Rattlesnake Jake Hazbin Hotel...

By JCtheSnake

1K 23 6

Join in on the story of a sinner that turns out to be one of hells most deadliest assassins in all of hell (P... More

It's time for a Do Over!
Hazbin Hotel Pilot
Hazbin Hotel - (Overture)


328 9 6
By JCtheSnake


We cut to a Man who is walking down the streets of his home city Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where he spent most of his childhood before moving to Mexico and then America... life has been pretty rough with him and it all started 6 Months ago...


It was a normal day as The man was just on his bed reading his book as he stretched a little before hearing his phone ringing seeing it was from his brother as he picked it up

???: Hey Remy whats up

Remy: Jake come quick! Something is wring with mom! Hurry!

We are now revealed to the man's name is Jake as he heard how urgent it is as he hanged up as he started to turn his car on as he begins to drive quickly

A few hours later

Jake has arrived in the hospital his family was in as he ran to the front desk

Jake: Im here to see my mom!

The doctors made him lower his voice as they asked who he is

Jake: My name is Jake Apophis, my mother, Aparecida Apopish is here and I need to see her now!

The doctors once again calmed him down as they guided him to his mother's hospital room as Jake saw in terror how his mother looked terrible, with not only her eyes but even her skin looks dry as he was confused as he saw his family was here

Jake: What happened...?

Remy: Little Bro... Im sorry but I don't think mom is gonna last long...

Jake: What why Tell me!

???: Its because of a Curse thats upon us!

Jake heard his older sister speak up as he looked at her

Jake: Curse.. what curse? What fucking curse is this Iyana!

Iyana: Mother told me about a story of our ancestors... our Ancestors were rulers of Egypt and unfortunately they were cursed... by none other than Moses himself because God says so... before you ask yes... our ancestors is Rameses

Jake: Wait you mean Moses, the same Moses from that fucking Bible shit!

Iyana nodded as Jake was getting more furious as his little Brother Mostafa tries to calm Jake down

Mostafa: Whoa whoa calm down brother Its alright

Before anything happened Jake out of nowhere smacked Mostafa as he fell to the ground

Jake: Don't fucking tell me to calm the fuck down!

In one quick moment his father pinned him against the wall

Father: Don't you dare hurt your brother son! Just fucking listen to what your sister has to say

He said letting Jake go as he sighed hugging Mostafa

Jake: Sorry I lashed out like that

Mostafa: Its ok I would feel the same as well

Iyana: As I was saying, Moses put a curse on Rameses future generation that his bloodline will end from an incurable... and Unfortunately we're the generation that the bloodline will end...

Jake stared at her as he was breathing heavily seeing his little sister crying while holding their mother's hand as Jake went to comfort her

Jake: Its alright Elisa Im here... how long do we have until we perish?

Iyana: Thats based on Chance Father has a high likelihood since he's old

She said laughing a little as their father also laugh

Father: You have a point their sweetie but I much rather die first then sit next to one of my dying children though...

The room fell silent a little

Iyana: well luckily it might last longer for us since were still younger right now

Jake: I hope you right sister

As he said this the monitor for Mother's heartbeat went flat as Jake reacts quickly as the rest tried to keep their mother alive by talking to her Jake ran to find a Nurse or Doctor

Jake: Someone! Help!!!!


She died the next day...

(Present Time)

It has been six months since then and unfortunately his family fell apart with his father as predicted passed on due to the disease...

then his older Brother Remy..

then his little brother Mostafa...

Then his older sister Iyana...

and Jake was walking out of a building looking down in his arms with the Ashes of his little sister  and Younger sibling of the rest... Elisa...

Jake made it home safely as he took his shoes off leaving them at the front door as he walked to a little table as it was like a little Ofrenda as he set his little sister's ashes on the table with a picture next to her as well as other boxes full of Ashes of his dead family... Once Jake sees his family all together again he begins to cry as he fell on his knees crying his eyes out...

Everyone he loves...everyone he cherished... their all dead now... and Jake out of Anger begins to yell in the sky


Jake yelled in his household as he was now all alone... scared... and with no one to see him die... it was the most Heartbreaking thing he could think of as he cried himself to sleep at night...

(That Night)

He unfortunately cannot sleep as he got out of his bed walking out of the house as this was it... he was just gonna end it... but where though? Jake thought and figured it out as he took a long walk to the Christ the Redeemer Statue as he made it to the attraction pointing the middle finger at the statue

Jake: Fuck you and your Father! And tell moses Fuck you!

Jake yelled as he walked to the railing as he was breathing a little heavily as he looked down

Jake: Definitely be dead by the end of this...

He breathed in and out as he was ready to fall at least until he heard something beneath his feet as he looked down and near his leg was a Snake... a... Rattlesnake?

Jake: What is a Rattlesnake doing out here in Brazil..? They don't live here..

Before Jake could think he got bitten as he grunts in Pain feeling Venom going into his veins as Jake started feeling dizzy

Jake: Oh..~ Fuck..~

He feel behind on the railing and not down the mountain as he laid there breathing heavily as it was getting hard to breathe

Jake: Fuck! This is how I die

He said you himself as he groans in pain

Jake: well guess thats all she wrote..

As Jake said this he closed his eyes and inevitably it finally happened...

The last of the Apophis Family has finally perished...

(Down in Hell)

We Hear a Man screaming as he fell all the way to the ground as he groans loudly

???: Ohhhh fuck!

The man stood up as it was in fact Jake looking around

Jake: what? Huh? Where am I?!

He turned around and saw one big sign

Jake: Welcome to Hell City... oh that explains my answer now guess im in hell

Jake tried to walk... only he couldn't as he fell immediately

Jake: Huh what the fuck?!

He looked down seeing half his body was a Snake as he screamed


Jake he looked at it touching it as it was all scaly but also weirdly smooth as he stood up again looking at the tip as he shakes it seeing its a whole Gatling Gun

Jake: OOoOoOOOooO a Gatling Gun as a Rattle... I got a good name! Rattle Gatling!

Jake smiled as himself for that Genius name as he heard cans in an alleyway falling down as he investigated seeing a girl limping falling down against a garbage bag as Jake immediately slithers up to her

Jake: Hey are you ok?

He gets a good glimpse of her

Jake: Ouch you look really bad missing an eye and everything

He said as he heard footsteps behind him as he looked to see who it is as it was some girl in nice clothing

???: Excuse me what are you doing to this woman?!

She said in a serious tone as if like I was the one who did this

Jake: I didn't do anything I just found her on the ground hurt and I don't know what to do

He said moving aside to show the beat up woman

The girl saw how terrible she looked as she went beside Jake helping patching her eye up as Jake went to see what injuries she has and when he saw the back he felt suck as it was so much blood as he saw the girl handing him a wipe

???: Use this to clean the wound

Jake nodded as he took it cleaning her back as when he finished he noticed the girl waking up looking at both of them

???: Thank you... so much

She gave both of them a smile as Jake smiled back but when he looked at the other girl she was blushing as Jake immediately knew she likes her

Jake: No problem

He said as the girl carried her on her back

Charlie: Thank you so much for helping me with this my name is Charlie by the way sorry I didn't introduce myself first

She said holding out her hand to shake it

Jake: My name is Jake nice to meet you

He said with a smile as he looked around

Jake: What happened around here? It's all bloody, and reeks of death...

Charlie: This is a yearly thing... Angels come down to kill Sinners to keep the population down... but I hate to see this kind of thing to happen to my people..

Jake: wait My people?

Charlie: Oh right I'm the princess of hell

Jake mouth was wide open in shock but also showing off his fangs he has

Jake: YOU! Are the princess of hell

Charlie nodded as Jake was surprised

Jake: wow for a princess your really nice to people like her who im guessing is a Sinner

Charlie: Yeah I guess...

Jake: Well I should be on my way now since theres nothing for me to do except live down here forever

He said laughing to himself as he wishes he could see his family again...

Charlie: actually there might be a way

Charlie said with a smile

Charlie: Im working on a personal project to help Sinners and once I get this place up and running I can take you in!

Charlie said excited as Jake heard this and was intrigued

Jake: Well thats great to know for the future, well I have to get going though I still want to explore

Charlie: Of course I'll take this one to my estate to help her heal

She said as she waved bye at Jake

Charlie: I hope to see you again! Bye!

As Jake left the area Charlie realized something...

Charlie: Wait I forgot to ask his name!

Charlie said walking off with the Sinner on her back as Jake waved bye as well as he walked off... or more like Slithers off as this will be the start of his new... crazy... life

Down in Hell...

And I guess a bad memory as she immediately forgot Jake already told her his name but whatever I guess

To be continued...

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