Itafushi One-shots ♡

By Ilovekny17

4.3K 92 84

/PAUSED/ Just a bunch off stuff I've been thinking about :3 This book does not contain any smut! Yuji ⬆️ Me... More

Sunflower ♡
Sunflower Pt. 2
Highschool AU ♡
I fucking found themmmm
Yandere AU :3
Yandere AU Pt. 2 :3
You? A girl? Pt.1
Paused :(

The case of Fushiguro Megumi

288 8 6
By Ilovekny17


4 years ago, a boy named Megumi Fushiguro went missing. The police declared him as dead and closed the case. But detective Itadori Yuji isn't so sure. How could someone possibly keep a body hidden for so long?


„Oi, Yuji!", a orange-haired girl shouted, „anything new?"

„No. Nothing", the pinkette sighed.

„Well guess what I've found out. I've contacted the police, and they handed me this", Kugisaki said as she handed him a folder. „This is a very important file of Fushiguro Megumi's father, it also contains the transcript of the interview", she pointed out.

„Oh? Let me see", Itadori carefully opened the folder and started reading his information.

This is odd... his father left the house at the same time as his son went missing..., Yuji thought.

„Kugisaki, don't you think something's off with this man? I mean he left the house the same time as his son. The CCTV camera caught him driving into the woods."

„Kinda. He acted all chill in the interview, he wasn't worried or something. Or at least that's what the police said."

„Hm... wait... in this file, it says that he was arrested for drug dealing. So that means he would know how to... you know what I mean"

„It's kinda sad that a father would kill his own son, the question is, does he even have a motive to do so?"

„I don't know..."

„Let's just put him on our suspect list", Yuji said as he typed ,Toji fushiguro' into his laptop.

„I think that should be all for today. We should get some rest. Oh, Maki asked if we would want to hang out with her, Toge and Panda", Kugisaki said as he rested her head on the edge of his bed.

„Uh, I'm sorry, but I can't. I don't have time, I still have to-", he got cut off by Nobara placing her hand on his mouth. „No but's and if's. You're coming with me. You've been overworking yourself too much and I've had enough of it. You're to focused on the Fushiguro Megumi case. We're leaving now"


Nobara shushed him again and pulled him outside the house. She then dragged him to the bus station and they hopped into the bus. „Where are we going?", Yuji asked

„You ask to many questions"


As they got out of the bus, Maki waved at them. Nobara pulled Yuji with her and greeted Maki with an embracing hug. „Me, Toge and Panda prepared a picnic for us. Oh, and Yuji, you found out who the murderer or kidnapper is?", Maki asked.

„No", Yuji sighed

„Hey! What about me? I'm also helping!", Nobara whined.

Maki rolled her eyes and they went to sit down under a tree. As they began eating and talking, Yuji's thoughts went to somewhere else. Who could've possibly killed or kidnapped him? I bet that person was jealous of his beauty...

„Itadori! Earth on Itadori!", Maki shouted.

„He's probably to busy with his thoughts on the ,Megumi Fushiguro' case instead of spending time talking to US", Nobara rolled her eyes.

„Salmon", Toge agreed and Panda just nodded.

„Okay okay, what is it?"

„Let's play some games!", Nobara shouted excitedly.

As they were playing UNO, Yuji felt uncomfortable. Why is no one in the park? Why is it so quiet? Is someone watching us? Watching... me?

Just then, Yuji spotted someone, in the woods (the park is in the forest), with a dark hood, watching them.

„Guys,... I think someone is watching us", Yuji whispered as his gaze shifted to the figure in the woods. The person didn't seem to notice him looking at him. When Nobara turned around to look at that ,someone' Yuji mentioned, the figure started running away, off into the deep woods. Yuji couldn't hold it anymore, he stood up and started chasing after that person. „Yuji! Come back!", Nobara and Maki shouted, but Yuji did not listen. To his advantage, the person he was running after had a dark hood with an orange lining, so he was easy to spot. „HEY! YOU THERE! STOP RIGHT NOW!", Yuji shouted, but the person kept running. Good for Yuji is, that he has enough speed and stamina to keep up, and even to catch up with him. He sped up a bit and could nearly grab the persons arm. He finally caught up with him and grabbed his arm, yanked the person backwards, pressing him onto the floor. „Who are you and why were you watching us?", Yuji asked furiously. The person didn't answer, but he wanted to move, it seemed like he wanted to reach into his pockets. „Answer me!", Yuji shouted. Then, he grabbed the person's hood and took it off. Zen'in... Naoya?... Before Yuji could do anything, the person he pinned down pulled out a pocketknife and stabbed him in the leg. Yuji screamed up and immediately jumped back. Before the person could do anything else, Nobara, Maki, Toge and Panda showed up. The person saw them and started running away. Toge and Maki kept following that person, while Nobara and Panda stayed with Yuji and treated his leg.

„Are you okay?", Nobara asked. Yuji nodded. Panda handed Nobara a band aid.

„That person... it was Zen'in Naoya..."

„Huh? You mean Zen'in killed Fushiguro Megumi?", Panda asked surprised.

„I believe, I mean Yuji and I believe that he got kidnapped", Nobara said as she concentrated on bandaging Yuji's leg.

„We have to go after him!"

„No. You're injured. You need to rest. Maki, Toge and I are going to take care. We'll also call the police. Panda will bring you home"

„I want to come with you! It was me who started this, so it should also be me who ends this! I don't want any of you getting in danger because of me"
„Okay, fine"

Nobara pulled out her phone and started calling Maki.
„Nobara...", they hear Maki say through the phone, „we've followed this person and we're currently deep in the forest, at an old house. I'll send you our location"


Then, Nobara switched to messages and opened the link with Maki's and Toge's location.

„Wow, they've chased him real far...", Yuji said as he took a glance at Nobara's phone.

„Okay, let's go", Panda said and the three of them began walking torwards that location

Suddenly, Yuji received a call from Toge. „Salmon Roe! Mustard Leaf, Tuna Mayo. (I need you to come over right now! I just heard a sound and then Maki disappeared, hurry.)"

„Shit", Yuji sweared under his breath. „Okay, we're coming. Be careful, Inumaki", Yuji said and ended the call. The three of them started running to the destination Maki had sent them. Shit. Because of me, everyone is in danger. Maybe it's better to call the police- no. Yuji, you're a detective. That's your job and you've already came this far. It was a bit hard for Yuji to run, since he got stabbed in the leg but he ignored the pain. The most important thing is to get Maki back. And maybe even Fushiguro Megumi. When they arrived, they hid behind a bush. The house was old and shabby, the best place to dispose a body, or even keep a living person in there. All the windows were covered by pastel blue curtains and closed. „Where's Toge?", Nobara whispered. „I don't know", Yuji answered. They tried to call him, but he didn't pick up. „Shit", Nobara sweared. „Shh, not so loud he could hear us", Panda whispered. „I bet he keeps them inside. Let's try to break inside", Yuji said. „Are you nuts? He, a cold blooded murderer is right in there!", Nobara whisper-screamed. „Best thing is to call the police.", Panda suggested. „Why don't we split up? Nobara, Panda, you go this way, I go the other way", he pointed at the right side of the house. „Find a way to break in. Panda, you try to contact the police meanwhile. I'm going on my own", Yuji said with all his courage. „But Yuji, you're injured and it's very dangerous!", Nobara said with a worried face. „I'm fine", Yuji said and walked to the other direction. „I'm counting on you"

As Yuji walked along the wall, he noticed something. Is that... blood? The trail led all the way to the yard at the back of the house. The blood trail stopped by a bush. Yuji's hands trembled as he pushed the leaves . Maki? Toge?... Right in front of him, laid unconscious Maki and Toge. They both bled at their head, probably got hit there.

„Yuji! Are you okay?", Nobara and Panda came running over.

„Yeah I am, but they're not"

„Oh my god! Maki! Toge!", Nobara gasped as she saw them. „Panda call an ambulance!", Nobara shouted as she carefully carried Maki in her arms. Panda went to get Toge. „You two leave, I'm staying here. I will go get Fushiguro Megumi", Yuji demanded. Nobara and Panda exchanged worried looks but eventually nodded. „Okay. Good luck and be careful", Nobara said as she and Panda started walking off. „Phew, you got this Yuji", Yuji said to himself as he reached to the doorknob of the entrance.

It's unlocked?... How weird... The police should be here soon... He carefully walked into the house. It was decorated with paintings and flowers, the room had many lamps so it would be enough bright in the house. It looked cozy in here. Suddenly, he felt someone put a bag over his head, trying to choke him, but Yuji had enough strength to push the person off. He took the bag off his head and tried to clear his vision. „Do you remember me, Yuji?", the person said. Zen'in Naoya... „What did you want from Fushiguro?", Yuji asked furiously.

„Oh, wanted to kill him, but then I thought I could have some fun with him. Never thought I was gonna get arrested for that", Naoya said while rolling his eyes.

„You monster!"

„Oh me? Wasn't it you who brought your friends in danger?"

Before the two could continue, they got interrupted by a voice.

„What is going on?"

Yuji was shocked. Shocked by the person in front of him. It was Fushiguro Megumi. „Naoya-san, what is happening? I heard someone shout and I was scared. Are you okay? And who is he?", Megumi said with an innocent voice. Yuji was too stunned to speak. „Megumi-chan, didn't I tell you to go to sleep?", Naoya said. Yuji's expression changed from shock to disgust.

„I can't. It's afternoon, and I wanted to continue reading my book, until I heard someone shout"

„Anyways, you can go back upstairs again"

„No. I want to know who he is", Megumi said as he pointed at Yuji.

„Oh uhm. My name is Yuji, Itadori Yuji. Written with the tiger kanji", Yuji said.

„Uh, well my name is Megumi Fushiguro. My name means blessing", Megumi smiled.

H-he smiled? Oh my god he's so... cute! He looks even prettier in real life than on newspaper, Yuji thought. Naoya rolled his eyes.

Soon, the police came over and took Naoya with them. „Why are they taking them away?", Megumi asked. „Oh, because he's a bad man", answered Yuji. „But he was always so kind to me, he brought me food and he spent a lot of time with me, so I wouldn't feel lonely. I never got to leave the house so he was my only friend", Megumi looked at Yuji.

What happened to him? Did Naoya wash his brain?

Suddenly, Yuji's vision began to blur. Was it because of the blood loss of his stab wound? He leaned into Megumi's body, trying to support him. „Yuji!", he heard him shout. He smiled and before he knew it he passed out.

In the hospital —

Yuji woke up to the bright lights, shining through the windows. He sat himself up and looked around. Was he in a hospital? He looked at his bed and found Megumi laying there, asleep. God he's cute...

Megumi wore a black sweater with a small white dog printed onto it. Next to him was a small package, with a red bow on it. A present?, Yuji thought. He leaned forward to see Megumi's face. He admired his features, until Megumi's eyes slowly opened. Yuji quickly leaned back.

„Oh, you're awake?"


„How are you feeling?"

„Better than before"

„Here, this is for you. I wanted to give you this as a thank", Megumi said as he handed the package over to Yuji, „Go on, open it"
Yuji carefully opened it and looked at it. It was a white sweater with a black dog on it, simular to Megumi's sweater. „Now we match", Megumi said with a weak smile. He seemed... sad.

„Thank you Fushiguro", Yuji smiled back, „Why though?". Megumi didn't reply.

„You okay?", Yuji asked.

„Yeah, I guess. It's just so weird, being outside. I only remember the time I spent with Naoya. The doctor's say that I lost my memory, and the police told me that I was kidnapped and kept in Naoya's house. I'm just a little bit shocked"

„I understand"

„Thank you for freeing me", Megumi smiled, „Now I just have to regain my memory. One thing I will never forget is you"

A blush crept on Yuji's face. What he heard from Megumi's friends, is that Megumi is coldhearted and stubborn. He was also a very serious and thoughtful person. This Megumi was the complete opposite. „I have to leave now, my sister is waiting for me. Get better soon", Megumi said as he opened the door. He mumbled a small ,thank you' when he closed the door behind him. Yuji was stunned. He didn't bring a word out of him. He then hid his face in the sweater, hiding his red face.

With Megumi —

That guy was really nice, Megumi thought. Suddenly, he heard someone shout his name.

„Megumi! Megumi!"

He turned around to see who it was; it was a girl with her hair tied up to a ponytail. She ran up to him and hugged him. „Do you remember me?", she asked him carefully. He shook his in response. „I guess you're my elder sister, right?", he looked at her. She nodded with teary eyes and continued to hug him. He patted her head and they continued to stay in that position. Suddenly, a door opened and pink hair peeked out of it. It was Yuji, still in his hospital clothes, looking at them. Yuji slowly walked over to them. „Hello, I am Yuji, the detective who solved the case with your brother", he said while stretching his hand out. „I'm Tsumiki, Megumi's older sister. It's an honor to meet you. Thank you very much for bringing him back. You don't know how grateful I am", she smiled as she shook his hand. „I'm sorry to see you in this state", Tsumiki said. „Ah, it's okay. Normal stuff you experience as a detective", Yuji shrugged it off,

„I'm glad to see you two united"

„I'm glad too"

Megumi stood there and watched them in silence. He was trying to recall his memories. He sees a silhouette of two people standing in front of him. One was clear now, it was his sister. But who is the other one? It seemed like a tall man. He tried to remember who his friends were. He heard the police say that he hit his head and lost his memory, after getting kidnapped by Naoya. Yuji and Tsumiki continued talking for a while, until Tsumiki said goodbye to him and took Megumi with her.

After a few months —

Megumi started to remember most of his lost memories. He also helped Yuji with his difficult cases. Good thing is that Megumi is pretty smart and helped Yuji a lot, as a thank. Megumi slowly started to get to his cold and stoic personality, but Yuji didn't care much. The two of them began to grow closer and secretly had feelings for each other. Megumi made lots of new friends and remembered his older friends. Thanks to Yuji, he was finally free, after 4 years...

Wtf 2628 words I didn't expect it to be this long 💀 

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