Cats and Mouse

By jezzabelle50

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Running away from the MEN that were obsessed and dead set on making me theirs, I forced my feelings for them... More

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By jezzabelle50

Sinn Petrov

The sound of my phone ringing wakes me up with a sigh. My body was aching in blissful way I haven't felt in so long. The smile on my face hasn't left since I fell asleep with my hellcat wrapped in my arms where she belonged.

"What?" I answer my phone with a yawn while rubbing my sleepy eyes.

"Open the fucking door! We're freezing our asses out here!" Dax's voice shouts through the phone as I roll my eyes before hanging up.

With my eyes still closed, I reached out to the side of my bed to pull my hellcat in my arms and try to wake her up with a kiss to the forehead. But when my hands were met with an empty cold side of the bed, my eyes snapped open instantly.

Looking around my room, there was still a mess around the room in memory of our long rendezvous. Besides the sound of my brothers banging at my front door, there was no sound in my house letting me know that my hellcat was here.

Groaning in frustration and anger, I jumped out of bed quickly throwing a pair of boxers on. Ignoring my brother's shouting and banging at the front door I made sure to keep finger printed locked. I rush into every single room in the house searching for the little minx that warmed my entire room last night.

"Damn! How long does it take to-"before Dax could finish speaking when I unlocked the door, I cut him off.

"She's fucking gone again!" I snap making him and Kane stare back at me with angry glares.

"What do you mean she's gone?! You were just with her last night!" Dax shouts in disbelief.

"I knew you were gonna end up fucking it up for us!" Kane curses at me before shoving me back with anger.

"Get the fuck outta my face! How the fuck was I supposed to know she was gonna disappear again?!" I retort back, shoving him back harshly before he got in my face again.

"Calm the fuck down! We need to figure out where she is instead of pointing fingers. She couldn't have gone far if you were just with her last night and it's still the morning" Dax pipes up, standing between us now with his arms separating us.

"At least one of my brothers knows how to think with his brain instead of his dick" Kane scoffs before walking off as Dax makes sure to keep a distance between us.

"Don't tell me you were too busy fucking her instead of making sure she was staying put in the room until we got here" Dax confronts me with a stern look on his face.

One quick scan of me in only my boxers with the sexy scent of my hellcat's perfume and body fluid made Dax shake his head in disappointment before following after Kane.

So what if I fucked her?! She was mine. I wasn't gonna waste another second of finally finding her on talking or whatever love sick bullshit they were trying to pull.

They wanted to question her like some kind of criminal. I wanted to stake my claim like every other man on earth would if the one woman they had a weakness for came back into their life after being a year away without a trace.

"What the fuck?!" Kane shouts frustratedly as I follow his voice seeing both him and Dax in my office room where I keep all my video footages of the condo.

"Look at this shit, somehow the time frames between the time you were dragging her in here and right before the sun rose is missing. We're trying to find every camera footage you have from last night and nothings showing her leaving the place at all and it's strange how you're missing hours of footages in between" Dax explains as I watch each camera I had installed outsides footage quickly change between midnight and 5 am.

What the fuck?! I've paid millions of dollars for every security camera I owned so I could always catch anyone trying to get in and out of my homes. This is the first time I've seen something like this happen.

Grabbing my phone from my bedroom, I phone the technology experts I spent millions on for making sure my cameras were unhackable.


"Check the video cams of each camera installed at my New York condo. If you guys don't find me the missing footage between midnight and 5 am this morning, I'm gonna hunt you all down and make sure my money gets paid back by blood"

Hanging up the call, I quickly head into the shower to wash off the remains of last night. As much as I'd love to breathe in the scent of my hellcat, I was too pissed off right now to stay being in her delicious scent.

Throwing my regular black clothes with my leather jacket and boots, I follow my brothers waiting for me in front of the condo in Kane's black Escalade.

We all traveled and we all had our own places and cars everywhere we traveled to. It made sense that Kane had driven his large black Escalade to my condo to drive around New York with both me and Dax. Our bodies were too large to fit in any of the other luxury cars Kane liked to keep in his car collections.

Kane had a collection of luxury cars, Dax had a collection of high quality planes, I on the other hand had a collection of the highest paying classic mansions and homes known to man.

Some may say we love to splurge but I think of it as a sort of collection we keep in our spare time. Like how most men liked to keep collections of things they enjoyed having, we did the same. Only difference was we liked having larger and more expensive collections.

"If we're going to try to find her we need to start by tracking her new persona. When I spotted her in the hotel yesterday she was a completely new person. Her clothes and everything was different" Dax starts off sitting in the middle of the backseats on his iPad.

"Her new persona or whatever it's called is Silvia Rose. She's some kind of instagram model dating some rich asshole named Rhys Bellamount" I inform them while watching Dax tap quickly on his iPad.

Kane may have been a smart businessman and I a genius when it came to knowing my ways around weapons but Dax was the smart nerd tech between the three of us. Kane was to much of an old soul to understand computers, I always hated the fact that my phone buttons and computer keyboards were smaller than my fingers, so Dax was the only one who indulged in learning his way around technology.

"Uhhh guys? Check this out" Dax announces as we stop at a red light in the city.

Kane and I turn to see what Dax was showing us on his iPad and were shocked at the trending news articles that came out less than 24 hours ago. In big bold letters everywhere online were the words 'Rhys and Walter Bellamount found dead in Bellamount suite at 2 am. Police informations have leaked that both bodies presumed to be at least 24 hours old'.

"That can't be fucking true, I literally punched the shit out of that old asshole last night. How the fuck are they saying their bodies are presumed to be days old?!" I shout in disbelief as Dax nods.

"And I literally just saw his jerk off son in the elevator yesterday morning" Dax adds on even more confused than I was.

"Let's check out the crime scene to figure out what's really going on" Kane says now pulling over to the front of the Bellamount hotel where dozens of people were crowding around the entrance.

"Many citizens and staffs are standing here today to witness the brutal scene that was found just a few hours ago this morning" A news reporter standing on the side of the street begins her segment as we watch from the sidelines.

"One of the biggest names in hotel franchises was found deceased this morning at exactly 2:15 am. And if that wasn't brutal enough, the owner of the hotel we're standing in front of here today was also found inside his hotel suite laying in both his and his only child's pool of blood. The police have informed us that 43 year old Walter Bellamount and his 24 year old son Rhys Bellamount bodies were both found this morning by one of his employees, during her regular room service check ups. Some informants have even mentioned that the bodies might be longer than a day old. More information will be provided as soon as the current investigation ongoing now will be conducted" She explains finishing her speech as I exchanged confused glances with my brothers.

"This doesn't add up. If both of them were alive and walking yesterday, why are the cops saying they've been dead longer than a day?" Dax asks looking around the crowd of people in front of the hotel.

Kanes eyes caught onto one of the uniform police men walking out of the side door of the hotel building. And with the way the officers eyes widened, I could tell he was one of the paid off cops my brother had on his payroll.

In our line of business, our family name was known for many things that caused fear across the country. And if I knew better, my family wouldn't be where they were now if they didn't use their influence in both high and low places across the world.

Kane being the leader of our family hierarchy now after my father stepped down, he knew the ins and outs of everything in our family business. Paid off cops and politicians were nothing new.

"Boss, you should've told me you were coming. How can I help the Petrov brothers out today?" The uniformed man with the name tag 'Douglas' on his chest asks as soon as we walked over to where he was now lighting a cigar.

"We need intel on the case going on here" My brother says firmly using his CEO voice.

"All I know is some rich assholes were brutally killed in their suite and now everyone's here" The guy answers with a shrug as Kane cracked his neck in annoyance.

"What is this about their bodies being over 24 hours dead? Last time I checked they were both very much alive yesterday. Do they not check cameras or question witnesses anymore?" Kane asks getting riled up with how cool and collected Douglas was acting in front of us.

"Apparently all witnesses and staff around the hotel claim both victims weren't seen last night. We questioned everyone and checked all the cameras around the entire building and not one single footage or person has seen them" He replies before the sight of a familiar face last night caught my eye.

The man that served me my bourbon last night at the hotel restaurant literally handed Walter his menu last night when he was dining with my hellcat. Before he could see me coming, I quickly snatched his scrawny ass away from the crowd and slammed him against the alley wall on the side of the hotel where we were talking to the cop.

"You remember me don't you?" I ask with a sinister tone as the man in front of me looked scared shitless.

"Y-y-yes! M-m-mister P-petrov" He stammers with nervous beads of sweat began drenching his face.

"Why the fuck did you tell the cops you didn't see the owner of the hotel you work at if I saw you give him his menu last night?!" I seethed feeling Kane, Dax and the stupid cops eyes watching us curiously.

"B-b-because I-I-I d-didn't! I d-don't know w-what you're talking about" He quickly says closing his eyes in fear.

"Stop fucking lying to me! I'll slit your throat right now if you lie again in my face. Tell me who you served last night at the hotel restaurant where I was" I say slowly using my pocket knife I grabbed from my pocket to hold it against his shaking Adam's apple.

"I-it was you and the elderly couple Misses-" he rambles on trying to name everyone else except the person I'm talking about.

Growling in frustration and anger, I pull my knife out showing him what I was about to do to his neck before he sobbed out a rushed plea making me stop.

"Wait! Okay! I did see him! Please don't hurt me! I was only doing what I was told!" He shouts quickly trying to stop me from hurting him.

"Then why lie?!" I shot back with both irritation and confusion.

"Because if I didn't then they would've killed my family! Please! I have a 3 year daughter and my wife is pregnant so I've been working day and night to-" his ranting story made my head hurt causing me to cut him off with annoyance.

"I don't give a shit about your sob story! Tell me who's threatening you" I say trying to calm myself before I suffer from a migraine to early in the morning.

"I don't know who they are they ambushed me after I got off last night and-"

Before the man could finish his explanation, the loud sound of a gunshot and the sight of his head getting blasted in front of me made my mind go into shock. The blood splattering on my face had me standing still in a frozen state. The only thing that pulled me out of it was the loud sound of my brother shouting my name.

"Sinn get down!" Kane shouts lunging towards me as we both fall to the ground.

The rapid noise of gunshots began filling the ear along with the sounds of people screaming in fear and now stampeding their way out of harms way.

"Who the fuck is shooting at us?!" I shout now shaking my head to get back to reality.

"Some assholes in a black van pulled up from the opposite side of the alley. I didn't even get the chance to register what the fuck was going to happen before they opened the van door and started blasting bullets" Kane explains pulling out his pistol to load it.

Looking around where we were, I realized he tackled me to the back of the large trash bins on the side of the building. And even though the disgusting smell of it reached my nose before I knew where it came from, my eyes were too busy searching for my little brother.

"Dax!" I shout loudly trying to find him over the sounds and noises of bullets hitting everything around us.

"I'm fine! I'm gonna head to the car so we can get this shit switched around right now!" He shouts as I my eyes catch he huddled behind the brick wall near the corner of the street.

He nods once before darting behind anything he could to get to the car. Turning back to Kane I see him pass one of his multiple weapons he always had on him. I watched as my oldest brother made sure to count the bullets being shot out from the other side before figuring out the exact timing of when he was good to open fire. And with the way his head tilted at me with a knowing smirk, I chucked lowly before following him in the line of fire.

Standing up from behind the trash bin, we both aimed our guns out first to shoot mindlessly to slow their ammo, before quickly moving out from behind our hiding spot to aim with our eyes. The sight of multiple men in black ski masks and bullet proof vests made my curiosity peak.

Who the fuck are these guys? And why the fuck were they trying to sign their death certificates with us?!

"Get in!" Dax's voice shouts over the sound of our bullets making me and Kane retreat to where he was awaiting.

My eyes didn't miss the sight of the cop from earlier now laying in his own blood with bullet holes in his chest. As much as I'd like to feel bad for him, I didn't. Why would I feel bad about someone I didn't even know nor give a shit about? Adios fucking pig!

"Move! Move! Move!" Kane shouts as soon as he jumped in the passenger seat as Dax floored it out of the alley.

Looking back on the street we were leaving the view of the black van now speeding towards us made me growl in anger. Stupid motherfuckers wanna fuck with me?!

Since I was taking the backseat now with Dax and Kane in front, I quickly made use of searching for the usual weapons Kane had hidden around all his cars. The man loved his cars but he also loved to stay armed in every way possible.

Finding a latch under the last row of seats behind me, I pulled it up and was glad to see multiple guns and ammo neatly placed underneath the seats. But my eyes instantly landed on the large rocket launcher sitting pretty on top of all the other smaller weapons.

"If you're not busy drooling over my shit can you kindly hand me one of my fucking rifles!" Kane shouts as I roll my eyes at his annoyed tone.

Passing him two riddles while handing Dax a couple, I happily load the rocket launcher with a grin. Man did I love things that caused large explosions.

"Ready?!" Kane shouts looking out the window to see how close the van was getting.

"As ready as I'll ever be" I snicker while placing the launcher perfectly in between the car seats while aiming it to the front of the Van behind us.

Luckily the tinted windows Kane had all the way around the Escalade just so happened to block the view of what I was about to do on the assholes outside of our vehicle.

"Soon as the windows out, take your shot" Kane says eyeing the sudden empty road ahead of us.

I didn't even know we managed to reach the outside of the city already. Between the time it took for me to set up the launcher plus handing out weapons, I guess it did take a while for us to reach the large desert like area surrounding the one road we were on now.

"Now! Do it now!" Kane shouts after unloading bullets at the back window of his car.

And as soon as the back window flew off its last shards of glass intact, I aimed and fired the beautiful large weapon in front of me. The loud sound of a quick whistle before plundering into a horrifying explosion made my eyes widen in amusement.

"Holy shit! That's fucking cool" I gasped at how big the explosion was.

"Good aim. I'm just fucking irritated that we don't know who those fuckers were" Dax says eyeing the explosion through the rear view mirror.

"Yeah I got a bit carried away with the weapons" I snort out after realizing how fucked up our situation was currently.

"Yeah and the bullet holes in the Escalade is also something you got carried away with as well" Dax mutters as I laugh before stopping when Kane turned to me.

"I can always buy another Escalade, but I can never get another Sinn Petrov" Kane says nodding at me before Dax let out a loud awe.

"Aren't you two the cutest brothers in the world? Now how the fuck are we going to get our information leading to who we're supposed to be looking for now?!" Dax snaps with irritation dripping through his tone.

"You didn't find anything on the name Silvia Rose? Her face was plastered all over social media with that dead asshole back at the hotel" I wonder out loud while grabbing Dax's iPad that flew under the car seat during the past events.

"Before seeing the news article about the two dead jackasses, I searched for that name and the guys social media pages where he had her all over and was hit with blank pages. Everywhere on all the social media platforms, every single image and detail about her ever existing alongside Rhys Bellamount has disappeared" Dax fills us in as I swipe around his iPad seeing blank pages pop up.

Even searching her name on google and instagram where I'm pretty I've seen her face and name everywhere. It's strange seeing every search engine coming up blank when I try to find any clues of where she can be.

How is it that the sexy blonde social media influencer who dated one of the richest hotel owners son that was very popular on social media, was now a ghost everywhere. All the past articles and posts about her relationship with Rhys were like an optical illusion of what I clearly remember seeing was there before.

"This shit is hurting my head and it's confusing the shit out of me" I groan out placing the iPad aside while laying my head against the headrest of the seat I'm in.

"We need to get to the bottom of this" Kane sighs, while nervously fidgeting with the tie around his neck.

Where are you hellcat?


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