Lost Raconda

By RiptideReaper277

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Disclaimers: -gore -implied gore -talks of gore -heavy gore -violence -murder -horror -thriller -fictional... More

Season 1 Premiere:
Season 1 Episode 1: Calm Before The Storm
Season 1 Episode 2: The Island
Season 1 Episode 3: Split Apart In The Dark
Season 1 Episode 4: Scary On The Inside
Season 1 Episode 6: A Time And A Place

Season 1 Episode 5: Caught In A Trap

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By RiptideReaper277

Season 1 Episode 5: Donovan tried not to look down, he had no idea how this happened. He thought he must have triggered some sort of trap or something but that made no sense. The reality of the situation sobered him up, he was terrified. Everywhere he looked was pitch Black Forest. He couldn't even see the beach from here it was that dark. He wanted to scream for help, but he couldn't bring himself to with fear of someone or something unfriendly hearing him. Then he heard leaves crunching nearby.... someone was here. Donovan with fear and a hangover in his voice he croaked "is someone there? Help me I'm stuck.." something stepped out from behind a tree. All he saw were the glowing red eyes...Donovan couldn't understand what was going on. He filled with fear and confusion, he thought he was going crazy. The Figure slowly began to walk over then it said "you seem like you're having a really bad day..." Donovan began shivering wildly, the figure noticed this and said "careful...if you keep that up you're going to fall head first boy..." Donovan didn't utter a word. He just stared at this...thing. It had a large black cloak, and seemed to be hiding something in it's cloak with its hand. The figure noticed what Donovan was staring at, it pulled what was in its hand out from its cloak and showed it to Donovan. It was a book..the figure said nothing, and didn't break eye contact with Donovan. It stopped at the edge of the pit below Donovan. There was a pause then it said "the longer you hang upside down like that, the worse it'll get with all your essence rushing towards your head...." the figure raised it's hand. Donovan felt the vine he was caught on, getting looser and vibrating. Donovan muttered "wha..what are you doing? What..is happening..?" The Figure didn't respond...Donovan felt his leg break free from the vine. His entire body filled with panic...but then he realised he wasn't falling at all...he was floating...he felt himself get turned upright in mid air. Donovan said "pl..please put me down" the red eyed Figure asked "can you see the bottom?" Donovan questioned "what..?" the Figure repeated "the pit...can you see the bottom?" Donovan pleaded "why? What are you?? How is this happening?!" the figure replied "I'm only going to warn you once. Keep your voice down or they'll hear you...now can you see the bottommost area of this pit?" Donovan looked down and said "yeah..why?" the Figure said "I can't let you tell your companions what you saw, this really isn't your day..." Donovan realised what it was implying. He begged "please please..I won't tell anyone! You don't have to do this, please just put me down!" the figure said "oh I am going to be 'putting' you down..." Donovan cried out "please! Just let me go!" the Figure said "you'll survive" the figure put its hand down...DONOVAN SCREAMED AS HE FELL INTO THE PIT.....The figure looked down and said "I told you to keep it down..."

Meanwhile Devin's group were getting surrounded by horrifying looking creatures, crawling all over the walls! Alex noticed one of them eyeing Emma Alex screamed "EMMA LOOK OUT!" Emma ducked as the creature zoomed across the room to the other wall, on the other side of the room at an extreme speed! Fredrick quickly gave out knives to everyone from that narrow kitchen upstairs. Devin raised his pistol and yelled "FUCK THIS!" he shot one of those things right in the head! It dropped to the floor dead. Danielle haphazardly got her rifle out and fired at one, but missed and got knocked completely off her feet. Another one zoomed across the room SCRATCHING ALEX'S LEG in the process! Alex yelped in pain, then yelled "lets get out of here come on!!" They all turned to the exit but someone was blocking it...It looked like a woman, but it had purpley-black skin looking like a shadow....It had purple pupils in its bloodshot eyes and a smile that looked calm and welcoming but given the situation was anything but....It had long hair that would have looked normal, if it wasn't almost the exact same colour as its skin....It had the shape and size and look of a woman in her 20s...but clothes that looked extremely old and torn....The Shadow Lady giggled and said "you're not going anywhere, my babies need to feed..." everyone filled with fear. Corey shouted "up the stairs go!" Nobody needed to be told twice, Alex helped Danielle stand back up. They all bolted for the stairs, but Devin stopped in his tracks and shouted "No! We can just shoot it and get out of here!" Devin turned around and shot at the shadow lady...but her entire body suddenly changed colour and the bullet went straight through her! She didn't budge, she giggled and smiled staring with her now glowing purple balls for eyes at Devin and said "you better go with your friends, cully..." she gave some sort of hand signal, and at that moment all the creatures on the walls shrieked! They started charging towards Devin, he quickly headed up the stairs........

Alex,Corey,Danielle, Emma and Fredrick made it upstairs. Danielle shouted "where's Devin?!" they saw Devin rushing up, he screamed "GO NOW!" They all took off down the hallway! Devin could feel the stairs vibrating and feeling like they were about to give he muttered "shit.." to himself. He made it to the top, and leaped into the room crashing on the floor! He looked behind him and those things were rushing up the staircase. Devin pulled out his gun ready to shoot, but ALL OF A SUDDEN THE STAIRS GAVE OUT AND THE CREATURES WENT CRASHING BACK TO THE GROUND FLOOR! He heard them all shrieking and yelping in pain. Danielle and Alex rushed over. Danielle asked in panic  "are you ok?!" Devin between breaths replied "I'm..fine it's ju..." but was cut off when Danielle cried  "what on earth is THAT?!" Alex and Devin looked where she was staring. There was something clinging onto the walls in the corner of the hallway, just against the ceiling. Danielle fired at it, but it dodged and jumped out the window. Devin barked "Dani you're no good with that thing! Give it to someone else" Alex said "shut up Devin, what was that thing??" Danielle shakily said "I don't know, but it didn't l..look like those things downstairs.." Corey,Emma and Fredrick came over. Devin said "who cares what it is? We need to find a way out of here now, or we're all dead.." Emma said "guys wait, I don't hear that whispering noise anymore.." Alex proposed "that..thing..must have been what was causing it then" Devin reiterated "did you guys hear me? It doesn't fucking matter. How are we getting out of here? We can't go down the stairs, they're gone" Alex responded "we'll figure it out, and get off the floor Dev. This place is old as hell, we don't know what kind of diseases we could get.." Alex put her hand out to help Devin up, but he whacked her hand away and stood up himself. He yelled "diseases?! We were almost mauled alive! By creatures that looked straight out of a nightmare! With many teeth and sharp as fuck claws! Blocked in by a ghost lady,saw some ape-looking creature jump out of a fucking window, and got trapped upstairs. Yet you're worried..about the..DECAY OF AN OLD FUCKING BUILDING?!" Alex replied in a low voice "I'm aware Devin, one of them got me in the leg.." she then pulled up the left leg of her pants, and showed a huge claw mark. 5 long lines across her leg. Corey shakily said "Jesus Alex..we need to get you back to safety..that looks horrible" Devin said "all the more reason for us to hurry up, and figure out how to get out of here" Alex through pain said "I don't think it scratched very deep...also Dev we would..have been out of h..here, if you didn't delay us saying 'we should check the other rooms'" Devin countered "everything is always my fault isn't it? We could have had those rooms searched Al, if you weren't having a meltdown. You probably drawed those things to us. What happened to your leg is on you not me, what's happening now is on you not me. Blame me for getting us here go ahead I'll take that, but this? Isn't my fault Alex..learn to take some accountability for fuck sake.."  Emma interjected "will you both just stop? We can go round and round at who did what, but can we at least do it not standing in front of where those things are probably going to come from? And besides I think they already knew we were here.." Corey asked "what makes you say that?" Emma replied "the whispering creature, how organised the boxing us in looked. They came right as we were about to go, it looked planned.." Alex said "she's right, she knew we were here..." Devin questioned "she?" Alex said "that ghost lady" Emma questioned "how do you know that?"  Alex said quietly "I just do...now lets go" They all headed down the hallway. Fredrick paused and asked "guys stop do you hear that?" They all listened...the whispering noise was back. Then they heard the screeches of those creatures, and loud thumping coming from the stairwell! Corey screamed "THEY'RE CRAWLING UP THE WALLS RUN!" They all bolted down the hallway! Fredrick fell flat forward, Alex turned around to help him. She saw a few of those crawling creatures down the hall, coming out from the stairwell. She ran towards Fredrick quick to help him up.  Devin shouted "come on sis, don't be stupid!" She grabbed Fredrick while she was still in pain from her leg. Alex uncomfortably blurted "are you ok???"  Fredrick replied "I'm fine, thank you..thank you so much" grateful to be alive right now. The 2 of them ran towards the others, they burst into what seemed to be an office break room......

In the room,was a weird machine of some sort next to the door. Next Devin said "hey Corey, help me with this" They both went over to it and tried pushing it in front of the door...but it wouldn't budge. Corey looked down and saw why, there was some sort of slime and bacteria behind it..that fused the weird machine with the wall. Corey pointed to it, Devin sighed and muttered "God damn it..." Devin looked at Alex and yelled "why the hell did you run back?!" Alex got pissed and said "are you being for real right now? Fredrick fell, I went to save him" Devin extended his arms out angrily motioning 'why' and said "those things were nowhere near Freddy yet. He had all the time in the world. You have a massive gash in your leg. Despite him having shit for brains, he had better odds than you in that situation. Quit being a fucking moron Alex, you're smarter than this.."  Alex yelled "can you quit acting like a military sergeant?! You're just as clueless, and in danger as the rest of us! Get off your fucking high horse Dev! And get off my back we could die in here, you really want to spend most likely our last moments fighting?!" Devin replied "you sound like you've given up already sis, one scratch to the leg and you're done? We are not dying in this abandoned shit hole we have 2 guns, we can have 2 people defending, while the others look for a way for us to get down, and out of here" Danielle nodded and said "I can cover us" Devin countered "nope no way. First of all you can't land a hit on those things, second of all you landed on your ass firing a bullet. You're not used to the kick, give Alex or Corey your gun. And third..I thought you hated guns?" Alex forced herself calm for a moment and said "how else is she going to learn, if you don't give her a chance Dev? It's down a hallway, and there's a lot of them it would be pretty hard to miss. Not to mention by comparison, she has more experience than most of us do" Devin yelled "NO! She's not having a gun. Darling, give Corey here your gun now" Danielle was about to hand it to Corey..then Alex scoffed and said "there it is Dev, plain as day. It's not about the fact..she missed her shots..." Alex walked closer to Devin right in his face, and continued in a low taunting voice "it's that you can't stand the idea of your wife having a gun. You can't stand the idea of her not needing you to protect her, you can't stand the idea of her being able to fend for herself, and you're boiling up with anger right now, because you know I'm right..." Devin shook his head lightly, and said "yeah? Maybe it's you who can't stand other people being happy, making up stories about abuse. You hate the fact I found love before you did. You were always jealous and resentful of people Alex, because you know deep down you're the family embarrassment. For how much of your life you wasted being a pathetic burden to your family..when you used to run away from home as a kid...but you always came back didn't you? Because you knew you couldn't get anywhere in life without us, because you're a waste of skin Alex. I'd have rather had 2 little brothers, but got stuck with you instead.." Alex said nothing in response she just stared, but she was now at boiling point with him.....

Meanwhile Corey opened the door and looked down the hallway, those creatures didn't know where they were. Corey rushed across to the next office but he stopped dead in his tracks...In this office had a massive hole in the wall. He went over to it and looked down it was a long drop......

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