When North meet South

By tteodooraa

6.6K 172 4

Teodora, a passionate folklorist from Serbia, has the opportunity to participate in an international folklore... More

Get to know me & characters
~2.He is doing this to me on purpose~
~3.Working Saturday~
~ 4.Are you crazy!?~
~5.Just five days away~
~6.He is such a jerk~
~7.The big day~
~8. FolkBeat Harmony ~
~9.A look as cold as ice~
~10. The chance ~
~11.Sunny Tuesday~
~12. It was just a dream... ~
~13. The school day ~
~14.Another school day~
~15.Small party~
~16. Norway here we come!~
~17. Beautiful Norway ~
~18. Hotel lobby ~
~20. I can't believe~
~21. Beautiful Night~
~22. Seriously, Marcus?~
~23.Grand Final~
~24. We Can Be Something But... ~
~25. Goodbye Norway..Goodbye Martinus..~
~26. I Think I Fell In Love...~
~27. School ~
~28. 'First kiss' ~
~29. Saturday practice ~
~30. Rehearsal~
~31. School Day and unexpected call ~
~32. Negative words...~
~33.Christmas to him~
~34. New Year Wish~
~35. Everything is happening too fast!~
~36. Live on youtube?~
~37. Livestream before Christmas~
~ 38. Christmas to me ~
~39. Wait, what?!~
~ 40. Ice skating ~
~ 41. Music Festival ~
~ 42. Art gallery ~
~ 43. Preparations before the Big Night ~
~ 44. Orthodox New Year ~
~ 45. Irish music? ~
~ 46. Music Festival in Croatia?! ~
~ 47. Marcus... please ~
~ 48. Then we cancel the concert.. ~
~ 49. Unsual day in School ~
~ 50. He tried to kiss me! ~
~ 51. I'll be cheering you on from here Marty! ~
~ 52. It's because of you that I became a MMer! ~
~ 53. Principal's office ~
~ 54. Zlatibor Day 1~
~ 55. Zlatibor Day 1./2. ~
~ 56. Practice & call with Martinus ~
~ 57. See you soon Croatia! ~
~ 58. David & Kate!! ~
~ 60. Final rehearsal ~
~ 61. I don't know, Marcus ~
~ 62. Will you be my girlfriend Teodora? ~
~ 63. I wish we could stay like this forever ~
~ 64. Truth or dare? ~
~ 65. Goodbye my love... ~
~ 66. Will you be my valentine? ~
~ 67. Move? To Norway?? ~
~ 68. Trondheim? But that's so far away ~
~ 69. School ~
~ 70. Packing and Andrija's emotions ~
~ 71. Moving in 2 days.. ~
~ 1. I've missed you so much!! ~
~ 2. FolkBeat Studio ~
~ 3. Family dinner and teasing ~
~ 4. Sunset kiss ~
~ 5. IT'S OVER! ~
~ 6. It's okay my love... I believe you.. ~
~ 7. NRK1 television - interview ~
~ 8. I want to propose to Teodora.. ~
~ 9. Speech without Martinus...~
~ 10. SHE SAID YES!!! ~
~ 11. When the North meet South ~

~ 59. Split reahersal and truth or dare ~

46 2 0
By tteodooraa

~ 09.02.2024.~

Author's pov:

---Skip time---

*As the bus pulled into Split, Croatia, the members of FolkBeat Harmony were greeted by Mr. Lewis, their organizer for the music festival. With a warm smile, he ushered them off the bus and into the bustling atmosphere of the city.*

Mr. Lewis: (cheerfully) Welcome to Split, everyone! I'm so glad you made it safely.

Teodora: (excitedly) Thank you, Mr. Lewis! We're thrilled to be here.

*Mr. Lewis led them to the festival venue, where he provided them with detailed instructions for the upcoming days.*

Mr. Lewis: (handing out schedules) Here's the plan for the next few days. We have a final rehearsal scheduled for later today, followed by the opening ceremony tomorrow morning. The performances will take place over three days, with each day featuring different artists and acts.

Ana: (eagerly) That sounds amazing! Can't wait to see all the performances.

Mr. Lewis: (nodding) It's going to be quite the celebration of music and culture. Now, let me show you to your rooms at the hotel.

*The group followed Mr. Lewis to the luxurious hotel, their eyes widening in awe at the stunning surroundings.*

Teodora: (admiring the view) Wow, this place is incredible!

Mr. Lewis: (smiling) I'm glad you like it. You'll have some time to freshen up and settle in before the rehearsal later today.

*As they entered their rooms, excitement bubbled within FolkBeat Harmony. The prospect of performing at an international music festival filled them with a mix of nerves and anticipation. They quickly unpacked and prepared themselves for the final rehearsal, eager to showcase their talent on the grand stage of the festival in Split.*

*As FolkBeat Harmony gathered for their final rehearsal, the air was charged with excitement and anticipation. They entered the rehearsal space, a spacious place adorned with colorful banners and stage lights, and took their positions.*

David: I still can't believe we've made it this far. And it's like yesterday we performed in Norway just for fun.

Kate: I agree, but we were literally messing around on Norwegian stage, and look where we are now. In another country, again on a big stage.

Daniel: All in all, although we are trained, let's restore everything nicely again.

Ana: (nodding) Agreed. We've worked hard for this moment, and now it's time to show the world what we're made of.

Max: (strumming guitar) Let's focus on our energy and connection as a group. That's what will resonate with the audience.

Daniel: (adjusts microphone) And remember to let your voices and engage with the audience. We want to create an immersive experience for them.

Theo: Don't forget the choreography, signs, we have to see where the center of the scene is, to pay attention to the semicircle, the circle, the curve and the straight lines.

Ana: Well, this isn't a competition Theo, we're just having fun, but yeah, you're right for that too. That is the second most important thing

*As they launched into their rehearsal, the members of FolkBeat Harmony poured their hearts and souls into their music. The melodies of "Heartbeat" and "First Kiss" filled the space, blending seamlessly with the traditional folk elements woven throughout their performance. With each run-through, they fine-tuned their performance, addressing any minor hiccups and refining their stage presence. Their passion and dedication shone through, evident in the way they poured themselves into every note and every step.*

Teodora: (encouragingly) Great job, everyone! We're sounding better than ever.

Ana: (smiling) I can feel the energy building up. We're going to rock the stage in two days!

Max: (grinning) I can't wait to share our music with the audience. It's going to be epic.

*After a few hours of intense rehearsal, FolkBeat Harmony wrapped up their practice session, feeling confident and ready for their performances at the music festival in Split. With their final preparations complete, they eagerly awaited the opportunity to showcase their talent and passion on the international stage.*

--Skip time--

Teodora's pov:

*When the rehearsal was over, we went back to the hotel for dinner because there was still time. 

First, we left all the things in the room that we brought to the rehearsal, and then we changed into the everyday clothes we wear.*

 -Skip time-

*When we finished dinner, we went back to the room.*

Kate: What do you say we go for a walk around the city tomorrow, it's late now and besides, we're not performing tomorrow.

Andrea: Of course. But what are we going to do now, we certainly won't sleep at 8 in the evening, hahah.

Ana: Truth or dare? What do you say?

*We all agreed on that game. We sat in a circle and took one bottle. Theo spun the bottle and it landed on Ana and David.*

Ana: Hmm.. David... Come on, take it easy to begin with. Kiss your dear Kate.

*At that, David just smiled, got up from his seat, walked over to Kate and kissed her tenderly. Then he returned to his seat with a smile and Kate was also smiling.*

*The atmosphere in the room shifted slightly, filled with a mix of excitement and anticipation as the game of truth or dare continued.*

David: (grinning) Alright, my turn. Let's see who's up for a challenge. Theo, truth or dare?

Theo: (rubbing his hands together) Dare, of course!

David: (thinking) I dare you to serenade Ana with a love song.

Ana: (blushing slightly) Oh, come on, David. That's too cheesy.

Theo: (rising to the challenge) Challenge accepted! Ana, prepare to be serenaded.

*With a mischievous twinkle in his eye, Theo cleared his throat and began to sing a heartfelt love song, his voice filling the room with warmth and melody. Ana listened, unable to hide her smile, as Theo poured his heart into the serenade.*

Ana: (teasingly) Not bad, Theo. Not bad at all.

Theo: (bowing dramatically) Thank you, thank you. I'll be here all night. Now (excitedly) My turn! Daniel, truth or dare?

Daniel: (grinning) Dare, of course. Hit me with your best shot.

Theo: I dare you to do your best impression of a famous celebrity.

*Daniel pondered for a moment before launching into a hilarious impression, capturing the essence of the celebrity with uncanny accuracy. Laughter filled the room as Daniel's performance unfolded, earning him cheers and applause from his friends.*

Kate: (clapping) Bravo, Daniel! That was spot-on.

Daniel: (smiling) Alright, my turn. Max, truth or dare?

Max: (confidently) Dare, always up for a challenge.

Daniel: I dare you to perform a dance solo right here, right now.

*Without hesitation, Max rose to his feet and launched into a mesmerizing dance routine, his movements fluid and graceful. The room fell silent as everyone watched in awe, captivated by Max's skill and passion for dance.*

Ana: (impressed) Wow, Max. That was incredible!

Max: (breathless) Thanks, guys. Just felt like busting a move.

*As the game continued, each member of FolkBeat Harmony embraced the challenges and revelled in the camaraderie of the moment. Laughter echoed through the room as they shared stories, secrets, and silly antics, bonding even further as they prepared for their performances at the music festival in Split.*

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