Money Can't Buy Love

De Hearts4Millie

431 38 74

based off of a glmm (gacha life mini movie) that I remember for some reason every couple months. so basically... Mais

Fire Vs. Ice
[Finale] Apologize


87 7 27
De Hearts4Millie

I woke up to my alarm that rung loudly in my ear. I pressed the snooze button. I was not a morning Pokémon.

Riptide urged me to get up. "Come on, sis!" He said. He looked at my burn mark on the underbelly from years ago.

I got up. "Do I have to go to high school?" I asked. "Yes, you do." He looked at me with a serious expression. When he pulled that face, you knew heeant business. I scoffed. "Fine."

I went to my mom, a Leafeon. She asked if I wanted any breakfast. "No, thanks." I said. I didn't usually eat breakfast. I refuse to believe that break fast is the most "important meal of the day" and it "wakes you up". It's just breakfast, how could it do any of that? Riptide said no as well, although he usually ate breakfast.

"Why aren't you eating?" I ask once he packs his bag. "You love breakfast, and you always eat it?" He glanced at me. It seemed like he didn't have time to explain to me why. "I'm nervous." He said. "For what?" He responded, "About high school."

"You've been in high school for a year now. Why are you nervous? You know more than I do." I say reasonably. "I mean, I know this is a new town, but you like new stuff." As he finishes packing my bag, he turns to me. "No, no. You're right, but... I'm worried for you."

Oh. That makes sense.

"Well, don't. It'll be fine. I'll be fine." I reassure him as he makes sure he's got everything. I look at the burn mark on my underbelly - a blotch of slightly darkened fur. But it had a story behind it. I scowled down at it. I hated Flareons. Every single Flareon in every single myth that I read was either a witch, an evil sorcerer, or some firey spirit who haunts random people who don't really deserve it, in my opinion. But those were just myths. Maybe it was time to open up, just a little?

"Okay, mom. Love you." Riptide says, putting on his bookbag. I do too, and we are both at the bus stop before we know it. I noticed Riptide to my side, shaking his tail off. I chuckle. "Seriously, why are you so uptight? It's just high school." This grabs his attention, and he stops shaking. "How can you tell?" I look at him, dumbfounded. "You're over here shaking your tail off as if it's the middle of winter."

"You're cold." He says, a simple - and fair - explanation. I shrug as the bus approaches. We stand up and climb on.

When I'm searching for a seat (hopefully I'll get one to myself), I observe the Pokémon around me. What grade is that Absol in? Is that Zeraora single? Is there any freshman like me?

As I swiftly look around, I see an open spot - bingo! - and set my bag down. Riptide takes the seat across from me whom he shares with a strange Leafeon. I observe the Leafeon he is sitting with - a tanner base, red ears and leaves, and a sharp, gleaming red tail. Her smell wafted towards me - autumn leaves. It smelled nice, but i quite wanted to know how she was colored that way. However she was colored I wish I was abnormally colored as well.

We stopped once more, and more Pokémon got on, even a Manaphy, which I thought was cool. I wish I was legendary, but I like myself. Then, another Glaceon got on. Sweet! They asked to sit next to me. I nodded and observed them. Pale blue fur, icy blue bangs, and the tips of them were a dark blue with a hint of grey. I've never saw another Glaceon before (I only looked at myself in the mirror), not even on TV, so this was cool - and they chose to sit next to me.

"What's your name?" I ask. The Glaceon looks at me. "Icicle." She said. "Hm. What grade are you in?" She responded, "Ninth." Yes, we were in the same grade... "Where do you go to school?" She grunted, as if she wanted the questions to stop. "An Eevee- only school." "Hey, I'm going there too. It's in Mesagoza, right?" She nods. "What's it like there?" Icicle pauses and adds, "Hell, for me. I like this Umbreon named Tamao, but this Sylveon does as well. Sylvie is her name. And you thought two were enough? An Espeon named Sakura like him as well, and a Leafeon called Fern. Today is his second week being here, and it's getting worse by the day. I just have to kiss him soon."

I was taken back by her quick and stern reply. Hopefully she wouldn't take this madness out on me. "Oh. I'm sorry, I can't relate to your feelings, but that does sound like the worst." Icicle finally takes a good look at me, and she looks amazed. "Woah! Your - your fur! How is it this color?" She looks at my aquamarine bangs. What does she mean? I'm normal, right?

"This is so cool. You're one of those Miscolored Shines!" Icicle exclaims. "I'm normal, what are you talking about?" Icicle shakes her head. "Tsk, tsk. You poor thing, haven't you ever seen another Glaceon, like, in your life?" She looks me in the eye.

"Nope. Not even on TV." I say. "Oh, you hopeless creature. How have you lived like that?" I scoffed. "We have TV, obviously. None of the shows any of us watched had a Glaceon in it." "Have you watched An Eeveelution's Tale? The host of that game show is a beautiful Glaceon." I shook my head. "What does your house look like? Mine is a modern mountain house." I say. "Mine is too!" Icicle exclaims.

Then, a Flareon gets on. It looks like it had hoop earrings in its ear. "Who is that?" I asked a bit sternly. "His name is Aries. Why, you like him?" I shook my head. "You see this mark?" I gestured to my burn. "That from from a Flareon when I was barely 14 months old." "Oh!" She covered her mouth with a blue paw. "I'm sorry." "No, it's okay. It's fine now, it's just sensitive. And I'm pretty sure it's not gonna go away..." I say. We talk the rest of the way to school, and I manage to get her number, just barely. We get off at the Eevee school. It towered above me menacingly. I wished I could just go back in time so I could be a young Glaceon again. But alas...

I walk in with Riptide, who checks what time it is on his phone. Mom got us the new iPhone, so we have that going. It's pretty good, and I mostly use mine for playing Boblox or PokéTube.

Riptide is on his phone, texting someone who he called "🍁" in his contacts. Yes, he actually named that person an emoji of an autumn leaf. "Who are you texting?" I say. Who, just who could this be? A Flareon? They are red.

"A Leafeon named Autumn," He said, smiling at me. "I sat beside her on the bus." I look at him, dumbfounded. How couldn't I have guessed that? "She is pretty," I say. "It makes me want to be a Leafeon. But she is not like a normal Leafeon, and the Glaceon beside me said I wasn't normal either, except she sounded excited."

"You are both a species of Miscolored Shinies. They're very rare, it's cool we have two in the same school," Riptide stated. "Yeah, I guess." I open the double doors and walked into the school. "Where are we supposed to go now?" I ask my big brother. "I think we go to homebase. See ya later, sis!" He says as we both part ways.

I wave at him and follow Icicle into the ninth grade hall. "Which homebase are you in?" She asks me. "I'm in Mrs. Jackson's class." I say. "Oh, we are in different classes. I'll show you where it is, though," she offered. "Yes, please." I say, cause no way am I getting lost on my first day. I waved goodbye as she trotted further down the hall. I walk in.

"Is this Class 308?" I ask. "Yes, it is," Says the teacher, an Espeon, and she smiled at me. "Find somewhere to have a seat, and you'll be fine for now." I take a seat in between an Umbreon and Autumn. I wanted to get to know her instead of hearing about her through Riptide, and I didn't want it to seem like I knew her name, so I say, "Hello, I'm Snowfall. What's you're name?"

She turns to me with a smile and says, "Hi, I'm Autumn." I nod and smile. "That's a pretty name. Actually, my brother sat beside you this morning. He talked about how you and me are Miscolored Shinies, which is pretty cool."

"Yeah, it is. Also, that was your brother? He seems nice, and cool." I nod, and just when I'm about to add more, Mrs. Jackson calls me up. "Snowfall, why don't you come up and introduce yourself?" All of a sudden, my mood changes, cause introductions are the worst.

I stand up and say, "My name is Snowfall. I enjoy painting and talking, and I don't really like Flareons as much as other Eeveelutions." Mrs. Jackson dismisses me from the front of the classroom, and I go back to the third town where I have my backpack.

"Everyone, please make Autumn feel welcome, because after all, a 'kind class is a good class'." She says from a poster on the wall.

I turn to the Umbreon. "What's your name?" I say. He scoffs and says, "Tamao. Why?" in a rude tone. "Geez, I was just asking for your name." I say. "Sorry. It's just - these girls make me so mad"-

-"Sylvie, Fern, and Icicle? Yup, I've heard." He nods, as if it wasn't a surprise that I had known. "Exactly. They all want to date me. It's like a never ending game of Monkey In The Middle, and I'm in the middle." He says. "They must want you bad. If you had to choose between them, who would it be?" He shoots me a look. "None of them. They're all bad. In fact, I would choose this one girl in my math class." I lean in to listen as Tamao goes on. "She is na Espeon with dark purple glasses that match her eyes." I nod sincerely, showing that I care.

"Okay, class. Get your green books out." Mrs. Jackson says as if I know what the green book is. I look at Autumn, and she points to under my seat, in the chair basket. There lays a green book. I lay in on the desk and flip it open to a random page. Turns out, this is ELA. "Psychic And Solare" were huge words at the top of the page in bold. "Turn to page 196-197, where we will learn about the Eclipse Castle..."


As I was walking through the hall during dismissal, a Flareon approached me. "Be my girlfriend." He said. I chuckled. "I'm afraid that's not how it works." Then he handed me money. $1000 worth in Pokébucks, to be exact. "Be my girlfriend," he said again, "and all this is yours." I pushed his paw away from me. "Not happening." He looked taken back as I walked breezily away.


I thrust my bookbag onto a chair and pull out my homework, a sheet of math questions.

"Anything interesting happen in school today?" Says mom. "We had an assessment for math, but nothing exciting." "How did you do?" She asks. "I'm not sure, but I hope I did well." I'm good at math so I shouldn't have anything to worry about, and besides, they're learning the same stuff as we did at our old school.

No way was I telling her what happened at dismissal. It's not so much of a big deal, just embarrassing. I wonder what would have happened if I said yes, I thought as I wrote down the answers to my homework. Is this the first time that has happened? He looked shocked... I wrote down the last answer and put it back into my Math folder.

"Is that all the homework you have?" Mom said. I nod as I get a snack down from the cabinet. I got a whole pack of Oreos. "Now, don't be eating them all. Let your brother have some as well." Mom says, wiping the marble counter. "Yes, I will," I say as I spare a few Oreos. Sorry, Riptide - I'm with my stomach on this one.

End of Chapter One

In the next chapter...

"Do you not know how to leave people alone?" Said the Glaceon to me, smacking my orange paw into my beige fluff, sending money flying. "I don't like you. I'm sorry, it's just the way it is, and it's not like you can change it." You sure about that? I thought puffing out my chest. You're mine, Snowfall.

Continue lendo

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