MCU One-Shots

By stilesfan78888

3.7K 86 42

This is just a little story I got interested in and if you like my one shots and know what weak hero is go ch... More

Late Nights~ Ironstrange
Ridiculous Fights~ Ironstrange
Meeting Shenanigans~ Ironstrange
Magic Sparkles~ Ironstrange
Moonlight ~Ironstrange
Mountains~ Ironstrange
Missions~ Hawksilver
Nightmares~ Hawksilver
Vampires~ Hawksilver
College~ Ironhawk
My Mission~ Ironhawk
Phobias~ Hawksilver
Secrets~ SamBucky
Sleep~ Hawksilver
Bartender~ Ironhawk
Haircuts~ Stucky
A New Beginning~ Hawksilver
Pasts~ IronHawk
Roommates~ Hawksilver
Something New~ Hawksilver
Neighbors~ Ironhawk
Neighbors~ Part 2
Arrows~ Winterhawk
Working Late~ Amerihawk
Demons~ Ironhawk
Circus~ Ironhawk
Jump Scares and hugs~ Hawksilver
Shooting~ Hawksilver
Bars~ WinterHawk
Sickness~ Hawksilver
Professor~ ClinCoulson
College~ Hawksilver
Quick Little Shit~ Hawksilver
The Man Across the Street~ Winterhawk
Boss Man~ Amerihawk
Survival~ Ironhawk
Pretty Boy~ Ironhawk
Bites~ Ironhawk
Love~ Hawksilver
Avengers Initiative~ Ironhawk
Wolves~ Ironhawk
Storytelling~ Ironhawk
Silence~ Hawksilver
Petty Arguments~ Hawksilver
Knight in Shining Armor~ Ironhawk
Drinks~ Winterhawk
Vents~ Ironhawk
Love~ Hawksilver
Knife~ Ironhawk
Foster~ Hawksilver
Famous~ Ironhawk
Kitchen~ Hawksilver
Mafia~ Ironhawk
Bed~ Ironhawk
Dejected~ Ironhawk
Perfection~ Hawksilver
Nightfall~ Ironhawk
Sweatpants~ Ironhawk
Rage~ Winterhawk
Push Came to Shove~ Amerihawk
Petrified~ Ironhawk
Insane~ Ironhawk
Parties~ Amerihawk
Crimson~ Ironhawk
Normality~ Clincoulson
Fence~ Winterhawk
Chemistry~ Hawksilver
Hell~ Winterhawk
Boxes~ Ironhawk
letters~ Ironhawk
Experimentation~ Hawksilver
Stairs~ Hawksilver

Bites~ Hawksikver

28 2 0
By stilesfan78888

AN: Found an old idea I had and decided to actually write it. Vampire AU. Pietro is the head vampire, and Clint was sold to them after being kidnapped.


I've been in captivity since I was 13. Unfortunately, i'm being sold when I turn 18. These people don't deal with people 18 and older, so I was told it was time to go. I don't turn 17 for 2 days, but I was scared of where I was going to end up. The cold chains on my wrists and ankles stung as I was sprayed with a hose. The shorts and thin shirt I was given did nothing to keep me warm. I curled into myself and shook uncontrollably. The leader of the group, Danielle, laughed as I shook. Her high pitched laugh was something I got used to over the past 4 years. A boot met my side and I coughed as my side throbbed. Danielle crouched down to meet my eyes "Leaving us in 2 days Clinton. We have clients lining up for you". She smiled as her red lipstick cracked from the freezing temperature in the room before another boot met my face. Blood spattered onto the floor as my eyes dropped and I felt like I was falling.


I was 15 years old and shackled to the walls. Used to the feeling of being powerless, I curled up and pulled my knees to my chest. Barney got as close to me as he could before reaching for my hand. I leaned over and grabbed his freezing hand "We're going to get out of this Birdie. I promise". He smiled at me with crooked teeth and bright eyes. I smiled back, but it was wiped away as the door opened. Danielle and her henchman stormed in and separated us quickly.

-End of Flashback-

I gasped as cold water splashed onto my face. I shot back away from it, hitting my head on the cement behind me. Danielle smiled at me with a sadistic look on her face "Slept all the way until you turned 18. Happy Birthday Clinton, you're leaving today". She threw jeans and a shirt at me "Get dressed". My hands were unshackled and I pulled my shirt off before pulling the warmer one on. My hands were shackled back and my ankles were unshackled so that I could get the jeans on. I was put in different shackles and puled into another room. I was shoved into an isolated room and left there for hours. I was on my back on the floor when the door opened. I didn't have the energy to stand or open my eyes from my spot.

I was slapped hard and opened my eyes while wincing. People i've never seen before were in the room. A younger looking guy with silver tipped hair and a younger girl with reddish brown hair were standing surrounded by guards and staring at me. I was lifted roughly and my hands were chained above my head. My head hit the wall softly as I was being eyed by the younger guy and girl. They spoke to each other in a different language that I believe was Russian. They both turned to Danielle and nodded. The guy spoke "We'll take him" I was injected with a sedative and I was knocked out quickly. I was in and out of sleep as I was being transported. I didn't dream, and was just stuck in this black abyss. 

I woke up after the sedative wore off on a couch. I was half asleep, tired, in pain, hungry, and thirsty. I groaned as I sat up painfully, but was not going to stand. I jumped when a voice interrupted my train of thought. I was trying to figure out how I got here and how I ended up with the short end of the stick in life. "Morning, you slept for a while" I watched the girl's movements carefully as she sat in a couch opposite of me. "I don't expect you to trust me or my brother, but I want you to know that we're not going to hurt you" I was on edge and it was obvious. "We haven't set up a room yet since were doing some renovations, so you're going to be on the couch for a little while. I apologize for the inconvenience, as does my brother. My name is Wanda and my brother is Pietro. If you need anything just let us know" she stood and smiled. 

"First we're going to get you some food and something to drink and you need to get some more rest" I nodded slowly and stood painfully. I stumbled, but arms prevented me from hitting anything. Pietro had his arms around my waist and guided me back to the couch "Stay here. We'll bring it to you". He pushed my shoulders back gently and I stayed in my position on my back until they got back. I was given chicken legs, green beans, mashed potatoes, and some kind of soda. I didn't know what it was by smell since I haven't had soda in a very long time. I took a small drink first to see if I like it. I decided that I liked whatever soda it was and took a longer drink. I ate about half of the plate before I couldn't eat anymore. I felt myself getting drowsy and stood to take my plate and empty cup back. Pietro stopped me "I got it, you get some sleep" he took the plate before I could protest and left. 

I sat back down on the couch and took in my surroundings. It was a nice living room, 2 couches, 2 recliners, a large TV, coffee table, bookshelves filled with books all over the living room, and a doorway that led to a set of stairs to my right. I leaned back as I grew more and more drowsy from my body shutting down. I fought hard to try and stay awake in case of a threat, but I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer. It was like I blinked and it was dark outside. I blinked several times and stood slowly. I stabled myself and looked around. I walked through the door that led to the kitchen and found a brunette pouring a cup of coffee. He turned when he heard the door and smiled kindly "You must be the new kid Clint right?" I nodded and he took a long drink of coffee. 

"I'm Tony. Wanna see what i'm working on in my lab. The others don't care to see it, but I haven't been able to bore you yet, so I need to get to work on that. It's a project on a new weapon using arc reactor technology. I use it for my chest, so I figured if it was strong enough to keep me alive it should work for a new weapon" he continued talking about his project as he walked towards the door. Not wanting to upset him since he seemed excited that I was listening to him ramble, I followed him down to this amazing lab with hundreds of gadgets. I looked at the time when we got to his lab and saw that it was 2 in the morning. I wondered why he was up so late as he went on about the weapon on the table. "I've been trying to figure out why it won't fire, but I just keep coming to dead ends" I looked over his blueprints for the weapon. 

"It's being jammed by the amount of power surging through its core. Lower the watts and it would be a powerful blow even with a smaller amount of energy" he smiled and lit up. "You're smart? Finally someone to work with me. They don't understand the work i'm doing. Except Banner, but he likes sleep more that working with me at all hours of the night" I nodded and watched as he adjusted everything. He pointed the gun at the target and pulled the trigger. A small bean shot out and separated before hitting the wall. It left black smudges as it hit and he lit up. "Where did you learn all this?" I shrugged and rested my chin on my arms that were crossed on the table that I was sitting at. "Had a lot of time on my hands" he nodded in understanding and set the gun down.

He worked on mass producing these guns and I helped some, but mostly observed everything he was doing. I didn't remember falling asleep, but I woke up on the couch in the lab. Quiet music was playing as a hushed conversation was going on. "-chase him off with this Tony. He's been through a lot" I heard a clatter as Tony was working. "I know Pietro, I read his file. He's extremely smart though, which doesn't add up since he never went to school. When I say smart, I mean genius kind of smart" I heard a loud bang. I shot up and looked back at the lab. Pietro and Tony were both frozen and staring at the large piece of metal on the ground. Pietro's eyes turned red before he blinked and it disappeared. I laid back down and tried to go back to sleep without saying anything.

Tony's voice was quiet "Sorry, thought I had it". I heard Pietro laugh and the metal scrapped on the ground as it was lifted. "I think he saw my eyes. I could hear his heart beat and the blood running through his veins" I felt fear make its way through my body. I forced myself to calm down "You need to feed Pietro. Don't want you biting him and terrifying him". Tony sounded sympathetic, but urgent as well. I heard Pietro hum before sighing "I gotta go, Wanda needs me for something. Getting another kid out of one of those hell holes". Tony laughed and I relaxed into the couch. Hearing this conversation calmed me enough for me to go back to sleep. It was a while before I woke up again. I slept 2 days away and found myself on the couch again. Tony was sitting on the recliner watching the TV. 

He smiled when he realized I was awake "Though we lost you a couple times. Didn't know someone could sleep for so long". I nodded and sat up on the couch, glancing at him occasionally. "So what is Pietro?" he glanced at me and nodded "So you did see". He leaned forward and took his attention away from the TV. "Pietro is a vampire, as well as his sister, but they don't hurt anyone. They feed off of blood bags most the time. They only bite someone if they were given permission" I nod in understanding. This didn't stop the nervousness of accidentally getting bitten by a starving vampire though. "You'll be alright. I got a good feeling about you" I smiled a little at how much I was reminded of my brother in that moment. Tony nodded and went back to the TV, leaving me to think about my own life. 


I huddled into the corner of my cage and made myself as small as possible. Being 13 and in the back of a truck in a cage is not the ideal position to be in. Barney was 14 and reached through the bars in his cage. He put a hand on my shoulder, making me turn to look at him. "You're gonna be alright. I got a feeling that you will" I smiled back at him after he finished what he was saying. The truck stopped roughly, throwing both of us into the back of our cages. I look in alarm in the darkness, trying to see what was going on. The cover of the bed of the truck was removed and a woman looked at us with a strange smile. "I'm here to help you" I had believed her and did anything she said. Until I realized she wasn't there to help us.

-End of Flashback-

My train of though ended when Wanda and Pietro walked into the room. They both sat on the same couch as me, although they did keep some distance. I didn't know whether or not to trust them yet, but I know that Tony was telling the truth. I trusted his word. He didn't seem like the kind of person to lie to me. Tony smiled at how calm I was, and went back to watching the movie that was playing. I didn't pay attention to it as I got lost in my own thoughts again.

-3 weeks later-

I now know that nobody here is going to hurt me. A lot of the kids that were saved by the twins left out of fear of being hurt again. I gave up on running a long time ago. The last time I tried to run was the day Barney died, and I haven't tried to run since. There was no escaping someone who wanted to keep you in captivity unless you have proper resources. I finally got my own room that happened to be next to the twin's room. They stayed in the same room for an unknown reason to me. It wasn't my business anyway, but it just raised my curiosity. I was lying in bed when I heard Pietro go into his room. They thought I was asleep since I came up here a while ago. I heard him talking to his sister "We ran out of blood bags, we need to stay in here until Tony can get some more for us. He's working on it now". I rolled to face the wall, trying not to listen in. "Ok, just make sure to keep the door bolted. Don't want anyone wandering in here while were starving" I knew that it would probably be fine, so I didn't worry about it too much.

I fell asleep easily after that. I woke up to hitting my head on the nightstand after a nightmare. I heard the twins' door open before mine did. Pietro came over quickly and knelt down "Are you alright?". I nodded and removed my hand from my head. His eyes flashed red as he stared at the blood. I knew then what I was about to agree to. He tried fighting it off, but his eyes grew a brighter red. "If you need blood" he stopped me "No I won't do that to you. I'll be fine". I rolled my eyes "I'm agreeing to it. I'm consenting. It's ok". He studied me with a curious look "Why are you ok with this?". I shrug "If I was starving, I would want someone to offer food. You did that for me, so it's my turn now". He hesitated before he tilted my head to the side. He licked along the side of my neck, looking for a vein. I shivered and he paused before slowly biting down. The pain passed, and it felt like getting my blood drawn. It didn't hurt, just felt strange.

I put my hands on his shoulders while his rested next to my leg. He stopped after a while, and I felt extremely tired. My eyes rolled into the back of my head as I passed out. I woke up laying next to Pietro on the floor of my room. His arm was around my lower back, and my hand was on his shoulder blade. It was still fairly dark outside, and I looked at the time to see that I had only been asleep for an hour. I closed my eyes and forced myself back to sleep. I woke up in the morning next. This time closer to Pietro. My face was in his chest and his arms were around me, with one of his hands in my hair. I was on my side this time instead of my stomach. I waited for an hour before he finally woke up and released his grip on me a bit. He paused and seemed to hesitate before moving slowly. "I'm awake" I sat up and he sighed "Thank god. I thought I might've killed you". I shake my head with a small smile "Nope, not even close". 

He smiled and ran a hand through his hair. I stared, making him look at me curiously "What?" I shrug and look away. "Nothing" he shakes his head "You were staring". I shake my head "No" he laughs "Were you admiring the view?". I cross my arms and he smiles "If it makes you feel better, I was admiring the view of you sleeping peacefully last night". I paused and he smiled at me when I looked at him. "Just saying" I was beyond confused "What?". He shrugs "Thought you looked cute without a scowl on your face". I looked at the floor and he put a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and he pressed his lips to mine quickly. It was short, but sweet "I have to go to work with Wanda, but i'll be back tonight if you wanna continue our cuddle session". I nodded and he got up to leave, but not before winking at me and closing the door while laughing. 

AN: I didn't know how to end it:)

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