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By CareBear012

43.3K 1K 298

Mystic Falls, is a place where nothing bad happens. OR Mystic Falls, is a place where everything bad happens... More

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320 15 6
By CareBear012

Bringing Out The Dead

♥ ____________________ ♥

♥ ____________________ ♥

Forbes' Residence

Amber stares at herself in the mirror. It had been a week since she transitioned. She was a hybrid now. A witch and a vampire. There was a knock on her door and she didn't answer, knowing it was her brother. Sam walks in and sits on her bed, watching her.

He was worried for her. Ever since she transitioned, she's been different. "Are you okay?" He asks. Amber slowly nods, still looking at herself in the mirror. "Ammy... What's going on?"

Amber looks at him through the mirror, "Nothing."

"Amber... I know something is going through your mind."

Amber turns around and looks at him, "I am thinking about what to do when I have to see Abby again—Bonnie's mom. You know the witch who was taking care of the guy who turned me into a vampire? Yeah, that's the one."

"Amber... Calm down." Sam stands.

"Oh, I'm plenty calm, Sam." Amber shrugs, "I am very calm. Also, if you see Klaus tell him to stop texting and calling me. I don't want to see him."

"He feels bad Amber."

"Well, he's the one who sent someone after Abby who in return compelled Jaime to kill me!" Amber snaps, veins under her eyes, and her fangs coming out. She quickly turns away from her brother and focuses on her breathing, the veins and fangs disappearing. "I'm sorry." She whispers.

"It's okay... It's all okay." Sam whispers, softly putting his hand on her shoulder.

Amber flinches and steps away from him, "I have to go... I'm meeting Bonnie, Abby, and Stefan. Bye." Amber was quick to leave.

Sam sighs, standing in the middle of Amber's room. He softly looks around and catches something hanging on the wall. He softly walks over and looks at the pictures. Two pictures stand out the most to him.

The first picture was of Amber and Klaus. Klaus looked at Amber with a certain look in his eyes. His arm was around her waist. Amber was leaning back with a bright smile and her eyes closed as if she was laughing when the picture was taken.

The second photo that Sam couldn't take his eyes off was a picture of Amber, Sam, and their Aunt Kaylee. Amber was in the middle, smiling brightly. Sam was on Amber's left, with a bright smile also. On the other side of Amber was their Aunt Kaylee. Kaylee had a soft smile as she looked at Sam and Amber.

Old Lockwood Cellar Cave

Abby, Bonnie, Amber, and Stefan are walking through the secret cave, "Slow down!" Abby tells Stefan.

"Keep up, we don't have much time," Stefan grunts, trying not to focus on the quiet Amber.

"Sorry Stefan, but I didn't have a choice." Bonnie apologizes.

"It was a choice, Bonnie, you made it and now we have to live with it. You told Klaus where the coffins were and he took them. All of them except this one..." Stefan points at the last coffin.

"That's the one that's sealed?" Abby asks.

"Yep. Fortunately, it seems to be the one he cares about most."

"Aren't you coming inside?" Abby asks as Stefan and Amber stop at the entrance.

"Vampires can't get in. Damon had to compel a couple of Lockwood gardeners to bring the coffin in."

Bonnie looks at Amber, "You can't either?"

Amber shrugs, "I don't know. Haven't tried."

"Well, are you going to?" Abby asks.

Amber looks at Abby, "Don't talk to me or I'll rip your throat out. Just because Bonnie seems to have forgiven you, I haven't. I don't care about me, I care about how you left Bonnie alone, for all these years. Never answered her calls or texts. Nothing. I'm the one who had to tuck her in. She cried on my shoulder, asking me why you left! I'm the one who was there for her nightmares. I stayed by her side through all of her relationships. So, do not talk to me or even look at me because I won't hesitate to rip your heart out and shove it down your throat!"

Veins were under Amber's eyes as she was now chest-to-chest with Abby. Bonnie and Stefan stayed back. Bonnie was in shock while Stefan looked at Amber in worry. Amber slowly steps back and sighs, the veins disappearing. Abby clears her throat, "This is a bad idea."

"Look, if you're really the key to opening up that coffin, I think it's a pretty save bet you're on Klaus' hit list. So I suggest you hide out here and figure out a way to open up the damn thing."

"I told you, I don't have any powers."

"And I don't believe you. But time's ticking. Won't be long before Klaus calls his hybrids to find that coffin and kill all of us. So dig deep, Abby Bennett. Scrape out whatever magic you have left." Stefan leaves.

Bonnie looks at Amber, "Ammy..."

Amber sighs, "I'm not apologizing."

"I was never gonna say you had to. Just... Do you want to try and come in?" Bonnie holds her hand out.

Amber looks at the entrance and looks at Bonnie, "I'm scared..."

Bonnie softly nods, "It's okay... That's good. It's good to be scared. But I'm right here, by your side, through it all. You are never alone in this." Amber takes Bonnie's hand and Bonnie steps in first, Amber takes a deep breath before stepping through the entrance, making it in. Amber sighs in relief. Bonnie softly smiles, "See!"

Amber smiles, a real smile, for the first time in a week, "It worked... I..."

Bonnie nods, "It's all good!"

Amber nods and looks at Abby's grimoire, "Is that the only grimoire you kept?"

"It was the only one I needed." Abby mumbles before looking at her daughter, "So... what is all of this?"

"Family history. About a mother, who loved her children so much, she couldn't bear the thought she might lose them. So she turned them into vampires. One of them is Klaus. Amber's soulmate." Bonnie explains, her eyes on Amber the whole time.

"Oh... And why are we keeping this coffin from him?"

Amber clears her throat, "To teach him a lesson. I'm tired of my friends and family getting hurt by him. I have full control now."

Bonnie looks at the open grimoire on top of the coffin. She notices a page that was torn out, "There's nothing in here that's going to help us. I've seen most of these spells. What was this?"

"It's the spell I used to seal Mikael in the tomb. I burned it and tried to get it out of my head. Didn't work though. Wait... Do you see this?" Abby points to a spell on the page.

"It's a sealing spell. We're trying to open something, not seal it shut." Bonnie scoffs.

Amber shakes her head, "No, wait, right here, on this side. It's a blood knot. It means to bind, you need two generations. A bloodling. Basically two keys to a safety deposit box."

"So, unbinding it would reverse the spell. Unseal it. If we did it together." Bonnie looks at her mother, before looking at Amber, "And you'd just be more power."

Amber shakes her head as she looks at her phone, "I-I can't... Something happened to Caroline's dad... And I have a dinner party. You guys let me know what happens. Abby, I'm watching you." Amber then quickly leaves.

Mystic Falls Hospital

Amber walks into Bill's hospital room, "I call mom."

Caroline nods, "Thanks."

Amber looks at Bill, "Did you see the attacker?"

"I didn't see anything. Tried to sneak out the back exit and someone came up from behind." Bill shakes his head.

"Look, we'll figure this out, but in the meantime, we need to get you some blood." Caroline looks at her father.

"I'm not going to drink any blood."

"Damnit Bill!" Amber snaps, "You're going to finish this transition for your daughter!"

"Get me out of this hospital. I smell blood everywhere." Bill ignores her.

Amber grits her teeth, "Yeah, well I do too, but suck it buttercup." Amber grips Bill's arm and drags him out.

Klaus' Mansion

Amber walks into the mansion and straight to the kitchen where the three vampires and one hybrid are sitting. Amber takes a seat between Klaus and Damon. Damon smirks, "Amber."

"Shush." Amber holds her hand up, before looking at Elijah, "Elijah, sorry I never welcomed you back. Welcome."

"It's quite alright, Amber. Pleasure to be back, wish it could have been under better circumstances." Elijah refers to her transition.

Amber grits her teeth and nods, "Yes, yes." Amber picks up the glass of wine and takes a sip.

"You lost your appetite?" Klaus asks Stefan who wasn't eating.

Damon looks at his brother, "Eat. I thought we agreed that we would leave the grumpy Stefan at home."

"Yeah, that's impossible," Amber mutters.

Stefan ignores her and eats. Klaus smirks, "That's the spirit. Isn't it nice? Five of us dining together? Such a treat. Is this what you had in mind when you called my brother?"

"Well, I know how he felt about you, so I figured the more, the merrier." Damon smirks, before it drops as he sees Amber on her third wine glass, already, "Amber..."

Amber looks at him, "Yes, Damon?"

"Isn't that enough wine?"

"Not quite enough. If I have to deal with you four - well, three, I can actually stand Elijah at this moment - then I wanna be drunk, and it takes a lot for a vampire to be drunk." Amber scoffs and finishes her third glass.

"Well, Elijah and I have had our share of quarrels over the century. But we always make it through." Klaus changes the subject, trying not to feel more guilt about the whole situation.

"Kind of like you and Rebekah, right? Where is she, by the way? Last I checked she was still daggered because you were afraid to face her." Stefan asks.

"What?!" Amber looks at Klaus.

"If you're referring to the fact that Rebekah knows I killed our mother, I've already come clean to Elijah." Klaus ignores Amber again.

"Hey, Stef, remember when you killed Dad? Might want to dial down the judgment until dessert."

"And he tried to kill me. Don't forget." Amber sarcastically smiles.

"I thought we were over this!" Stefan groans.

Amber shakes her head, "Well, I'm not. You might, but... How could I forget? I mean at least you didn't actually turn me into a vampire! It was my own soulmate! Ha!" Amber nods and stands up, "I need some air."

Amber walks outside and pulls out her phone. She sits on the porch and presses on a contact, calling someone.


Amber automatically tears up, "Aunt Kaylee?"

Kaylee gently smiles, "Hey, my lovely niece. What's wrong?"


"I can hear it in your tone. What happened?"

Amber sighs, "Aunt Kaylee... I'm a vampire... I have been for a week... I haven't told you because I was scared but..."

"I know..." Kaylee cuts her off.


"I know... I had a feeling and then I called Sam and he confirmed it. Amber, are you okay?"

"No... No, I'm not." Amber cries, "I'm so scared and sad and mad and hungry and... So so much more."

Kaylee nods, "I know sweetie. I know."

"I've been trying to control it all. Not having anyone worry, but... It's hard. It's so hard."

"Then don't keep it all in. Freak out. You're allowed to break, Amber, it's not going to be the end of the world."

"I'm so mad at Klaus... But then every time I see or am around him, all of that goes away. But this is his fault, but for some reason, I don't want it to be... And I know Stefan's humanity is on, but for some reason, I can't help but still freak out only on him. Why am I freaking out on Stefan and not Klaus? And I've changed. I know I have. I'm just afraid I've changed for the worse." Amber runs her hand through her hair.

"Ammy, why don't you come over here? Let me help you, my dear niece." Kaylee softly suggests.

Amber sighs, "Y-Yeah... I might just do that... I-I love you, Aunt Kaylee."

"I love you too Ammy. It'll all be okay in the end."

Amber softly laughs, "Sam always says that too."

"Because it's true."

After they hang up, Amber wipes her tears and stands up. She goes to open the front door but Damon and Stefan walk out. Stefan looks at Amber before walking to the car. Damon looks at her, "There's a family business in there. You should go..."

"What kind of family business?" Amber furrows her eyebrows.

"We opened the coffins, Ammy."

Amber's eyes widen and she nods, "Yeah... I'll leave but I need Rebekah anyway." Damon nods and walks off. Amber sighs before walking in. She steps into the main room and widens her eyes when she sees two men she didn't know. They looked familiar. She remembers them with grey skin and veins.

Everyone turns to Amber, hearing her footsteps. Rebekah sighs in relief, "Oh Amber!" Rebekah runs to Amber and hugs her, "How are you?"

Amber hugs Rebekah tightly, "Could be better. Um, I just wanted to tell you something, before I leave..."

Rebekah pulls away and nods, "Okay?"

"Beks... I'm gonna go to my aunt's for a little... Can you watch after Care and Josh for me? Care's dad just died so... She's going through a lot and I hate leaving her but-"

"Amber!" Rebekah grabs Amber's shoulders, "I get it. You have stuff going on too. I'll look after them. Just promise me you'll be safe."

Amber nods, "Yeah... I just can't... I can't be in Mystic Falls right now." Rebekah nods and hugs Amber before pulling away.

Elijah walks over, "Are you sure you're okay with going alone?"

Amber nods, "I might drag Sam with me so yeah, I'll be okay, I promise."

"You can always call me, you know that."

"I do. Thank you, Elijah." Amber hugs Elijah before pulling away and looking at Klaus, she softly smiles at him before walking out of the house.

"Now who is that?" Kol asks after Amber walks out.

"Nik's soulmate." Rebekah answers, "And I think I found your soulmate, Kol."

Kaylee's House

Amber gets out of her car and softly knocks on the front door. While Amber was waiting she started feeling something. Something weird. Amber starts coughing and black blood comes out of her mouth. The door opens and Kaylee gasps in shock.

♥ ____________________ ♥

Omg! What a chapter!

Word Count: 2379

♥ ____________________ ♥

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