Sleeping with the one I love

Af Airabear

1.6K 105 28

If built on a lie, will we still be ok Mere

The letter pt.1
The letter pt.2
The letter pt.3


496 28 5
Af Airabear

Knock knock knock! 7pm

Here we go again day 92.

"Come on please baby open up."

She continued knocking on the door as I sat on the other side, only able to cry. I couldn't bring myself to open it, I didnt want to hear anymore apologies there's no amount of "I'm sorry" that could take away the heartbreak I was going through. 3 months of this same routine everyday at exactly 7 o'clock she would knock on this door, begging me to let her explain. She knew I was here on the otherside, she always did.

"Baby please I know you're right there just let me explain please... I'm sorry" It wasn't anything knew but this time I couldn't help but to cry harder, now more then ever I wanted to open the door and feel her arms around me. To wipe my tears and tell me that everything was going to be ok that no one would ever hurt me again. But I knew that wouldn't be true this time cause she's the one that hurt me.

It went quiet no more knocking no more pleads just silence. Hearing a creek and a small scouffle against the door, I knew she was now siting on the other side. She was tired you could hear the exhaustion in her voice, she was giving up.

"I miss you it's been three months since I've heard your voice, since I've seen your face or touch your skin, I miss you so much. I know you're not going to open up I don't know why I keep asking you haven't in the last 91 now 92 days and I understand. It's my fault." I sat quiet as I listened to her whispered like words hearing her sniffle. This was new. " I.. This will be my last day coming... I'm letting you go. I'm preforming tomorrow I would love to have you there but I understand if you don't but if you do your tickets will be at the door. Please come, I love you panda I hope to see you if not goodbye..."


A letter fell next to me and soon after I heard her door closing. The only sound left to hear was the light tapping of the rain against the window. Leaving me with my thoughts and her letter that read

The truth I'm sorry

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