Put on a Smile | Yandere! Smi...

Oleh Crossover42

14.7K 308 128

Cover art is not mine, all credits belong to: Skirszay {Your art is amazing :)} 10 years after the Playtime C... Lebih Banyak

Information (Plz Read)
Ch. 1 - Train Crash
Ch. 3 - Welcome to Playcare
Ch. 4 - Take a rest

Ch. 2 - Baby steps

3K 66 40
Oleh Crossover42

(A/n: I honestly can't believe this story is already almost past 2k reads! You people are crazy, thank you all so much for the love and support this early in the story, I really appreciate it! Anyways, here's chapter 2! Hope you enjoy!)


((Y/n)'s P.O.V)

Bubba Bubbaphant lead me through the various twists and turns and heights and drops of the trash compactor as we tried to find a way out, the giant plush keeping a close eye on me and making sure I was safe, kinda acting like some sort of concerned parent. It was kind of comforting, in a good way I mean. While exploring with him, I started to piece together that Bubba is a pretty smart guy. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that he's an elephant? I guess that could be another reason why the big guy has a lightbulb tag on his zipper, it could be a way to signify intelligence.

Anyway, we continued going on our way and we made it above the trash compactor room. I was so thankful to get away from all this...crap. The smells down here were GOD AWFUL!!

There were also a few points that I ended up seeing more of those classic writings on the walls, one of them for example reading: 'Help'. I also saw claw marks and blood (something that I find commonly down here) in the spots where the writing was. To say that didn't send a chill down my spine would be a lie. What exactly left those claw marks? I was really hoping that I would never find out, but I probably was going to anyway and that was not helping me calm down in the slightest.

We kept going until we stopped in this very room. Bubba put a foot under his chin in thought.

Bubba: Hmm...There should be a staircase that leads to the upper levels around here somewhere...

When he said that, I remembered that I had noticed a door we never opened earlier. I decided to go see if there was anything useful. When I started walking over to it, Bubba turned in my direction.

Bubba: (Y/n), where are you going?

He followed me and I made it to the door I saw. I twisted the knob and realized it was locked.

(Y/n)'s thoughts: Of course, why am I not surprised?

I was about to give up and leave it at that but then it dawned on me that this place was really old. Maybe the door was old and weak enough to kick it down and break the lock.

(Y/n)'s thoughts: No harm in trying.

I backed up a bit and, with all the strength I could muster, I kicked at the door repeatedly with all my might. Bubba flinched at my sudden actions.

Bubba: (Y/n), I really don't think you should be...

(Y/n): *Grunt!!*


The door suddenly gave in and flew open. Bubba flinched at this but I didn't really care because, to my pleasure, i found the staircase that he was mentioning. I turned to my new friend, who was slightly shocked by what I did, and smiled.

(Y/n): Found them! *Smiles innocently*

Bubba: Huh, I guess that works...

Bubba's face then went from shocked to scolding really fast.

Bubba: (Y/n), you could've hurt your foot trying to do that. Please try to be a bit more careful down here, bud.

(Y/n): I'm fine, Bubba. It's just a door.

Bubba: Still, you should at least try to be a bit more quiet. You don't know what kind of things are down here.

(Y/n): *Shrugs* I've already had a bit of a taste of what's down here, you're a little late on that front, pal. After you, good sir.

I made a gesture that insisted for Bubba to go on first. Bubba didn't say anything and looked a little concerned at my words before he started trodding up the stairs with me quickly close behind him. We continued our way until we made it to a higher place with a big drop. This required us to hop across the various, moving pumps in the room to make it to another platform. When we made it there though...

Bubba: *Gasp!*

Bubba Bubbaphant suddenly placed a foot over my mouth for some reason. I was about to ask what gives but he quietly put his foot to his lips.

Bubba: (Whisper) Shh...don't make any sudden noises...

(Y/n)'s thoughts: Why?

I gave him a confused look and that made him point to why he was shushing me. When I looked, I paled slightly at the sight of a large, and I mean large, purple creature crawling on the walls before it disappeared into a ceiling vent. I only saw half of it's body, but I think I have a pretty good idea of who I saw...


(End of Flashback)

(Y/n)'s thoughts: Okay, yep, now I'm really glad Bubba shushed me!

I didn't not want to risk encountering that thing again. Not after what happened last time. There was a moment of silence between the two of us before Bubba decided that it was safe enough to uncover my mouth.

Bubba: Phew...that was too close. I don't wanna find out what CatNap would do to you if he found out you were still alive.

(Y/n): W-Wait, 'CatNap'? You know him?

Bubba: ...I used to... Although knowing him now, it's a miracle that he didn't kill you immediately before he dropped you down that garbage chute.

(Y/n): What do you mean by that, did you used to be friends or something?

Bubba: I...it's complicated...

(Y/n): How so?

Bubba: ...I'll explain more when we reach the Playcare. Let's just leave it at that for now, okay?

The look on the elephant's face told me that this was a touchy subject for him, so I decided not to pry anymore.

(Y/n): Okay...

Bubba nodded as a silent 'thank you' before he looked across the gap and pointed.

Bubba: Look! Over there is a platform that you can pull over here to reach that vent! Think you can do that? *Smiles*

(Y/n): *Smiles* Watch me!

I used my grabpack and pulled the platform closer to us. When it was close enough I looked to Bubba.

(Y/n): You first.

He nodded and hopped onto the platform. Then, it was my turn. I jumped onto the platform and it started moving back towards the vents.

Bubba: Brace yourself!

I did what he asked and tensed my body, bracing for the impending impact. The platform then crashed against the wall, sending us both forward a bit, be we managed to keep your balance. I breathed a sigh of relief.

(Y/n): Phew, we made it. Now, let's head inside this vent and continue heading to...

(Y/n)'s thoughts: ...Wait a minute...

It took me a moment, but now looking between the vent and my friend, I realized that it looked too small for Bubba Bubbaphant to fit inside. This made me worried, so I turned to him to voice my concerns.

(Y/n): Bubba, this vent is only big enough for me to fit inside! How are you going to get in?

He took a look at the vent.

Bubba: Hmm...You're right...But there might be another way for me to go around, but we're going to have to split up for a little bit.

(Y/n): What? Are you sure there's no other way?

Bubba: I wish there was, but I don't see any other way for both of us to go together. Splitting up is our only option.

(Y/n): Ohh...

(Bubba Bubbaphant's P.O.V)

I knew that (Y/n) wasn't going the take it well when I told him that, but it still hurt my heart to see this poor child upset. Especially when it looks like he's been through so much already. When I saw the downcast look on his face, I sighed and knelt down to his level before gently patting his head in comfort, making him look up at me with those (E/c)'d eyes of his. I knew it wasn't much, but I still wanted to try and comfort him in some way.

I could tell by that look he was giving me that he didn't want to go alone. I didn't want him to either, but I didn't see any other option.

Bubba: I know, it's scary and sad that we have to split right after we just met. But hey, it's not going to be forever, it'll only be for a little bit.

(Y/n): I know, but still...

He paused, still unsure. As expected, but I wasn't giving up.

Bubba: As much as I want to go with you, bud, I won't be able to. So you need to back to handling yourself for a little while until we can meet back up again. Think you do that for me?

(Y/n): ...I guess so, but I'm not gonna like it.

Bubba: Attaboy!

I smiled and patted his head again, making him smile and giggle softly... It was the most adorable thing that I've heard in a long time. It brought a feeling of warmth to my heart to hear a child's laughter again after so long. It's been a while since I felt this feeling of happiness and I never knew how much I really missed this feeling. (Platonically I mean)

Bubba: Alright. Now, up you go!

I took (Y/n) into my good arm and gently lifted him over to the vent. This action surprised him and I chuckled at his reaction. He gave me a glare.

(Y/n): H-Hey! A little warning next time, please!

I just shrugged and gave him a playful smirk. He pouted like a toddler and I tried not to coo at this before I placed him down in front of the vent. The kid adjusted his grabpack so that he could crawl better inside it and got on all fours before turning to look at me.

(Y/n): Hey, you be safe now, okay?

Bubba's thoughts: I should be the one telling you that.

Bubba: I will, be careful, bud.

(Y/n) nodded before he turned away from me and started crawling into the vents. I closed the latch behind him, hearing the sounds of his crawling getting further and further away until I couldn't hear him anymore. I felt an uneasy feeling bubbling inside my chest for being forced to let him go on his own, but I had to trust him. I needed to trust him. He'll be fine... Yeah, (Y/n) will be okay...

Bubba's thoughts: ...I miss his laugh already...

Bubba: *Sigh*

I shook my head to clear my thoughts and started focusing on finding another way forward. (Y/n), please be safe...

((Y/n)'s P.O.V)

(Y/n)'s thoughts: Claustrophobia, please don't make this more difficult for me...

That was all I could think about at the moment and I was really trying my best to keep myself together. I never liked tight enclosed spaces, they freaked me out all the time. And crawling through these vents wasn't really helping my phobia.

(Y/n): Please, please, God, let the exit be close...

I dropped down from above and explored a little bit, occasionally moving some grates to see if one would open. I eventually found one that opens and I found myself entering some kind of living/dining room. It had a kitchen and a couch with a tv playing nothing but static.

(Y/n): What the...what is this place?

I kind made me think that someone lived in here or something. I exited the vent and explored the room a little bit, noticing some kind of mechanical door. It looked like it needed some kind of batteries to power it...weird... I continued looking and noticed a grate that looked slightly...familiar. Curiously, I walked over to it and gently opened it, being greeted by the familiar sound of the trash compactor alarm.

It was then that I put two and two together. This must be the room where CatNap dropped me down the garbage chute! That's good! I was making progress, Playcare should be close by that means!

Slightly satisfied, I closed the grate and continued looking around until I noticed a tape laying on the floor in front of the tv.

(Y/n): Hello...(Picks up the tape) I wonder what kind of lore and secrets you hold?

Being the curious one that I am, I decided to see what records the tape has. I went over to the tv and placed the tape inside the tape player. The static-y screen then changed to a black screen, with the only thing in the middle of it being some kind of...gas mask?

Before I could even start to question it, I began to hear a women's voice. So I stayed quiet so I could listen.

Female Scientist: Alright, Ms. Harper, please explain the situation. Spare no detail.

Ms. Harper: Well, like any night, all the children were getting to sleep. It was peaceful, quiet. CatNap had the red smoke in the room. Then, suddenly, there's this scream. Nightmares happen, it know, but this... I mean, dilated pupils and quivering lips? The way her eyes darted around the room? And I swear, her hand in mine, it felt like her blood was boiling beneath her skin... She saw something too, something horrible! She- I-I'm sorry. I don't mean to...

Female Scientist: Ms. Harper, we'll provide the very best we can offer, you have my word. But this is important. Did Marie happen to describe what she saw?

Ms. Harper: Yes, a monster she said, said that it was...colorless... Gosh, I could feel her poor little heart pounding. For her, it was right there! A-And her movements, they were so wild! Arms flailing, legs kicking...

Female Scientist: Hmmm...

Ms. Harper: I-I wanted to talk to her. See how she's doing. I just...I really need to hear her voice right now.

Female Scientist: That would not be advised, Ms. Harper. There are many concerns we must address at this time. But vitals show normal, and we'll continue to monitor. She'll be okay.

Ms. Harper: No! Well, pardon me if I'm not comforted by that! (Sobbing) Just bring my little girl back to me...

The screen went back to static and I could only sit where I was in shock and disbelief. I knew bad stuff happened at this factory, but this...? This was a whole new level for me. My brain could only handle so much. I mean, Nightmares? Red Smoke? CatNap? I really hope that there isn't anything worse. I don't know how much more I can handle... I sighed and got up before going to the couch to collapse on it, not even caring how dirty and torn it was.

(Y/n): Oh my God... This is all just too much.

(Y/n)'s thoughts: ...I need a nap....

I sighed some more and cuddled up to the couch, trying to get some real sleep and calm down. What other crazy thing can go on today...?




*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

(Y/n): Ahh!

I got startled by the metallic sound of the metal door being knocked on and I fell off the couch in surprise. Of course...me and my big mouth. I quickly got back on my feet and stared at the doorway and the knocking continued.

???: *Slightly Muffled* Hello? I heard a tv playing...Is someone there?

They sounded like an adult male. Cautiously, I approached the door and gently put my hand to it as the voice continued to talk from the other side.

???: *Slightly Muffled* There's no point if you're trying to stay quiet. I heard you yelp, so I know you're in there.

(Y/n): ...

???: *Slightly Muffled* Listen, i know you're probably scared, I get that, but I'm not going to hurt you. You can trust me, I promise.

I had no idea if I could trust him, but, he sounded genuine. And I did take a risk with Bubba and he turned out to be friendly so...

(Y/n)'s thoughts: Lord, please don't let this be a mistake...

(Y/n): ...H-Hello?

???: *Slightly Muffled* Hah! I knew it! I knew you were there! Man, it's been a while since I've spoken to anyone alive. And you sound...so young too. Who are you?

(Y/n): I-I'm (Y/n)...(Y/n) (L/n). And you are?

???: *Slightly Muffled* The name's KickinChicken! And don't wear it out!

I couldn't help but snort because this guy sounded like a complete show off. I shook my head and gave a soft smile to the door.

(Y/n): Nice to meet you.

KickinChicken: *Slightly Muffled* Hehe, same here. So, what are you doing here anyway, kid. And how are you...alive?

(Y/n): That's...kind of a long story. I don't think you'd wanna hear it.

KickinChicken: *Slightly Muffled* I wouldn't be asking you to tell me if I didn't.

(Y/n): True...You sure you wanna hear my story? It's pretty long.

KickinChicken: *Slightly Muffled* I'm not going anywhere, kid. I've got time.

(Y/n): ...*Sigh* Okay, fine. So, this is what happened...

(Y/n): Annnd, now you're caught up.

KickinChicken: *Slightly Muffled*...Wow...that's...that's a lot to take in. Especially for someone so young...

(Y/n): Well, that's pretty much my life now. So, I better get used to it.

KickinChicken: *Slightly Muffled* Wait, how did you even manage to survive the trash compactor?

(Y/n): Well, an elephant named Bubba showed up and saved me before I nearly got crushed.

KickinChicken: *Slightly Muffled* ...BUBBA!?!? AS IN: BUBBA BUBBAPHANT, HE'S ALIVE!?

Kickin suddenly sounded very excited for some reason. It surprised me, does he know Bubba or something? It makes sense, their names did sound somewhat alike in a way now that I think about it.

(Y/n): You two know each other?

KickinChicken: *Slightly Muffled* Yes! He's one of my friends! I haven't seen him in so long, I thought he was dead! Where is he? Is he with you now?

I shook my head despite the fact we're both on opposite sides of the door.

(Y/n): No, we came across a vent earlier and we temporarily needed to go separate ways. He's currently trying to find a way around as we speak.

KickinChicken: *Slightly Muffled* Oh. Well, it's good that he's still alive at least. It's good to know that I'm not the last of the Smiling Critters.

(Y/n): The...'Smiling Critters'?

KickinChicken: *Slightly Muffled* Yeah! It's the name of our group! ...Okay, so listen, (Y/n). I know we just met and all, but, I need a favor from you. Do you think you can find a way to open this door? I would like to see the face of the person I'm talking to!

(Y/n): Umm, I can try. But, this seems like a really complicated door to open. And I don't think just my grabpack hands will work for it.

KickinChicken: Hmm, I think I can help with that. So, listen carefully. Does the door have a one or two electrical sockets next to it?

I did notice to the right that the door had an electrical socket off to the side. And they did look like they seemed connected to each other.

(Y/n): (Nods) Yes.

KickinChicken: Okay, good! Now, if I'm right, there should be a couple of large batteries in the room you're in. Look around and see if you can find some, then put them into the sockets.

(Y/n): Okay.

I searched around the room for these batteries, which wasn't hard to look for actually when they so easily stand out. I picked up each battery with my grabpack and placed them each into their respective sockets.

(Y/n): Annnd! (Places the last battery into the sockets) Got it! Abracadabra!

The electrical sockets flared to life I used my blue hand on the control panel before the mechanical door finally opened for me. There, I finally saw the face of KickinChicken. True to his name, he resembled an anthro chicken plush, and, unlike Bubba, the tag on his zipper resembled a star. And, just like Bubba, he was much larger than I.

KickinChicken: Hey, you got it! Nice work there, kiddo!

(Y/n): Thanks! Nice to finally meet you face-to-face.

KickinChicken: Ditto! So, where are you off to now, (Y/n)?

(Y/n): I'm trying to get to Playcare. You think you can take me there?

KickinChicken: You bet I can! Especially now since you have that grabpack!

Kickin pointed to my grabpack.

KickinChicken: With that, you should be able to restore power to the cable car that can get us into the Playcare!

(Y/n): Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get going!

KickinChicken: (Nods) Tag along with me, kiddo! I'll keep you safe and take you to the tram station!

KickinChicken turned around and motioned for me to follow. I complied and we walked down the hallway. When we were about to make a turn, I spotted something very familiar.

(Y/n): Hey, look! (Points to the cutout) It's a cutout of your friend Bubba!

KickinChicken: (Chuckles) Right you are, kiddo.

(Y/n): ...Mind if I press the button?

KickinChicken: Be my guest.

I smiled and pressed the very enticing red button with a *click*!

Bubba Bubbaphant Cutout: I'm Bubba Bubbaphant! Hey, I remember you!


Bubba Bubbaphant Cutout: An elephant always remembers!


Bubba Bubbaphant Cutout: Want to know what I remember about you?

I got super curious and I pressed the button one last time. But when I did...


Bubba Bubbaphant Cutout: (Screaming!!!)

I jumped and stepped back in shock as I listened to the sounds of Bubba screaming before it faded out to static. I looked to KickinChicken and noticed he was trying to suppress a giggle. I then put two and two together.

(Y/n): Did you know it was gonna do that?

KickinChicken: Maybe~...

(Y/n): ...You jerk!

I swatted his side and groaned.

(Y/n): We've only known each other for a few minute and you're already a pain in the butt... Let's get going...

KickinChicken: (Smirks) Right this way, kid.

He continued to lead me me down the hallway while I pouted slightly behind him, knowing that he was still smirking while looking proud of what he did...jerk.

As we walked, we suddenly stopped when I heard something I'd never thought I'd hear down here...

*Riiiiiiiing.... Riiiiiiiing.... Riiiiiiiing...*

(Y/n)'s thoughts: Huh? What the heck is that?

*Riiiiiiiing.... Riiiiiiiing.... Riiiiiiiing...*

(Y/n)'s thoughts: Is that...a phone ringing?

End of Chapter 2


A/n: Thank you all so much for the support for the previous chapter! I honestly never expected it to gain so much attention! Thank you all so much!


Credits: KickinChicken art by - Yuki_arts or Yukiarts7 on X (aka Twitter).

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