miraculous ladybug

By TahirBond104

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After The Death of your dad and your mom as miraculous Heroes your Butler/ Bodyguard has been Taking Care of... More

Harem 2
Stormy weather
Harem 3
The Bubbler
Story update
Let the Hunt begin Part one
Let the hunt begin part two


93 6 1
By TahirBond104

You were glad to be back in Paris, but you were still sore from the fight with the psycho Rangers

Mr. Hun: do you mind telling me what happened?

Michael: there are these fighters called the psycho Rangers they're faster smarter, stronger, more powerful and evil. They have a goal and they weren't ladybugs miraculous.

Mr. Hun: why do they want ladybugs, miraculous, and not cat noir?

Michael: I don't know, but it seems that I do not trust the psycho Rangers

Mr Hun: these psycho rangers sounds very dangerous, and I believe that they are tough opponents

Michael: I want the identities of the psycho Rangers

Mr Hun: OK but I have to warn you it'll take about a month or two to figure out who are they while the super computer analyzes them while you just go to school?

Michael: OK

Time skip to later

Adrienette: agent Smith it's too dangerous we need to evacuate

Mylène: you suggest we should run Officer Jones after that thing devoured my friends and my family

Suddenly you came through the door

Michael: what is going on here?

The camera was on you, but Nino had to say cut

Nino: Michael, is that you we haven't seen you in days

Chloe ran up to you and hugged you

Michael😏: I missed you too Chloe

Chloe: don't you ever scare me like that again we were all looking for you I can't bear to lose you again

Ayla: wow I didn't know Chloe had a heart

Everybody started laugh

Michael: all right all right that's enough. What are you guys doing?

Nino: well, thanks to Michael we are on the 10th take

Alex: 14 actually but who's counting

Michael: looking good, Alex

Alex blush

Mylène: where were you in these past couple of days?

Michael: I was kidnapped by a crazy hunter I had to fight for my life almost got killed many times but I'm fine

Marinette: I'm sorry you had to go through are you going to be OK?

Michael: yeah yeah I'm I'm gonna be all right

Mylène: well, even though Michael interrupted I'll do better on the next take

Rose: anybody want some tea?

Nino: Mylène you are playing a hero in the special forces in every tape, we do you get freaked out. Heroes are not supposed to get freaked out.

Mylène: I know, but that monster mask that he's wearing is so realistic and scary

Michael: but it's a fake mask I don't see what's wrong with it

Adrienette: you wouldn't get it we have to make that mass look real


Ivan: it's just big old me Mylène

Chloe: if you ask me, he doesn't even need a mask

Marinette: what a bratty snob how could you be friends with her for so many years Michael

Michael: she had nobody I was the only one besides Adrienette We had a lot of problems. We had our ups and downs, but but I know one day Chloe will change her way.

Marinette: I highly doubt Chloe will change

Nino: Ivan put the mask back on you're playing the monster

Michael: may I make a suggestion maybe somebody should switch with  Mylène and maybe she won't get scared as much

Nino: please, Tyrone do not make the decisions for me here I'm the Director this whole movie was my idea

Ayla clears her throat

Nino: I mean our idea but still you do not make the decisions I do

Mylène: I need to sing my happy song. It always makes me feel better.(starts to sing.) smelly wolf, smelly wolf stinky breath. And slimy.

Mylène Backed up into Adrienette and got scared

Chloe: and the best, Oscar for the best pathetic and scaredy-cat afraid of his own shadow goes to Mylène

Adrienette: Chloe seriously

Chloe: yeah, so what

Mylène Runs away

Marinette: Mylène wait anyone gonna go after her

Ivan ran after her

Michael: the calm before the storm

Ivan went downstairs to check on Mylène

Ivan: don't listen to those bozos they're easy to judge when they're not in front of the camera come back I promise I'll roar more quietly(pulls out a pin from his pocket) here take this this is from my favorite band, called the zombie skull crushers

Mylène takes the pin and puts it on her scarf

Mylène: that's real sweet of you, Ivan, but they're right I can't act to save my life excuse me

She ran away, crying again

Meanwhile, with hawk moth

Hawk, moth: a film shoot oh yes so many emotions some fake yet others very very real(corrupts the butterfly into a Akuma) fly away my little Akuma, and turn her evil

Back at the classroom

Nino: epic just epic. What are we supposed to do now that our leading actress

Chloe: who needs her anyway? She was totally lame.

Ivan been stormed in the classroom all upset

Ivan: your lame Mylène is crying her eyes out in the bathroom. Thanks to you.

Chloe: me lame how dare you say that to my face you oversize gorilla

Marinette: hey hey everybody chill out but Chloe is lame, but fighting amongst each other will not bring Mylène back I'm the producer and I'm gonna do everything in my power to make sure we get this film done tonight

Max: according to my calculations the deadline for the Parisian student for the short film festival is tomorrow evening precisely 26 hours 15 minutes and 1413 seconds from now

Michael: seriously, dude

Marinette: and we have all this stuff to do and this is so stressful

Adrienette: but who's gonna take? Mylène's part

Michael: I know everybody's on edge because this film festival thing man I missed out a lot dammit maybe I'll talk to Mylène listen to me

Ayla: Michael, come on

Adrienette: the last thing that we need, is you going off by yourself maybe you should stay up here I I mean we just got you back. None of us cannot bear to lose you the second time.

Michael:Adrienette relax I'm not going anywhere

Chloe: Adrienette is right maybe you should stay up here you just got kidnapped by a hunter besides, you have to watch me nail the film because I'm going to be taking Mylène's place

Ayla: you haven't even read the script

Chloe: I read the first scene which is that easy I can tell you that it ends with a kiss. Between agent Smith and Officer Jones.

Michael: it ends with a kiss who put that in there

Marinette: Ayla😫😒

Ayla: hold up girl I did not write that

Nino: um I wrote it it was just a little tweak you know just to move the story forward

Ayla: you edited my script without even telling me

Michael: OK back up for a minute I thought it was Nino's script

Ayla: you were wrong it's my script and for him that's low

Nino: you mean our script I worked hard on it

Michael: OK everybody just calm down let's take a minute a grip. It's just a scene, you guys act like you're gonna die in sorrow. If anybody can do this kissing, it's I can't believe I'm saying it Chloe and for that I know that Adrienette it's going to nail the kissing. I know my buddy for the longest if we all work together everybody wins.

Adrienette: thank you Michael

Adrienette kisses you on the cheek and Marinette got jealous and so did Chloe and rose and Julka

Michael: I didn't know the aggress had a good taste

Adrienette: hey I haven't seen you for nine days. What can you expect huh?

Chloe: will you too please stop flirting with each other you sound like my parents when they got together

Michael: I swear you need a chill pill, so damn bad

Chloe: oh, my God, who cares of who wrote what it's a script we got a film this thing, right

Max: she's right according to my calculations principal Demic, please allowed us to use the school until 6 PM sharp which leads us nine hours 12 minutes and 12 seconds nope, 10 987

You interrupted Max

Michael: OK we get it stop counting

Marinette pulls Ayla to the side

Marinette: you have to be kidding me them  Adrienette And Chloe kissing cannot happen

Michael: Marinette, you need to get a grip it's just a kiss why should that matter to you

Marinette: why are you asking me that question?

Michael: because me, and Adrienette are ready together

Everyone: what?!!!

Marinette got in your face

Marinette: since when

Adrienette: since we were kids, Michael always had hard, so I helped him with hard times. It was always him and me before Chloe. on the first day we met, I promised I mean we promised each other that will stay together, no matter what.

Marinette: are you kidding me right now? You guys are so lame right now.

Marinette walks out the classroom

Ayla: real smooth, Michael, real smooth

Michael: what did I do?

Kim: you did nothing wrong. Michael Marinette is just being dramatic.

Outside the classroom

Marinette was walking off angry

Ayla: can you please tell me what's wrong with you? I don't know why you getting upset over this

Marinette: that's the problem. Nobody knows what's going on with me because they don't even know it. Adrienette and Michael. dear single, I never even see them flirt with each other.

Ayla: look, you need to let this go I know Michael and Ayla together but you shouldn't get upset over this there are many guys out there

Marinette: this is all Chloe's fault

Ayla: what's got anything to do with this?

Marinette: she's been bullying me throughout my whole life I couldn't be strong I was so weak she always hold me back we have to break them up. It's better if they stay single and maybe my future with. Adrienette can happen.

Ayla: no, Marinette, you're being selfish right now

Marinette: me being selfish

Ayla: we been classmates with that girl for months. I know you don't want to accept this right now. I know you're very mad and disappointed at how they answered this but you can't get upset over a crush. I thought you were happy that Michael was back.

Marinette: that was you

Marinette walks away

Michael: this is all my faults, isn't it?

Adrienette: this isn't your fault whatever Marinette is mad about we can figure that out later we got a film to shoot

Michael got in front of the classroom

Michael: we can't just let Mylène Marinette walk out like that it's just wrong when I was gone, you guys chose her to be deleting role you all did you are all in this movie together? I'm going to find those two and bring them back.

Chloe: let Dupin Chang cry her eyes out she always tries to play the hero should be staying here with me and everyone else

Michael: for your information, Marinette always works hard more than any of us did you are only like this because I know the reason why and you do not have to act like that you need to be better

Chloe didn't say anything because she knows what you were talking about

In the bathroom

Mylène: why are you so intimidated and scared all the time

The Akuma went right through Mylène's pin

Hawk, moth: Horrificator I am Hawk moth I'm until now you felt fear and up until now you will cause fear after you do so you'll do something for me in return

Horrificator: yes, hawk, moth

Mylene transforms into Horrificator

Meanwhile, with you

You were calling Aurore you told her to come to the school because it's urgent

Crash: man you messed up big time were you trying to make Marinette jealous?

Michael: no, I was not. I don't know what went through the head of hers.

Marinette: I can tell you

You turned around to see Marinette

Marinette: how could you say something like that?

Michael: I'm just saying how it is

Marinette: how long have you two been together

Michael: we've been together for a long time Marinette we promised each other will stay together, no matter what it's not like you had feelings for me either

You tried to walk away and look for Mylene but Marinette stops you

Marinette: just stop

You stopped walking

Marinette: I remember that day when me and you first met, you saved my life and I saved that old man Because I just felt something between us that day

Michael: and I know you had feelings for me

Marinette: what?!?

Michael: it's OK to feel jealous sometimes like if I'm with somebody else it shouldn't bother or affect you. I'm always here I'm not going anywhere despite what I have going on right now. I can tell on your face that you're not OK but I don't have to answer that for you, I went through a lot too. I lost my parents and I have my butler not much. we may had a rocky past or a good one, but in the end everything will be all right

You kissed Marinette on the forehead

Michael: have faith in yourself, have faith in others

Marinette was blushing she snapped out of it

Marinette: you're right I'll go check the bathroom

Marinette went to the girls bathroom

Marinette: Mylene??

She noticed pink and purple stuff on the mirror

Suddenly Ayla appeared right beside Marinette

Ayla: Marinette, are you OK girl?

Marinette: yeah, I'm fine fine, me and Michael talked it out but we're OK

Ayla: did you find? Mylene


Ayla: well, you better hurry up because they're about to be some serious lip puckering about to come on

Hawk, moth: time to use your scare tactics Horrificator and thrive

In the Classroom

Nino: action

Chloe: I'm not scared of that Horrificator thingy officer, whatever your name is

Chloe tries to kiss Adrianette but Marinette comes into the classroom

Marinette: cut

Nino: Marinette, what Gibbs we are in a middle of a shoot and I am the Director FYI I say cut no one else Comprende

You ran into the classroom

Nino: what is she doing here?

Nino points two Aurore

Michael: she is here because she is meant to be here. Besides, she was locked in the locker for some reason.

Marinette: and I am the producer, Mylene's supposed to be the star of this movie

Aurore: you can't just start without a movie star two even put in the movie that's just not right Nino

Nino: we're out of time Mylene is an MIA Let's take this from the top people.

Adrienette: please, not this again

Julka does Adrienette's make up

Ayla: this is beat agent. Smith doesn't need a man in her life right now. Sniffles just got matched on remember

Nino: do you want to finish this film or not?

Chloe: then let's make agent Smith a nurse instead that will fix everything

Ayla: OK I'm sorry how does this exactly works?

Chloe: I don't know but I sure do look good in a uniform


Marinette: Michael

Marinette elbow you in the stomach

Michael: ouch sorry sorry

Nino: oh, come on we are not rewriting the script again

You stepped in

Michael: OK let's all take a time out look I know we're all stressed out on the whole script movie thing let's just take it easy all right we still have time besides, we shouldn't be fighting instead, we all should be working together

Marinette: Michael's right this is a team effort besides, your nurse idea is perfect Chloe.

Michael: what is going on here?

Chloe: of course it is. It's my idea it's perfect.

Marinette: but Chloe you don't have a uniform

Aurore: what is she doing?

Ayla: yes, which is why this idea was stupid in the first place anyway

Marinette: which is why I think you and Sabrina should try on some uniforms in the nurses office

Chloe: Kim Max Michael, you guys have been promoted to bodyguard wardrobe, and knight and shiny armor

Adrienette: there is no way Michael is going anywhere with you Chloe

Michael: relax it won't be that bad I guess I'm going anyway

Max and Kim were confused they left along with Sabrina and Chloe but Aurore pull Marinette to the side

Aurore: look, I know what you're trying to do and this is bad all over it

Marinette: you know nothing when it comes to a relationship

Aurore: look who's talking you're not dating anybody

Marinette: what's your point?

Aurore: my point is your trying to kiss Adrianette

Marinette was being defensive

Marinette: I am not

Aurore: if you had feelings for her talk to her

Marinette: this isn't the time I'll tell her when it's the right time

Nino: Nice going miss producer because of you we have no lead again

Marinette: yes, but we got rid of Chloe

Nino: and now what

Marinette: now we go find Mylene she's here somewhere

Nino: how many times do I have to keep explaining this TikTok? There is no time. We need a lead now.

Ayla: Marinette can do it


Marinette: what no I can't I'm the producer I can't do that

Ayla: do you want to kiss Adrianette don't you?

Aurore: no she doesn't. This is a bad idea. Why can't you just tell her how you feel like a normal person

Ayla: she doesn't have to do that

Marinette: besides, there's no one getting in the way

Aurore: Marinette, you're the one getting in your way why can't you just say what you have to say to a person how you feel

Marinette: it's complicated besides, you wouldn't understand look, I do want to kiss Adrienette but not like this

Meanwhile, with you

Chloe: a nurse is uniform how clever am I even that dimwitted Marinette agree with me?

Michael: she's not a dimwit Chloe be nice

Back in the classroom

Marinette: I'm only doing this as a favor you know once I take this role Mylene can have her old roll back

Ayla: of course she will chill out and think about this after tonight you finally kissed Adrianette

Marinette: I don't know the sounds wrong her and Michael been together for a long time and I don't want Michael to be upset this sounds wrong

Ayla: we don't even know if there are official he just said that they're together that doesn't mean they're really together. Michael doesn't know what he's talking about.

Marinette: maybe you're right Ayla

Back with you

Chloe: hey, wait a minute

Michael: oh shit

Chloe: Marinette never liked my ideas and I think you all been duked and Michael you went along with this

Michael: and it took you a few minutes to figure that out even when you're mad, you're still cute You are like butter that melts easily with sizzle on a pan.

Chloe's face turned red because she was embarrassed by the compliment

Chloe: stop embarrassing me in front of everybody Michael, come with me you too take care of the nurse uniform whatever

Kim Max stayed put while you went with Sabrina and Chloe

Kim: Did you hear something?

Max: no what

Suddenly Horrificator snuck up behind Kim and Max

Back at the classroom

Marinette(looking at Adrianette): totally unbelievable

Adrienette: what's that?

Marinette: I said that I can't believe it's believable

Adrienette: don't worry you'll do just fine

Nino: ready to roll camera

Alix: Horrificator take 16

Nino: action

Marinette: I'm not afraid of that monster Officer Jones

Marinette and Adrianette we're about to kiss until you and Chloe kicked the door down

Michael: cut you son of a bitch

Chloe: I knew it

Nino: what do I say about what I get to say cut

Michael: busted you are all busted, especially Marinette. You left me alone with Chloe, which is not a problem.

Chloe: well played Marinette all all that speech about working together when you stabbed me right in the back

Aurore: Chloe nobody stabbed you in the back

Chloe: nobody huh all she did was make excuses besides, this movie will not make it into the theaters because my daddy is one of the judges

Michael: Chloe you're overreacting

Chloe: no, I'm not

Suddenly, Max and Kim were screaming

Adrienette: did anybody else hear that?

Chloe: if this is one of your silly crazy attempts to get me out of the movie well you can forget

They were screaming again

Marinette: I definitely heard that we better check this out right right now

Aurore: Michael, be ready because we are about to face something

Michael: keep it down, will you

Aurore: sorry

Rose: anybody want to snack for the road?

Michael: sweetheart, we don't have time for snacks we have to go

Rose blushes at the compliment

Rose: you called me, sweetheart🥰😍

Michael: come on

You dragged Rose by the arm

Adrienette: hey anybody here Kim Max

Michael: guys better not be a prank

Aurore: where are you guys?

Marinette recognizes the pink goo

Marinette: the bathroom Michael come here

You went to Marinette

Michael: yes

Marinette: This is pink goo, the same pink I saw in the bathroom

Michael: wait a minute I think we got a monster in the school

Marinette: there are no such. Thing as monsters

You saw a wristband and you picked it up

Michael: this is Kim's

Everybody was freaking out

Ayla: order playing a sick joke on us

Aurore: I don't know this looks serious

Marinette: we don't know that besides, we we need to go to principal Damocles's office and tell him what's going on

Aurore: look, I don't think this is a good idea

Chloe: your weather girl

Aurore: even if we did tell him what's going on he's not gonna believe us

Marinette: I guess we just got to bring him along as proof of what's going on here Nino come on stop filming

Nino: not a chance this is getting good

Michael: OK first of all we have a serious situation on our hands and you want to keep filming because we all might be a danger

Nino: yes

Michael: Aurore you better go get him

Aurore: relax find out what's causing this

Marinette: looks like it's time to bring in the ultra ego

Aurore: Michael, come on

Michael: no, thanks I hear My Butler calling

Aurore: come on

She dragged you by the shirt

Nino: yo Adrianette where are you going?

Adrienette: Oh, I left Officer Jones jacket back in the classroom. I can't go anywhere without it because I want to be in the scenes with it.

With you and Aurore

You and Aurore were in an empty classroom

Michael: why did you bring me in an empty classroom?

Aurore: look, it's not whatever you think it is Look I think mylene is Akumatized

Michael: how do you know that?

Aurore: I was locked in the bathroom by a psycho ranger

Michael: if the cycle ranges are here, we have to tell everyone

Aurore: no, we cannot tell them we don't want to cause a panic that is what psycho red wants they are here at the cost. More trouble and chaos. If they keep getting their way, they are going to take down the whole city of Paris

Michael: I guess you have a point when I fought them in the woods they were tough as hell what's the real reason you bring me in here

Aurore: this stormy weather

A purple glove appears on her hand and you were shocked she pressed on the stormy weather logo, and then she transforms into stormy weather

You were show shocked you had so many questions 

Michael: how is this possible you have powers?

Stormy weather: keep it down. They might hear you we have to use this as the element of surprise and I know your howler

Michael: no, you don't

Stormy weather: I can tell by the voice Besides, how come, you and Howler had the same bracelet?

Michael: OK stormy weather may crash

Your Kwame came out

Crash: hello Aurore my name is crash and I am the miraculous of power manipulation

Stormy weather: power manipulation

Michael: I can use five different powers at once

Crash: that's right he uses five different powers to his advantage during these fights

Michael: it's time to get down to business

Crash: just say the words

Michael: crash let's rise

You transform into howler

With Adrienette

Adrienette: time to transform plagg

Plagg: what are you doing?

Adrienette took her shoe off

Adrienette: so they think I disappeared too

Plagg: are you say I stink of Cameron bear?

Adrienette: Plagg claws out

She transforms into cat noir

Meanwhile, outside the school

Psycho purple: Howler is making his move

Psycho Red: all right, only two will go. We can't raise attention to ourselves. White and silver you guys can go.

Psycho blue: dang it I wanted to go

Psycho silver: let's make this count white

Psycho white: it's time to battle

They super speed to the school

Back at school with the Students

Ayla: mr. Damocles

They opened his door and to find him nowhere to be found, but there was pink goo on his desk

Rose: even principal Damocles is nowhere to be found

Marinette drops her phone and then she runs off and she went inside the library.

Marinette: time to transform Tikki spots on

She transforms into ladybug

With the others

Nino: anyone see agent, Smith I mean, Marinette

They checked outside the principal office and they found her phone

Ayla: oh, no, this is Marinette's phone

The two psycho rangers drilled inside the school, but they were hiding everybody checked the school, but it was covered with pink goo on the top of the roof

Chloe: quick, check the windows

Jelica: crazy

Chloe tries to open the windows but failed

Chloe: we're trapped I'm calling Daddy

Nino: dudes you do know that phones don't work in horror, movies

Ivan: no bars

Nathaniel: no coverage

Nino: told you so, Booya

Ladybug jumps down

Ladybug: is everyone OK?

Nino: in my movie, this is legit

Ayla: and on my lady blog

Ladybug: we have to calmly evacuate the building everyone

Cat noir: nope, easier said than done ladybug

Nino: double legit

Cat noir: I tried cutting through the goo, but it was no use. It was indestructible. So it looks like we're trapped inside the school.

You and stormy weather came into the room, but everybody was scared because of stormy weather

Howler: looks like we're in a bit of a pickle

Nino: a super villain and howler triple legit

Ladybug: I thought I'd turned you back to normal. I don't get it.

Howler: I'll explain later right now we have to keep the students safe

Stormy weather: besides, we are not here alone Mylene is Akumatized

Cat noir: makes sense

Ivan: no, that can't be

Howler: it's true

Cat noir: just stay, put and try to relax guys milady Wolfie a word

They moved to the other side of the room

Cat noir: we already know that Hawksmouth has taken another innocent victim

Howler: and this is very hard on everyone here there's no way we can survive this

Ladybug: we will there's only one way out of here capture that victims Akuma

Howler: something isn't right

Cat noir: what's wrong?

Howler: we're being followed

You stepped into the middle of the room

Sabrina: is something wrong

You closed your eyes and you were still standing there

Ladybug: I'm confused on what he is doing

Suddenly he was strike from behind, but you dodged the attack in time and then you flip an invisible person out of the principals office, and it was psycho white 

Psycho White: impossible gave me away

Stormy weather: you weren't that quiet

Ladybug: I knew it. The cycle ranges are here.

Cat noir: and it's only two of them this time psychos silver shows up

Psycho silver: we need that ladybug miraculous. Thank you.

Howler: you need to find this monster and it's prisoners will buy you some time

Cat noir: OK, please don't get killed

Stormy weather: you ready

Howler: always

Ladybug: everybody stay together and follow us right behind us

cat noir and ladybug ran to find the monster, but sooner or later you and stormy, whether we're brawling with the psycho Rangers

With Horrificator

She was in the basement and she put Max in a cocoon. She ruled at him, and then she grew bigger because Max was scared.

Hawk Moth: absorb their fear Horrificator feed on it it'll give you strength and soon enough it'll give me strength

Back to the fight

You guys were still going all out with the psycho Rangers, while the students were still looking for Kim and Max, along with ladybug and cat noir but Chloe stopped Sabrina in her tracks

Chloe: we are way better off our own, then sticking with the others why would we stay with the others when we can just hide on our own?

Sabrina: Chloe, may I remind you that the psycho Rangers are right there

Psycho silver: you will stay out of our way

You and psycho silver were trading blows

Stormy weather: try this on for size

Stormy weather uses her umbrella to blow psycho, white across the schoolyard

Psycho white: bring it little girl

Stormy weather: don't call me little

Stormy weather and psycho, white clashed 

With Ladybug and cat noir

Cat noir: does anybody recognize this shoe?

Nino: that's Adrianette's shoe

Ladybug: that's weird there's no pink slime here

Nathaniel: yes, there is

Suddenly he was graded by a pink tentacle and out came Horrificator

Ladybug: everybody run

Everybody ran out the classroom, except for Juleka

Juleka: awesome😃

Horrificator Roord at Juleka

Juleka: so awesome😃

Horrificator spit a pink slime, but ladybug grabbed Juleka Before the slime even hit her

Cat noir: Ew gross. What's your name drool later?

Horrificator was spitting up, slime at cat noir, but she defended herself

Cat noir: cats are not afraid of pest like you

Ladybug grabbed Nino

Ladybug: we better find where the Akuma is hiding

Cat noir: what about howler and stormy weather?

Nino: we should get a video shot at them

Ladybug: hey, this is way too important we need to stay safe let the professionals handle this.

Back with you and stormy weather

Psycho white: are you done with your foolish defiance?

Psycho send you flying up the stairs

Stormy weather: we need to finish this fast

Psycho silver: I agree

Psycho silver was bending metal and then he trapped stormy weather in a metal ball

Howler: howling moon

You used your super ability and then you unbend the metal

Psycho silver: show off

You and Psycho silver we're going at it again but suddenly Horrificator and ladybug and cat noir came down from the stairs

Stormy weather: looks like you guys are ready to join the party

Cat noir: use Psycho rangers are done

Psycho white: in your dreams now take this final blizzard

Stormy weather: you are not the only one who can control a storm

Stormy weather and psycho white use their powers to the max but Horrificator Didn't have time to react because both superpowered Hero and villain was using their powers to their max

Ladybug: guys you need to stop you're gonna blow up the whole school with everyone in it

Psycho white: this ends now

Stormy weather: stay down

Both of them uses their attacks against each other causing an explosion when the smoke cleared, the students were nowhere to be found

Ladybug: oh, no where the students! Didn't know how to control her powers

Stormy weather: I'm sorry ladybug

Suddenly  you were calling ladybug

Ladybug (phone): howler where are you?

Howler(phone): I'm in the boiler room with the other students and I'm not alone. Kim and Max are in here too. As well as Chloe and Sabrina.

Chloe: get me out of here

Howler(phone): I just noticed something from the explosion before that Horrificator has a pin on her head

Ladybug:(phone): pin that's Ivan's pin that means Ivan must've gave it to Mylene And the Akuma must be in there and I have a good idea how we are going to defeat her

Ladybug hangs up

Ladybug: cat noir, follow me to the boiler room I have a plan

Psycho white: give me your miraculous this instant

Hawk, moth: the Psycho Rangers are becoming a problem but I'll deal with them in the near future and what are you waiting for? Horrificator Get up and give me their miraculous

Horrificator: gets up

Stormy weather: ladybug, cat noir go get this villain I'll buy you some

Psycho silver: get out of our way if you know what's good for you

Stormy weather: I do know what's good for me freeze

Stormy weather uses her powers to freeze both psycho rangers

Stormy weather: that's more like it now almighty thunderclap

She used a move, called Almighty thunderclap. It hits them dead on, and then they got destroyed.

Psycho red: impossible!

Psycho blue: white and silver destroyed that easily they are the best fighters on our team

Ladybug and cat noir were fighting Horrificator in the boiler room

Ladybug: lucky charm

Howler: thunder strike

You Use thunder strike at Horrificator but it didn't phase her as she punches you across the room, and then ladybug uses her lucky charm, and it was guitar strings

Ladybug: strings are you kidding me

Howler: ladybug concentrate

She uses her yo-yo to bring a cart full of objects while you and cat noir were battling Horrificator to buy ladybug some time

But suddenly random lightning and thunder were strike at Horrificator

Cat noir: that's it Enough Is Enough cataclysm

Cat noir uses her ability and then she destroyed the pipes keeping Horrificator in place

Ladybug: OK everyone we are all going to sing

Stormy weather: this is not the time for this ladybug

Howler: trust me, she has a plan

Cat noir: The only way we can get through this is getting your fear under control

Ladybug: you all know, smelly wolf, right?

Howler: seriously

Ladybug: no offense howler


Stormy weather: seriously, smelly wolf

Ladybug: care to join us, Mrs. storm

Stormy weather: yes

Ladybug: OK, everyone 1234

All of you were singing smelly Wolf, but you were not enjoying this as for Horrificator she was shrinking because she had no fear to feast on because everybody was being brave

Ivan: that's the same button I gave Mylene

Howler: dude that is Mylene

Ladybug, wraps, the button and crushes it

Ladybug: no more evil doing for you little Akuma time to De-Evilize gotcha

She transformed the Akuma back into a butterfly

Ladybug: miraculous ladybug

She turned everything back to normal

Cat noir ladybug Howler: pounded

Mylene turn back to normal

Nino: awesome

Hawk, moth: you don't scare me ladybug I will destroy you somehow someday I will destroy you.

With the psycho Rangers

Psycho red: psycho, white, and silver failed. They both failed!

Psycho, yellow: maybe it should've been all of us that went into the school

Psycho red: no next time we will succeed just wait this is not over

In the mayors office

Nina was showing the film to the mayor

Nino: so what do you think Mr. Mayor? It's off the hook, right?

He was thinking about it

Outside the mayors office

Nino: he saw the movie didn't make the cut he said the monster was horrible replica completely unbelievable no joke

Adrienette: don't worry, bud this is how all Director good movies start out

Aurore: one day the movie will be a good hit. Not now just maybe someday.

Michael: sorry the movie didn't turn out well

Marinette: this isn't your fault

Ayla: yeah, even though the final kiss wasn't what we thought it was

Michael: by the way, Marinette, you did great even though I wasn't here you pulled everyone together. It was a little rocky at the start. You are a great leader.

Marinette smiles at you

To be Continued

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