Skyline Gang One Shots and Sh...

By GeminiAmethyst

586 18 40

This is just a collection of one shot and short stories of the Skyline Gang. Some are based on my own head ca... More

Headcannons Part 2
Headcannons part 3 because I'm dealing with writers block right now
Promise Kept
Fears: Misty
Fears: Rainbow
Fears: Bud
Fears: Candi
Fears: Pip
Fears: Mimi
Fears: Sprout
Fears: Summary
Random idea.


33 1 2
By GeminiAmethyst

Minor spoiler alert for my first Skyline Gang fanfic. There is also a trigger warning for implications of emotional and verbal abuse.

Sprout didn't have the best relationship with his dad. He got ignored at best, and berated at worst. He was never physically abused, but harsh words are more painful than any knife in the world. His dad was the ringleader of a circus. So every time Sprout faced any wrath from his dad, he just put it down to stress of running a business. That's what he always thought while growing up. At least the other circus folk pretty much looked out for him. They'd let him watch as they rehearsed and even allowed him to learn from them, especially the clowns and magician.

He missed them a lot.

Since being in the Skyline, Sprout's dad made no effort to reach out to him. Nonetheless, Sprout kept trying to contact his dad, even begging him to tell the others in the circus about how he was doing. He didn't have their numbers, but that wasn't his fault. He'd tell his dad about his adventures with the Gang and their shows. He took so many pictures during a week, that they rivalled how many selfies Mimi would take on a daily basis. He always sent the best ones to his dad at every chance he got. His messages weren't responded to at best, left unread at worst. At least his dad was seeing some of them. That had to be something to hope for, right?

Today wasn't any different. Or at least it shouldn't have been. A few minutes after Sprout sent his latest batch of photos, his phone suddenly pinged. It shocked him so much that his whole deck of cards went flying. He didn't think to pick them up. His phone was in his hand faster than lightning. The message came from his dad! Finally! After months of living in the Skyline, he finally heard back from his dad! This was the best thing ever!

That is until he read the message...

You worthless pest!

You're more pathetic than you were before. If you think that flaunting these "shows" and "friends" of yours to me will gain any respect, you're wrong! If you do find your way home, which you won't, don't bother looking for the circus. There's no place for you here. You're not my son. You haven't been since your mother left us. Don't contact me again!

The world suddenly came crashing down around Sprout. He knew that his dad didn't like him. The last face to face that they had was a fine example of that. But this? Why did his dad hate him so much? What did he ever do to make his dad hate him? Sprout's body became numb, his phone slipped from his grasp. He doesn't remember sitting on the ground, back against the bed. He didn't cry or scream or shout. He just sat there, devoid of everything around him.

What was he going to do now?

"Sprout! Kettle's just boiled! Do you want anything?" Candi's voice called out. Sprout didn't respond. How could he? He was just thrown away. How could he have a drink at a time like this? Disappear. Just vanish. Disconnect from everything.

Candi waited for Sprout to accept her offer. He always does. He always comes to the stairs, cracking a new joke about hot beverages every time. This time, there was no joke, laugh or smile. Sprout didn't come to her like always. It led her going to his room. She suspected that maybe he was taking a nap. He was a heavy sleeper after all. However, when Candi approached Sprout's room, he wasn't sleeping. Or doing anything at all for that matter. He just sat there, surrounded by a scattered deck of cards. His phone wasn't too far away from him. His face was unreadable. He was slumped over, staring at nothing. Something felt horribly wrong.

"Sprout? Are you okay?" Candi asked, unsure if she should enter the room or not. Sprout seemed to have heard her that time. He slowly looked up at her. His face changed a little. Candi didn't know how to react right now. She had never seen Sprout like this. He just looked lost and broken. His thoughts must have been too murky to comprehend anything, as all he did was stare at Candi for quite a long time. After that time, Sprout looked away from her, dragging his knees to his chest.

"I'm fine..." he whispered. Candi's lips pressed into a thin line. She knows when Sprout was okay. She considered him her best friend, even a brother. She recognised when he is okay and when he isn't. So why was he lying?

"Is everything okay?" Dude suddenly asked, appearing at the doorway. He was downstairs the entire time, and felt like something was wrong, just like Candi. Sprout held himself tighter at his voice, almost like he was trying to hide.

"Dude, forgive me if I'm rude, but could you give us a minute?" Candi requested. Dude took one look at her, and then back at Sprout. Chalking up to his own experience, he knew that the less people Sprout had around him, the more comfortable he'll be. Plus, considering how close he and Candi are, she has a better chance of getting the jokester to open up.

"Sure thing. Give a shout if you need anything." Dude agreed, grabbing the door handle.

"Thank you." Candi smiled a little. Dude smiled back, giving her more confidence. He gently closed the door with a quiet click. Candi was left alone with Sprout again, which was probably for the best. She took another step towards him. "Sproutie? It's only me now. You can talk to me. Please tell me what's wrong?" Sprout once again stared at Candi, still lost. He rocked back and forth a little. It scared Candi a little bit. It was like when Bud was stressing out from his autism. Sprout never said that he was diagnosed with it, but there could still be a possibility that he might be autistic. However, Candi suspected that it might not be the case this time. She stood still and waited patiently. Sprout meanwhile stared down at the ground, as if he didn't know what to do. The room remained silent for an untold amount of time.

"My dad...he..." Sprout finally spoke. His tongue suddenly got tied in a seemingly impossible knot. Candi didn't know Sprout's dad personally, but she knew that there was tension between them. Nonetheless, she could tell that Sprout wanted to say more but something was stopping him.

"Take your time." Candi gently encouraged, taking a silent step forward. Sprout curled up even tighter, shoulders hunched up almost too high. He worked hard to get his tongue untied. This thing was eating him up rapidly. If he didn't say anything, he'll be devoured in seconds. The side that didn't want him to say anything was the cause of it. This was Candi, his best friend. He can tell her, right?

"He disowned me..." his tongue finally allowed him to say. If the room felt heavy before, it felt heavier than lead now. Just saying that should've made the weight easier. So why was there this thing that wouldn't go away? What even was it?

"Oh Sprout. I'm so sorry." Candi spoke softly, kneeling beside Sprout. She didn't get too close, giving him a chance to back away if he wanted to. She honestly didn't know what else to say. She had never been in a situation like, this with a friend before. She knew that Sprout's dad didn't like him from what Sprout had recounted once before. But to disown him? That was just too cruel. Wasn't there someone-anyone-else? "What about your mum?"

"Died when I was little." Sprout sniffed, eyes pricking painfully. Just being reminded of the main reason why he hasted hospitals was enough to almost make him break. "My dad was the only family I had. Well, blood related I mean. The other circus folks treated me like one of their own since my mum died. But Dad would always delete their numbers off my phone and I can never remember them. I have no way to contact them."

Finally the floodgates opened. Sprout's eyes let out rivers and his breath hitched with every one he took. He didn't realise it at first, but it was finally clear to him. The isolation that he suffered from was all orchestrated by his dad. He interacted face to face with everyone, but after that, he never contacted him through his phone. His dad controlled that so sadistically that it was scary. All the words that he'd hear just wore him down like an animal that was beaten over and over. His self esteem was in shambles. He was even practically blamed for what happened to his mum. He was little at the time. It was out of his control. With how his life was, he wondered if his dad planned to disown him for a long time. Candi immediately wrapped her arms around Sprout as he wept. She didn't care about the amount of tears, mucus and make up that was on her shoulder. Clothes can be washed or replaced. Friends, true friends, can't. Sprout needed all the comfort that he needs. She had no idea that he was truly alone in the circus. And judging by his emotions, Sprout probably didn't realise either until now. To grow up surrounded by so many people, but to be so lonely. Candi couldn't think of anything more heartbreaking.

"I might as well stay here for the rest of my life when you all find a way home." Sprout sobbed, just barely being able to speak.

"No!" Candi declared, a spark ignited in her. Her voice caused Sprout to jump back in shock, breaking apart the hug. "You'll be coming home with me and Misty!"

"But I-" Sprout started.

"No buts! You are coming back with me!" Candi continued becoming more determined. "My parents will love you! They've already accepted Misty, so they'll accept you too! You're my brother now! No ifs or buts about it!"

Sprout didn't know what to say. He can't stay with Candi. Her parents will have enough trouble with Misty being added to the family. They can't take on Sprout too. It'll get too expensive. And even if it won't, will there be enough room for him? And what about the legal procedures? There was so much to consider. However, the doubts were suddenly replaced by joy. Sprout lost his family, but now he had a new one. Two parents, and possibly grandparents. Now he has a sister. Two sisters with Misty now that she's part of Candi's family. He can live in a real house and not be forced to travel up and down the country. He can finally go to school. He can have a new life surrounded by people that will love him. He had a chance.

"Thank you, Candi!" Sprout cried in joy, hugging Candi tightly once again. She gave him this lifeline. He's not throwing that away now. Candi returned the hug, squeezing back just as tightly. She had her brother now, and she'll do whatever it takes to give him a home. After another untold amount of time, Sprout stopped crying. He broke away from the hug. His newly adoptive sibling smiled brightly back at him. He wasn't alone anymore. He suddenly picked up his phone, confusing Candi. He just had one last thing to do. Just one last message to be sent:

Very well then. Goodbye, sir. I hope you're happy now.

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