man's project, but you also just crushed his heart!! And not even with the truth, instead with lies!! Blatant, cruel, lies!! (points at Cat Noir) You are worse than the villains that you and your "girlfriend" fight!!

Cat Noir: (shoves Red to the ground) Oh, be quiet!! You're just a sidekick!! You're no one important!!

Red: (his eyes flashing red) Oh, I'll show you no one important, you-

Before a brawl of aggression can break out between Red and Cat Noir, Green and Blue quickly pull their ally back, preventing him from continuing the fight while Null speaks to the former.

(Y/N): Red, I understand you want to vent your frustration through violence, but it isn't worth it in the end. Trust me.

Red: (takes a deep breath) Fine. (glares at Cat Noir) You better think about what you said, Kitty Cat, otherwise karma will come and make sure you learn your lesson. (looks to his team) Can we head back to base? I still need to calm down.

Null and the other two parasites nod as they guide their friend out of the park, and away from the spoiled superhero. Meanwhile, Cat Noir stands alone in the park, thinking about what Red had told him. He didn't want to say all those hateful things to either Theo or Null's partner, but his jealousy of Theo's devotion to his partner wouldn't accept that. For now, the black-suited cat decides to take a moment to think before apologising to both Theo and Red, but as he leaves the park, his mind still ponders one think he wants to know...

...When did Red's eyes glow when he was furious?

Back at the school, fencing club has finished and the students begin making their way to the locker room to get changed. Marinette meanwhile has been trying to unlock the phone's password, without much success. To make things worse, Tikki soon flies over to alert the blue-haired girl on her time limit.

Tikki: They're coming! Put back the phone!

Marinette: (internally panicking) I haven't erased the message yet!

Tikki: We're out of time and we really ought to be getting to that ceremony! Come on!

After a few split seconds of deciding what to do, Marinette closes the locker shut and makes a run for the door, taking Adrien's phone with her as she hides behind the door as it swings open, and the fencing students enter to get changed.

Fencing Student: Whew! That was rough! (chuckles)

Once she made sure that every student has entered, Marinette silently slips out of the door, and makes a dash for the park, hoping to make it to the ceremony on time. Meanwhile on the roof of the school, Cat Noir returns after spending some time to calm down, changing back into Adrien. Once he puts his fencing gear back on, he enters the locker room and retrieves his bag, innocently whistling to himself.

However, not everyone has properly calmed down yet, as other at Theo's art studio, the sculpture is still fuming over what the cat-themed superhero said during the ceremony. Even after Null and his team tried to cheer him up, his mind refuses to let go of how the kitty acted, treating love as a trophy rather than something serious in life.

At least he'd treat Ladybug right and respect her feelings...

Theo: (frustrated) A thing, huh? You don't even take love seriously. Calling it a thing... You don't deserve her! I do!

As the artist smacks an unfinished carving of Cat Noir off the table, somewhere in Paris, a familiar moth-themed supervillain picks up the hatred Theo has for one of the two Parisian superheroes, and plans to use that as his newest attempt to obtain what he wants.

Hawk Moth: Disappointed by Ladybug and jealous of Cat Noir. The perfect formula for disaster. (corrupts a butterfly into an akuma) Fly away, my little akuma, and evilize him!

With a twist of his staff, the akuma leaves through the window of his lair, and flutters across the skies of Paris, towards Theo's studio. Once it reaches its destination, the akuma makes its way right into the crumpled photo of Ladybug in the artist's hand, giving its master a connection to his new henchman.

Hawk Moth: (through telepathy) Hello, Copycat. I am Hawk Moth. Once you get rid of Cat Noir, you can take his place, and Ladybug will be yours forever.

Theo: (smirks evilly) The very thought of it makes me purr.

With a dark chuckle from both his malicious thought and mediocre pun, Theo the artist allows the akuma to change him into Copycat, the identical replica of the hero he despises the most. Back with Adrien, he has arrived home, and is searching through his back, trying to find his phone with little success.

Adrien: (annoyed) Where is it?! (looks at Plagg)

Plagg: (confused) What are you looking at me for? I didn't eat it. I swear!!

Still annoyed with the theft of his phone, he picks up the house phone and dials the number his cellphone has, hoping that it'll help him find its location, and whoever might've taken it. Back with Marinette, she's still struggling to figure out the password to her crush's mobile device, so she can delete the embarrassing message she accidentally sent.

Marinette: How do you listen to messages on this- (sees the phone ringing and the caller ID) "Home"? (gasps) It's Adrien! He's looking for his phone! (drops the phone and scrambles away from it) What if he tracks it?! He'll figure out I stole it, I'll be arrested for grand theft, I'll spend the rest of my life in jail, and worse, I'll never get to go to the movies with Adrien!!

As Marinette collapses onto her bed while sobbing dramatically, her mind creates drawings that depict the worse case scenario she's currently thinking of, starting with Adrien shunning her away, then her getting arrested, then her spending most of her days in a prison cell, and finally Adrien enjoying a movie alone while she gets dragged away by officers. Luckily, Tikki decides to give her friend some much-needed words.

Tikki: Oh Marinette. You really need to get your priorities in order.

Marinette: (lifts her head up) I know. Some days it feels impossible to balance between being being Marinette and being Ladybug.

As Marinette moans while burying herself in her bed once again, back with Adrien, his attempt to get information from whoever took it doesn't go well, as he hears the sound of his own recorded voice replying back to him.

Adrien's Voicemail: Hey, this is Adrien's voicemail. Leave a message.

Adrien: (groans) It must still be at the gym.

Not wanting to waste anymore time, Adrien grabs Plagg, who was about to dine on a piece of Camembert Cheese, and rushes out of the front door of his home, still hoping nobody had pinched his phone. Meanwhile at the Louvre, many civilians are shocked to see the actual Cat Noir walking into the art exhibit, humming to himself. However, unbeknownst to the people that are taking pics and recording vids on their phone, the person they're seeing is not Cat Noir...

... But rather Copycat. Seeing as how he got the attention of everyone all around him, the villain in disguise begins his plan to make the actual hero look bad, by stealing the Mona Lisa in front of them all.

Copycat: Don't mind me, just stealing this painting. Go about your business.

Security Guard: Hey!

Just as the security guard places a hand onto Copycat's shoulder, the delinquent doppelganger removes the hand with a tight grip, trips the guard over, and harshly kicks him away, leaving everyone there shocked as they continue to record and take pictures of the whole crime.

Civilian: (recording) I gotta get this on camera!

While the unexpected crime occurs in front of the easily-fooled public, Adrien is currently being taken back to College Francoise Dupont, listening to the radio along the way, when the sudden news makes him put the actual video onto the screen in the seat.

Nadja: And in some astonishing news, there's been a spectacular theft at the Louvre. Amateur video showed without a doubt that the thief is none other than the famous hero, Cat Noir.

Copycat: (on video) This painting is the cat's meow. (flees with the painting, forcing the Louvre onto lockdown)

Adrien: (shocked) "Cat's meow"?!

As the vehicle pulls up to the entrance of Adrien's school, the young model quickly exits the car, and rushes into the building, not happy with how his superhero identity has been twisted by a new villain.

Adrien: Not only is this person a fake, he's a terrible fake!

The minute he's rushed inside the school, Adrien transforms into the real Cat Noir, and begins to make his way to the Louvre to stop his doppelganger, using the rooftops to get there quicker, while Adrien's bodyguard sits in the driver seat, not paying attention to where the young boy has vanished to.

Nadja: (on radio) Thanks, Gigi. Now for your weather.

While one hero sets off to face his foe, over with (Y/N) and the three parasites, they've continued on their campaign for a while, managing to defeat the three stone monsters and have made it to a large room filled with treasure. For now, all of them have agreed to put their little game on hold so they can have a little break, and while the young boy sits down to watch TV, the surprise news leaves him surprised, to say the least.

(Y/N): Uh, guys? You might want to see this.

Blue: (enters the living room with Red and Green) Why? Is there something we need to see?

(Y/N) says nothing, only pointing to the TV which is playing the same video Adrien heard when in his car, and just like the young boy, the three agents of Impostorm are left just as speechless as he was a few seconds ago.

Red: (rubbing his eyes) Can someone tell me if this is either real, or did I accidentally eat something expired?

Green: I don't think it's a hallucination, Red. This is real. But, why is that egotistical kitten stealing art? Is he that desperate for more attention?!

(Y/N): (shakes his head) No, I think that this might be another akumatized attack. Think about it, Cat Noir gets Theo mad, and a few minutes later, we see this. (gesturing to the TV)

Blue: (eyeing the TV carefully) So, it appears that we're dealing with a shapeshifter, or in this case, a literal copycat. (looks at Red) Don't even think about saying I made a pun.

Red: (puts his arms up in defence) I wasn't, cross my nucleus.

Blue: (nods) Just making sure. (starts thinking) Now, since he's taken the form of the cocky hero, he's also most likely fooled the entirety of Paris by this point, as well. If we're gonna take him out, we'll need someone who specialises in this field perfectly... (clicks his fingers) I think I've got a plan!!

Green: You do? If so, what it is?

Blue: (looks to the group) Starting off, us parasites will be staying here. As much as I know some of us want to take on this villain, the shipment of automation components is arriving at Mira HQ in a few days, and we need to come up with a plan on how to infiltrate the building and steal the parts off them.

(Y/N): (raises his hand) So, will I be having to do this mission alone?

Blue: (shakes his head) Oh, no you won't, (Y/N). Instead, you'll be working with a member of Impostorm. An individual who not only masters in the art of disguise and deception, but a member that's considered a wonderful asset to our cause, as said by the leader themselves.

Wasting no more time, Blue pulls out his phone-like device and begins calling for  the person he wants to speak to, while (Y/N) gives Red and Green a confused look, wanting to know who's on Blue's mind. After a few seconds has passed, a voice speaks into the plotting parasite's ear, as they engage in a conversation.

Blue: (on the phone) Hello? Yes boss, it's Blue from branch 4182021. We need some assistance due to an... unexpected obstacle showing up for the past month, and it might become more of a growing problem if we left it to be free. Now, it appears that our problem has the ability of a shapeshifter, and I was wondering if he could arrive to assist us? (a few seconds pass) He can? That's wonderful, boss! Don't worry, we'll get this situation sorted before the day is done!

Blue: (hangs up and looks at the crew) The boss said yes, and we're getting the assistance of an ace operative!! (Y/N), I hope you're ready to meet him, because he's certainly one of the most interesting members of Impostorm!!

While the three parasites and (Y/N) start to form a plan on how to deal with Copycat while they wait for their guest to arrive (and (Y/N)'s interest and excitement being visible to the others, which they don't mind), over with Marinette, she's trying to somehow hack into Adrien's phone with a Q-Tip, while wearing oven mitts and science goggles. As expected, this doesn't work even a bit.

Marinette: (groans) Of course Adrien would own one of these super-expensive high-tech smartphones. I can't even figure out how to work this thing.

Tikki: Maybe it would help if you took off those silly mittens.

Marinette: And risk leaving fingerprints? No way.

At that moment, Marinette's phones starts ringing due to Alya calling her, so the blue-haired girl awkwardly picks up her device, and accepts the call by using her lips to tap the screen.

Alya: Problem solved?

Marinette: Almost. I haven't erased the message yet, but I'm working on it as we speak.

Alya: (impressed) No way. You palmed his phone?

Marinette: Yes! (tries to correct herself) No? Uhh... I mean, I was planning to give it back. Actually, where are you? I can use some help.

Alya: No can do. I'm waiting for additional deets at the Louvre on the Cat Noir robbery.

Marinette: (shocked) What? Somebody robbed Cat Noir?!

Alya: (shakes her head) No, girl. Didn't you hear? Cat Noir came in and stole the Mona Lisa! In broad daylight! Ladybug's gonna turn up for sure, and I do not wanna miss this. Just chill and I'll be over later.

Ladybug: 'Kay. (hangs up) Cat Noir is a lot of things, but he's no thief. (takes the goggles and mittens off) Time to Transform! Tikki, spots on!

As Marinette transforms into her superhero persona Ladybug, back with team Impostorm, the four are wrapping up with their plans, when a message appears on Blue's device, saying that the guest has arrived, and is right outside the front door.

Blue: (reads the message) Alright, he's here. (walks to the front door) Now (Y/N), prepare to be introduced to one amazing trickster, who knows how to perfectly imitate others, either ally or enemy, without failure!

As soon as Blue opens the door, (Y/N) gets a proper look at who this individual is, as they walk into the house with the looks of a regular middle-aged man, before their body is encased in a strange cocoon, which bursts into their real identity. They appear to be male, wearing a dark grey top hat with a black mask that resembles that of a plague doctor, while also having pitch black hair that reaches down his sides and touches his chin. As for his uniform, it's a dark grey tuxedo with a dark cape attached to it, black jeans held up with a black belt, dark grey shoes, and he is also wearing goggles, with his eyes glowing yellow, and having a triangle shape emitting from his right eye.

After analysing his features, (Y/N) can tell that whoever this figure is, not only are they fancy but also deadly, as their posture generates an aura of a killer. Speaking of killer, upon making eye contact with the young boy, the figure quickly tackles him down, pinning him to the floor with his hand and unveiling a hidden cane from his sleeve, ready to use it as a murder weapon. However, before he could swing it down, Red and Green quickly pull the mysterious figure off (Y/N).

???: (in a British accent) What are you lot doing?! Have you lost your marbles?! He's a human, and humans need to be exterminated!!

Red: Yeah, well not him!! He's different!! He's helping our cause!!

???: (pauses for a moment) You're pulling my leg, agent Red. I know of your reputation.

Green: I know that Red has a reputation of pulling everyone's leg, but he's actually serious this time. (looks to Blue) Could you tell him, Blue?

Blue: (nods) Certainly. I know that humans have done all sorts of unforgivable actions towards our kind, but (Y/N) has shown sorrow towards us, and is willingly helping us stop Mira through different means. Plus, he has helped prove my hypothesis correct. Care to show him, (Y/N)?

(Y/N) gives Blue a nod, before activating the Cosmicubes within his body, and soon transforms into Null, leaving the new figure speechless for a moment, before he silently chuckles to himself.

???: So, you've finally achieved proof that the Cosmicubes are more than just rocks with a strange energy emitting from their peculiar shapes, and have some kind of effect on living species.

Blue: Well, the humans working for Mira keep trying to test them onto carcasses, so the jokes on them, as well as every over scientist in Impostorm that called my theory "redundant"!

???: (chuckles and looks to Null) Apologises for the earlier hostility, human. I thought that you were just another enemy that has both seen and heard too much, but now I see that you're someone important to this branch. (offers a handshake) May we start over?

(Y/N): (accepts the handshake) Of course. You were only unsure if I was a friend or foe. (politely bows) My name is (Y/N) (L/N), but I request that you call me Null when I'm using the Cosmicubes.

???: (bows back) Do not worry (Y/N), for I shall keep your identity a secret, until the day I perish. As for my introductions, my agent name is Monotone, but for missions where I have to use a human name, I go by Magnus. (sits down on a chair) Now that our greetings have been sorted and cleared, could you fill me in on any plans you four have come up with, along with some important information please?

Null and the three parasites soon sit down as well, before informing Monotone on the superhero duo, Hawk Moth and his ability to create villains, the current situation, and more importantly, how they're going to deal with it. Speaking of the superhero duo, Cat Noir reaches the Louvre first, but as soon as he arrives, he's met with some hostility from the police force guarding the building.

Cat Noir: Whoa! Easy, tigers! You've got the wrong cat! That thief's an impostor. I'm the real Cat Noir! (Roger gets the police force to stand down as Cat Noir approaches him) Let me check out where the robbery took place. I have a knack for finding clues. You know, animal instincts. (lightly punches Roger's shoulder)

Roger: (smiles) Of course, come with me. Thanks for your help, Cat Noir.

Officer Roger leads Cat Noir to the room where the Mona Lisa was abducted, and allows the cat-themed hero to look around the area for any potential clues. In a few seconds, he finds a lollipop stick that looks familiar to him, almost like he's seen someone with it earlier in the same day. However, before he can submit the evidence to the officer, Roger smirks and hits a button, sealing Cat Noir within the room.

Cat Noir: (confused) Hey! I'm the real Cat Noir! I'm way slicker than that guy.

Roger: (speaking into a walkie-talkie) Kitty's in the slammer. I repeat, kitty's in the slammer.

As Roger walks back to his forces, Ladybug is currently swinging over to the Louvre, where she runs into Null, who's flying towards the same location as she is.

Ladybug: Oh, Null! Please tell me you also believe that Cat Noir isn't a thief!

(Y/N): (looks to Ladybug) Even if I find that feline extremely annoying, even after the stunt he pulled earlier today, I know he wouldn't stoop to this level.

Ladybug gives Null a confused look, wanting to know what he means by "stunt", but at this point, they reach the Louvre, where Roger is walking over to confirm the capture of Cat Noir to Mayor Bourgeois.

Ladybug: (lands beside Mayor Bourgeois with Null) Mr. Mayor, this is ridiculous. I'm sure there's a simple explanation.

Roger: (points to the Louvre) Kitty's in the slammer, Ladybug and Null.

Ladybug: (walks to the Louvre) Don't think you're gonna keep him in there-

Roger: (halts Ladybug) Now, now. Leave it to the experts, Ladybug. We've got it under control.

Ladybug: (pouts and looks to Null) Hey Null, I just realised something. Where are your teammates?

Null: They're occupied with another important mission at the moment, and they prefer to get it done sooner than later. But don't worry, they called another friend to do a favour for them, and this person is an expert with situations like this.

As Ladybug and the authorities of Paris look at Null in confusion as the void hero doesn't elaborate further, back in the Louvre, Copycat is seen still roaming the halls, with a smug look on his face. He's got the actual hero locked up, and he doesn't even want the Mona Lisa. For now, he can just hide the painting somewhere, and enact part two of his plan...


Suddenly, Copycat hears a noise, and sees a bullet fly by his head, hitting the pillar right next to him. At this, he tosses the Mona Lisa to the side and begins searching for whoever tried to attack him. Judging by the use of a projectile, it could either be Null, Ladybug, or two of Null's partners. For Null, his ranged attack involves a some form of fire, but this was smaller, and appeared to be more solid, when Copycat could see it for a brief moment. So that just narrows it down by one...

As he continues pondering, he feels something hit him in the back of the head, followed by the joints in his arms, and then his spine before the figure trips him to the ground and kicks him away. Growing more infuriated, Copycat growls as he stands back up, being able to identify his attacker as... Cat Noir?

Copycat: Cat Noir? (shakes his head) You're supposed to be locked up!!

Hawk Moth: (through telepathy) Take a closer look, Copycat. Cat Noir's eyes are green, but this figure's eyes are yellow.

Copycat: (notices the eyes) I see now. Who even are you?

"Cat Noir" doesn't answer, instead choosing to chuckle to himself before his eye glows brighter. Copycat briefly looks away, not wanting to risk getting blinded, but as the light dies down, he sees a new figure standing where the person he despised was a few seconds ago. It's Monotone, with his signature cane in his right hand.

Monotone: (slowly walks around Copycat) Well, so this is the the mimic my teammates informed me about? I must say, for an impersonator, you've done such an awful performance!! (cackles) You should really count yourself lucky these mere humans are that gullible.

Copycat: (glares) You didn't answer my question. Answer it before I turn you into my new scratching post.

Monotone: My name is none of your concern, but rather you should be weary of your own being. This shall be the only time you encounter me, and once I'm done teaching you a few lessons, my wrath will haunt your actions if you choose this lowly embarrassment to shapeshifters, Copycat.

Copycat: (prepares his claws) Well, if you're so arrogant at proving yourself as superior to me, then how about you prove it through a little cat fight?

Monotone: (chuckles) Well, I guess I can humour you for now, but do me one small favour during this dance of deception.

Copycat: And that being?

Monotone: (points his cane like a weapon) Count your seconds. I will end you.

With those seven words, the clash between two shapeshifters commences. Copycat rushes in first, only for Monotone to slide out of the way, before transforming into a copy of Blue and attacks with his shotgun, pushing his opponent back. Getting back up to his feet, Copycat throws a nearby portrait at Monotone, distracting him long enough for the Cat Noir replica to start retaliating with a flurry of his own, but the minute he gets greedy, the plague doctor is able to escape and fight back, rapidly changing between Red and Green before knocking his foe into another room deeper in the Louvre.

As Monotone wipes his gloves, Copycat suddenly comes charging back into the room, punching the wind out of his tophat-wearing opponent, and chucking more pieces of art at him, preventing the plague doctor from escaping his wrath. Just like before however, Monotone regains his footing and fights back by shapeshifting into Cat Noir, but Copycat catches him by surprise by grabbing his cape, using it to throw him to the ground, before spinning him with it and tossing him into the same room he was knocked into: The abstract art exhibit.

After colliding with a wall and having a painting fall down at him, Monotone rises back onto his feet, cracking his knuckles as his right eye glows brighter. He's humoured the villain, but now it's time to get serious. This ends now. Copycat soon comes running in, but the plague doctor parries the attack, before shapeshifting into Null's Burst Form and holds nothing back, unleashing pyrokinesis against his opponent, before finishing him off with one final assault. Slamming him into the ground as Ladybug, hitting him in the stomach as Cat Noir, firing at him as both Red and Green, sending him flying into the air as Null, and ending the fight by hitting him with his signature cane.

With the fight over, Monotone takes a moment to check the damage he sustained (which is a few tears in his tuxedo and tophat, plus a few holes in his cape and gloves), before looming over his opponent, who seems to be struggling to both stand up and breath.

Monotone: Well, even for a lacklustre impersonator such as yourself, I have to give you some praise. Not many humans have been able to damage me or my clothes. Then again, it's been such a long time since I thought someone who's been granted powers before. (sighs) Consider this a rare act of mercy, and remember what happens when you or any other villain tries to cross Impostorm in the future.

With those last words, Monotone calmly walks around the corner and disappears, almost like he was never there in the first place. Copycat meanwhile slowly gets back onto his feet, groaning in pain and struggling to keep his balance. Most of his body hurt, and he feels afraid of his recent opponent. Still, if there's one thing he achieved, it was still getting Cat Noir behind bars, so he slowly leaves the Louvre, and towards his studio, needing to rest for a while.

Back with Cat Noir, he uses his Cataclysm ability to rust the bars and kick them down, allowing him to escape from his containment. However, when he reaches the main hall, he encounters a squadron of armoured police officers, whacking their shields with their batons as a form of a warning.

Cat Noir: (politely bows) Thanks for the warm hospitality, but I gotta split, so... (jumps and spins his staff) I'll just say this one more time. You've got the wrong cat! (charges through the wall of officers)

Officer: (through a radio) Cat Noir is getting away!

Ladybug, Null, and Officer Roger quickly rush into the Louvre, arriving at the main area to find the squad of police officers either knocked out on the floor or struggling to recover any lost breath.

Roger: (looks at Ladybug) Well, if he's so innocent, then why is he running away?

Ladybug: (argues back) Well, if you were wrongly imprisoned, wouldn't you run?

(Y/N): Ladybug makes a good point. When one worries over false accusations, they tend to do whatever it takes to hide until their innocence has been revealed.

Speaking of Cat Noir, he's running along the rooftops nearby the Louvre, getting more exhausted as police sirens wail in the distance. While taking a moment to catch his breath, he decides to call Ladybug on his staff, while Roger calls for more backup on his radio. Seeing as how the officer is distracted, Ladybug takes the moment to sneak off and answer the call, bringing Null along with her.

Roger: (on his radio) Requesting assistance. I repeat, requesting assistance. We are in pursuit of the suspect...

Ladybug: (answers the call) Cat Noir, what's going on?

Cat Noir: (playfully) You both know I'm innocent, don't you, Bugaboo and Blank Slate?

Ladybug: (looks annoyed) Stop playing around and calling us Bugaboo and Blank Slate. This is really serious!

(Y/N): Plus, you could've come up with something more creative. (Ladybug glares at him) I'm just stating my opinion.

Ladybug: I'm gonna find the real culprit and save my tail. I'll get back to- (hears a police helicopter behind him) Wha!

As Ladybug and Null exit the Louvre, they see their cat-themed partner leaping from rooftop to rooftop, trying to escape from a few police helicopters chasing after him, as Officer Roger arrives behind them.

Officer: (through a speaker) Give yourself up, Cat Noir!

Roger: (looks at Ladybug and Null) Aren't you two gonna go after him?

Ladybug: Uhh, I'll leave it to the experts. (swings away)

(Y/N): (looks at Roger) Do not worry, officer. We'll sort out this situation, even if our method might be confusing to you.

Null soon flies after Ladybug, while Cat Noir dashes into a subway tunned, with police officers blocking the way with their cars and immediately charge in, ready to apprehend the hero. On the other side however, Adrien walks out while innocently whistling to himself, having transformed back into who he is behind the mask, and easily escaping the pursuers.

Plagg: If you want my opinion, I'd say the thief was akumatized. (eats some Camembert Cheese)

Adrien: That much I had figured. (shows the lollipop stick) See that lollipop stick? The sculptor. (has a flashback to Theo) How did I not see that jealousy coming a mile a way?

Plagg: (cheekily) Yours or his? Plus, didn't Null's friend chew you out on it already?

Adrien: (rolls his eyes) Ha ha, so funny. Also, thanks for reminding me that I've got some apologising to do once this is over.

After transforming back into Cat Noir, the agile superhero wastes no time making his way to the villain's hideout: Theo's studio. Spying through the glass windows reveals all the information he needs to prove it.

Cat Noir: (smirks) Gotcha, Copycat.

He carefully enters the building, sneaking down the support beams before hiding behind one, patiently waiting for the thief to arrive. Back with Ladybug and Null, they stop on one rooftop to try and find their partner, when the former gets a call on her yo-yo from the person they're looking for.

Ladybug: (answers the call) Cat Noir, where are you?

Cat Noir: I found his den.

Ladybug: (confused) Who?

(Y/N): Perhaps he means where the true culprit is hiding.

Cat Noir: Exactly Null. My copycat.

Ladybug: (running along the rooftops) I'm not getting you.

Cat Noir: If you'd been there this morning, you'd know what I was talking about.

(Y/N): (eyes widen momentarily) Are you talking about what you did?

Cat Noir: (sighs) Yes, and I'm going to fix this.

Ladybug: (still confused) Well? Tell us where you are, and we can help you.

Cat Noir: No, this is between me and him. I got myself into this mess, so I'm gonna get myself out. (hangs up)

Ladybug: Uhh, Cat? Cat? (sighs) Null, could you fill me in?

Ladybug soon uses her yo-yo to find Cat Noir's location, before swinging towards it with Null informing her on the key events earlier in the day. Back with Cat Noir, he finds a note on a table in front of a Japanese cat decoration, so he picks it up and reads the message written on it.

Cat Noir: "Cat's in the bag"?

A soon as he's finished reading it, the box suddenly bursts open, revealing chains that latch onto Cat Noir's arms, trapping him to a small area of the art studio.

Cat Noir: (narrows his eyes) Cataclysm!

Right before he can use his ability on the chains however, Copycat suddenly runs at him from behind, grabs his arm, and makes his hand come into contact with a wooden plank, disintegrating the object and wasting the Cataclysm, adding a time limit to the hero's situation as he attempts to kick the imposter, who just mockingly stands out of reach.

Copycat: (smirks) I don't get what Ladybug sees in you, a fool who so easily falls into my trap. At least Null's crew had the nerve to call you out on your faults. (Cat Noir tries to grab his staff, but finds it missing) Looking for this? (shows he has Cat Noir's staff) Which one should I pick up? My one or my one? (hears Cat Noir's staff ringing and answers it) Ladybug, Null, hurry up. I've caught the imposter at Theo Barbot's workshop.

Ladybug: (running through the streets) We'll be there in thirty seconds.

Cat Noir: (yells out) Don't come here, Ladybug! It's a trap!

Copycat: (hangs up) Too late, Cat. Ladybug and Null are on their way, which was my plan all along.

Cat Noir: (smirks) She won't be duped. She knows me too well.

Copycat: I know you well too, and so does Null's crew. (looks at his akumatized photo) And from now on, Ladybug will love me, not you! (points his staff at Cat Noir)

Cat Noir: Love me? (gets an idea) You're right! She loves me! That's why she'll be able to reveal your true identity!

Hawk Moth: (through telepathy) Copycat, stop this small talk and get me Cat Noir's Miraculous!

Copycat obliges, putting his photo in his pocket before using Cat Noir's staff to knock him to the ground, but right as he's about to take the hero's Miraculous, both cats hear the sound of Ladybug and Null arrive, getting Copycat to look up in confusion while Cat Noir laughs in victory.

Copycat: (looks at Ladybug swooningly) There you are.

Ladybug: (looks between the two of them) Cat Noir! He really looks like you!

Cat Noir: That's because I am me!

(Y/N): Let's solve this mystery now. Where is the akuma?

Copycat: (lifts Cat Noir's hand up) Inside his ring, of course. Grab it.

Hawk Moth: (smirks) Ladybug and that other annoyance are doing all the work for us. What sweet irony.

Ladybug: (sees Cat Noir's ring beep) He even has the same powers as you.

Copycat: (smirks) Simply amazing, isn't it?

Cat Noir: (looks at Ladybug) If you don't believe I'm the real Cat Noir, ask him about our love for each other, and how Null can confirm it.

Ladybug: Uhh...

(Y/N): (raises an eyebrow) What?

Cat Noir: Have I ever lied to either of you, Bugaboo and Blank Slate? (winks)

Ladybug: (smirks and looks at Copycat) I hope you didn't tell him about us.

Copycat: (confused) What?

Ladybug: (leans in) That we're... you know? We made a secret promise? Hmm?

(Y/N): (smirks) Yes, a promise that could only be made by two close partners.

Copycat: (smiles) Uh, yes, of course!

Ladybug: (smirks) We never made a promise. Copycat! (points at the villain)

(Y/N): (keeps his smirk) Guess you're love has proven to be your own downfall, Copycat.

Copycat: (throws away his façade) I love you, Ladybug! I'm way better than this mangy alley cat! (grabs Cat Noir's chains)

Ladybug: Sorry, but liars are losers. Cat Noir may annoy me to pieces, but he's never lied to me.

Cat Noir: (smirks) Thanks for the compliment. I think.

Cat Noir gives Copycat by kicking him in the chest, launching the imposter away. The doppelganger gets right back up and charges forward, but...


Copycat is sent flying back once again, this time by a sudden fireball by Null in his Burst Form, getting the faker to look his way.

Copycat: Null, you understand what I mean! That overconfident feline stepped over my heart, even after you and your team tried to cheer me up! How can you still stand beside him?

(Y/N): (narrows his eyes) Sure, the cat may act like he deserves getting a few burns on him, but the difference is that he can learn from his mistakes!! It's you who's in the wrong for not allowing him that chance!!

Cat Noir: (looks at Null nervously) You wouldn't actually incinerate me, right? (gets silenced by a glare)

Hawk Moth: (through telepathy) Do it now, while they're distracted, take Cat Noir's Miraculous!

Copycat: (growls) If I can't have you, Ladybug, then nobody will! Cataclysm! (summons his ability)

Ladybug: (gets into a fighting pose) Let's wrap this up! Lucky Charm!! (summons... a spoon) A spoon? What am I supposed to do with this?

(Y/N): Perhaps you could scoop the akuma out of him? (shrugs) I'm just as confused with understanding you powers as you are.

Copycat smirks, taking advantage of the confusion and charges towards the three heroes, planning to use his Cataclysm on Ladybug. However, the spotted heroine and Null quickly grab hold of Cat Noir's chains and have Copycat use his ability on them, rusting the metal and freeing their partner, allowing him to send his doppelganger flying into the stone wall with a strong punch.

Cat Noir: Excellent job, milady and monsieur.

Ladybug: (winks) Where's his akuma?

(Y/N): Knowing how attached Theo is, it might be in something that gives him both inspiration and motivation.

Cat Noir: You're right on that, Null. It's the photo in his pocket. (hears his watch beep) Let's make it snappy.

Copycat: (laughs and shows his ring) You're going to change back before me.

As the dust clears from the wall clears, Copycat wields both his and Cat Noir's staff as the hero he's impersonating charges forward first, only for his attacks to be evaded easily, and for him to be knocked away in a matter of seconds. Ladybug and Null both charge in next, and while the former's yo-yo and the latter's pyrokinesis get knocked aside by the swung staffs, their agile movements make it difficult for Copycat to land a harsh blow on either of them.

(Y/N): (flies onto a support beam) No matter our form of attack, he adapts to the situation like an actual cat.

Ladybug: (lands beside Null) He's pretty good.

Cat Noir: (tries to attack Copycat, but gets knocked aside) Don't need to rub it in!

Copycat: (cockily laughs) I told you I was better than him.

Ladybug: (snatches Cat Noir's staff back) But we're better than both of you!

(Y/N): Mostly because we're not so easily distracted by witty banter. Cat Noir, heads up!

Ladybug tosses Cat Noir his staff back, which he catches before engaging Copycat one final time. As their staffs clash against each other, they take turns pressuring each other, until one clash resorts in them both becoming disarmed. Now without a weapon, both sides continue on using martial arts, but their movements begin to confuse the two spectators. Eventually, one of them gets knocked to the ground, and when the other goes in to end the fight, they get their wrist tied up by Ladybug.

Cat Noir?: (confused) Hey, it's me!

Cat Noir?: He's lying! I'm the real one!

Ladybug: (groans in frustration) Now you're both annoying me to pieces! (looks to Null) How can we tell them apart?

(Y/N): Perhaps we try through their rings. Whoever's time limit is nearly up is the real Cat Noir, and the one that has more time is the faker.

Ladybug: Good idea. (looks to the two cats) Show us your rings. How many pads do each of you have left?

At this request, the Cat Noir trapped by Ladybug's yo-yo eagerly obliges, showing his ring has only 2 minutes left, while the other one flinches and hides his, with it showing four minutes remaining. Knowing that his cover is now blown, Copycat attempts to flee, but then a returning face stops him. That face, or mask in this case, belongs to Monotone.

Monotone: And where do you think you're running off to?

Upon seeing the same figure from the battle at the Louvre, Copycat begins to back away in fear, despite Hawk Moth's protests, allowing Ladybug, Cat Noir, and Null to regain control of the fight.

Ladybug: Cat Noir, scratch attack! Null, cover me!

Cat Noir: (smirks) Gladly, I love a good cat fight.

Cat Noir lets out a meow as he engages Copycat in another up-close fight, this time with Monotone assisting with his cane. While they keep the akumatized villain distracted, Ladybug's lucky vision activates, taking notice of Cat Noir's staff, a wooden rod above her, her own yo-yo, and finally the spoon. With a plan forming in her head, she gets the equipment together, and uses a roll of tape to put them together, making a D.I.Y fishing rod.

Ladybug: Time to go akuma fishing! Are you ready, Null?

Null: (nods) Be sure to reel in a real big one.

Ladybug nods as she throws the fishing rod forward, having it go over the wooden rod and attach itself to Copycat, who's being held in place by Monotone's cane while Cat Noir opens his pocket zip. Then with a mighty tug, Copycat is dragged into the air and collides against the wooden rod, as Ladybug swings up and takes the photo out of his pocket, tossing it to Null who burns it to ashes, releasing the akuma inside.

Ladybug: No more evil doing for you, little akuma. Time to de-evilize! (catches the akuma) Gotcha! (releases the purified butterfly) Bye bye, little butterfly. (throws the spoon into the air) Miraculous Ladybug!

The spoon then explodes into mystical smaller ladybugs which fly around Paris and fix the damage caused by Copycat, such as returning the Mona Lisa to its rightful location, and fixing the heartbroken sculptor's photo of the heroine, while Cat Noir catches a confused Theo, having been changed back to normal.

Ladybug: Nice catch!

Cat Noir: I'm so glad you could tell the real cat from the fake one.

Ladybug: Once I figured out which cat was really in love with me, it was a no-brainer.

(Y/N): Not to mention, the real Cat Noir would happily listen to Ladybug, without most objections.

Cat Noir: Fair point. Oh, and Null, could you tell your partner I'm sorry for the way I acted earlier? (Null nods as Cat Noir's ring beeps) Better help the fellow out. His crush just got crushed. (leaves but mutters under his breath) That makes two of us.

Theo: (confused) What am I doing here? (sees Ladybug) Ladybug?

Ladybug: (returns the photo) I'm sorry I couldn't make it this morning, Theo.

Theo: (pulls out a pen) Can you autograph it.

Ladybug: (happily signs it) Of course I can! You've got some real artistry here. You've really captured my essence.

Monotone: (looks around) I'm with the heroine you admire so much. The art here is quite exquisite. I bet it could fill the whole wing of a museum.

Ladybug: (notices Monotone) Oh, you haven't introduced me to your new friend, Null. Who is he?

(Y/N): (gestures to Monotone) This is Monotone, a master of stealth and deception, and a fan of anything classic. He was assisting me since my usual teammates were occupied.

Monotone: (politely bows) It is nice to meet you, Ladybug. Now, I'm afraid we must depart for now, but I do say it may be wonderful if we meet again in the future. (leaves with Null)

Ladybug: (waves goodbye) See you later, Null! (hands Theo his signed picture) Here you go.

Theo: (takes the picture) Thank you, Ladybug. And don't worry. I know about you and Cat Noir. It's okay.

As Ladybug gives Theo a confused look, back with Cat Noir, he arrives back at College Francoise Dupont, changing into Adrien and searching the locker room one final time for his phone, only to return back to the car empty handed.

Adrien: (upset) Didn't find it.

Back with Marinette, she's finally got through the password thanks to some help with Alya, and is now currently in the middle of deleting the recorded message.

Automated Voice: (coming from the phone) If you wish to hear your message again, press one. If you wish to erase your message, press two. (Marinette looks at Alya, who nods, and presses two) Your message has been erased.

Marinette: You know what? I'm gonna tell him I found his phone. That'd be a good way to start up a conversation, wouldn't it? And I'll invite him to the movies.

Alya: (smiles) That's my girl.

The two female friends high five, agreeing on Marinette's plan. The next day during school hours, Adrien walks into class with Nino, the former still being upset about losing his phone.

Nino: Maybe you dropped it somewhere.

Adrien: Well, if I did, whoever has it found it in the boys' locker room. I was checking my voicemail in there during fencing practice.

Alya: (whispers to Marinette) Do it now!

In a quick panic, Marinette places Adrien's phone back in her crush's back, but due to the speed she was moving at, the bag falls over and spills the phone out, which Adrien takes notice of.

Adrien: (confused) Huh? What in the... (picks up his phone) I already looked in here a thousand times!

Nino: (stretches) You need some time off. (gets an idea) Hey, I know, let's go to the movies tonight.

Alya: Hey, dudes, mind if a few friends tag along?

Nino: Sure thing!

At this news, Marinette lets out muffled giggles, trying her best to contain herself, but the instant she makes eye contact with Adrien, she leaps from her seat and happily cheers, getting the entire class to look at her in confusion or chuckle at her antics, but the blue-haired doesn't care...

She's in love...

Bonus Clip!

Meanwhile away from Earth, on a distance plant located far out in the solar system, rests a building where a large quantity of species reside. There, Monotone can be seen stepping into the office of his elite. The one who started the organisation known as Impostorm. The one who's declared war on the human research company known as MIRA. With the air around him growing colder with every second, Monotone bows to his commander before speaking.

And the most dangerous individual in their kind.

Monotone: You wanted to see me, boss?

???: (speaks in a dark voice) Yes, Monotone. You said you had some interesting news going on with Branch 4182021, correct? (Monotone nods) Could you tell me what you found out?

Monotone: Yes, sir. It appears that agents Red, Green, and Blue have brough in a new recruit to our side, but what's strange is that this recruit is also a human-

???: (slams his fist onto the table) WHAT??!!

Monotone: (slightly afraid now) B-But they have good reasons, s-sir! Not only has this human showed sympathy towards us and hatred to MIRA, but it appears that Agent Blue's hypothesis was correct in a way. The young human has absorbed Cosmicubes and can use them! (??? goes silent) I-I don't want to change your views on humans, s-sir-

???: (cuts Monotone off) I know you wouldn't, Monotone. You may return to your missions.

Monotone once again bowed before taking his leave, leaving the head honcho in his office. Once he hears the footsteps disappear, he turns on a massive screen, showing a map of the Earth, the different branches hiding in different countries, and zooms in on the branch in France, while his right eye glows an ominous red...

His interest has been caught for now...

Fun Fact about (Y/N): One of (Y/N)'s favourite pass times is to draw in a sketchbook he has in his room. One of his favourite things to draw would be a picture of him and his family looking up to the night sky, with the stars illuminating them and the ground below them. He hasn't drawn in a while, but still has the sketchbook in his room, in case the feeling comes back to him.

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