Avatar 2009

By TMNT1980

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When a young woman named Isabella or Izzy Augustine comes to the world of Pandora with her good friend Jake S... More

Info on this story
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 6

197 6 0
By TMNT1980

*3rd POV*

Neytiri and Tsu'tey woke up early and stretched peacefully after their wonderful night's sleep. They turned over in their hammocks to see Jake and Izzy was still sleeping. They sighed in annoyance at Jake, that it wasn't at all a dream. Now they were stuck babysitting him instead of having the freedom they once had, even with all their classes and teachings. From what they saw last night, he was going to tough to teach, while Izzy just wanted to bond with the creatures.

They know they were once so open to having the Sky People around, but after everything, they knew they needed to keep themselves guarded. They weren't going to let their charming ways have any pull over them. Even though Neytiri and Tsu'tey thought Jake was possibly the most handsome Na'vi they've ever seen, and they thought the same that Izzy was the most beautiful Na'vi they've ever seen, even if they weren't born a natural one.

"Well, good morning, princesses and prince." Jake smirked as his eyes opened and he stares at Neytiri, Tsu'tey and I. "Can't keep your eyes off me can you?"

"You're insufferable." Neytiri and Tsu'tey rolled their eyes and climbed out of their hammock. 

*My POV*

I had just woken up to see Tsu'tey, Neytiri and Jake staring at me. We smiled at each other before getting out of our hammocks. "Come. We have much to do."

Neytiri, Tsu'tey and I easily climbed up to the branch above our beds and looked down at Jake who appeared to be struggling. Neytiri sighed and mumbled under her breathe, reaching her hand down towards him. After helping him up, we had breakfast and Neytiri and Tsu'tey went to grab Direhorses. 

*3rd POV*

When Neytiri and Tsu'tey come back they see Jake and Izzy playing with the Omatikaya children and it warmed their hearts. They quickly shook the feelings away and then together they went down to the fields where the Direhorse's grazed. 

*My POV*

I pet one of the Direhorses as it nuzzled me. I smiled. Currently Neytiri and Tsu'tey are teaching us about the Tsaheylu, the bond. They most important connection to the Na'vi and the animals around us. Direhorses were going to be the easiest of animals to teach Jake and I how to ride and bond with.

"Today you must learn to ride a Direhorse." Tsu'tey said as we watched the Direhorses graze with their longs tongues into the flowers int he field. "Creating a bond between man/woman and beast. It allows you to become one."

"Well, that's gonna be a piece of cake, right?" Jake asked, standing beside Neytiri.

"Jake, has anything for you been easy here?" I asked and he got quiet, knowing I was right.

Soon Tsu'tey brought a Direhorse to me, and I pet it and it nuzzled me and I climbed onto it as I grabbed my braid and held the queue to the Direhorses and felt her and I smiled softly. "Forward." I said.

We took off running and I was laughing happily as we came back around to the other three as they had smiles.

I sat on my Direhorse who I named Nora, meaning light, as it was Jake's turn.

He climbed on a Direhorse and connected the queue. "That is Tsaheylu. The bond." Neytiri explained gently. "Feel her." Tsu'tey said as Neytiri petted her side and Jake closed his eyes for a moment. "Feel her heartbeat. Her breathe. Feel her strong legs. You may tell her what to do. Inside." Neytiri said as she pointed to her head. "For now, say where to go." I suggested as I sat on Nora more.

Neytiri and Tsu'tey stepped back from them. "Forward." Jake said nervously. He grunted quickly as she lurched forward. The bond was broken and Jake fell off down into the mud. Neytiri, Tsu'tey and I couldn't contain ourselves. We laughed and chased after them, me on Nora of course. Neytiri went to get the Direhorse while Tsu'tey helped Jake up, I stayed on Nora and smiled. "You'll get there eventually Jake." I said smiling.

We turned to the sound of hoofs, clopping towards us. Skylar and Ryan and their warriors came riding through the forests and across the small brook towards us. I frowned; I saw Skylar's glare at me. Yep, she didn't like me at all. And Ryan didn't like Jake at all. Jake began wiping the mud off of him while they stared down at them.

"You should go away." Ryan and Skylar demanded.

"Nah, you'd miss us." Jake smirked up at them. "I knew you could speak English. 

Neytiri walked over with the Direhorse in hand, meeting Ryan's eyes. "These aliens will learn nothing. A rock sees more." He scoffed.

I looked at them with an unamused look. "You forget that one of these aliens speaks your language like you speak mine." I said as their faces went blank.

They began riding off and Tsu'tey hopped on his Direhorse which was named Shadow and we watched Neytiri teach Jake. "Again." Neytiri said gesturing to the Direhorse, as Tsu'tey and I rode off smiling happily. 

*3rd POV*

The four of them had not noticed Eytukan and Mo'at smiling down at the four of them. But more on Izzy, they were so curious about Izzy, they wanted her to be in the tribe, but she had to be ready for that. And...they could see that there was something deeper between the four of them.


Back at the base Jake had began to inform Colonel Quaritch and Parker Selfridge's team about everything he was finding out.

"If you wanna hit this thing, it's gonna be complicated." Jake relayed to them. "Your scan doesn't show the internal structure. There's an outer row of columns." Jake pointed at the Home Tree hologram.

"Uh-huh." Quaritch listens intensely.

"Real heavy duty. There's a secondary ring here, and an inner ring. There's a core structure like a spiral. That's how they move up and down." Jake explained.

"We're gonna need accurate scans on every column." Quaritch informed him.

"Roger that." He nodded.

"What else can you tell us about the structure?"

Max had been walking up the stairwell just outside the main office room. He looked over at Jake as he was explaining everything about Home Tree and frowned at him. He knew this wasn't good and he needed to tell Grace and Izzy. "I'm guessing this secondary ring, that's also a load bearing."

After his Jake's meeting, he had been told to come pack to go. He traveled down into the link rooms with his sack on his back, to find people moving around, packing up. He rolled over towards Grace and Izzy eyeing them curiously.

*My POV*

"So, where are we going?" Jake asked.

"Getting the hell out of Dodge." I answered.

"I'm not about to let Selfridge and Quaritch micro-manage this thing. There's a mobile link up at site 26 we can work out of, way up in the mountains." Mom said

"The-The Hallelujah Mountains?" Norm stuttered behind us.

"That's right." Mom turned and smiled at Norm.

"Are you serious?" He asked.

"Yep." Mom and I nodded. 

"Yes!" Norm pumped his fist excitedly, doing a little jig. He chuckled and looked up seeing Jake's confused face, making him frown. "The Legendary floating mountains of Pandora? Heard of them?" Norm asked him in a snarky tone.

They climbed aboard Trudy's helicopter, with Grace and Norm's Avatars in the back. Mom, Norm, Trudy, Jake and I were all in their human forms as they began to fly closer to the mountains. Becoming evident through the thick fogs that began to occur.

I for some reason could feel where the mountains were. "My daughter, what is troubling you?" Eywa's voice was heard in my head, my eyes widen. 'Daughter...?' I thought confused.

"Yes, my child. You are my daughter, that truly makes you a Na'vi, and that explains why you feel pain when creatures die." Her voice rang in my head again and I was still shocked.

I snapped out of it and noticed everyone but Trudy looking at me concerned. I looked at Mo-...Grace. "Tell me the truth. Where did you find me?" I asked.

Grace was taken back. "What do you mean?"

"I just figured out why Mo'at and Eytakun accepted me so quickly. Because I'm the daughter of Eywa." I hissed.

Everyone gasped, but Grace. "You knew!" I yelled. Grace looked away.

Grace then looked out and then turned to Jake and me. "We're getting close."

"Yeah, look at my instruments." Trudy chuckled. They all looked to see the electronics flicker.

I got an idea, and took my mask off. Everyone panicked but after 20 seconds I was still breathing. "I can breathe Pandora air!" I cheered happily.

Everyone laughs happily. "Yep. We're in the Flux Vortex." Grace stated.

"We're VFR from here on out." Trudy spoke as she chewed on some gum. Norm turned in the passenger seat towards her. 

"What's VFR?" Norm asked.

"It means you gotta see where your going." I said.

"You can't see anything." Norm pointed out concerned.

"Jokes on you, I can see stuff." I said as I looked around.

Trudy laughed at Norm's comment. "Exactly, ain't that a bitch?"

Trudy maneuvered us through the fog without incident. Jake leaned forward in his seat and looked out the front windshield at the now clearing sky. Revealing mountains that were quite literally just floating in the air. They were beautiful and magnificent. Some had waterfalls on them, others covered with green.

"This is the beautiful work of my mother Eywa?" I asked happily as I looked around.

"Oh, my god." Norm said slowly in awe.

"You should see your faces." Trudy laughed at us, while our mouth's nearly dropped.

I saw what the Na'vi called the Banshee, but they call them Ikran.

It flew over and let me pet it and it purred. It was a beautiful blue and white one and soon it flew off. "Did an Ikran just let you pet it?!" Grace and Norm asked. "Yes!" I shouted happily as I felt connected with my mother Eywa.

Soon enough we came across one of the mountains, with two metal crates sitting in the field. Trudy gently landed the helicopter and began shutting her down. "Thank you for flying Air Pandora." 

I giggled at that, as Grace entered the camp and started up the old generators, turning on the lights and getting the air locks reset. She removed her mask and we followed her inside with our things.

"Welcome to camp." Grace announced as we all set our things down. "So, this is my bunk." Grace said with a cigarette hanging from her lip. I was too busy looking out the window smiling. I had just found out, my true mother is Eywa, and that I can breathe Pandora, how fucking cool is that?!

"This stuff is nasty." Trudy grimaced as she looked at the food in the fridge.

Jake sat in his wheelchair beside her and opened the fridge door. I came over and we looked at the pictures that Grace had hung there. Each one was Grace in her Avatar, the biggest smile on her face with young Na'vi children. Some silly pictures, some serious. We especially became interested in one picture of Grace with Neytiri, Tsu'tey and Neytiri's sister Sylwanin. I smiled sadly.

"Norm, you go under." Grace instructed.

"All right." He agreed.

"Trudy, you and Izzy take the top ones." Trudy and I smiled. 

*3rd POV*

"Grace didn't miss a thing. She knew I was talking to the Colonel, but Izzy doesn't know and it's gonna stay that way." Jake internally said as he looked over the pictures, stopping on another one of young Neytiri, Tsu'tey and the other girl, alongside Grace and many Na'vi children. He couldn't help but notice how happy they all were and he wished he could see Neytiri like that. Relaxed and in her natural element, rather than scowling at him all the time. "But I had what she needed. A way back in with the Clan, so she's playing nice." 

*My POV*

"All right. Jake, Izzy hang a left." Grace instructed us as they walked towards the link room of the camp. "You'll be in the links at the end. Until one and two. Beulah. They're the least glitchy."

(Time skip)

We practiced many times with the Direhorse and Jake realized how it wouldn't be as easy as he previously thought. One day during our training sessions we ran through Home Tree, up towards the top. Neytiri and Tsu'tey crawled out of the entryway and took a deep breathe of fresh air.

Jake and I followed after them and looked down over the side, seeing just how high up we truly were. Neytiri and Tsu'tey were wearing their princess and prince warrior headpieces and necklaces, today was about showing us why they train Jake so hard. He needed it because he had a right of passage in order to become an true Omatikaya. Neytiri and Tsu'tey looked around and smiled, before opening their mouths and letting out bird calls.

We followed behind them closely and looked up into the branches, seeing all the Mountain Banshees, or Ikran as they call them. I was amazed, they were large dragon looking creatures with sharp jaws and large wings. Neytiri and Tsu'tey's Ikran flew to them and landed on the branches.

Soon the same blue and white Ikran I pet earlier in my human form flew over and Neytiri and Tsu'tey were confused. The Ikran nuzzled me and I pet it. "Wait, you've seen this Ikran before?" Tsu'tey and Neytiri asked.

"Yes, when I was back in my human form, this Ikran flew to me and let me pet it." I said as the Ikran nudged my braid. I looked at Neytiri and Tsu'tey and they nodded happily. Jake was confused and looked at me. 

I grabbed my braid and held my queue to the Ikrans soon we bonded, and I smiled wide. I had my Ikran, soon I climbed onto my Ikran and pet her neck. Soon Neytiri and Tsu'tey pet my Ikran. "What are you gonna name her?" Neytiri asked. I thought for a moment. "Mahina." I said and they all smiled.

Neytiri and Tsu'tey made the bond with their Ikran's and climbed onto their backs. "Ikran will fly with only one hunter in the whole life." Neytiri said to Jake. "To become Taronyu, hunter, you must choose your own Ikran and he must choose you." Tsu'tey said.

"When?" Jake asked excitedly and curiously.

"When you are ready." Neytiri, Tsu'tey and I said as we smirked and we let out yips.

Mahina, and Neytiri and Tsu'tey's Ikran's glided down off the large branch away from Jake and into the sky. We closed our eyes for a moment and breathed happily. Jake watched amazed as we glided through the air, around Home Tree. 

"You've done well, my daughter. You are ready to come home." I heard my mother's voice in my head. 'Mother? What do you mean I'm ready to come home?' I asked through my head. I didn't get an answer.

Soon we saw Jake smiling at us until he saw us headed back. Jake ducked down as we glided over him and we laughed letting out a loud whoop in excitement.

Back at the site after our lesson, Jake sat at the computer setting up to do another log.

I was explained what my mother told me. "She said, I can finally come home."

Grace stopped and looked at me. "She's saying that we can transfer yourself into your Avatar and than you become a true Na'vi."

Jake and I was shocked. I thought and I nodded. "Eywa is my mother, and I'm accepted into the clan already. So yes, I will become a true Na'vi."

"Okay. This is video log 12. Time is 21:32." Jake sighed and looked behind him at Grace who was studying something under a microscope. "Do I have to do this now? Like I really need to get some rack."

"No, now." Grace spoke without looking away from her research. "When it's fresh."

"Okay. Location, shack. And the days are starting to blur together."

After a few hours I was in my Avatar body permanently and Neytiri, Jake, Tsu'tey and I sat outside on one of the Home Tree's many branches. Jake sat crossed legged in front of Neytiri as she rested on her knees. Time had seemed to blow by with teaching Jake. He really was trying his best even if it wasn't going over so well. 

"Un'to." Neytiri, Tsu'tey and I repeated slowly.

"Un'to." Jake repeated back to us. 

*3rd POV*

"The language is a pain, but, you know, I figured it's like field stripping a weapon. Repetition, repetition."

*My POV*

Neytiri pointed to her ears and eyes, making Jake repeat them back to her in Na'vi language. I was leaning against Tsu'tey's chest as he held me close, Neytiri and Jake didn't seem to mind. It's like Tsu'tey and Neytiri don't want to mate with Ryan or Skylar...but rather with me and Jake. 

"Navi." Jake said as Neytiri pointed to her eyes.

"Nari." Neytiri reminded him.

"Nari." Jake said.

"Nari." Neytiri sighed slightly annoyed.

"Narrrri." Jake stated and she smacked his head with a sigh.

We also worked a lot on how to use a bow. We stood at the ranges and Jake was lifted the bow and not holding it correctly.

"Txur ni'ul. Stronger." Neytiri stated both ways to help him learn. Neytiri inhaled and pointed to her waist, tapping her stomach. Tsu'tey had already done this with me, and I was a perfect shooter. 

Jake took in a large inhale and raised the bow again, pulling it backwards. Neytiri walked forward and tapped his stomach feeling it was still not toned and firm to hold the bow correctly. She adjusted his arm with a roll of her eyes, seeing as that wasn't right either.

"Moron. If you'd just listen. I shouldn't even be doing this. Why me?" Neytiri groaned and mumbled loud enough for me and Tsu'tey to hear. Tsu'tey and I laughed as we heard that.

"Neytiri calls me 'Skxawng.' It means Moron." Jake narrated.

"How's it going?" Stitch asked with a chuckled as he and Jasiri leaned against a tree behind us. Neytiri turned and glared at them showing her frustration by simply gesturing to all of Jake.

"Hey. I'm trying." Jake said annoyed, realizing we were speaking about him again.

I was on Tsu'tey's back as he carried me, like I'm some fragile doll.

"Again." Neytiri huffed, placing her hands on her hips.

I was with the other three. Norm was starting to come back around to Jake, feeling a bit badly for him. But it was also probably cause to the fact that he was sleeping with Trudy. So he had gotten over his jealousy and decided to help teach him to maybe make things easier for all of them.

"This is a very important part of it." Norm and I explained as I had to sit on the ground, with me being so damn tall in my Na'vi form. 

"I see you." Jake gestured with his hand like the Na'vi.

"Norm's attitude has improved lately." Jake narrated

"I see you." Jake said frustrated.

"Jake, this is not just, 'I'm seeing you in front of me.'." I explained. "It's 'I see into you. I see you."

"It's good he's back on board, but he and Izzy thinks I'm a Skxawng, too."

"I'm accepting you. I understand you. So you gotta get this, okay?" Norm sighed as Jake covered his face with his hands in frustration.

"My feet are getting tougher. I can run father everyday."

Neytiri, Tsu'tey and I needed to show Jake how to truly be one of us. We ran across Home Tree constantly, improving Jake's balance and stealth to move like a true Na'vi. Neytiri, Tsu'tey and I swung across a frew of the branches and turned to look at Jake. We expected him to fall like he had done many times before.

"I have to trust my body to know what to do."

Jake jumped across the branches swinging over to us on the one we waiting for him on with ease. His feet touched and he landed in front of Neytiri with a smirk. Neytiri couldn't help that over the past few weeks, no matter how much he failed, he refused to give up. She admired that. It made her started to have flutters in her stomach again whenever he looked at her. And the smirk. Oh, it made her feel weak. Neytiri couldn't contain the proud smile that crossed her face as she looked up at him. She tapped his chest and we began to run once again.

"Yeah!" Jake cheered as we were back at Direhorse training. "Neytiri, Tsu'tey, Izzy check it out!" Jake laughed as he rode along. Tsu'tey and I smiled as we were sitting on our Direhorses. Neytiri, Tsu'tey and I smiled at him, and that made him get distracted. Pa'ley, the Direhorse, came to a sudden halt ad Jake flung off her and onto the ground. "Shit!" He groaned. Tsu'tey and I laughed as we smiled at each other and rode off.

A rainy day occurred and it was perfect. I loved those days the most. They were calm. Tsu'tey and Neytiri took Jake and I through the forest, showing us the trees and explaining the plant life to us. The trails and tracks along the ground.

"Everyday it's reading the trails, the tracks at the waterhole, the tiniest scents and sounds." Jake narrates.

We crawled through the tall grasses another day, over a knoll to see and hear a family of Viperwolves, letting out hyena like laughs. A mother and her pups playing around on the ground. I smiled softly, knowing that mother blessed the mother Viperwolf with her pups. 

"They're always going on about the flow of energy, the spirits of the animals. I really hope this tree hugger crap isn't on the final." Jake narrated

"This isn't just about eye-hand coordination out there, you know." Grace huffed listening to his monologue for his video log. "You need to listen to what they say. Izzy is the daughter of Eywa, which means she can feel everything that dies, which would cause her pain. Maybe, try to see the forest through her eyes." Grace suggested.

"Excuse me. This is my video log here." Jake said to her.

Neytiri, Tsu'tey and I ran through the branches of Home Tree again, and we came to a dead end. But to Jake's surprise instead of stopping, Neytiri, Tsu'tey and I jumped over the edge and dove down through the air, using the great leaves below to manage our way safely to the ground. Our bodies hit the leaves and we bounced gracefully from each one, until we landed in a crouch on the ground below. We looked back up at him from the bottom.

"With Neytiri, Tsu'tey and now Izzy, it's learn fast or die." Jake narrates.

He chuckled nervously as he looked down below towards us.

"You gotta be kidding me."

Jake adjusted himself borrowed bow and slung it around his back. He readied himself and took a not so graceful leap. We watched as he screamed, arms flailing, missing the leaves, getting caught in vines on his way down. We cringed slightly and moved out of the way as his bow fell away from him. Jake falling not to far behind it, down onto the ground. 

He groaned and quickly stood to his feet, before grabbing his bow and looked up at us with a crooked smile. Neytiri, Tsu'tey and I rolled our eyes and shook our heads, keeping our smiles at bay. I laid my head on Tsu'tey's chest as he held me close.

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