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By normz__

14.7K 706 2K

โ–  โ–  โ–  jitters แถป ๐—“ ๐ฐ "๐™ž ๐™˜๐™–๐™ฃ ๐™ง๐™ช๐™ฃ ๐™ง๐™š๐™–๐™ก๐™ก๐™ฎ ๐™›๐™–๐™จ๐™ฉ" ... More

01 | ALLEN
09 | FIRED

05 | DEAD

746 38 85
By normz__

𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐲𝐨𝐫 𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐬 𝐮𝐩 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐮𝐦.

"Good morning, Central City," the mayor says.

"A year ago, our world changed. Our city became ground zero for... some pretty weird stuff.

We got a new breed of criminal: men and women who defied not only our laws but physics and reason.

But we got something else too. We got The Flash. Our wounds run deep.

And I know many of you are afraid of what threats tomorrow may bring, but the Flash doesn't just protect us, he restores hope where it was lost.

That's why I'm honored to present the key to the man who saved Central City: The Flash!"

Cheers erupt as the mayor holds up a key. People eagerly await the Flash's appearance, and when he arrives, the crowd cheers, shouting "Flash." Once the excitement settles, the mayor continues,

"The doors to Central City will forever be open for you, Flash," handing Barry the key.

The mayor's speech echoed through the jubilant crowd, and Barry, basking in the Flash day glory, scanned the sea of faces.

Amidst the cheers, his eyes landed on Rae – a surprise guest, it seemed. A small smile played on his lips; her unplanned attendance was a delightful twist.

As the cheers die down, the mayor speaks again. "Look out!" Joe yells suddenly, and something flies through the air. Barry, in a flash (funny), speeds the mayor out of harm's way. A man in a black jacket approaches Barry, disrupting the celebratory atmosphere. Barry tries to react, but he's hit and thrown backward.

Chaos ensues as a concession cart is thrown at the stage, prompting Barry to swiftly evacuate the mayor and Rae from the scene.

How did Rae get into this situation?

So, Rae's day started with this grand plan, you know – a peaceful cup of coffee at FAKE Jitters ( it was actually called Marshalls but Rae thought it was wrong to disrespect to the clothing store with mediocre coffee), the usual. She envisioned herself in this serene bubble of caffeine bliss, maybe catching up on some chill vibes after work.

But, as fate would have it, Central City went all "surprise party" on her.

Imagine this: she's sipping her coffee, minding her business, and suddenly, bam! A stampede of Flash groupies, all decked out in matching red shirts, decided her corner was the place to be. Her tranquil spot became ground zero for a spontaneous Flash day parade.

Now she's stuck in this sea of red, feeling like a fish caught in a tide of overenthusiastic fans. Coffee stains on her red shirt.

(gotta support him somehow)

And in the midst of all this chaos, her eyes locked with Barry's on the stage. A momentary connection that made her question every life choice that led her to this point.

Embarrassed? Absolutely.

Annoyed? You bet.

She had a strange feeling that Barry was blushing under the mask.


And then a villain disrupts the scene.

Rae contemplated  by shouting crude remarks about Atom Smasher to distract him.

You know, to speed things up.

Rae, feeling a surge of misplaced confidence, couldn't resist the urge to stir the pot.

"I've seen scarier things in my coffee than you, Atom Smasher! Maybe you should consider a career change?" She blurted it out, not realizing she shouldn't even know Atom Smasher's name.

Rae wasn't supposed to be on a first-name basis with the bad guys.

Rae's been in this world for a bit too long, it seems even her one liners are getting worse.

(Rae is just as subtle as Barry it seems)

Atom Smasher, momentarily taken aback, narrows his eyes but continues his rampage.

Undeterred, Rae fires another shot.

"Your mom's so ugly that—

Atom Smasher, now visibly annoyed, begins to turn his attention towards Rae. She can practically feel the heat of his glare, and for a brief moment, she wonders if maybe she went a tad too far.

Maybe the "your mama" jokes are universally bad.

Ah sh*t.

Without waiting for a response, Barry intervenes, grabbing Rae's arm, and in a flash, they're gone, zipping to a random alleyway.

Much to her frustration.

Stupid bit—

Within the narrow confines of a random alley, the clash between Flash and Rae unfolded like a storm, their voices slicing through the cacophony of the nearby parade.

" You can't just throw yourself into danger like that! That meta is a serious threat. What even was that?!" Barry's words echoed off the walls, carrying a blend of concern and frustration.

Rae, her tone laced with sarcasm, shot back, "Oh, forgive me if I'm not up to speed on superhero protocol. Didn't realize I needed your permission to navigate a parade. I didn't even want to come to this stupid event! I had to speed things up since you couldn't do it fast enough—"

"You can't just act recklessly," Barry implored.

Rae, unyielding, retorted, "Reckless—Spare me the hero lecture. I've been taking care of myself long before you zipped into my life. And who even are you to say that—weren't you the one running to a wormhole ready to die? Please. Don't be a hypocrite, Flash."

Emotions surged, filling the confined space. Barry, raising his voice, declared, "I'm just trying to keep you safe!"

Rae, deflecting, responded, "Safe? You think your red suit makes you invincible, and now you want to play protector? I am not your damsel in distress!"

Suddenly Rae turns into Joe West.

She can just feel the pride.

Frustration bubbled within Rae.

Why wouldn't Barry act to save others?

Should she call The Green Arrow? Maybe he could knock some sense into him.

Maybe another arrow in his back will get his head out of his—

"Get your ass out there! You can't just drag me here and waste time—your speed doesn't cover up the loss of time, idiot! There are more important—" Rae's words hung in the air, interrupted by the emotional undertone in Barry's voice.

"Rae, you're important to me. I can't stand by and watch you get hurt," Barry confessed, momentarily letting his guard down.

Rae, defensive, retorted, "Spare me the sentiment, B—Flash. I didn't ask for a hero in my life."

The clash of their personalities reached its zenith. Barry, overwhelmed by worry, admitted, "You're my priority, Rae. I can't bear the thought of something happening to you."

In that instant, Barry regretted his words. Another awkward moment with Rae, and it was only Tuesday. Why did it always have to be Tuesdays?

Caught off guard by Barry's sincerity, Rae deflected with a defensive response, "You don't even know me. Save the heroic proclamations for the ones who need them, Flash. I don't."

"Go get Atom Smasher out of here before more people get hurt! And FIX JITTERS WHILE YOU'RE AT IT!" Rae commanded.

"Atom Smasher—wait how do you know his name?" Barry questioned.

Caught in her mistake, Rae stammered, "Wha—I-I, you said it!"

Barry, eyeing Rae with suspicion, retorted, "I never mentioned his name."

An explosion reverberated in the background, adding urgency to the unfolding drama in the alley.

Rae just realized she f**ked up and now she has another mistake to fix.


The tension in the air was palpable, as Flash and Rae exchanged a final look, a silent vow to search desperately for answers.

Rae, always agile, began scheming her escape. Just as she was about to make her move and cross the chaotic streets, a gigantic truck roared toward her.

Rae suddenly got deja vu on how she died. Things just keep falling on top of her.

Barry's voice, a mix of desperation and suffering, called out her name, but fate had different plans. The truck barreled into Rae, crushing her under its massive weight.

With every second that passed, Barry's panic spread like wildfire. The dread he felt, as he pictured her trapped under the crushing weight of the truck. Barry's heart froze in his chest, and his breath suspended in his lungs. While time seemed to slow down, the noise of the crash echoed off the walls of his mind, cranking up the intensity of the moment.

"Rae?" Barry's frantic cry pierced through the chaos of the fleeing civilians and blaring sirens, yet got swallowed by the turmoil, as if the universe itself decided to ramp up his misery. With another glance, Barry was overwhelmed by his worst fears coming to fruition. No sound, no movement.

"No—this can't be happening again! RAE!" Barry's agonized scream echoed, his mind plunging into the abyss of the unfathomable. If Rae were to perish, the weight of guilt would become too much to bear.

Summoning every last ounce of courage, Barry mustered the strength to peer into the wreckage of the truck, praying for even the smallest sign of life. However, there was nothing. The cruel reality hit him like a truck , with the weight of the situation crashing down upon his shoulders.

If Rae were to succumb to her wounds, Barry was certain the blame would rest solely on his shoulders. The pain of those losses still haunted him, and the prospect of adding her name to the list crushed him beneath an unbearable burden.

As his thoughts raced, the images of all the recent deaths flashed before his eyes. Each one, an excruciating blow, yet nothing compared to the potential loss of Rae. The possibility sent chills throughout Barry's spine, stirring emotions, fears, and doubts buried deep inside him.

In the midst of his chaotic thoughts and rising emotions, Barry was caught off-guard by one simple fact — there was no body. An eerie silence engulfed him, as he stared into the wreckage of the truck for a second time. Though the lack of movement, sound, or a presence confirmed that Rae's life was likely ended, there was no trace of her body.

For Barry, the revelation felt like another twist of the knife. He knew in his heart she was gone, yet the absence of a body forced his mind to ponder a million different possibilities. Was her body trapped underneath the truck? Did she sustain so much damage that there was nothing to recover? Was she flung far away from the collision point?

He just didn't know.

The Flash had managed to defeat Atom Smasher with the help of Team Flash.

(But Rae was still gone.)

Everyone celebrated a victory after so long.

(But Barry grieved.)

His mind was still clouded. His thoughts were haunted by Rae. The woman he had been i-in an intense friendship with?


The shadow of Rae's memory loomed over him, haunting his every breath.

The team rejoiced in their reunion, but Barry couldn't shake off the somber mood. Caitlin noticed the forced smile on his face and asked.

Barry, with a heavy sigh, shared, "Yeah, I'm good. Just, uh, I lost someone today."

"Oh, Barry. I'm so sorry."

Seating himself on a rolling chair, Barry couldn't hide the weight in his words, "Rae was my friend. She would probably disagree, but we were friends. I cared about her a lot. I wouldn't—if I had known, I would have never sent her—" He inhaled slightly, putting his head in his hands, "I didn't even see her body or—"

Caitlin tried to inject hope, "Maybe we can hope she's still alive."

Barry's response dripped with bitterness, "Hope. It's a dangerous word."

Caitlin acknowledged, "The most dangerous. But that's how we got the team back together."

Cisco reassured, "We'll find her, Barry, don't worry."

Barry reluctantly accepted the reassurance, "Yeah—"

Suddenly, Rae's voice cut through the somber atmosphere, "Uh hi?" leaning against the cortex entry with crutches and visible injuries.

Barry's mind struggled to reconcile reality, "Sometimes, I feel like I can still hear her voice—"

Rae deadpanned, "Barry."

"Guys, I-I think I'm losing my mind—"


Barry's eyes widened in relief and confusion as he rushed to her, hugging her tightly, almost unwilling to let go. With his powers.

"Uh, Allen? It's only been a few hours—oh, too tight!"

Barry stammered an apology, overwhelmed with the fact that she was here and safe. His relief turned into confusion as Rae casually mentioned going to the hospital.

Barry, almost like a doctor, scanned her, his eyes dancing from her eyes to her lips, he could lean in and kiss her right now. But he knew better.

"Ehem—you can back up now, stalker."

"R-Right, sorry."

"Right, well—um, I just came by to say I'm sorry? Well, not exactly sorry, 'cause it was definitely your fault but—sorry. I just wanted to let you know I'm alive?"

"Yeah... yeah, thanks for letting me know."

Their eyes kept dancing around each other, seemingly unaware of the watching and awkward team.

Barry suddenly remarked, "That was very stupid of you."

Rae retorted, "You're funny. I am many things, Barry Allen, but stupid is not one of them."

"Still stupid"

"Well you're one to talk—"

"I thought you came to apologize—"

"You're right. I'm sorry. It really wasn't the best move on my part", Rae admits embarrassed and looks at him slightly ashamed.

Imagine being embarrassed in front of a fictional character.

Rae felt like a billions bees just stung her for fun and she just had to stand there and look like a big a fat tomato.

(She had a lot of mediocre coffee from Marshall's, the bad coffee shop,and she's on medication.)

Their eyes continued their private dance, oblivious to the puzzled glances of their teammates.

Barry looked at Rae and then to the floor and back to her eyes, "You're cute."

Rae, confused, asked, "What?"

Barry, with a small smile, said, "You think I'm upset when I'm not. And you apologized too. It's really cute."

Rae, unimpressed, declared, "I take it back. I'm not sorry."

Barry shrugged, "Okay."

"Allen, this really isn't the time and place—" Rae deadpanned.

Iris shook her head in disbelief, "Barry? Uh, secret identity?"

"Oh. It was an accident...?" Barry began, feeling guilty and too dumbstruck to even realize his own stupidity.

"Yeah, oh. Dumbass." Rae rolled her eyes at Barry's obvious guilt, mocking him. "You aren't subtle," she sighed. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone."

Joe eyed the woman standing in front of him like a hawk, his gaze fixed on her every move. As he scanned her body for information, his face grew more expressive, as if he was a detective trying to figure out a case.

Joe West, not an actor but an actual detective.

"Who are you?" Joe demanded, his eyes narrowed into slits.

Rae quickly shifted her position, feeling uncomfortable under Joe's watchful eyes. She tried to stand tall, but her nerves made her feel as if she were drowning.

"I, uh well..."

Joe waited, staring at Rae intently as she stumbled over her words. Her voice wavered, and it was clear that she was having a hard time keeping her composure in front of him. Joe's eyes remained cold and unwavering, as if he could see straight through her. He seemed to have a talent for reading people's emotions, and now it seemed as if he could spot every tiny flaw in Rae's demeanor.

Was Joe West always this scary?

"I'm..." Rae finally uttered, her voice slipping away like a feather in the wind.

"She's my friend, Rae. " Barry said, his tone slightly insistent as he interjected not wanting to leave Joe any room for doubt or misunderstandings.

Joe looked from Rae to Barry, his eyes narrowed in suspicion. He didn't seem convinced.

"I trust her." Barry spoke firmly, his protection of Rae making him seem all the more confident.

This time, Joe's expression eased up a little, giving a small nod of acknowledgement. He still didn't trust Rae fully, but Barry's assurance made him feel more at ease.

That was easy.


Iris exclaimed with a mix of shock and seriousness, "Friend? The one that died?"

Rae, with a raised eyebrow at Barry , fired back, "You thought I died?"

Barry, trying to untangle himself from the web of confusion, stammered, "Well—"

Rae, not missing a beat, called him out, "Dumbass."

"So, you didn't die?" Iris asked really really confused

"Yes, keep up Barry's sister—"

"Oh, that's not—"

Caitlin tried to regain control, "Uh, guys?"

"Oh, so this is the entertainment we've missed—" Cisco joked

Rae, dismissing the banter with a serious tone, quipped, "This isn't a soap opera, Rapunzel!"

"The name's Cisco Ramon, pretty lady—"

"I know." Rae, unimpressed, deadpanned.

Barry, still looking baffled, sought clarification, "You know? How—"

"Guys, let's just—" Caitlin urgently said.

Undeterred, Rae continued with a hint of sarcasm, "And you know what, Crisco Ramen—"

Cisco corrected her, "Cisco Ramon."

Rae scoffed and offered mock advice, "Maybe actually increase the security—like, hire a guard dog or something."

Rae knew it was futile to say all this, but a girl can mess around a bit yeah?

(Suddenly, all the self-control she had just went—poof!)

Cisco, defending Star Labs as if it were his baby, claimed, "We did, and Star Labs is safer than ever—" Rae questioned, "Then how did I waltz in like I own the place?"

Cisco had his mouth gaping like a fish out of water and Iris was trying to destress Caitlin from exploding.

Barry, well, he's just happy his 'friend' is alive.

"Exactly." Rae said all smugly.

Apparently, that was a trigger word for something big.

A familiar man walked into the Cortex leaving his shadows behind him.

Caitlin gasped.

(Rightfully so.)

"For real?" Cisco, annoyed by another impending danger

Joe immediately pulled out his gun and pointed it at the man. "Stay where you are." He warned.

"Who are you?" Barry asked defensively.

"You don't know me, but I know you...Barry Allen." The man said as he held his hand up, walking cautiously towards us.

"Take one more step, it'll be the last step you take." Joe told him as he raised his gun higher. "The man asked you a question. Who the hell are you?"

"My name is Jay Garrick, and your world is in danger, Barry Allen."


was all Rae could utter from her mouth.

Another player had entered the game...

...and his name was Zoom.


*minimum editing

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