A Trip Across...Earth?!(Earth...

By MEME-Corp

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You were just an average teen going through the motions of your current state of existence.Then when you got... More

Chapter 1:SNAILS!!!
Chapter 2:Infinite Parallel Universe Theory
Chapter 3:Is it,"The Mall?"Or,"Them All?"
Chapter 4:Dejavu
Chapter 5:A little help please?
Chapter 6:Not Much But It's An Honest Chapter
Chapter 7:Beach side Fun Buddies
Chapter 8:Gang vs Gang
Chapter 10:A Day In Remnant
Chapter 11:Shit Gets Tragic New Patek
Chapter 12 Choices

Chapter 9:A Trip Across...Remnant?!

3.1K 146 186
By MEME-Corp


You shot down a Grimm.


Ruka:Got it!!

You tossed him a Karambit as he sliced a Beowolfs neck.

Winter:Not bad you two.You're quite skilled.

Y/n:I'm quite skilled.I never trust Ruka with a knife on my own.

Winter:Why not?


Y/n:Suppressed gay rage.

You all continued to head towards the meet up point.You saw what the Grimm was doing to the streets.It looked like a war zone in the middle of the apocalypse.

Y/n:So tell me again how you guys are here exactly?

You said taking the knife from Ruka.

Pyrrha:A scientist named Gursh managed to create a teleporting device.

Y/n:Wait Gursh?

Ruka:Like Black Ops Zombies Gursh?

Ruby:You guys heard of him?

Y/n:Yeah.Well to us he's a scientist in a zombie videogame.Which is why respectfully that name alerts so many red flags.

Ruka:So many.

Winter:Well that's all the info we got off him.We have his journal but we can't translate any of the language.

Y/n:Well what does it look like?

Winter:That information is classified.

Weiss:Winter he's helping us reach the extraction point.Besides he might know what the language is.

Winter:Sorry but that's not my call to make.

You all began to walk the streets.In the distance you heard sirens,gunshots,explosions and screams.

Nora:.........Oh.I wish we could do something to help them.

Y/n:I think the government can handle them.America IS the number one Military in the world.

Ruka:Only for interests.

Y/n:Yyyyup.But enough with the meta commentary.How much farther till the pickup point?My shoulder is starting to kill me from slinging this dufflebag.

Winter:Just 2 more miles.


Ruka:Y/n I'm tired!Carry me!


Ruka:Why not?Aren't we best friends?

Y/n:No offense friend but I'd rather stick my dick in an anthill.

Ren:Well that's a little rude.

Ruka:Ohhhh how mean!

That's when he leaned on Jaune.

Ruka:Carry me please?

Jaune blushed.


Ruby(whisper):Should we tell him?

Y/n(whisper):No.This is Ruka's dream.Besides he'll figure it out sooner or later.

Yang(whisper):It'll be hilarious if he finds out later.

*Next scene*

After walking 2 miles you finally reached the extraction point.

Yang:Hey this is where we teleported too.

Ruby:Oh yeah and that guy with the car who had the bad sugar.


Ruby:Yeah he had it wrapped in a tiny bag.

Y/n/Ruka:........PFFTFT HAHAHAHAHA!!!

You and Ruka had to hold each other to stand up.

Y/n:Ruby!That was illegal drug!You did cocaine!!


Ruka:HAHAHA!!You thought it was sugar?!Hahahaha!!!

Blake:Will you two keep it down?We don't want to attract Grimm.

Pyrrha:Negative emotions attract Grimm more.

Nora:Uh yeah but it's too quiet!

You wiped your eyes.

Y/:Ohhh man!Ohh....Oh......Are these the shenanigans that's gonna unfold on us when we get to Remnant?

Ruka:God I hope so.

Winter:Extraction squad.We're here.And get us out of here fast.Grimm has infected this world..........Portal will be up in 20 minutes.So I suggest finding cover in case we come across Grimm.

Nora:Cover from what!?It's the middle of the street!

Y/n:Well I'm getting higher ground.I'm too squishy to be up close.

You said reaching into your dufflebag.

Y/n:I'll be able to see when the portal goes up.Even if the weapon I'm using is a bit old.

You took it out.

Ruka:Ahhh the 98 Crackhead!

Y/n:Kar98!Say it with respect!

Ruby:Are you sure that can kill a Grimm?That thing looks.....ancient.

Y/n:Am I sure-This girl-Listen bitch!


Y/n:This gun was the epitome of two world wars and is chambered in 7.92 by 5.27mm rounds!


Yang:Point is the gun can pack a punch.

Y/n:Exactly!Don't down play my sniper game!

You began to walk away while mumbling.

Ruby:Oh he's so cute when he talks about guns.

Weiss:You're sure easy to please.

*Next scene*

You were propped up on a rooftop.

Y/n:Kinda wish I brought a Ghille suit.Man it is windy today.

You laid on your back and looked up at the sky.

Y/n:*Siiiiigh*.....15 minutes down....5 more to go.....

You looked up at the city in flames sky and then closed your eyes.

Weiss:You're handling this well.


You shot up and almost bumped heads with Weiss.

Y/n:Dammit Weiss!I'm a guy with a bunch of guns you don't sneak up on me!

Weiss:Sorry jeez!

Y/n:What are you doing here?

Weiss looked in the distance.

Weiss:Anyway as I was saying you seem to be calm with the current situation.

Y/n:Well I mean I kinda already know what I'm dealing with.Besides I can think of way worse apocalypse type situations.

Weiss:Really?Like what?

Y/n:Zombie immediately zombie.

Weiss:Why is it that everyone says that?

Y/n:Clearly you never watched The Walking Dead.....*Sigh*Poor Hershel.....

Wiess:So what are you going to do when you get to Remnant?

Y/n:Try to help and fix whatever's happening here.And when I find the one who sent Grimm to my world they're getting a very stern ball kicking in their future.


Y/n:What about you?When this is all overwrought gonna stay here for a while and study abroad?

Weiss:Abroad?You mean overseas?

Y/n:.......*Breathes in*.....Just answer the question.

Weiss:I don't know if it'll be possible to come back to this world.But I guess learning it's History could be useful somehow.There isn't exactly much for me to learn back at Remnant.

Y/n:Well let's start with Russian.Which is a little weird because here you have a German name.But we'll dwell into History later.Try saying,"Staryy drug luchshe dvukh novykh."

Weiss:Stary...druh lushk....dvukh Novak.

Y/n:Fast learner.Almkst got it right don't be afraid to roll the the tongue."Staryy drug luchshe dvukh novykh"

Weiss:Starryy drug lush dafuq novykh.

Y/n:Hahahaha!You said dafuq.

Weiss:What am I even saying?

Y/n:"An old friend is better than two new ones."I couldn't think of one that was good for the near end of the world.

Weiss:......I think it fits in this scenario.



Y/n:Nothin.Just held in a sneeze.


Y/n:Oh crap!Is that the portal?!


You looked and saw an Ursa flipping a car over.

Weiss:They're here!!

Y/n:Go!I'll cover you guys!

You said getting ready as Weiss leaped over to the others.

Y/n:Alright.Let's show em an Earthly welcome.

*With the others*


She bonked a Beowolf on the head and killed it.Yang grabbed a trash can put it on a Beowolfs head.


Jaune:Jeez Yang!That's seems a little cruel.

Yang:I'm just taking out the trash!

She said punching an Ursas head off.




A Boarbatusk almost railed-Hahahaha-Pyrrha but you shot it.

Y/n:Heh."That's thing looks ancient."I'll show her.

You looked at over at Ruby who was getting cornered.

Y/n:Gotta speed run this.

You shot just enough Grimm so that way she was able to get out of there.



You turned around.

Y/n:......Ohhhhh fuck.


He slayed a Grimm.

Jaune:Ruka!Get behind me I'll-


Ruka took the Karambit and gouged out a Grimms eyes.



Jaune looked over to see you fighting a bunch of them.You were walking back to them while shooting them down.

Y/n:So much for my plan!Hey Weiss!!Try to remember this!!


You pulled out another "Ancient" gun.

Y/n:Meshki s der'mom, prikrytyye mordoy!!!

Ruby:I thought you only spoke Russian when you were nervous!

Y/n:YA takzhe govoryu eto, kogda I'm shooting Russian guns!Kinda goes with the theme.

Ren:How much longer until the portal is up?!

Winter shot multiple Grimm with ice spears.

Winter:2 minutes!!

Y/n:Ruka where's your dufflebag?!

Ruka:Under the car!

You ran to the car he pointed.

BlakeWhy is there so many Grimm?!

Y/n:For all we know the dam things probably attracted to the energy of the portal!Which we would've known if someone showed us the book!

You said pulling out a full auto M16.

Yang:There's no way to know if they are attracted to the energy!


Jaune:.....Oh you gotta be kidding me!!

He looked up in the sky and saw a Nevermore.

Y/n:Oh for fucks sake!

You began to rummage through both dufflebags.

Ruka:You have anything that can kill it?!

Y/n:I'M LOOKONG DAMMIT!!All I brought was guns and ammunitions.And you-.........RUKA WHY DID YOU BRING GAME CONSOLES!?!?!

Ruka:I thought we would be bored I'm Remnant!






Winter:Are you two seriously best friends?


You began to improvise.

Y/n:Uhhh!!Uhhhh!Fuck fuck!...Gah!Blake Weiss come here!!!

Blake and Weiss ran over to you.

Y/n:Cut the base of these bullets here Blake quickly!

Weiss:What are you doing?!

Y/n:Making a homemade gernade because SOMEONE WOULD RATHER PLAY MARIO KART!!





You plugged the the barrel of the gun and began to fill it with gunpowder.

Y/n:Ruby when I say so grab this gun and switch to fire rounds!Weiss you're gonna re-launch Ruby like you did during the Relic hunting!!We have to get it in the mouth!!

Ruby:WHAT?!But then I'm gonna be swallowed!

Ruka:Just use your semblance to move out of the way!

Ruby:I can't do that!

Y/n:Yes you can Ruby!!I believe in you!


She said with eyes sparkling.

Y/n:JNPR I need you to cover them while they set up!Ruka me and you are gonna draw the nevermore!Winter!Can you keep the Grimm off our asses?!

Winter pierced a Grimm through the heart.



Blake and Yang setup on the roof to the get right angle while Ruby and Weiss got the launcher ready.

Ruka:How the hell are we going to get that things attention!?

Y/n:The same way 2011 MW3 players used to play.

You dismantled several guns to make a working one.

Y/n:Play as a sniper class.Run around like an AR class.

Each member of JNPR protected one member of RWBY.The Nevermore began to circle.

Ruby:We're ready!!

Y/n:Remember!When that thing opens it's mouth throw the gun and shoot it!!Ruka......This is the one time of my life I'm asking you for this.

You got the custom built sniper ready.

Y/n:This thing packs a serious punch....Can you hold me up from behind?

Ruka:.......I'll try my best not to get hard.

Y/n:I would appreciate that.

Ruka held you from behind-

Ruka:Aaaand I failed.

Y/n:Oh my god I can feel it it's small!!!!Ruka after this I'm kicking you in the balls!


You aimed your sniper.

Y/n:....I got you in my sights.


You and Ruka stumbled back but the bullet successfully hit.The Nevermore noticed you and dived down.

Ruka:Holy shit!


This time you and Ruka fell over.

Ruka:That shit has the turbulence of Caseoh's ass claps the fuck Y/n?!

Y/n:It's a poorly built sniper I made in 40 seconds Ruka!

As the Nevermore came close it's mouth opened.


Ruby was launched towards the Nevermore and waited till she got just close enough to throw the gun in it's mouth.But when she was about to shoot the Nevermore closed it's mouth and-


The Nevermore's mouth exploded and it fell to the ground.

Yang:........What happened!?!

Y/n:My backup plan.Just in case Ruby couldn't hit the shot I loaded it with one bullet but I made the trigger so unstable that a sudden jolt would fire the bullet and cause the whole thing to explode.


Winter:The Portals here!

Ruka grabbed the dufflebag he dropped.You were picking up leftover pieces of your disassembled guns when all of a sudden a pack of Ursai landed in front of you.

Y/n:Oh my fuck does it ever end!?!



You said running inside of a house.


Winter:MOVE IT!!

Winter grabbed Ruby and pulled her through the portal.

*Back at Remnant*

Guy:So I told her,"You thought I meant sex?Me?The guy who keeps several anime dolls in his room?

Guy 2:Good for you.You shouldn't sell your ideals just for a girl.

Guy:Anyway she got super pissed so instead we just did anal.

Guy 2:Oh nice!How was it?Tight?

Guy:Dude it was terrible.Do gay people do that with each other all the time.That must suck.

Guy 2:

The portal began to warble and glitch

Ironwood:Stand back.

That's when it shot out everyone.


Yang:Crap that's my knee!!

Jaune:Ooof!I hate Portals.

That's when Ruka landed on Jaunes lap.

Ruka(blushing):My hero.......

Jaune(blushing):*Nervous laughing*Y-Yup!That's me!

Ironwood:Who is this?Close the portal-


She used her semblance to get in front of Ironwood.

Ruby:Y/n's still out there!


Winter:Sir we encountered someone who might be able to translate Dr.Gersh's book!I'm going back.

Ironwood:Like hell you are.We don't even know how Grimm got in that world and now they're running rampant!

Yang:So what you're just giving up!?

Jaune:Uhm guys?

The portal began to warble again.

Ruby:Come on!.....Come on!!


Someone shot out the portal!



Chelsea:W-Where am I?

Ironwood:Is this the person?


Ironwood:That's it I'm closing it before Grimm start to flood in!


But it was too late.Ironwood pressed the button and the portal......didn't go away....

Ironwood:What?What's happening?

Guy 3:Something is coming through the portal!What ever it is it's....coming in fast!!


A car show out the portal.Everyone moved out of the way as Winter summoned a huge Ice wall to stop the car.



Yang:Ruby!You good lil sis!?


Chelsea made sure she was ok.

Ruka:*Cough!*Not that I care but are you fine?

Chelsea:Y-Yeah I-

Ruka:Cool don't talk to me now.

He said getting up.

Soldiers approached the car.

Jaune:Y/n?!Is that you?!

Soldier:Come out with your hands up now!
A soldier approached the car.He went to open the driver's door when it was kicked open and you came rolling out like an action movie.


Ruby and Yang bombarded you with a hug.

Ruby:You made it!

Y/n:Told you I did.You know hot wiring a car is a whole lot easier than it-Mmm!

Yang gave you a kiss on the lips.

Yang:Don't ever do something like that ever again.


Not wanting to lose the love fight Ruby also kissed you.

Yang:Jealous much?

Ruby(blushing):Overweight hussy!


Ruka also went to give you a kiss....but you weren't having it and casually dodged it like a MHA fan dodging the bath soap.



You fell to the ground and slowly lose consciousness.

Y/n:My head feels.....Spinny....


Yang(Muffled/Echo):Somebody get a doctor!!
*Muffled beeping*


*Muffled beeping*


*Muffled beeping*

Y/n:Where.....am I?


Y/n:AHH FUCK!!......


Y/n:.......You scared me......

Ironwood:.......You're in the infirmary.....

He was sitting on a folding chair which admittedly you found a little funny.

Ironwood:The unknowing-ness of the portal plus the car crashed knocked you out once the adrenaline wore off.

Y/n:So.....I can take this off without repricusions?


You unhooked yourself from the machine.

Ironwood:Come outside when you're ready.

He said leaving but it didn't take you too long to follow suit.When you got out you saw you were at some kind of military base camp.



The whole gang walked up to you.

Pyrrha:How are you feeling?

Y/n:Alright I guess?Something struck me when I was in the portal though.I felt a jolt when I ram that car through.

Ruka:No kidding.Look it even gave you a new outfit.

Y/n:What?I-Holy fuck!

Y/n:Look at me.I look like a rejected Genshin Impact character.....Which in that scenario would be good.*Shudder*I stoll remember the Paimon art.......


Ironwood had 2 soldiers hand you two dufflebags.

Ironwood:We didn't touch any of your belongings.Although I must ask why Hollow out the center of your bullets?


RWBY/Ruka:Hollow points expand on impact.

Ruka:Might as well be your catchphrase.


Winter also handed you Dr.Gersh's book.

Winter:We hope you're able to translate this.

Y/n:I said might Don't get your hopes up.

You carefully opened the book.

Y/n:.......This....This is Russian!

Ironwood:So you can read it?

Y/n:Yeah!I understand every word-Wow that is a lot racial slur.......Holy shit.


Y/n:....If this book is in my planets language.....But it ended up here....then.....

Ruka:Oh my god.....

Jaune:What's happening?

Winter:Dr.Gersh....was never from Remnant......

DUN,DUN,DUUUUUUUUUUUUN!.......What?You think sound effects are cheap?This video will make you think otherwise.( https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BBJa32lCaaY ) I don't even know if that link works on phone version.

*Next scene*

You,Chelsea,and Ruka were in a conference room.

Ruka:......Are we in trouble?

Y/n:If we were I would be shooting our way out.


You were still reading the book Winter gave you when the door opened and 3 people walked in.

Y/n:....Oh shit.....

Ozpin:Hello there.

Ruka:......General Kenobi.

Ironwood:This is-

Y/n:Ozpin leader of Beacon,General Ironwood who runs Atlas Academy,and Glynda Goodwitch Vice Principal of Beacon Academy,and Winter Schnee a co-general in Atlas Academy or something like that.

Ruka:You know we never really learned her job.

Y/n:Yeah-OH I think Winte's like a commander.

Ruka:But wouldn't Commander rank higher than General?

Y/n:Nah Commander is more hands on 8n the war field like authorizing the launch of missiles.

Ruka:Sounds like a Presidents role.

Y/n:Dude our worlds are different remember-

Ironwood slammed his hand on the ground ending the conversation between the both you.

Ironwood:......Thank you.

Glynda:How did you about us?

Ruka:Let's just say in simple terms this world is like a TV show in our world.

Y/n:We basically know-kind of know everything.

Chelsea:E-Except me.I don't know what's going on.

Y/n:She's uncultured.

Glynda:Ok?And what of the portal between worlds.Are you familiar with that?

Y/n:That!........Is a big fat no.

Ruka:Yeah the portal is kinda new to us as well none of us know about it.

Ozpin:Well that's too bad.

Chelsea:W-What are you going to d-do to us?

Ozpin:Well nothing so don't worry.But we can't send you back to the portal.

Ironwood:Without knowing what's on the other side it could spell disaster.

Y/n:Uhh thanks?

Chelsea(scared):Will our world be fine?

Ironwood:That's not exactly for me to say.It all depends on your worlds Military.I'm sorry.

Ruka:Well what's gonna happen to us?

Ozpin:Well I suppose that's up to you.You can leave here and trek the wilderness-

Y/n:Psssh that's dumb what's the real options?

Ozpin:Well you can choose one of our schools to stay at.Our resources at hand can probably help retake your world.



Y/n:Excuse us.

You,Ruka,and for some reason Chelsea did a team huddle.

Y/n(whisper):Ruka I'm not going to Atlas everyone we know are staying at Beacon!

Ruka(whisper):But I wanna go to Atlas!They have all men dorms and they're jacked!


Ruka:*Lifts eyebrows*

Y/n(whisper):.........Ruka I'm not leaving my girlfriends just so you can get yourself a gay porn harem!

Ruka(whisper):But I always wanted to be a Barrack bunny!!Pleeeeease!?


Chelsea(whisper):I know I'm last person you two wanna hear shit from but I wanna go to the Beacon place.

Ruka(whisper):YOU SLUT!!


Chelsea(whisper):I just have an off feeling about that Ironwood guy.

You looked back at Ironwood before returning to the huddle.

Y/n(whisper):Seeing what he did in later seasons you're not exactly wrong.


Y/n(whisper):Dude Cardin,Sun,and Neptune are at Beacon.Then when the Vytal festival starts they're all yours.


You spoke up.

Y/n:We'll stay at Beacon.

End of Chapter 9.

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