Crushed Chimere

By Mxxnchild07

857K 55.7K 11K

The world lays at his feet but his world is her. The king bows to no one except his queen. ☆°•°☆☆°•°☆ " How c... More

00. love the connection we can't explain
01. Things go wonderfully right (or horribly wrong )
02. 50 shades of pain.
03. Grumpy beginnings
04. How to escape from the mess you didn't made.
05. T is for Trauma.
06. spoiler alert: you will see me in pain.
07.Emotions? how about no.
08.Bee stung heart
09. Cactus flowers
10. The God of Mischief
11. Mr bright side pleasing the storm.
12. Cupid screwed up
13. Thanks, I hate it.
14. Shadows and Secrets
☆Author Note☆
15. Bittersweet
16. Sour endings
17. The art of miscommunication
18.Mis(understanding) each other
19. Ferris wheel of emotions (1)
20. Ferris wheel of emotions (2)
21. Veil of darkness
22. The twilight of Innocence
23.lessons learned, bonds forged
24.In the grip of envy
25.Hard feelings
26. elle est un rêve
27.Glimmers of past
29. Paint the town red
30. Is that a coping mechanism?
32. Colour me red
33. Drunk words=sober thoughts
34. Pretty boy
36. Make me blush
37. Me, him and the moon.
38. Show me.
39. Glazed breaths
40. The way I loved you.
41. Draped in your love.
42. Let me show my love.
43. Body language cheat sheet
44.I bet u think about me
45.Mouths smashed,

35. Reverse icks

16K 1.3K 467
By Mxxnchild07

♡Inayah's pov♡

My heart is beating too hard, but I can't seem to look away. I can't help but examine the smallest things ever, how his eyes turns a shade lighter when the softest ray of sunlight hits them or how his hair have a few dark golden strands in them, I can't help but being drowned in remembering the scent he wore. The way he looked at me.

I can't help but watch Arhaan from the corner of my eyes. I'm trying to maintain my focus on what our teacher is saying but it's too hard. Too hard because all I can think about is how close I was too give in.

Too give in when he looked at me like that, too give in when he leaned in , looking at my lips.

And least to say it scared me to death, thinking about how I would've let him kiss me if he didn't turned away to remove something off my shoulder.

How I would've give in, exploding the space between us, tasting him, realising what I have always been starving for. To give in and taste the burning fire he caries within himself, igniting everyone with its mere touch.

How the little part in me, oh that small hidden part that I've always tried to hide from everyone would've burst open, spilling the truth that I am, have always been a little attracted to Arhaan.

It's just a small,tiny attraction. Just a phase which will eventually pass.

But in that moment, it felt soo real, soo intimate that I can't help but to remember it again.

Flashback scene ahead.

My eyes falls on his lips, as he leans in.

My heart is beating too fast, I can feel it. The intensity of it.

Rhythmic heartbeat fills the air, each thump raising the tension to a feverish pitch. Our bodies, though seemingly rooted in place, seem to inch closer to each other involuntarily, magnetically drawing us together.

Our faces draw impossibly close, eyes now aflame with a mixture of emotions. The electric anticipation is unmatched, as if the air around us is charged, buzzing with energy. With each passing second, the line between anger and unspoken desire starts to blur, making it impossible to discern where one ends and the other begins.

My eyes falls on his lips again and in this moment I knew I lost, lost my control, lost my will. Because I know if today Arhaan leaned in to kiss me, I would give in. Let him kiss the jealousy out of me.

A fact that I still don't want to acknowledge.

But he doesn't do any of that, diverting his face he raises his hand removing something off my shoulder.


This is so embarrassing just kill me already, I don't dare to look in his eyes this time knowing about the smirk that will be present there, amused at my embarrassed self. Oh I can practically feel it without even looking.

Feeling the blood rushing to my cheeks in the heat of the moment, I take few steps back.

And for the first ever a curiosity is planted in my chest, and I know its just a matter of time before I will realise these unspoken feelings, these unspoken familiarity that I'm not able to detect. And when I'll finally nurture them I would question myself once again if its just a phase of attraction or not.

Flashback over

As our teacher finally announces all the details about the upcoming educational trip, my eyes unwillingly draws back to the devil sitting in the corner most seat.

Feeling the magnetic pull as I finally turn my head to look at him, only to find his gaze already fixedupon me, with a smirk on his lips and a knowing look in his eyes.

Startled and caught off guard, my heart skips a beat, and a jumbled mess of emotions overtakes me. Time seems to stand still as our eyes lock for a fleeting moment, sending an electric current surging through my veins.

My once confident eyes swiftly avert their gaze, darting downward to the notepad in a desperate attempt to appear composed.

But in reality I'm feeling anything but composed.

"You know you look pretty cute when you are a flustered mess " He says, amusement blaring his words.

I try to ignore him, trying to focus on whatever the teacher is saying.

Yeah ignore him as much as you can.

As the lecture finally draws to a close, my heart pounds a little faster in my chest, torn between the longing to linger a little longer and the fear of further embarrassment.

With a final glance in his direction, my eyes meet his briefly before I hurriedly gather all my belongings, evading his gaze as I make my way towards the exit, my steps both eager and hesitant, leaving behind unanswered questions and an indescribable connection that I can't seem to ignore anymore.


☆Arhaan's pov☆

And if you're thinking of me, I'm probably thinking of you.

Even though her eyes are looking at something else, the red hue on her cheeks state's that she is thinking about our earlier incident.

A memory too fresh, a memory too deep ingraved in my mind.

I was soo close, soo close to finally get what I always wanted, needed, something which I always craved for, desired for.

When she looked at me like that, I felt it. An ache, like an electric burn tingling my skin, my whole body.

I was soo close to taste the beginning of my chaos. Soo close to finally have that single chance of worshipping her.

Soo close.

But I know she's not ready yet, haven't recognised what she truly feels for me. And this fucking sucks for me because every time she looks at me all I want to do is kiss her but I'll wait for her, wait for the day till she finally recognises what she truly feels.

I have waited for six years, a little more time won't bug me much.

And the track that I am on right now and the results that I'm getting from it successful states that Inayah will take only few more days to realise what she feels about me.

What she feels about us.

Even though it's dreading me to say this but Dhruv's list of 'plans' are actually not that bad.

Flashback scene ahead

(Earlier with dhruv)

"Oh my God, I don't know how we will make Bhabhi fall for you." Dhruv sighed, raking his hand through his hair in despair.

"My charms perhaps?" I pointed out, still a little doubtful about coming here.

He look at me over his shoulder, the marker he was holding paused against the white board he was earlier writing on.

"Bhai? Do you want to be in the friend zone list forever?"

" umm, no?"

" Then shut up and listen to me for once." Dhruv takes a step back and eyes the number of points he just mapped out. He shrugs as he goes over it again.

I swear I would've put a bullet through his head if he wasn't my brother.

"Ok, as you don't have any you know 'romantic experience', we need to add the beginner stuff first." Yeah whatever.

"Since you guys were practically enemies and you barely touched her over the last six years, you'll need to start slow. Small gentle moves, building in intensity, the tension." Says the most unqualified instructor.

"Wow, this is a new information, I think I'm going to have a heart attack and die from the surprise." Rolling my eyes, I stand up to look at what all stuff he just wrote.

"Ok Mr grumpy, as I was saying these are the few stuff that I wrote."

"This can't get any worse. Can it?" I ask, looking at the list of 'points' on the board.

" Oh sure it can, just give me a sec." Turning to look at the board again, he jolts down few more points.

" Scare her? Dhruv are you serious?" I say looking at the new point he wrote.

" Think in a romantic sense for once bhai, just imagine you plan out a fake story and then she gets scared and hugs you for comfort? I mean that's something right?" Well I love hugging trésor, so that's not a bad idea.

"Yeah maybe"

" Ok tell me what's one thing she likes."

" stargazing?"

"perfect, that'll be a nice date right?" writing another point he says as we brain storm few more Romanctic date ideas debating back and forth about each one.

" Ok, now the final step. Your first ever make out!"

" We are finally done, bhai. Don't mess this all up."

"It's hard to remember how idiotic you truly are when you actually use your brain on rare occasions such as these," I admit after listening to his ideas.

" Yeah, blah blah whatever. Thank me later, I know this will work."

And for once I truly hope he is right.

Flash back scene over


♡Inayah's pov ♡

I close my eyes for a second, inhaling a deep breath to calm myself down. There is nothing to be nervous about.

It's not like we haven't done this before, we are just going to shopping for the new college trip. No big deal.

He turns on the car and proceeds to drive off, his eyes shifting towards mine now and then.

The entire car ride is way too silent it is almost unbearable to just sit here. Am I making this awkward? I mean it is definitely awkward.

I believe about 10 minutes later we finally reach the mall. He places the car in the parking lot before turning the engine off.

Taking my seat belt off, I was about to open the car door, but Arhaan beats me to it. Opening the door for me . A habit of his that I'm still getting habitual to.

Fixing my clothes, as I step out. I look at the huge mall in front of me. Me and Avni have been to almost ever mall in Delhi but I've never been to this one before.

"Let's go" He says, taking my hand in his, out of nowhere.


Why is it so hot in here, I mean it's not like I have never I Mean-

What am I even saying?

As we enter in the mall, we are instantly greeted by the spacious entrance, adorned with glass windows with shimmering metallic work. The polished marble floors reflect the gleam of the overhead lights of chandeliers above us.

Even the air around us is filled with a faint hint of luxury perfume.

Even though this mall is huge like about 10 floors huge, it's still empty. Not a single visitor except the workers that our working in their respective stores.

Maybe it's a new build mall?

"Why is there nobody here?" Turning towards Arhaan, I ask him only to find him already looking at me.

"I own this mall." He says nonchalantly. Honestly I am not even shoked anymore.

"Where do you want to go first?" He asks as I look at the shimmering lights and ornaments around us.

Looking around, my eyes falls on the bookstore next to us.

" Let's go there." Without realising I tighten my hold on his hand, dragging him inside the store with me.

As we enter inside the store, the scent of fresh pages and ink greets us. Excitedly, I take a step forward, my eyes immediately scanning the neatly arranged shelves on either side.

Searching for shelf with the classic collections, my eyes falls on the penguin clothbound edition books neatly colour organized. I've already have ten of them in my collection, which I'm very proud of. But there are literally 96 edition of them, which was impossible for me to collect all at once.

As I amble down the narrow aisle, looking at the books, Arhaan maintains a steady pace, his footsteps echoing softly behind.

As the green colour of the book 'persuasion' catches my attention, I instinctively reach out for it, delicately sliding it off the shelf.
Without a word, Arhaan extends his waiting arm, as if waiting to hold the book for me, ready to serve as my personal book carrier.

Turning I give him the book, continuing to explore few more books. Each step I took brought me closer to the heart of this literary haven, as my fingers lightly brushed over the spines of various books.

Glancing back, I notice Arhaan holding piles of books in his hands. The books I once checked out and had no plan of buying.

Don't tell me he had been plucking out every book that I once touched in this store.

"What are you doing Arhaan?" I ask, my words mixed with surprise and confusion.

" Holding the books that you want?" He replied back.

" I was just checking those books out, it doesn't mean we have to buy each one of them." For God's sake, he is literally holding about 20 books at the same time.

"You liked these, so we are buying it."

" Oh, so if I just randomly touch any book you will buy it? " looking at me confused by my question, he just nods his head.

What is wrong with him?

Walking towards a random shelf, I take out a book. Examining it first then putting it back, just to test what he'll do next.

Without questioning me, he pulls out the same book. Placing it on the top of stack he is holding.

" Oh my God Arhaan? For how long have you been doing this? We can't buy all of these books." I retorted.

" Yes we can and that's we are about to do." Enunciating his point he starts to guide me towards the next shelf, holding the stack of books in his one hand, whereas his other one is holding my hand.

How is he even holding all those books at the same time?

"No, we are not buying anymore books"

" but-

" Arhaan please, these are already too much." I smirk as he finally agrees. Walking behind me closely as we walk towards the checkout area.

As I approach towards the counter, the cashier, who wears a friendly smile slightly furrows her brows in confusion probably noticing the absence of any books in my hands.

She glances at me and then at the empty counter before asking, "Hello, Are you not ready to check out your books?"

Turning to look behind me, Arhaan comes in few. Even though his face is hidden behind those books he is holding.

Turning back, I look at the girl who's once confusion filled eyes are now dissolved into amusement, her eyes twinkling with a newfound understanding.

Something I'm still confused about.

Placing the books on the counter, Arhaan steps back. Making the cashier's eyes widen in surprise at the sight of him.

Without missing a second she starts to scan all the books out, placing them neatly in the paper bags.

Grabbing the four bags in his hand, Arhaan don't wait to pay making me confused before I realise that this is practically his store.

As we get out of the store, two men dressed in all black comes out of nowhere, as Arhaan gives them the bags to carry.

Ok Mr Richie the rich.


"Ok yeah, we'll take this too." Arhaan hands the dress I chose to the women that's been assisting us from the past 1 hr.

Being rich does has its perks, I must agree.

She takes the dress adding it to the big pile of tops, t-shirts, pants, and every other piece of clothing a girl could need.

Didn't knew that we are going there to settle forever rather than a 1 week 'educational trip'.

Not that I mind getting all the free stuff but I really need to find a job asap. Because we are about to graduate really soon. And I can't live like this on Arhaan's money anymore.

My loving father already stole all my savings that I've been saving since years before our marriage. So the next most important thing I need to do after college is to find a nice job or maybe I could rent a studio for making my painting and-

"You like that?" Turning to look at Arhaan, I follow his vision at the different gold, silver heart necklace in front of us.

" Oh No, no I was just looking-

" It'll look pretty on you. Gold is nice right?" He cuts me off.

" Arhaan, we don't-

" We'll take this aswell." He says to the worker. I mean now that I think about it, it's really pretty.

"I'm sorry, we're all sold out. Those are just for the display."

My lips form into a frown, disappointment filling in me at the man's words. But it's ok I guess. We already bought too much stuff.

"Then get me the ones on the fucking display." Arhaan says, glaring at the guy.

I pull on his shirt, for his attention. We really don't want this.


His back comes in front of me, breaking off my view.

As I try to peak my head to look at the worker his face contorts into a look of horror as he clears his throat, still looking at Arhaan. "Yes, I'll get you the ones in the display sir. No problem." His voice shaking as he speak.

I watch him as he walks towards the display, getting the gold neckace out.
I turn to look at Arhaan who is tucking something in the waist band of his pants putting his shirt back on it. Obstructing my view.

What was that?

As the guy comes back with the necklace, Arhaan takes it from his hand.

"May I?" Pointing towards my neck he asks, turning on my back agreeing with him to help me.

Brushing my hair to one side,softly positioning the necklace around my neck, he clasps it. His touch gentle.

Our reflections can be seen in the mirror, capturing my anticipation and his concentration.

Just as I was about to turn around to face him, as he secures the necklace, his fingers lightly caresses the nape of my neck. Making a soft sigh to come out of my mouth.

"Go on, go see if there's anything else you want." He says, raising his hand, tucking my hair behind my ear.


And Again with those weird tingles.

"N-no um I'm good, we should go."

God I really need some sleep.


(Next day)

As the first rays of morning light filtered through the curtains, a gentle warmth spread across the room. Slowly making me stir, my eyelids flutter open as consciousness starts to seep into my still-drowsy mind.

Blinking a few times, I try to stretch my arms, feeling a hazy sense of disorientation.

Why is my pillow so stiff, I mean it's warm and cozy but still so freaking stiff at the same time. Slowly opening my eyes, as the surroundings around me become more clear.

I immediately realize that I had fallen asleep on the Arhaan's chest, my head nestled on his shoulder.

A soft blush tingles my cheeks as I feel his steady heartbeat and the rise and fall of his chest with each breath.

His one hand is holding onto my waist, our legs intertwined.

I'm trying to wake up, I promise I'm trying too hard but this is just to cozy. The feeling, the warmth of his skin against my cheek. Arhaan who is still caught in his sleep, stirred slightly at my movement. His arm, which is still draped around my waist, tightened its grip instinctively, pulling me even closer.

I don't know but staying in this position with him feels comfortable, like I would've dashed out instantly if this was somebody else. But it's just different with him.

I unconsciously glance at Arhaan's sleeping form, his features, the gentle curve of his lips, the way his dark hair fell onto his forehead.

My eyes feels soo heavy, I'm literally soo close to go back to sleep.

Dragging my eyes from his face to his torso, I realise he doesn't have a tshirt on.

His bare body on display, I'm saying this in a completely platonic, non perverted way. I promise.

Without thinking, I reach out and gently brush my fingers on his abs. My fingertips lingered for a moment, my heart skipping a beat as I felt a tingling sensation in my whole body.

He does have great ab-

Holy fuck.


I quickly pull my hand away, sitting up, feeling flustered. My hand absentmindedly went to my now tousled hair, as try to mentally collect myself again.

The nagging awareness of the ticking clock reluctantly began to seep into my consciousness. Glancing at it I realise that we are late, so soo late.

Getting out of the bed, I walk towards Arhaan's side. Trying to wake him up.

I gently shake him first, my voice filled with a mixture of annoyance and desperation.

"Come on, Arhaan . we're running late! Wake up!"

God is he dead?


Suddenly, he's eyes snap open, the suddenness causing him to react instinctively.

Startled, he jerks his hand, grabbing my wrist. Causing me to gasp, eyes widening with surprise.

My balance wavers as my legs tangle with the his , causing me to lose control and stumble backward on his legs.

As I open my eyes to look at him, both my hands are intertwined with his, placed outstretched on both my sides.

Our faces mere inches apart, I can feel the warmth of his breath mingling with mine. My chest rising and falling with each breath I take in.

His eyes are dilated, as if they are in some kind of daze.

"A-Arhaan" my voice barely above a whisper.


"Umm, we-we are getting late."

"Yeah?" He asks, his morning voice still hoarse.


His grip on my wrists loosen up slightly, as I get up from his lap.

Turning back, I look at him. His eyes now closed, his arms holding a pillow in front of him for dear life.


I'll go get ready.


The setting sun casts a warm, golden glow over the sprawling landscape, as if cherishing every last ray of light. It's been almost 6 hours since we are driving for this 'trip'.

Even though it's by our college, we had to go there with our own cars, so after taking few pit stops in between, we can finaly see the Tall trees embracing each side of the narrow road, casting long, dancing shadows across the car. Leaves crunch beneath the tires.

The place we are going to is this old museum sight, which is hidden in the deeper section of the forest where we will be staying.

It's a week long trip, where we will be doing some activities I guess?

At first I was super excited for it but after sitting in the car for soo long , I really just want to go back.

Sliding the window down, I admire the view trying to distract myself from this torture.

leaning closer to the window, feeling the rush of air against my face, making my hair and the corner of my summer dress ruffle.

With a wide smile, I extend my hand and head outside, trying to grasp the intangible playfulness of the wind.

"Love, watch out there, Don't lose that pretty head of yours." Arhaan's concerned voice, echoes over the sound of rushing wind.

Pulling my head back inside and shutting the window, disappointed. I look at the grump next to me.

His dark hair lightly danced with the wind, his jawline, dimples, symmetrical features were enhanced by the faint rays of sunlight coming through the windows. His fingers slightly taps the steering wheel he's holding.

Glancing down my eyes falls on his lips, as a subtle smile makes its way, which soon turns into one of his infamous smirks.

Meeting his eyes again, I find him already looking at me. An expression mixed with amusement blaring on his face.

My breath gets caught up in my throat, as I get caught in this heinous crime.

"Enjoying the view love?"

" Um yeah, uh the trees are really pretty."

" I wasn't talking about the trees." He says as I try to cover the subtle blush forming on my cheeks.

" I hate you." I say, turning to look out side the window.

"Maybe you should say that without looking like you want me nine-inches deep inside you."

"What?" I ask not being to listen what he just mumbled.

"Nothing" shrugging off, he says. The smirk still widely visible on his face.

" I'm getting bored." I quickly change the topic, acting as cool as possible about our earlier conversation. "Do you have a pen?" I ask. I'm really getting bored now, drawing will be a good time pass.

He leans over, his arm brushing against mine as he reaches for the compartment in front of me. His face to close to mine, I might add.

I mean he could've just asked me, but anyways.

Handing me the pen, he leans back. Focusing back on the road.

Now what? I don't have a page to draw on.

Looking back at him, a spark of mischief sets in me as I look at his arm.

Trying to act as nonchalant as possible, I slowly grab his hand before he can think about what is happening.

As my skin grazes his, a jolt of warmth courses through my veins. Yeah let's ignore that.

Gently, I place his hand on my bare lap,causing his breath to hitch ever so slightly. Fingers interwined so he can't remove it, I mean I can't let him stop me from drawing the masterpiece I'm about to create, can I?

The pen smoothly glides against the back of his hand. As I trace delicate lines, creating intricate patterns upon his canvas.

His breath becomes erratic as the grip of his palm kept on my lap tightens up.

" Is something wrong?"

" N-no, it's all good."

Focusing back on my drawing, I add few more details making sure to go a little softer on the areas where there are more nerves. You know just to be careful.

After adding few more lines, I finally raise his hand in air to show him what I created.

" look, do you like it?" I ask, a little hopeful at what he has to say about this.

Examining his hand, he looks back at me. A new formed glint in his eyes.

" It's perfect, you know you're a really amazing artist, trésor."

"Well thank you, it's not that a big of a deal anyways."

"Yeah, sure." Exaggerating each word, he looks at me uncertainty. Which ends up making me laugh.

Now that I think about it, this trip isn't that bad.


An: They are soo fucking cute, I absolutely love them 😭😭🤌🏻🤌🏻

No kiss though. Sad.

But yeah this was the chapter, I'll be posting another one soon because as you guys already know I'll not be available from 15th till the 22nd so no chapters in that time period!!

( this is how I imagine that bed scene btw 😏😮‍💨)

Don't forget to vote you guys (☆) it gives motivation to continue writing..

Follow my account on instagram the link is in bio, I am regularly posting Crushed Chimere content there♡♡

I'll see you guys soon, and you can comment your views in the comments section, lets make this page a bit more interactive ♥️😚

Byeee humans 🪐🌩🌕
Peace ✌️
Treat people with kindness ( even the mean ones) jk kill the mean ones ;)

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