One-Punch Man: Reincarnated a...

By Jaggernuts28

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A young man named Takashi Kamihitotsu, he's a 27 year old man who just got fired from his rude boss for screw... More

Chapter 0
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 (Season Finale)
Epilogue Chapter
Relabeled Season.

Chapter 5

435 19 20
By Jaggernuts28

Note from The Author: Hey guys, I'm just gonna put a backstory of Endless Phantom since I was planning him to tell his backstory to Saitama while they were fighting in the Phantom Null Dimension. If you guys are asking 'why'? I'm just letting you guys know how Endless Phantom got created in the House of Evolution. I mean, we don't want a random cool looking villain that has no backstory, people might think he was just there with no backstory. Well anyways, here's his backstory on how he got into the House of Evolution.


Backstory of
Endless Phantom.

In the days before Endless Phantom's rebirth in the House of Evolution, he was known as Ryo Takahashi, a skilled illusionist seeking to push the boundaries of his abilities. Ryo's fascination with the supernatural led him to delve into forbidden arts, stumbling upon an ancient artifact with mysterious powers.

Driven by a thirst for unparalleled strength, Ryo conducted a forbidden ritual, unknowingly binding his essence with dark energies. The ritual went awry, and Ryo was consumed by the very illusions he sought to control. His existence became fragmented, scattered across dimensions, leaving behind a mere phantom of his former self.

Caught in the twisted weave of reality, Ryo's fragmented consciousness found its way to the House of Evolution, where the enigmatic Dr. Genus sought to experiment with the boundaries of life and death. Intrigued by Ryo's shattered essence, Dr. Genus embarked on a radical experiment to reconstruct him, fusing advanced technology with the remnants of mystical energies.

The result was Endless Phantom, a being with the ability to manipulate reality itself, creating illusions that could deceive even the most powerful adversaries. Reborn in the House of Evolution, Endless Phantom embraced his newfound powers and became a formidable force, destined to leave an indelible mark on the world of One-Punch-Man.

End of Backstory.


Note from the Author: I hope you were fascinated by his backstory! If not, just be honest, I don't really care. Anyways, onto the chapter!

Disclaimer: One-Punch-Man characters belonged to ONE.





Chapter 5:
The Heroine Athlete and The Mysterious Bug Woman.

The 6th Official Superhero Certification Exam Center.

Saitama was at a training center where he's going to test his strength and abilities, so he can be an official hero.

Saitama, right now, was about to do the next test while a bunch of ripped candidates with weird cosmetics were laughing at him for being bald and looking like a simple weak dude.

"Next! Side-to-side jumps for 30 secs! Start!" Said a worker as Saitama moves from jumps left to right at high speed, with a serious look.

Then later, Saitama was at his next test. It was about testing agility.

"Next!" Said the worker as Saitama suddenly vanishes. "1500km run!" The worker continued what he said as Saitama reaches the finish line instantly.

Later next, testing strength.

"Weight lifting!" Said the worker as Saitama lifts up a dumbbell with 18 very heavy weights.

Later next, and final, testing vertical jumps.

"Squat jumps!" Said the worker as Saitama jumps super high and reaches the ceiling, where he was dangling.

Meanwhile, with the other candidates, they were flabbergasted, while some of them left.

At the locker room.

"Whew... Done with tests. All I can do now is wait for the results." Said Saitama while he was completely naked, showing his abs and muscles underneath his hero suit when wearing, while only wearing a black exercise underwear with the name 'Saitama' on it.

Then Genos walked up to his Teacher, where he was also completely naked, except his whole body was robotic.

"Hey, you done too?" Saitama asked.

"Yes." Genos replied.

"How did it go?" Saitama asked.

"Both the written and the fitness test were a walk in the park." Genos replied.

"Tell me about it! It's too easy for a superhero exam." Saitama replied. "Seems like the results will be out soon. You need 70 points to pass." He said.

"Well, the written test is too easy to be called a test, so let's just assume we got full points there. That means, the fitness test is the deciding one, but for us, it shouldn't be posed a problem." Genos replied with a confident smile.

At the Hero Association HQ.

All of the executives were having a meeting about Saitama's, who finally signed the hero certificate paper, results at the Superhero Certification Exam Center.

"His fitness test score was perfect, but his written one, well..." Said Sitch with a sweat.

"He may be not that intelligent, but his strength is... I don't know how to describe it, but he is super strong." Said Naomi while looking at a paper that Saitama's results of the written and fitness exams.

"Yes, but that's the problem, we can't have an irresponsible S-Class hero to be on the top 10 ranked heroes. If he can't do what a Class-S hero does, he can't be on rank 1 or 2." Busho replied.

"So what? What rank will we put him?" Naomi asked.

"Hmm... Maybe for now, he'll be on C-Class." Busho replied while most of the executives were surprised, including Naomi.

"Are you serious? A powerhouse at Class-C?" Asked one of the other executives.

"Yes, his strength may be Class-S, but his responsibility of a hero, cannot be Class-S. Only Class-S heroes are responsible, and justice throughout the cities." Busho replied.

"Hmm... Maybe you're right, we might have to put him in Class-C." Naomi replied.

"So that settles it, who agrees?" Jinzuren asked as the other executives think about, then they all nodded at each other and agreed.

"Then it's final, put him in Class-C rank 339." Sitch ordered.

Back at the Superhero Certification Exam Center.

Saitama passed the exams, and got a score of 71 points as a Class-C rank 339. Meanwhile with Genos, he got a perfect score as a Class-S rank 17.

'I knew this will happen. Oh well, I don't really care anymore as Saitama.' Saitama thought and sighed. 'But as long as I am a hero, I'll still help people like Saitama does.' He thought with a small smile. "Oh yeah, by the way, Genos, do you know where the bathroom is around here?" He asked as Genos was about answer his question, somebody instead answered his question.

"I know where there is one." Said a female voice interrupted them, as the female shows herself while greeting them with a wave.

"Uhhh... Who are you?" Saitama asked.

"Allow to introduce myself, I am Captain Mizuki, Class-B rank 71. Nice to meet you, Mr. Bald man with a Cape." Said the random female who looked like an athlete.


'... Why does that... OOOOOH! I remember her! She's from the Monster Association Arc! Man, it's been a while since I've read the Monster Association Arc of One-Punch-Man manga.' Saitama thought with a surprise look. "Well, nice to meet you too. Also, what are you doing here? This is the men's locker room." He replied.

"Oh yeah, sorry, I wanted to finally meet the Bald man with a Cape himself! I heard you can take down monsters by one punching them!" She replied.

"Oh? Am I that popular?" He asked, a little proud and excited that he was finally popular, as Saitama.

"Well... not that popular, but you are, kind of." She replied as Saitama deadpanned in disappointment.

"But, there some people are fan of yours, and I'm one of them! I always wanted to be stronger! Crushing monsters by using strength and power!" She said.

"So... Are you here to say you want me to train you?" Saitama asked.

"Well, actually, yes, I am, so please be my Teacher!" She begged, as Saitama and Genos were surprised by this.

"Uhmm..." Saitama hummed as be thinked about it. 'Should I...? I mean, I already have Genos as my Disciple, but... Fine, maybe I can handle more Disciples, I think. Let's just let fate decide.' He thought. "*Sigh* If you want, fine, I'll train you too." He said as it made Mizuki happy, but at the same time, confused.

"'too'? Who is your second disciple?" She asked.

"I am." Genos replied as she was surprised.

"Really? I didn't know, sorry for not noticing you." She apologize.

"Do not worry, I am Genos, a cyborg for justice. I'm fine that Teacher accepts you as his second Disciple." Genos replied.

"I see, well, nice to meet you too. Also, I almost forgot, the bathroom, right?" She asked.

"Yeah, I really need to go. I've been holding it while I also forgot that I really needed to go to the bathroom." Saitama replied.

"Well, follow me, I'll show you the way, Teacher." She happily said.

"Genos, stay here, I'm gonna go for a jingle." He said as he follows Mizuki to the bathrooms.

"Yes, Teacher." Said Genos while he bowed down unnecessarily.

Few Minutes Later.

"Ahh, much better, thanks, uhh..." Said Saitama, as he doesn't know what to call her instead of Mizuki, it'll be disrespectful.

"Hehe, don't worry, just call me Mizuki, you don't have to call me Captain since I'm a fan of yours." Mizuki replied with a smile.

"Oh, okay, well, thanks Mizuki for showing me where the bathroom is." Saitama replied with a smile as well.

"You're welcome, Teacher." She replied.

"Well anyway, gotta go back to Genos, cya." He said, while he waved goodbye as he started walking away.

"Oh wait! Before you go, may I ask where you live? Y'know, I could come over so I can get ready for training." Mizuki asked.

"Sure, I live in an abandoned private apartment at City-Z, Ghost Town." Saitama replied as she gets surprised by this.

"A-Are you serious?" She asked.

"Yeah." Saitama replied simply.

"Y-You know that the Ghost Town is dangerous, right?" She asked with a sweat drop.

"Not really, I mean, I haven't seen a monster in the Ghost Town, maybe they're just scared that I live there." He replied.

"Oh, I guess that makes sense. Oh wait, last questions, what's your real name? I know Bald man with a Cape isn't really your name. Just asking." She said.

"Saitama, Saitama Kamihitotsu." He replied saying his full name.

"I'll look forward to our future training, Teacher Saitama! Cya!" She said as she waved goodbye and starts walking away.

"Yeah, see ya too." Saitama waved back as he walked away, going back to Genos.

Time Skip,
At Saitama's apartment.

He was just chilling in his room while reading manga until his doorbell rang.

'Genos? He's back already?' Saitama thought as he stands up and walks over to his front door.

He opened the door and saw a random woman just standing awkwardly. She was wearing a black T-shirt and brown short, while her eyes were yellow. She also looked nervous.

"... Uhh-" Saitama was about to say something until the lady got startled.

"P-Please don't kill me! I'm no longer killing people for blood! Just don't punch me!" She panicked as Saitama got surprised by this.

Few Minutes Later.

Saitama and the mysterious woman whom looked like she was cosplaying a mosquito.

"Here, have some green tea to calm you down." Said Saitama as he gave a cup of green tea to the mysterious woman.

"Thank you..." She nervously appreciated as she drinks the green tea.

"So who are you?" He asked as the woman finishes her sip of green tea.

"You don't remember me?" She asked while sounding a little surprised.

"No, I've never seen you in my life, ever." He replied.

"But, we literally fought!" She said.

"Huh, we fought? Are you strong or something?" He asked as her eyes widened.

"Are you serious!? It's me! Mosquito Girl! Remember?" She said in disbelief.

'Mosquito Girl...? Wait a minute... Why does that also sound familiar... Wait... Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait... Ahh! I remember her now! She's Mosquito Girl! I remember her from the manga as well! How could I forget her as well? Now that I remember her, she also came back in chapter 190 of the manga.' Saitama thought while she was still waiting for him to remember her. "I remember you now, you were that monster who I almost punched." He said as her nervousness comes back when he almost one punched her. "Wait, why do you look more human than before?" He asked, while in a confused look.

"Oh, you noticed, well, after you sent me away, I woke up in a forest, while the blood from my previous victims were spread everywhere. I assumed I hit one of the tree branches and it exploded everywhere, and because of that, it made me human again. I was happy when I was finally back to be human." Mosquito Girl explained, while she was looking at her human hands, while in a happy expression, then to a sad expression.

"Oh... well... at least I was able to help you to turn into a human again, but I still felt bad for almost punching you in the face last time, so sorry about that." He said while scratching the back of his bald head as she was surprised by what be said.

"R-Really? But, I was trying to kill you." Mosquito Girl nervously asked.

"Yeah, that's true, but when I saw your face, you were in fear. I can tell that you're not really that bad, I guess you forced to kill people since you were part of the House of Evolution." He replied.

"... Yeah, that's true, I did get forced." She said while she's remembering when Genus sent her a mission to kill anyone in City-Z for testing her abilities, or else he might get rid of her.

"Well anyways, I'm glad you survived, I'm sorry again though." He said whike scratching the back of his head.

"Oh, d-don't worry, it's fine now." She said with a sweat drop on her head while still being nervous.

"Look, you don't have to be nervous anymore, I'm not gonna kill you or anything." He said while it made her surprised.

"O-oh, yeah, sorry, hehe... I don't know what to do now after the House of Evolution was gone, and I also regret killing people for blood... I know I looked evil when I was killing people, but I was still doing it for Genus." She replied, while in a sad tone now.

"*Sigh* Hey, sometimes, you gotta do what you gonna do for survival. Yeah, I know that killing people is bad, and you know you were forced, but now, since you're free, you won't do it again, right?" He asked.

"Yeah... Also, where is the cyborg? I know you two are working together, I hope he doesn't kill me for trying to destroy him..." She nervously asked.

"Don't worry, If he sees you, I'll talk to him." He replied with a smile.

"Thank you..." She thanked him with a small smile.

Then suddenly, the doorbell rang again as a voice shouted.

"Teacher!" Said a familiar voice.

"Oh great, he's here." Said Saitama as Mosquito Girl gets scared.

"P-Please, tell him that I'm no longer the monster I was before!" She said with a scared tone.

"Don't worry, I will, just stay here." He said as he stands up and goes towards the front door.

To be continued...

Note from the Author: Well, at least this one was a little longer than the last one, but it's still pretty short, sorry again. The next chapter will be 5000+ words again, but maybe after that, it will be 2000+ words again since I'll be pretty busy at school. I still hope you guys liked this one like the other last two chapters, even though they're short. See you on the next one!

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