A Ninja and His Phoenix { Ran...

By Pika_Puff

282 14 2

"I have waited centuries for this day to finally come - the day in which I would return by your side, aiding... More

•° Chapter 1 °•
~ ? ~

~ Before We Begin ~

102 3 0
By Pika_Puff

~ Below, I'm going to add some pictures, character keys + what they stand for, description + backstory, abilities + weaknesses, character information, and some little added bonuses that will give you an idea of what you'll look like and understand the story I'm attempting to write. ~

~ First, I'd like to say that the reader will be portrayed as a female in this story as I feel that I'm better at writing a female protagonist. The reader is also human. I'll explain that later down in the backstory part. ~

~ Now, let's start with a bit of how you'll be looking, mainly your hair. Your hair in this will have highlights resembling a phoenix's feather colors/fire - which are red, orange, and yellow. You can choose what hairstyle and length you wish for. As for hair colors, I have down below what the highlights will look like with them. ~

~ Brown/Auburn ~

~ Black ~

~ Blonde ~

{ This was the best picture that I could find. Sorry. }

~ Redhead ~

{ Again, this was the best picture that I could find. Sorry. }

~ As for an every day-to-day outfit, you may choose any style you'd like. As for the Phoenix, I have down below something that was close fitting to what I had in mind. ~


~ Everything you see up above will be the outfit that you'll change into when in the form of the Phoenix, minus the metal plated glove on the right hand and the flowing piece of orange fabric. Pretend those are not there. Also, there is, of course, a face mask that goes with the look. It's just going to be a solid color, which is black. ~

{ ️⬆️ Just for reference ️⬆️ }

~ Next, we'll move on to the character keys and what each stand for. ~


{Y/N} - Your Name

{L/N} - Last Name

{N/N} - Nickname

{H/C} - Hair Color

{H/L} - Hair Length

{E/C} - Eye Color

{H/T/C} - Hometown/City

{Y/M/N} - Your Mother's Name

{Y/F/N} - Your Father's Name

~ Next, let's get to know about your powers and weaknesses, shall we? ~


~ Abilities ~

🔥 Pyrokinesis 🔥

~ Because you're a Phoenix, you possess the ability to control and create fire using your mind. Pyrokinesis is your main source for attacks, using it for both close and long ranges by either creating fireballs to throw at enemies from a far distance, bringing the heat in your hands up to scorching temperatures enough to incinerate things to ash with just a single touch, or creating weapons made entirely from fire, there are many effective ways you can attack. You can also use pyrokinesis for defense by making a wall or dome of fire around yourself and/or others. { Just be certain to keep an eye on anyone you may be protecting with your walls and domes. Wouldn't want someone to get a severe burn, would we? } ~

🔥 Blazing Hair 🔥

~ As strange as it may sound, your hair can be used as a defense mechanism of sorts, but only when it's ignited. Your hair is, quite literally, made of fire { and looks like it too because of your natural highlights when not in Phoenix form - a little something you've taken from your original [bird] form }, and while there isn't very much you can use it for, the heat it puts off can keep enemies away for some time should you find yourself cornered and/or unable to use your other attacks. Not to worry, though, you won't be going bald afterward! When reverting back into your normal form - {Y/N} {L/N} - your hair also returns back to its normal state, looking beautiful and not burnt to a crisp. ~

🔥 Fireballs 🔥

~ This ability doesn't need much of an explanation. Using your pyrokinesis, you're able to make flaming hot balls of fire in the palms of your hands, which you can then direct at enemies that are further away from you. ~

🔥 Pyrokinetic Weapons 🔥

~ This ability allows you to fashion weapons made from fire. There are three main weapons that you mainly use: a katana, bow and arrows, and shuriken { throwing stars }. If one of your weapons leaves your grasp, it will quickly burn out after a moment due to the sudden lack of its main source of power { you }. ~

🔥 Wings of the Phoenix 🔥

~ With this ability, you're able to summon a blazing pair of wings from your back that resemble that of a Phoenix's. The wings also grant you flight, which comes in handy if you need to make a quick escape. ~

🔥 Healing Tears 🔥

~ It is said that the Phoenix has the incredible power to heal those that are severely injured and/or ill by using its tears. And, indeed, you are able to do this. Not only that, but you can also heal yourself if hurt badly. ~

🔥 Fire/Heat Resistance 🔥

~ You're immune to high temperatures of heat, as well as fire. The same can be said with cold weather. ~

~ Weaknesses ~

💧 Iron 💧

~ Just like many other mythical/supernatural creatures, iron is very dangerous to you. With only the tiniest touch - one that lingered for a second too long - it can leave a nasty burn on your skin from contact. Even being enclosed in an iron cage can sap you of your powers and energy, leaving you vulnerable, weak, and helpless. ~

💧 Water 💧

~ Water is obviously a weakness of yours. A single droplet of rainwater will make you slightly weak and a tad lightheaded. Imagine the damages if you were to be unexpectedly splashed or submerged in it! A lot like with iron, water can inflict the same effects on you. If drenched or suddenly splashed, { this can vary in sizes }, if in Phoenix form, your hair will be extinguished. It won't be gone - your hair, I mean. It'll look similar to Flame Princess' { from Adventure Time for those who don't know } when she's doused.

{ ️⬆️ The image you see up above is for reference. Your hair will look exactly like this when met with enough water, as well as be the same color(s). ⬆️ }

Depending on how long you were submerged in or how much h2o was spilled on you, you'll eventually be able to regain your powers and strength, though it may take a while. Once fully recovered, you're ready to join back in the fight! However, it's still best advised that you steer clear of any upcoming thunderstorms and large bodies of water whenever possible. Otherwise, the circumstances could be dire, if not fatal. { In a place where water is at your control - a bathroom, for example - so long as you are fast and keep the water at a minimum usage, you'll be fine }. { I should probably also note that anything liquid can be potentially dangerous to you }. ~

💧 Ice/Snow 💧

~ Given that both are just frozen water, when melted and you somehow find yourself standing in the way of where the water will drip/surge...I'm certain you get the idea. This can, however, be avoided with proper coverage. Can't say the same for your hair, though, depending on which form you're in. ~

💧 Dark Sorcery/Magic 💧

~ You are susceptible to the powers of dark magic/sorcery. When confronted with one who has such abilities, you'll find your energy, along with your strength and powers, quickly dwindling by the second. None of your attacks will be useful against the user - they can still inflict damage, but very minimal and not as effectively like with other enemies. With defense moves, it's the same as with attacks. They'll last, depending on how much strength you still have. Should all of your strength be used up, you won't be able to spark even a tiny flicker of fire from your fingertips. ~

~ Finally, we'll be discussing the { attempted } backstory of you, the Phoenix, some character information, the { attempted } description of the story, and some added bonuses. ~


~ Backstory ~

Many years ago, long before where we are now, there was a legend about a mythical bird, one unlike the likes anyone has ever seen, told amongst the residence of Norrisville that lived among them in secret. All of the locals could tell you the legend if you asked nicely enough, but very few could ever swear to have seen the bird with their own eyes. "This legendary creature is none other than the Phoenix," They would say, "the Phoenix! Ah, she is such a sight to behold! With feathers the color of a burning fire - shimmering in the light of the sun high above the land, who in flight is graceful and swift - you can hardly catch a glimpse of her shadow as she passes by in the skies, whom possesses the extraordinary ability to heal those severely hurt or ill with her tears - she came in my time of need one night when I badly injured myself that afternoon - yes, I'm telling nothing more than the truth! It is she who has domain over the element of fire, and it is her, and her alone, who will be born again from the ashes of her previous life and start anew." It is this legend that brought about those who wished to seek her - both good, and of course, evil. One such evil entity - a Tengu in the shape of a large bird of sorts with a skull mask - had come to the village in search of destruction.

It had just so happened that on this very day, the Phoenix was present, flying above. No sooner had both laid their eyes upon the other, a battle between the two birds began. Both were equally matched in power, but sadly, as hard as she fought, the demon, with its darker abilities, quickly overpowered the fiery bird. Weakened, the Phoenix had no other choice but to flee - though tired from the long, intense fight, she could very well try and lure it away from the village of innocent people - and sure enough, it gave pursuit of her retreating to the outskirts of Norrisville where it then swiped at her, resulting in the mythical bird to plummet to the earth below. Here is where she would soon meet a devastating end to this life she thought. She laid there waiting for the demon bird to deliver a final blow, but she was instead greeted by someone fast approaching the two. Seconds were all it took for them to near the birds. It only took seconds for them to start fighting with the demon. The fight going on with the Tengu and the stranger lasted for quite a bit. It was, however, soon over upon the sounds of frantic flapping of wings and a piercing screech from the Tengu filling the air before silence fell. A minute goes by, and then another, then finally, after much time passes, she dares to look and see what has happened. The land she rested on and her surroundings lacked her attacker. Black feathers were littered around, the only evidence left to prove that such a thing was here. Though the open area was now void of its presence, she was quick to notice that she wasn't alone. For standing there, her eyes fell upon a tall figure - a human male - draped in colors of black and red like the Tengu. In his grasp, he held a strange glowing stone. She had her answer.

It was now that the stranger took notice of her and ever so gingerly approached the weakened bird, as if any sudden movements would startle her. There was a bit of hesitation in his step as he came closer, and though she felt some mistrust towards the man approaching, there was also something inside of her deep down telling her, reassuring her that he wouldn't hurt her anymore than she already was. As he neared her, she could see that he was wearing a mask as well. It covered a majority of his face, preventing her from examining his features, as well as matching with his attire. The only thing that wasn't being concealed by the piece of fabric were his eyes. They stared down at her, and her gaze held his. There was something in his eyes - an emotion that she couldn't quite place. ...Worry? ...Concern? ...Sorrow perhaps? It seemed the longer he took in her disheveled state, the more his eyes clouded with those mixture of emotions. So much so that eventually, he kneels down before the Phoenix, the stone being held carefully in one hand while the other slowly reaches out to her, index finger extended. A bit of caution was present within the two, watching each other with unwavering stares in case the other lashed out at the last second. Neither had done so. Eventually, the man's finger was practically hovering inches away from the top of the Phoenix's feathery head before he stopped his movements. Confusion took root in the birds mind. What was he doing?

Her eyes had wandered up to look at the digit, waiting for a moment to see if the owner would continue. Not so much as a twitch came from him. Bringing her gaze back, there seemed to be something new in his eyes. They still had some concern lingering in them, but mostly, it seemed to have faded to slight curiosity, wonder. A question was in his mind. She could tell. He didn't need to ask it out loud to her. Before she could answer that, though, she had her own to decide on now. Should she trust him? He did rescue her from the Tengu after all - trapping it within the stone he held close. He hasn't made any moves to harm her, but how quickly could that change? She knew nothing of him. What if he was out on the hunt for her, and the Tengu just happened to be in his way of achieving his goal? What would he do should she put even a tiny fragment of trust in him? These questions swirled around in her once calm mind like a hurricane, creating havoc and doubt inside of her. The Phoenix's own facial expression undoubtedly shifted to express her uncertainty from her thoughts. Looking back up to the man as if hoping he could possibly help with her sudden doubts gnawing away at her from the inside-out, she finds her thinking abruptly paused when their eyes meet once more. In her moment of inner conflict, his eyes changed. No, nothing bad. Nothing of the sort, in fact. Instead, they held a warmth to them now - an understanding shine to them as if he knew just what she was thinking. "It's okay," They seemed to say to her, "You can trust me." She continued to stare up into those eyes. Those eyes had such a soft gaze now, filled with kindness and reassurance. She knew then that she had the answer to both their questions, and with newfound confidence in her choice, she lifted her head up slightly, just enough for his index finger to now rest gently atop her feathers. This was all the permission he needed. Softly, he gives her a few strokes, the bird seemingly enjoying it as she leaned more into his touch before carefully scooping her up into his free arm. From under his mask, he smiles down at her as he then proceeds to head back towards the village. "You're safe now."

From then on, the two grew a bond that no one would ever dream possible, and it only ever deepened as days and nights passed. In fact, the Phoenix had grown so close and was so inspired by the man that she had began helping him with protecting Norrisville from evil and dark forces - a vow she made to him and herself that she would always be by his side to protect and help him however she could, just as he did for her. The Phoenix, a mythical bird with incredible power, was now known to all as the Ninja's partner, and together, there was nothing that they couldn't accomplish.

Or so everyone had believed.

It wasn't until one fateful day that the Sorcerer - a supernatural being that practiced and mastered the dark arts - reappeared once again with a mutated army of monsters did everything she ever knew would be forever changed. They had been fighting side-by-side, taking on monster after monster, doing their absolute best to combat the hoards and protect Norrisville and its inhabitants, all while trying to reach the Sorcerer to put a stop the tyrannical being once and for all. Somewhere along the way of the battle, the Ninja and Phoenix got separated, leaving the other to fend for themselves until they could regroup. The Phoenix fought with everything she had, using her pyrokinetic abilities to both attack and defend. Left and right, one by one, a fireball shot here and another flying there, she dealt with the rabid creatures that surrounded her every way with precision. Slowly, the monsters began to dissipate, fleeing away with tails tucked between their legs and scorch marks inflicted upon them by herself, a sure reminder of their fight, their failure in harming her, the village or the inhabitants. She was free from the hoard, and just in the nick of time, too. The fiery bird went to take to the skies in order to search for her partner. However, she didn't have to.

Just a little ways from her position, over several other of those things, her eyes landed on the familiar black and red clad figure who was still busy with defeating his own hoard of beasts. The Phoenix readied an attack as she flied over to lend the Ninja some assistance, only to pause mid flight and hover in place when her eyes met with a horrible sight. When the two had been separated, the Ninja had been forced near a building of sorts - a home by the looks of it { and, thankfully, it was vacant } - where his ongoing battle currently took. On top of the roof of the building, standing high and watching the fight below with a sinister gleam of distorted glee, was the Sorcerer in all his horrid glory. Every bit of her being told her - screamed at her to move, to fly up to him, to end the chaos and darkness he brought with him to the once peaceful village of Norrisville and others like it. But she couldn't. No, she simply could not do so. Not with a powered ball of magic beginning to form and grow in his grasp. As quick as she may be when flying, she knew she wouldn't be fast enough to stop whatever he was planning to do. With the twisted smile he gave down to the unsuspecting man, it was undoubtedly something very bad. Time seemed to slow down for her as she watched the Sorcerer direct the stored magic down towards the Ninja. Dread weighted heavily on her mind, knowing now what he planned to carry out.

He was going to kill the Ninja.

There wasn't a second to lose.

Norrisville needed the Ninja, now more than ever, with the recent events that played and future ones to come. They couldn't lose him - she couldn't lose him. She refused to watch her friend die at the hands of such a cruel monster like the Sorcerer. It was these thoughts that pushed her to make her choice, and with powerful bursts from her wings beating against the air, she flies straight for the Ninja. She reaches him within seconds right as the Sorcerer's magic is fired towards his back, racing to hit its target. Only, it doesn't collide with the one its creator had in mind. Instead, the Phoenix, at the very last second, placed herself in between the Ninja and the incoming ball of dark magic, her wings spread out wide to act as a shield for him, making herself an obstacle in the line of its shot and ultimately sacrificing herself so that the man could live and finish what desperately needed to be done.

She's immediately met with the magic hitting her square in the chest, and no sooner did agonizing pain shoot throughout her entire body like lightning. It was unbearable and indescribable. Never had she felt such a thing like this. Her wings, her beak, her talons, and even her feathers, she could feel all of her writhing. A shrill cry emanates from the mythical bird, filling the village with the sounds of her agony. Flames had begun to appear on her feathers, burning them and spreading across her at a fast rate before enveloping her in their familiar embrace. She knew this was the end of this life. But she wasn't afraid, not for herself anyway. Even as she felt herself slowly burning away into ash, the only thing that was on her mind was the Ninja - her dearest friend and his safety. There was no use worrying over herself. The Phoenix looks over her engulfed wing to him. She manages to make him out admist the fire. He'd already taken care of his swarm of creatures and was now looking at her. His eyes were large and stricken with horror as he watched her be overtaken by uncontrollable flames. He didn't look to be harmed in any way as far as she could tell. Good.

Relief washed over her, numbing her pain. So long as he was safe, she had nothing to fear about. Unfortunately, she wouldn't be able to aid with taking down the Sorcerer, not until she was reborn from her ashes. The Ninja would have to be the one to finish him. He would have to do this alone without her. This they both knew. The fiery bird sends her friend one final look, a mixture between reassurance and determination, and nods. "Finish this." Her body suddenly bursts into more intense flames, thrashing wildly about. They consumed her in seconds before finally dwindling and burning out, leaving behind ash that gathered in a pile beneath where she once hovered. The Phoenix made a great sacrifice for the Ninja and Norrisville, using her life to ensure that the other would live and defeat the Sorcerer. And defeat him he did. He had been sealed deep within the earth, trapped and imprisoned for all eternity. The Ninja, last of the Norisu Nine, at long last accomplished what he and his brothers vowed so long ago. Finally, the Sorcerer and his reign of terror were put away for good. The small village of Norrisville rejoiced and celebrated the victory with joy, praising the Ninja and Phoenix. Ah yes, his feathery friend. Had it not been for her intervening with the Sorcerer's sudden attack and saving his life, he wouldn't have been able to fulfill his oath. 'Surely she should be reformed and born anew by now.' He thought to himself as he went back to the spot her ashes were left.

However, upon arrival, he found her ashes to be nowhere. No one could have possibly come this way, saw the pile of ashes, and scooped them up, right? No, that couldn't be it. Then what? He's pulled from his thoughts when he feels a cooling breeze blow by, picking up the trail of his scarf and tussling it gently behind. Looking up, he comes to a new realization. 'Her ashes must've been swept up in a small gust of wind.' He keeps his gaze to the skies above, as if expecting the magnificent bird to come swooping down at any minute and embrace him warmly with her large wings. But alas, she was gone. He grew mournful for the loss of one of his dearest friends, but it soon melted away into tranquility. Even though she no longer was with him in person, she would always be with him in memory. He'll make sure to keep that in mind for as long as he may live. And who knows, maybe someday, she'll return from wherever she was blown to and reunite with him? This thought was enough to bring a smile to his features.

" *Asami, my dear friend... thank you for all you have done and for your sacrifice. May we meet again one day."


Far away from Norrisville, across oceans, seas, and lands, a trail of black ash was being led by wind, guiding it to wherever it would cease. It had been a short few days since the showdown with the Sorcerer took place, and in that time, the Phoenix's ashes traveled a great distance to a new foreign land. In a remote part of this continent was another village, smaller in size compared to the one back in Norrisville, yet humble all the same. It's here that the ashes of the great bird finally laid to rest from the long journey upon a stone step outside of a home, no sooner reforming again. As her body and features slowly began to materialize, instead of a bird, a small figure of a toddler girl can be made out from the ashes, curled up into a ball. Once the transformation was complete, the newborn baby stirred, blinking open her eyes. She expected to be met with the familiar surroundings of Norrisville or hear the sounds of its citizens celebrating over the defeat of the Sorcerer all around or be greeted by the Ninja. She's greeted instead by the owners - a young couple - of the home she rested outside of opening their door and finding her. They looked upon the child, both stunned and confused by the sudden appearance of an infant outside their doorstep. How she came to be there, they did not know. However, one thing was clear - this newborn had no one else to care for her and would surely not survive on her own in her current state. She needed someone to look after and provide for her, so they took her in as their own, not knowing just what the child actually was.

It came to the Phoenix as such a shock that the couple would welcome her into their home with open arms. Imagine how even more appalled she became over seeing her strange new body. What had happened to her? Where was the Ninja? Where was she? No matter how hard she tried to think of a possible explanation, her brain just couldn't think up of one. She would have to think about all of that later. What was important to her now was finding the Ninja and returning to him.

That was a lot easier said than done.

Trying to figure out how to operate her new body was difficult. She couldn't stand, walk, or anything. She didn't even have her wings so that she could fly! And what's worse is that it seemed to her that her fire abilities had all but vanished completely. The Phoenix was in a dire state of vulnerability with no idea as to what to do. Thankfully for her, she now had two people - her first ever parents - to look after her and, to an extent, help { It wasn't like she had much of a choice in the matter anyway }. The years she spends with her parents go by, and with their guidance, she learns, grows, and matures until she's old enough to live on her own. With tearful goodbyes from her mother and father, the Phoenix sets off on another journey - a journey in which she hoped would lead her home to the ancient town of Norrisville. Of course, in the world, there are many uncertainties as to what's to come, and with her unfamiliar surroundings of woods, plains and such, it was expected that she'd find herself in a lot of different situations. Something would usually happen to her before she could ever figure out how to reach her home, whether it be old age getting to her or another cause of death that results in her bursting into flames and turning to ash again, then being picked up by winds and brought to a different family. The Phoenix spent centuries trying to return back to Norrisville, in that time relearning { as well as learning new ways of using pyrokinesis } and perfecting her pyrokinetic abilities along with taking the time to learn how to properly fight. To this day, she's still trying to get back to the village - to the Ninja she vowed to protect. She refuses to give up on returning to her friend.


~ Description ~

~ For 800 years, Norrisville High has always been under the protection of the Ninja, sworn to protect the innocent against dark, villainous forces, and ensure that the peace was never disturbed. What the people do not know is that there was once another - a being who was there from the very beginning who aided the Ninja in his battles. That being was none other than the Phoenix - a powerful bird with extraordinary abilities. However, an incident in the ancient past led to the mythical creature vanishing from the town. Lost to the sands of time, everyone had long since forgotten her very existence. But soon, they would remember her for generations to come.

It is time for you to return, Phoenix. Set fire against your enemies and reclaim your rightful spot beside him.

You have gone by many names throughout the centuries. In this new life, you are {Y/N} {L/N} - a rather blunt, straightforward, and down-to-earth girl born into the {L/N} Family. Your father - {Y/F/N} {L/N} - is a pilot and is offered an opportunity to work at the airport in Norrisville, resulting in you and your family to move there from {H/T/C}. Waiting for this moment to come, you're excited to finally be able to reunite with your old friend - The Ninja. Upon arrival, you notice just how much the once small village has evolved and grown more modern since your last time there. It was to be expected. But now, you're faced with several problems. Like, where do you start looking? Will the Ninja even recognize you? Will you survive yet another year as the new girl in freshman year? And how is it that you became friends with the two biggest shoobs in the entire school? ~


~ Character Information ~

Personality: {Y/N} is down-to-earth and can be rather blunt and straightforward. She is also very honest and speaks whatever is on her mind { unless, of course, it's about herself as the Phoenix and/or if it's certain things about the Ninja }. There are moments in which she'll try and sugar-coat something if it's for the sake of another, although many can tell that she's only trying to be nice. {Y/N}, although living through many different generations, can't seem to ever keep up with trends and understand her peers. When she does try, she'll usually find herself in an awkward situation there after. Given that she's immortal, she's grown to be very wise with the knowledge she's gained in her previous lives, yet can still be clueless to a lot of things. She takes her responsibility as the Ninja's partner very seriously and does her best to do what she can to help and protect others, the Ninja especially. You would think that {Y/N} would be hot-headed with a bad temper, but it's actually quite the opposite. Rather, she's calm and collected { not to say she can't get angry, but it takes a lot for her to ever reach that level }.

The reader is 14 { freshman }

Since the reader is a Phoenix, you're also immortal { I didn't really want to count this as an ability. }

{ I̶'̶m̶ ̶n̶o̶t̶ ̶c̶e̶r̶t̶a̶i̶n̶ ̶h̶o̶w̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶g̶o̶ ̶a̶b̶o̶u̶t̶ ̶h̶o̶w̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶r̶e̶a̶d̶e̶r̶ ̶w̶e̶n̶t̶ f̶r̶o̶m̶ ̶b̶e̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶a̶ ̶b̶i̶r̶d̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶a̶ ̶h̶u̶m̶a̶n̶,̶ ̶s̶o̶ ̶l̶e̶t̶'̶s̶ ̶j̶u̶s̶t̶ ̶s̶a̶y̶ ̶t̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶i̶t̶ ̶w̶a̶s̶ ̶d̶o̶n̶e̶ ̶b̶y̶ ̶d̶a̶r̶k̶ ̶s̶o̶r̶c̶e̶r̶y̶ ̶o̶r̶ ̶s̶o̶m̶e̶t̶h̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶l̶i̶k̶e̶ ̶t̶h̶a̶t̶.̶ }.

Upon turning to ash, they are then picked up by the wind and brought to the doorstep of another family, where you then are reborn and taken in.

Despite being around for centuries, when being reborn, your age reverses back.

You always look the same as you have in the past { human } lives, including when you age and such.

You have practiced and learned martial arts, even combining it with your pyrokinesis. This makes you a kunoichi on a whole new level.

Randy and Howard basically abduct the reader into their little group.

You're the more responsible one out of the three, looking out after them and making certain they stay out of trouble, even though you get yourself roped into their antics in the end.

Just like everyone, you have no knowledge about the Ninja being chosen every four years.

You are determined not to break your promise again.

F̶e̶e̶l̶i̶n̶g̶s̶ ̶b̶e̶g̶i̶n̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶t̶a̶k̶e̶ ̶r̶o̶o̶t̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶h̶e̶a̶r̶t̶s̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶t̶w̶o̶ w̶a̶r̶r̶i̶o̶r̶s̶/̶f̶r̶i̶e̶n̶d̶s̶...

~ Bonuses ~

As {Y/N} {L/N}, you give off a tiny bit of warmth, perfect for keeping yourself cozy in places with a chill in the air.

​Absolutely detests bird puns.

"How did I ever get myself into this mess?" Is something you ask yourself regularly when participating in whatever plans Randy and Howard come up with.

Spoiler Alert: They start to grow on you.

*Asami - It is a girl name that means "Morning Beauty" or "Beautiful Morning". [ From Japanese "asa/朝" = morning + "mi/美" = beautiful. ] The First Ninja liked to call you by this name as your feathers reminded him of the morning sun rising into the sky.

The reader has never seen what the Ninja looks like without the mask and outfit.

T̶h̶e̶r̶e̶ ̶h̶a̶d̶ ̶b̶e̶e̶n̶ ̶s̶o̶m̶e̶ ̶s̶t̶r̶o̶n̶g̶ ̶f̶e̶e̶l̶i̶n̶g̶s̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶h̶e̶l̶d̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶F̶i̶r̶s̶t̶ ̶N̶i̶n̶j̶a̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶p̶a̶s̶t̶,̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶y̶ ̶s̶e̶e̶m̶e̶d̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶h̶a̶v̶e̶ ̶o̶n̶l̶y̶ ̶d̶o̶u̶b̶l̶e̶d̶,̶ ̶i̶f̶ ̶n̶o̶t̶ ̶q̶u̶a̶d̶r̶u̶p̶l̶e̶d̶,̶ ̶m̶o̶r̶e̶ ̶w̶i̶t̶h̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶c̶u̶r̶r̶e̶n̶t̶ ̶o̶n̶e̶.̶

Oh no, confusing feelings--

* Awkward bird sounds gradually intensify *.

This may be your craziest life yet.

But you wouldn't trade it for any other one.


~ Well, it would seem we've reached the end of the page. Thank you all for reading this. This is my first ever attempt at writing a story and actually publishing it for the internet to read. Future updates might be a tad slow as I haven't watched the show in a long time, but I hope to work on this at a steady pace. Once again, thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy "A Ninja and His Phoenix"! ~


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